That wasn't what I mean.
Okay, lemme use an example of how 'scale' could be determined.
Let's say we have shield, armor and structural values. Shield values is the amount of punishment shields can blunt before an attack goes to armor in a single exchange of weapon attacks. Armor does essentially the same thing but is always applied. Structure is the hypothetical amount of punishment a ship can take before it goes *crack*.
I can take up a few references based on size, armor thickness and CDD power to determine those.
Irim-class gunship
Shield 10, Armor 12, Structure 110
Sakura-class gunship
Shield 24, Armor 3, Structure 22
The Irim is a big brute compared to the state-of-the-art Sakura-class... so while it's beefier and better armored, the Sakura does have potent shields that allows it to soak a lot of punishment. Still, the Irim is so much more massive that it'd probably be hard to put down.
From the CDD speed, movement values can be determined too. Some special abilities could be taken into account too, like the Sakura's WARMS.
Irim-class gunship
Slow Speed, Hyperspace-capable, Cloak
Sakura-class gunship
Fast Speed, Hyperspace-capable, WARMS (avoid main gun attacks), Cloak
And then weapon damage values could come into play, with range and special abilities that could be added to them. If I use values such as 5 for light, 10 for moderate, 15 for heavy and 20 for very heavy damage... I could hatch examples like this :
Anti-Fleet Cannon
Damage 1d6xshield value, main gun-type weapon, long range, target groups, Shield powered (shield protection nil while in use)
Projected aether beams
Damage=shield value, long range, shield piercing (double damage versus shield), Shield powered (shield protection nil while in use)
Damage 20, Moderate range, Armor Piercing (defender's armor value halved)
Variable weapon pods
Damage 10, Short range, choose one special (Damage+5, Point-Defense, Disable, Shield Piercing)
* * *
Before some of you gasp in horror or howl in denial, I only mean this as an example. I could very well see that sort of thing be in a small statblock at the end of a ship entry simplifying the technobabble to a set of simpler stat figures. This is really only trading card game complexity... which isn't all that bad and I know it'd help me visualize things better.
There's no need to turn the SARP into a tabletop ship combat game, but just having the numbers for reference would be a big boon, I think. The other people whom don't want to bother with it could just ignore it... but I feel it'd be a good thing to know.