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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Truthfully i am suffering from some pretty bad writers block as far as a reply goes and until last night I've been down with the flue
It's time to wrap it up!

I've already told most of you, and gave notice in an earlier post in this thread, but we're almost ready to move on to the next mission. We will have two new players (@ShotJon and @Yoerik) joining us then, and they have been very patiently waiting for the plot to get ready for them. :)

Between now and then, in the in-universe timeline, the crew will spend the rest of the day and part of the next one getting ready to depart. This will involve resupplying the ship, Six Four tending to Amelia's head wound, Sienna and Oreza interrogating the surviving hijacker and deciding what to do with him, and Amelia trying to (clandestinely) work out a repair or work-around plan for Crash's damaged spider-bot body. @NightWolfe, you can go ahead and assume enough time has passed for Vel to gather his things and head for the spaceport well within the timeframe that Oreza set out for him (or later, if you so desire, although I wouldn't advise it :p ), so post something for Sienna or Oreza to respond to, come pick Vel up, bring him aboard, and lay out the terms of their arrangement.

I know @Foxtrot 813, @Riko, and @Yoshi are probably going to be working on a JP for their characters' activities during this time, and I have already spoken with @NightWolfe regarding doing a JP with Sienna as time permits. I want to have all JPs completed, edited, and posted to the mission thread by this coming Sunday night so that we can move on. Posting frequency expectations will be relaxed until then, since most of the action will take place in JPs. If a JP you're working on would have even a modest chance of including one of the other characters, please be sure to invite them to participate if they wish. They are free to decline, of course, for whatever IC reason they wish, but I would prefer not to have two or three disjointed JP stories that should have an effect on one another, if that makes sense.

Let's get to it! Have fun!
Speaking of JP's, maybe can I do a origin story for my character? That way, maybe it fits better in the setting if I tell how I got there. Could be a SP too, if that's better.

I am very excited to be in a plot finally!
Such a thing would be best suited for your character's wiki page, I think. You're welcome to send one to me, however. If it can be worked into the plot's main thread without breaking the flow too much, I could possibly let you put it in, but the mission threads should ideally have consistency and continuity. Things like dream sequences, etc are an exception, and if you could perhaps write such an exposition in that style, it might work. A factual recount of your character's history, however, is a topic for his wiki page.
Now that I've said that, I'd actually prefer you put it on your wiki page. That way, to the readers (and the players who prefer not to read the full history of a character they just met), his appearance is as vague as it should be to an outside observer. I trust the players here not to metagame, of course, but certain tidbits of OOC knowledge aren't really necessary or appropriate in the story. For example, I intentionally leave out a lot of Sienna's thoughts and motives, because (I hope) it makes her more interesting and slightly more unpredictable to the rest of the players, and especially to the characters.
Can't wait to join you guys :3

Also actually, from what Yoerik just came up with I got an idea. Maybe, and I think this concerns everyone, including Sienna, every now and then we could do a JP from the past. Like a Flash from the past thingie, that could be posted as aside. I think every character here has very colourful history and we could get some fun from it as time and will to do it permits.
Thank you ShotJon. I intend to make a origin story for my character. Maybe others want to make it to. Some sort of flashbacks inside the story. That might work, why wouldn't it?
Flashbacks are perfectly fine, as long as they're marked as such so as to remove any possibility of confusing them with what is happening in "real time," and do something to develop your character and/or advance the plot. What I meant by my previous comment was that reiterating long and irrelevant sections of a character's history for no reason other than so it's there is tedious and annoying. If anyone has ever read Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series, or the Left Behind (gag) series, you'll understand what I mean.

Don't misunderstand me by thinking I'm completely against the idea - I just mean to say that the material of every post in the story threads should be relevant in some way. I agree that everyone's character has an interesting history, but that doesn't necessarily mean it should all be out in the open all at once. Reveal it slowly, weave it like a tapestry. It's much more fun that way, and it's easier to relate to our own characters' perceptions of another's when you gradually get to know them in the setting, rather than being handed their passport, birth certificate, family history, and an encyclopedia-sized documentary of their life to date. :)
And Yoerik, I think you didn't understand what I was saying. I didn't say "don't make an origin story for Dylan." I want you to make an origin story, otherwise, your character is two-dimensional and uninteresting. You need to have a background for him, so you have a framework within which you can develop him further as the plot progresses. I just would rather have you put it in his wiki article, and only put the pieces of it that matter in the RP.
There are cameras visible, yes, although they appear old and worn down, and whether they're functional or not isn't apparent by looking at them.
It would be logical to assume either way. The tunnels and mined-out chambers that make up the colony on the Black Moon are very, very old.
Well of course, one story should be relevant to its course, I understand that and I never would go against it. I did not exactly meant flashbacks within one story (although I think short flashback within your post, if it is made clear that it is flashback is fine, but that is your decision in the end Flood), I mean so called Aside. Aside is something done on the side (thank you captain obvious) which is story on its own, but ties into the plot. For example if within one mission Amelia would mention her brother to someone, Fox and other person could do JP where Amelia sits down for a drink afte the mission with the other guys character and tells him a story about how her brother left home and what not. Then as she tells it goes into flashback and the other person can still ahve fun writing with Fox, since they can play random NPC or something, that falls into the story. That is just an example. Oreza could for example had a story back from when he served and what not. Just every now and then to spicy up character development and overall story.
if within one mission Amelia would mention her brother to someone, Fox and other person could do JP where Amelia sits down for a drink afte the mission with the other guys character and tells him a story about how her brother left home and what not. Then as she tells it goes into flashback and the other person can still ahve fun writing with Fox, since they can play random NPC or something, that falls into the story.

Shhhhh, kamerade. Is of secret :^)