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OOC The Francia Frontier

I'm guessing the red arrows are hostiles? Or us?

And that thing in the bottom left is the truck near the doorway to the stairs?
The red ones in the street are hostiles - the sole green arrow out there is ShotJon's character. And yes, that's the truck and doorway.
I work both those nights, over-night shifts, and can't promise if I'll be able to take part in a JP during that time.
Unlikely for me, I am still living in Europe. Post the time here and I will either show up or not.
That's 5 people so far - anyone else still in here? @Fian ? @Aendri ? @Semjax ? @Abwehran Commander ? I'd like to get us up and moving if we can, either by single posts or a joint post.

Also, it's Plot Audit time guys. These are some questions, and though you can answer here or by PM, at least answer the ones you feel are most important. Even just discussing it in general would do the trick though.

1) What do you like most about the plot?

2) What do you like least about the plot?

3) Do you feel your character is ever left out?

4) Is there anything I can do to keep the plot fun and enjoyable?

5) Is the pace too fast, too slow or just right?

6) Do you have any questions for me at all?
All right posted, sorry for waiting. I will reserve my judgments till we play more, I made like 5 posts so far so too soon to say. But I think my char is getting enough attention and the fluid is okay. I think if people would post a little bit faster it would be nice, but time strain is time strain, so I do not want to force it or anything.
My only off days are Thursday and Friday nights, assuming I'm not nabbed for over-time those days. I can go single posts easily enough to join-posts are a bit more difficult to swing.
@Abwehran Commander @Soresu @Fian @Exhack @Koenig808 @Aendri @ShotJon @viralyte @Saul

Alright everyone, I need to come clean with you all. I've found myself in a very strange place; for quite some time, I've waited for enough posts to finally make one myself and move the plot along, but now that I can do so, I find myself unable to. Having waited so long, I've lost what momentum I had, but there's also something else that's much more important.

Who is still interested in roleplaying in this plot?

Because of the long time I've waited, I now feel like few of the players present have any interest in the Francia. That directly saps at my own enthusiasm and interest in posting for the Francia as well - I just can't be into this if nobody else is. So please, if you're still interested in this plot, speak up. It'd be EXACTLY what I need to post.
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