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OOC The Wayward Discussion

Hi. Lots of stuff going on with me moving to a college dorm. I'll attempt to squeeze in a post.
Sorry for the delay in posting here. I was hoping to get at least one more post but doesn't look like it so I'll be posting in the thread.
Hey @Syaoran college is taking up a bunch of my time with school/frat/student organization. I'll be unavailable for the rest of the semester. If you want to NPC Adiel, be my guest.
Okay we have the people and I'm ready, so you guys can post if you haven't posted the current round. Unless you all want to skip ahead some.
@Blizzard and @cyborgakadjmoose gonna need you guys to either post in the thread your actions or tell me how you plan to go about this. Otherwise I'd have to post them noticing you before you do anything for the scene to move.
Would you guys like to speed up through this portion? THe mission is practically over so we can finish it up in like 3 more GM post. Then we can decide if to continue, get more crew or what to do with teh plot.
I think I'm going to just wrap everything up for Wayward up with my next post. This place was fun while it lasted, but I'm struggling to even find motivation to keep posting through to the finish.
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