Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward The Ups and Downs (Ep. 3)


Ash followed Adiel's advice and pushed herself back up the stairwell, hidden behind the next flight of stairs. She had her Laiz pistol out in her left hand, ready to use it should someone decide to take a trip up the stairs toward their postion.

It was easy for the group to retreat back up the stairs and make them selves scarce. However though they could not hear footsteps due to the thin atmosphere, they could eventually see the shadow of a person move into the stairwell, it would only be a matter of moments before the person was inside as well.

"Keep going we need to get up to the top." Tanja pushed the two along and rushed them along.

Once they were at the top of the stairs they were able to hide themselves quickly and waited for the shadow to pass. It was two people, a man and a woman, both of them were armed with a rifle.

In hiding near crew quarters

The robots made their way over without any problems, however, Analise would notice that she couldn't hear any sounds from them as they moved around, it would be difficult to notice anyone approaching. However there was a console near by that could possibly be used to access the system with some work.
In the hiding place

Analiese tried her best to look around, but without giving herself away, it was difficult to see anyone. She knew that sound wouldn't carry well, for she didn't hear the others as they continued on, other than any minute chatter that came over the comms. Thinking how best to go from here, she set TB down and turned him on, being careful to ensure that any lights that she had built into him were not on. She motioned for him to go to the console as she went over to inspect it. The gloves that she wore were just too big for her, but she did her best to push buttons and see what would happen. Hopefully, she wouldn't get caught!

"Ms. Dunst," Addaiel whispered, watching the two guards. "What if we attempted to interrogate one of them? It would save us quite a lot of hassle, and we could finally figure out if they are friend or foe."

"Interrogation would be best, we'll have to be careful about how we do it though, make sure they don't have some kind of alarm on them." The captain focused more on the two enemy soldiers after she spoke.

The rifles appeared to be energy rifles, probably because there was no ricochet. Their EV suits were lightly armored as well, but it wasn't anything that they couldn't get through with only a couple of shots.The difference was in their behavior however. The man was focused and moved along without any hesitation, however the woman was very skittish, she frequently looked around and behind herself. Her stance was shaky as well, she didn't seem the combat type.

Hiding Spot

With a little bit of fiddling around and some guess work along with some translation assistance from Pearl, Analiese was able to activate the console and get to the main menu. It looked like the console had basic control of the area, light adjustment, slight gravity adjustment, basic environmental like temperature, and even some door controls. Using a password Peral provided from Nan's work, even more access was obtained. A detailed map of the station could be accessed, as well as life support controls, and even a security system that seemed to have camera's attached.
Hiding spot

Ana worked with both Pearl and TB, getting familiar with the console and what all it could tell her. She gasped softly, taking in the map as well as the security system. " may want to check this out. We can better see just how many we're up against...and hopefully where." She looked over the controls for life support as well as temperature. It didn't look like she could isolate anything easily. At least not with what she could tell. "And there any way we could maybe make it a bit more...comfortable for me here? I'd ask for the others, but that could give us away."
Ash spoke up after observing the pair.

"Hey Adiel, you wanna nab that guy? I could probably grab the girl from behind." She slowly holstered her laiz pistol and retrieved the combat knife from her boot. She slowly maneuvered herself on the dark ceiling to spring down behind the woman when the time came, keeping her movement to a minimun to not attract attention.
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Adiel shrugged.

"Sure, why not?" he chuckled darkly and followed, pulling his GP-1A from his back. The added power would better penetrate the suits if need be. Like Ash, he kept himself pressed against the ceiling.

Once Adiel was above the armed man, he dropped down, aimed his rifle at the back of his head, and pulled back the charging handle to get the squatter's attention.

"Toss the gun away, hands up. No sudden movements or I'll kill you."
Ash leapt down behind the woman and locked one arm around the woman's helmet. The other hand held her combat knife point down against the woman's suit.

"Drop your weapon," she stated, although the woman would most likely not be able to hear her.
Hiding spot

Nan spoke up in response to Analiese with his usual chipper tone as he worked. "I can compare the location of my drones to the map to get a location, but I don't have any way of tracking them. I'm trying to tap into the security cameras right now." He typed away at his keyboard, even though Analiese couldn't hear. "But your area...I don't think I can make it more comfortable, but I could try to direct you towards somewhere with another terminal with more access."


The woman's hands went up immediately and she literally dropped her rifle, she didn't need to hear anything it was all reflexive self preservation. The man on the other hand stopped and tensed up, the message didn't carry as much weight since it needed to be transmitted through laser to assure the man received it, but he slowly brought his hands up, his rifle hanging form his shoulder.

Tanja came down beside them and looked at her two crew mates. "Good job, but we need to make this quick, and get them out of the way, we'll have to talk and walk." After saying the she moved to in front of the now captives and started to head down the hall, gesturing for Ash and Adiel to follow with the captives.
Hiding Spot

Ana nodded, even though none could really see it. She sighed softly and replied, "Okay. I really wanna do more, but these gloves are too bulky for me. Maybe we could also work out something to help the others without letting those still here know of us being around?" She waited to hear from Nan on where she could go next, motioning for the two robots to follow her once she got directions.

Adiel nodded and floated cautiously towards his captive, never taking his sights off him, and ready to pull the trigger at a moment's notice. He yanked the rifle from his shoulder and tossed it away and down the hall. Then, he prodded him in the upper back with the barrel, signalling the squatter to move.
Ash tapped the pommel of her knife against the woman's faceplate and pushed her forward. Kicking the woman's rifle away, she drew her laiz pistol and then tapped the back of the woman's helmet with the muzzle. She pushed the woman forward again as she started to follow after Tanja.

Tanja sent a laser message to all four of them to switch over their radios to a specific frequency as she continued down the path. After she gave everyone time to switch over she spoke up. "We don't have the luxury of playing nice, so we're going to ask some questions and you two are going to answer."

The woman just nods quickly, much to afraid to refuse. The man hesitates but mutters an affirmative after considering the situation

"Good" Tanja nods as she rounds a corner. "First tell us who your little group is."

"...We are privateers" says the man in reply.

"So you're pirates.." The captain suddenly stops and holds up a hand for them to stop. "Ash, Adiel, continue questioning them." She then moves down the path a little more and opens a hatch and heads inside.

Hiding spot

There was a moment of pause from Nan as he tried to sort out in his head possibilities for the situation. "Alright good, if you can get to the bridge computer and follow my instructions, we can bypass the entire station security by running commands through the Anbruch. It'll take a little computer work and a little jerry rigging. The bridge is on that floor, in the nothr section of the ship."
Hiding Spot - Bridge

Analiese peeked out of where she was hiding. She didn't see anyone right away and so as quietly as she could, made her way down towards where the bridge itself was. She had TB on her back as she went. Nan's robot was following along as well. Even still, she was careful, or thought she was, as she made her way towards the bridge...

"Ah, of course, pirates!" Adiel beamed, gazing at his captive with the look of a predator. "You wouldn't happen to have acquired anything valuable during your stay here, would you?"

Analiese reached the bridge without issue, the place was a standard station bridge with a few seats and consoles, the helm a little less advanced than a star ships. Once Analiese stepped in and informed Nan, one of the consoles came on. The display was moving on its own and it got to a long in screen.

Nan the spoke up over the comm system. "Okay it doesn't allow remote log ins, so you'll have to do it, I'll give you the pass word."


The pirates were silent at first, but then the woman cracked under the pressure and spoke up. "No we didn't find anything, this is our base."

"Shut up!" Retorted the male and he shouldered the female in an attempt to quiet her.

Tanja had already vanished into the darkness of the tunnel, what was on the other side was unknown, but she did not call the others to come help.

Analiese nodded and made her way over to the console that was lit up, guiding her way towards where she needed to go. She sat in the chair and typed in the password as Nan gave it to her. Her movements were slow, for she was not used to keyboards with gloves, but she did manage to get the right letters and symbols in.

Adiel looked to Ash and raised an eyebrow, then looked back to the captives.

"Ms. Dunst," he announced over the comms. "The station is occupied by pirates, who've made it into their base. They say they have nothing of value, and being the stickler for loose ends that I am, I fail to see any reason to keep them alive. What say you?"

It was so dark, the way he spoke of extinguishing another life in the way you might speak of throwing away an old article of clothing that has outlived its use. However, in Adiel's defense, it was logical. These two would surely kill them if they were to somehow escape their bonds, or worse yet, alert the rest of their crew.