• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.


I'll now be updating OP with Mark's info:



1. Keziah Dells - DONE
2. Stovaa Drakon
3. Akio Noboru - DONE
4. Deacon -Cancelled at request of player.
5. Method
6. Serra Evangelle


1. Talbain - DONE
2. Otarcael, Lilly Livia (I'm hesitant to greenlight this due to Zairyo's commission, but I may have to.)
3. Phaedra Volkov - DONE
4. Henry Morris - DONE
5. Trey Penton - DONE
6. William Howard Harrison - DONE


1. Robert Davis - DONE
2. Shaun - If slots are available (looks like that'll be the case).
3. Viktor Kingson - Art already done? Did you check up on this?
Ok, here's the deal.

After a fairly exhaustive process of posting a job ad on deviantart, getting over 90 replies and sifting through them all, I've narrowed things down to 7 artists who are sending me sample sketches as we speak.

With the help of a few people, I will select the artist by this Sunday (the 11th).

I am purchasing 15 art slots for Nepleslian characters on Cirrus Station and the NSS Acadia. Any remaining slots I purchase above this point will probably be given out randomly or kept to myself. I doubt there will be any remaining, though.

Why am I doing this? Well, this upcoming year marks my 5th anniversary as a member of the stararmy community. One of the largest influences on me was Nepleslia. With the blessings of Wes, I took hold of her 3 years ago and, with players and GMs, some still here, some moved on, gave birth to the independent empire of Nepleslia.

I still fondly remember running around without a clue, writing up stuff and throwing it onto a wall and hoping it sticks.

Call it a combination of nostalgia and an early Xmas gift.

You, the players, deserve this gift because it's you guys (and your GMs) that make Nepleslia function, that breathe life into her and make her unique and special.

I know I haven't been the best FM. Maybe this is a bit of penance for that too, I dunno. Whatever. It's being done, and that's all I care about.

So, I hope you guys like it and continue to help shape Nepleslia like you've been doing all these years.

Thank you.
Thank you again, Tom!

Have you determined the list of characters to receive art?
Have you determined the list of characters to receive art?

The GMs have given me a prioritized list of characters to assign to the artists. The art is being split evenly down the middle for each plot. I'll flip a coin for the 15th if it's still remaining.

Basically, if you're active, been here a while and don't already have decent art, then you should be covered. But again, if you're not, I'll try to get you done in the future.

I was going to make this a surprise, but some of the characters had art already ordered for them, and I figured it was better to be safe than sorry. If you are ordering art for a character, please tell me in this thread so I can remove the character from the list.


1. Keziah Dells
2. Stovaa Drakon
3. Akio Noboru
4. Deacon
5. Method
6. Serra Evangelle


1. Talbain
2. Otarcael, Lilly Livia
3. Phaedra Volkov
4. Henry Morris
5. Trey Penton
6. William Howard Harrison

As you can see, this is 12 slots so far, meaning there is a little flexibility on my part in case people are missed.

It is a gift, but all I ask of players who receive art is to continue being active in their plots and in the Nepleslian community as a whole. I want to reward those who keep working hard for our small little section of the site. :)

Just... Wow.

Tom, you are a great person, and I don't know how I'll be able to pay you back for this. Thank you very much.
Kudos to you, good sir. I'm definitely attempting to get back into Nepleslia.. and the SARP as a whole haha.
Ok! Now that the business end of things is out of the way, I'd like to introduce you all to our new artist, Mark!

Mark lives in the Philippines and is a pretty cool guy. Check out his Deviant Art page for some of his art.

Here are the sketches he did that won him the official job.

(Don't worry about the choice of backgrounds or the logos. We're trying to hammer out if we're going to use them, or not).

I present to you:

A badass picture of Henry Morris, our resident soldier of literature.

He also did another sketch before I actually laid out the details. I present to you, Big Daddy ROBERT DAVIS! :D

Anyway, please welcome our friend Mark to Star Army!
Hey Thanks a lot Tom and the rest of the guys of Nepleslia for the very warm welcome here in star army, Im sure I will enjoy my stay here w/ nepleslian :D
Robert Davis totally looks like the captain from SDF Macross.

except possibly more badass.
Tom, I'd just like to warn you that I am probably going to be stealing my own commissions from this guy in the future. Simply awesome.

That Robert Davis gives me man-chills.
Please PM Mark with details about your character and how you want him to look. Please help him as much as possible. Link to your profile and try to walk him through the process. Let's try to make this easy on him. He' s a swell guy. :D

His forum name is Deveraster.
Cirrus station characters (and anyone else in general).

Since your characters are on a research vessel, you'll have to run by the artist whether you want the character to be in military garb or casual garb. Of course, any PC can have this with their characters too, but Cirrus is a bit complicated.

If you choose a military outfit, please, for the love of God, make sure your rank is correct and that you signify whether the character is a Marine or a Navy soldier.

Remember, Marines do the cool green outfit, Navy do the blue. Both have different rank bars, too.

Just figured this is important to note. :D
Cirrus Station characters have a standard-issue security armor of sorts, but I'd be alright with them being in either military or civilian clothes. Whichever suits their fancy; character art is about showing off the character, after all, not the outfit.