I have been summoned and I come.
First of all,
@CadetNewb, much as we disagreed on just about everything Nepleslia, is WAY more qualified than any of the random names I see floating around. He and I together are way more qualified to run the whole damn faction since none of you have been able to make new tech to replace mine.
Second, Uso's revisionist history is nonsense. Nepleslia didn't decline after he left. It improved. We had 3 plots for most of the time until 2014. 4th AASP Fleet peaked at 28 players in two squads, each with a separate thread, under MY management. We got shit done. Evacuation of Tange, Rok'Veru Offensive, lots of fancy new weapons which I made or improved, new colonies. And best of all, in those days, we had everyone working together! So yeah, this Nepleslia falling apart nonsense because he left is bullshit. Hell, all the current Nep plots combined equal 4th Fleet's usual number of active players back in the day! "So Sigma, when did shit fall apart?" That's easy! When Cadet and I began our long period of butting heads over Nepleslia's direction. And that was only a NTSE slowdown. When I left, I was sure I left Nepleslia with the framework to survive. I see the framework is still in place and working. Ergo, the leadership must be at fault.
Finally, I am Sigma, Once and Future Admiral of the 4th AASP Fleet. All hail your Goddess,
Laura Romero, Most Brilliant Medic in the Universe!