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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Guys, Floodwaters is rapidly approaching maximum frustration. Our internet is once again on the fritz after they repeatedly assured me that the problem was resolved. I'm probably only able to get on for these few minutes before I lose it again, so I wanted to let everyone know what was going on. I hope to be fully functional again by the weekend.
Yes are there any other visible ways inside the building now that the doors closed? Anyway I will have busy friday and satruday, so post incoming on sunday at the possible latest. Sorry for delays.
I'm back from vacation, but due to school piling up on me, I'll still be unavailable for the time being. @Foxtrot 813 is there any problem with you holding Rathe just a bit longer?

My internet is working again, but real life has been very cruel to me over the past week or so, and my attention and heart have been elsewhere. My husband and I have separated for the time being, and I don't know what's going to happen in the near future. I'm deeply sorry for being so sparse recently, and I'm embarrassed to ask for your continued patience with me while I work through this.

Take care of things on your end first, were just people you think are real on the internet.

I intend to today, and I'm very sorry for the delay. I know I've said that twice already, but I promise it's coming.
I apologize for the delay, guys. The holiday weekend coupled with the ongoing issues I'm facing has really limited my time. I will be posting to all three threads today.
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