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I'll now be updating OP with Mark's info:



1. Keziah Dells - DONE
2. Stovaa Drakon
3. Akio Noboru - DONE
4. Deacon -Cancelled at request of player.
5. Method
6. Serra Evangelle


1. Talbain - DONE
2. Otarcael, Lilly Livia (I'm hesitant to greenlight this due to Zairyo's commission, but I may have to.)
3. Phaedra Volkov - DONE
4. Henry Morris - DONE
5. Trey Penton - DONE
6. William Howard Harrison - DONE


1. Robert Davis - DONE
2. Shaun - If slots are available (looks like that'll be the case).
3. Viktor Kingson - Art already done? Did you check up on this?
Finalized Davis portrait. We removed the backgrounds (I think we'll be doing that ourselves if we want. Just text and colors).


Holy. Cow. HOLY COW.
I'm really impressed! When I look at it makes me feel like I'm a kid getting a new, extremely cool, and rare action figure, if that makes any sense. Suffice it to say I highly approve of your artist selection.

Also, I proclaim Davis is Star Army's official old captain...which means he gets his own line of seafood products.


  • davis fish sticks.png
    davis fish sticks.png
    268.9 KB · Views: 442
Need to update the image with a banner that says something like, 5% of every purchase goes to the SMoDIN. hahahha :lol:
Hello everyone :)
I just want to make some updates on what Im cuurently doing :
1. Robert Davis - Done :)
2. Henry Morris - WIP still have to do some minor revisions
3. Akio Noboru - pending
4. Keziah Dells - pending

Im going to update as soon as I can , Oh before I forget ,if possible maybe you guys can send me a referece of your characters old art or rough sketch/ etc. , or any accessories you want to include type of guns,suit, etc. , so that I will have a clear idea on what you invision on your character more or less , if you dont have any, no problem, I can still work on with the descriptions, its just having references will really help speed up the process.

Again its a pleasure working with your characters, if you have any questions regarding the illustrations please dont hesitate to contact me , you can note me or just post in this thread and I'll do my best to anwer you :)

Best regards to all
Robert Davis is even more badass than normal.
I'm not quite sure how his right pinky bends like that when he holds the Rifle, but the rest looks amazing.

You've got the Green Light.
Confirmed, Luca.

Ok, next on the menu:


This is Akio Noboru in CSS Suit. Mark reinterpreted the suit for this piece a little. Cirrus peeps, please comment on it. Also, Cipher, how's Noboru look? :)
Not quite how I pictured the suit. This looks more like Extravehicular Activity get-up...isn't the CSS suit a close-fitting undersuit covered in attachable metal plates?

This is a good suit design, but not the right suit, imho.
I don't know, really. I figured the metal plates were already on the sketch. It's thinner, for sure, but the artist included the backpack and helmet, so I think it can swing either way.
Tom said:
I don't know, really. I figured the metal plates were already on the sketch. It's thinner, for sure, but the artist included the backpack and helmet, so I think it can swing either way.

Hello, I also rechecked the suit that cipher has given me , so I was thinking that this kind of CSS suit is not a batlle type armor. hmmn well I gotta confirm this with Cipher and Tom first. anyways thanks for the idea and comment

Tom said:
Confirmed, Luca.

Ok, next on the menu:


This is Akio Noboru in CSS Suit. Mark reinterpreted the suit for this piece a little. Cirrus peeps, please comment on it. Also, Cipher, how's Noboru look? :)

Oh... Holy... SHEE-IT!

That is pretty much AWESOME! The only complaint I have is that you missed his goggles (usually around his forehead) but other than that everything looks GREAT.
I think the interpretation is a pretty good one (if the opinion of the actual creator of the suit itself matters, anyway :P). The reference art done by Kokuten back in the day is something we both agreed upon; I actually preffered a less-than-armored look than the one he presented, but I was so impressed by his interpretation that I went ahead and used his picture.

While this artwork makes it look more akin to something like a space-suit, I always originally intended to have the suit as a whole to be somewhat bulky-looking with the additions of the plates. Given that we have potential artwork coming in for the CSS suit, though, I would not be apposed to a teensy change in the description of the CSS suit. Maybe even a canon upgrade could be introduced in a coming episode.



Deveraster has the upper half of the body pretty much absolutely perfect in my opinion. The only thing I would even want to change is an addition of plates along the thighs and calves. Then it would be a CSS suit. :D


Also, at Tom's request, I reuploaded the image of the CSS Variable Weapon on its wiki page.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=cs ... ble_weapon

I'll also post the image here for good measure.

Keep in mind that this is just a really really rough MS Paint imagining of the CSS:VW; our artists may use their own artistic freedoms to get their jollies in with submissions using it; I'm sure it will turn out fantastically.


  • CSS Suit Tacky MKII.jpg
    CSS Suit Tacky MKII.jpg
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  • CSS Weapon.JPG
    CSS Weapon.JPG
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Next up: A sketch of the rather INTENSELY MACHO William Howard Harrison. Cipher, you lucky bastard. :D


Others on the list should PM Mark and get their character stuff down. It makes me feel like I'm giving the slots to super-active players. BE A SUPER ACTIVE PLAYER! :D
Does that include me PMing him for Trey's stuff?

Oh, and Tom, I'm considering the art of Trey you're paying for to be my birthday present when it comes, lol.
Does that include me PMing him for Trey's stuff?

Yup. Every player on the list should be PMing Mark about the details of his character. Unless, that is, you want me taking complete random shots in the dark based on your character's profile.