Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC The Fringe - Discussion

All players:

As a reminder, if your post takes place in a different location than the one directly preceding it, please start it with a header indicating your character's location to avoid confusion. It's a bit jarring to read posts that hop back and forth between locations in sequence without telling the reader up front where it's set.
@Gunsight1 - Desmond already gave Amanozako his location.

Apartment Block 98 - Inside

Desmond waited until he heard the click of the door closing behind hi, before pulling his earpiece out an putting it on; things seemed like they were about to go down and he needed the backup. Desmond gave one careful look around before he pressed a finger against the earpiece while making his way to the elevator. "Amano, I'm at the apartment block 98. Track my signal if you don't know where that is," he said, pressing the elevator's call button.
@Luca @nite train @Foxtrot 813 @Riko -

I am going to hold off on posting to 4.3b for the moment, while your four PCs interact. For the moment, the big guy that approached you and the other vehicle's occupants ahead of the party seem to be continuing about their business, but at least partially because of the fact that the trucks have you hemmed in, I probably don't need to come right out and say that something odd is afoot. ;)
@Riko are you comparing Six Four to Jennifer?

Also, on an unrelated note, I'm showing this to my sister.

Update: She didn't find it as near as funny as i did.
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Fluent: nepleslian, yamatago, seraphim, Volksprache.

Can speak effectively: saalsari, Sharan basic.

Tourist capabilities : Lorath, the equivalent of SARP french and creole.

The rest, Six foir can Recognize the language but only knows three words out of it or so.

I used this for reference.
That is a lot of languages, Six Four must be some kind of super genius even if she doesn't get idioms. Also, I wasn't quite sure why @nite train found that german dude as funny as he did until it got the the part when he stated that Jennifer had mental issues. I lost it at that point.
That's because you haven't met the people in my town. They can hardly speak english so anyone that can speak that many languages is a super genius in my book.
Tam looked at Amanozako and pondered while he had an internal running monologue going 'Neko, looks like prior NMX model 29, not as dangerous as a Nightmare but still a potential hazard, possibly working in conjunction with the pair that left the bar. Might be advisable to keep close instead of letting out of sight.' He replied, "I suppose, probably not a good idea for someone like you to be waiting around for someone else to show up."

I don't think there is a way to tell the difference between an NMX Nekovalkyrja and a standard one just by looking at it. :/
No, but by scent there is, the vats leave a distinctive marker that Tam would have picked up on when he fought the NMX in the past and then encountered a group of free roam Nekos on that death planet he was picked up on.
That's still very different from a Neko that has been independent for several years, which I assume is plenty of time for someone to take a shower. What makes it even harder to digest is figuring out the exact model that she is by smell alone. That is like saying you can smell the difference between two cars and figure out the exact model and manufacturer who made them.
I agree with Foxtrot, @Centurion0507. While I am not at all opposed to Tam being suspicious, the deductions he made in your recent post do seem just a bit too much like metagaming to me. Amanozako's exact origin and model shouldn't be easily identifiable in a matter of seconds, and she hasn't been openly associating with anyone in the bar. Tam could reasonably make an educated guess, but I'd appreciate you modifying your post to make it just a bit more vague. :)
I dont see how there should be any suspiscion that she is associated with the others. She did not talk to them or interact with them at all while in the bar .
Suspecting she is associated with them and any form of trouble just by her being a neko would be like saying someone is in the Nazi party just because they are German.

Also its been years since she deserted from the NMX military and more since she was created. Dont think she would have the new neko smell anymore.