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OOC The Fringe - Discussion

Players -

As usual, my IRC client is being difficult again, only this time it won't let me connect at all. Given that I'm making preparations for my youngest child's first birthday today (yay!), I'll be fairly busy anyhow, but I'll still be in touch most of the morning and early afternoon. If you need to contact me, send me a PM.

@ShotJon - we're waiting on a post from you for the Dawn thread.

@Foxtrot 813 - if you're satisfied with the bit we have for the Manhunt thread, go ahead and post it, or let me know if you want me to do it instead. If there's more you feel needs to be added, let me know, and we'll get it finished so we can move on. :)
@Riko @ShotJon @Centurion0507 @Compouds117

When the current happenings in the Manhunt thread draw near to a close, I will be jumping your PCs out of there and advancing time for you to the next day. Most likely, Sienna will be assigning tasks to most or all of you (Tam, Shrie, Six Four, and most likely Amelia as well) to complete on the next day. Remember that the Dawn thread takes place one day before the events in Manhunt, so when the timeskip occurs, it will essentially be to have you guys "catch up."

As for @Compouds117 - be thinking about a way for Seth to pitch his services to the crew you've met so far, and give at least one of them reason to consider trying to convince Sienna to hire him. I will work with you (and any other involved players) to arrange some kind of interview with the captain. Be warned, however, she can be a rather caustic individual. ;)

This means that the Fringe players not already involved on the Manhunt thread will most likely be split into at least two groups - one of which will go with Seth to meet Sienna, and the other group(s) will be given errands to run, at which point the actual crossover can start to take shape.

If you have a preference as to which group you'd prefer to be in, please say so here.

Also, plot audits are this week. I need everyone to have their character wiki pages up to date no later than Thursday evening (Eastern US time). This include in-RP history, character art (or an anonymous placeholder if your PC does not have custom art), and current inventory.

Thanks for your cooperation, and I hope everyone is as excited for what lies ahead as I am!
In the meantime, @Centurion0507 - I need a post from you for the Dawn thread. The rest of the players there should continue to RP. I will give you events and prompts as needed, but I'd love to see the four of you engage in conversation amongst yourselves. :) Have your PCs get to know one another, talk about the ship, about the last mission, about their favorite foods, bad-mouth the captain, whatever you wish. I'll be watching!
@Centurion0507 - be careful saying things like that. Brute force is but one of many solutions to a problem, and the hunters may be smarter than you think. ;)

With regard to this sentiment, I feel I should address something here for ALL of the players in both plots, which means @Gunsight1 @nite train @Luca @ShotJon @Yoshi @Riko @Compouds117 should all pay attention:

We're doing this crossover to create a fun and engaging story for EVERYONE involved to be able to actively participate in and enjoy as much as possible. Of course, the way things have started, it does appear that the two groups are going to be at odds with one another at some point, which is to be expected. However, I must stress that this is NOT intended to be a PvP contest, pitting everyone's PCs in a battle arena to determine who is the strongest, smartest, or most elusive. Combat may occur, but if it does, players are to keep in mind that we are not here to compare stats and strengths, especially since SARP is not built around any defined system.

If your character would reasonably react towards another PC with violence in specific situations, that's fine, and we will moderate that on a case by case basis. But remember we're here to write a story and have fun; regardless of whether or not our characters are on opposing sides, we (the players) are all on the same team here. :)

I wanted to be sure to clarify that before it becomes a problem. With that, game on, and please feel free to ask me or @Foxtrot 813 any questions you may have about this matter! :)
I will just say that should there be PVP, Floods should be one deciding how it goes as usual. It is only way to make this fair.

Oh and with me not being able to post every day, I am not sure I am the right person to take Seth to Sienna, seeing also that Shrie if half-retard.
After reading that aside "mission" between Sienna and Tam, it reminded me to much of several parties that I have attended as well as a few nights working/at the bar... Good laugh though lol
The poor meat sacks didn't even put up a decent fight against the onslaught of the robotic spider that was small in stature but great in spirit.
My face when I read that.


(No offense intended against folks with Downs, just poking fun at the typo)