Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward The Ups and Downs (Ep. 3)

"We...we can't just..." replied Ash. She hesitated. "Adiel, it's up to the Captain. She said she wanted them alive for the time being, so that's what we are going to do."

Once the password was in, Nan began to give several instructions to Analiese, he had to focus on clarity as the instructions sometimes became more and more complex. First getting full access, then rebooting station functions. Minutes ticking by each step. Diagnostics to get the systems' status, isolating different parts of the station that were dangerous, and generally getting everything in line. In the end, Analiese was able to discover where she needed to install the environmental filters, and what systems needed repair. It was going to be a lot of work but it did not seem like it would be difficult work either, she just had to decide what to do first, was she going to install the environmental filters, repair the gravity system, or bring communications back on line, and then head to the location. But now it was all about what Analiese was good at.

"Okay it looks like just a few systems aren't running properly. If you want to do the filters we have to unload them off the ship. I can meet you at either of the other systems though and we can work together to get it done faster." Spoke Nan.


Tanja was gone and unresponsive for several minutes as Ash and Adiel conserved with the captives. During the time power even went off line totally for a moment before rebooting. During the time though the captives revealed more about their organization. They are as the captain said, pretty much pirates, but they do most of their work through salvage, they're not the kind to ambush and attack ships. However that didn't make their hands clean, seems they were involved in some stories that even made the news.

When the lights go out htough the two explain that their captain is probably alert no, and knows someone is in the station and the crew should probably just leave. However not long after, the captain crawls back from the tunnel, her face covered with dirt, and her goggles protecting her eyes.

"The access tunnels are clear, but you can't transfer between floors with them, you have to get out and then transfer. I heard everything though, so we'll have to decide how we're going to approach this. Since the systems rebooted, Nan and Analiese are going to start working on repairs so we have to quickly round up these pirates."

Analiese sighed softly and nodded more to herself than anything else. She said softly, "Enviornmental systems it is. That should be easier for me to get done first and then I can get out of this blasted suit. I'll meet you there. I know TB can probably help out a lot too, if there's no easy reach." She put the gloves back on and made her way out, now that she had a sense of direction to go. Once she met up with Nan, the two of them worked as quickly as possible, unable to be too quiet...but so far none had tried to stop maybe she was either just lucky or not considered any threat so she was left alone. Either way, she was rather grateful.

Adiel shrugged.

"Well, we could play a bluff. Tell them that the military is on its way back to take the station and that we were just fellow scavengers. They're pirates, they only care about making money and staying alive long enough to spend it. If we sell the idea that a massive invading force is on the way, chances are they'll run. We wouldn't even need to round them up." the angel suggested to Tanja.
Research Station inside Rosenthal Nebula

After some brief communications between the crew, it was decided that the best course of action would be to bluff the pirates out of the station, but they couldn't just let them get away. They would have Nan lock down their ship and trap them inside until authorities showed up. While they acted this out they would have to keep the pirates from reaching the environmental systems to make sure they weren't found out. It all worked out well and Analiese was able to repair the systems. However, there was a bit of a hiccup, two of the pirates had stayed back, on the captain's orders, suspicious of what was happening. The two pirates caught Analiese and Nan, and it turned into a shoot out, but the Anbruch crew won out and rescued them. Afterwards the systems were all repaired, and the lock on the pirate ship was constantly checked to make sure they couldn't get out or leave until the authorities arrived.


The crew was gathered to Rot Mädchen where they met a representative of the Abwheran Imperial Government. He explained about the operations success and that the crew would be properly rewarded for their troubles. Along with the monetary reward, the pirate ship was awarded to the crew as well to do with as they see fit. The Anbruch was also awarded a privileged standing with the Empire and it was explained that the crew might hear from them again when there is a need.

After the man left Tanja distributed the wealth amount the crew, 15000 Abwehran Credits (5000KS) per person. They were then given a much needed break.