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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

@Gunsight1 @nite train @Luca

Remember, in this situation solving things by force is definitely not the best option, seeing as the dock official has not only two body guards, but someone is also most definitely watching through the security feed and could call in backup.

That said, it's not very hard to figure one of the ways to get out of the situation, you would just have to look at the previous posts to get an idea.
Note to players in Manhunt: I edited Foxtrot's recent post with some added JP material he and I put together.

Fringe players: Get ready to be pulled out of the Dawn thread and be advanced by one day. I'll be putting up a new thread by the middle of the week.
All right Floods. I will try to catch you on IRC and discuss what Shrie managed to buy withing that day we will be skipping if that is all right with ya.
Chapter 4.3 threads have now been posted. There will be a third to follow tomorrow, which @Compouds117 and @ShotJon will participate in. Contact me via PM or on the IRC for any questions the two of you have.

For time frame reference, Chapter 4.3 takes place on the same day as the Manhunt thread, much later in the day. This leaves at least a good 6-8 hours of a gap, during which the bounty hunters will be following Sienna's trail from her errands the previous day, and the Fringe PCs will be out and about performing tasks that Sienna had assigned them that morning (thus accounting for why everyone but Crash was absent from the ship when the BH crew was searching it). If you need specifics on what your character was doing during this gap, BH players should contact Foxtrot, and Fringe players should ask me.

4.3a will be where @Centurion0507 will take Tam. I will PM you the last bit of info you need shortly.

4.3b will be where @Foxtrot 813 and @Riko will take Amelia and Six Four, respectively. Both of you should already have the information you need to get started, but don't hesitate to ask me if you're unclear on something.

As for @nite train, @Gunsight1, and @Luca - speak with Foxtrot to find out which direction your PCs will be going. The bounty hunters will be splitting into two groups at this point, two of which will go to 4.3a and the other two will go to 4.3b. Desmond/Foxtrot will decide who goes where.

To summarize:

4.3a - Tam, Desmond, (Bounty Hunter)
4.3b - Amelia, Six Four, (Bounty Hunter), (Bounty Hunter)
4.3c - Sienna, Seth, Shrie

I hope I haven't made this too confusing. If you're unclear on anything, please ask. And don't forget to have fun! We're just getting started! :)
Alright, I'll just go ahead and post the groups here instead of ICly so you guys can start posting.

4.3a - Desmond, Amanozako
4.3b - Danny, Rathe

@Centurion0507 and @ShotJon - slight change of plans. Per ShotJon's request, I'm having Shrie join Tam in the 4.3a thread. After the events in Dawn, Shrie will purchase a means of telecommunication (i.e., a Datajockey or something similar) in order to better keep in touch with the crew. The following morning Shrie will contact Sienna after waking up aboard the ship, who will instruct her to go and check on the status of a few other miscellaneous orders for ship components, and then contact Tam to meet up with him. I will leave the details of when and where Shrie meets Tam up to the two of you, as well as the extent of her participation in setting up the sale/exchange Centurion and I discussed via PM, and your RP will pick up in 4.3a in the late afternoon with Tam arriving at the bar as per Sienna's instructions to retrieve her lost wallet and credit chit.

@Compouds117 - finish your RP in the Dawn thread to the point where Sienna agrees to meet Seth, and I will give you the relevant details either via PM or directly on the new thread I will be putting up today.

The rest of the players will stick with the plan already in place.
@Gunsight1 @Compouds117 -

A GM post will be forthcoming in the 4.3a and 4.3c threads (respectively) after the two of you have a chance to post to them. Compounds117, as I mentioned before, please feel free to continue to RP in the Dawn thread as long as you like, or until such time as it becomes prohibitive to do so at the same time as the interview with the captain.
@Luca Is that squid suit machine washable? If not, all that sweating in it will make it smell pretty rude pretty quickly...
It absorbs and neutralises sweat automatically, and it cleans its waste disposal and management when not in use. The exterior should be be thoroughly washed by hand after every strenuous outing.
@Compouds117 - Please post in 4.0 (Dawn) and in 4.3c (Walk In The Park) as soon as possible.

@nite train @Luca - Please post in 4.3b (Doctored Delivery) as soon as possible.

@Gunsight1 - Please post in 4.3a (Lost & Found) as soon as possible. @Centurion0507 and @ShotJon, you may post there any time after Gunny gets his post up.

"Konbonwa." It said after getting its bearings, "Kono hito to sore no nakama wa, chūmon o hirou tame ni koko ni iru. Sore dakedenaku, chūmon bangō o yūsuru."

Show-off. :P
Bounty Hunts Players:

Luca pointed out to me that you haven't been given good enough background information on what's going on. Sorry about that!

So here's your clarification (@Foxtrot 813, please chime in with any corrections or details): Basically, the hunters divided the "shopping list" Danny found up into two halves, and split up to check them out. The RP threads that are up now take place after both groups have spent most of the late morning and afternoon going from place to place on the list, discretely canvassing the customers and employees about Sienna, trying to come up with a lead as to where to find her. Most of them up to now have yielded minimal success, with most of them remembering Sienna being there the previous day, but not being able to offer anything useful, information they don't already know, or refusing to give any details due to confidentiality agreements. We skipped over all of that to avoid dragging out too much tedium.

If you're at all unclear on anything else, please let me know.
Basically, the good captain is asking Seth to convince her why he's worth hiring. You could have him expound on his skills and/or background, to begin.