Star Army

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RP: Bloody Claws Third Period - Retreat!


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Date: ER 003
Ground Transport - Hes'she

Aka leaned back in the chair, streching her arms up and wide, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. It'd been several seasons since the class had their skirmish against the student council and since then they'd have other bouts mostly against themselves but also against other teams within the school. However, that didn't mean that other schools within the city hadn't skirmished with them, they'd won some matches - lost a few - but it was all just a learning experience for when the real matches would begin in another season.

For the Bloody Claws though, their class - along with six others - were headed to a remote mountain camp-site, accessible only by road and not by air due to flight restrictions. The area was owned by the school, but was located almost three hours from the city itself.

The bus that the class was using was a pretty long one, bigger than those they'd have used in the city, and meant entirely for out of city travel. The students could see out in almost every direction, including down toward the coast-line when they got to the mountain road that was the final strech for them to get to the campsite. The driver, a Laibe seated not at the front but actually in the rear, stated that they were less then a few minutes out from their destination and that the students should get ready to disembark.

Aka stared out the window at the snow that was starting to fall, it was a pleasant change from the constant rain in the city. "Snow...." she muttered as she planted her hands on the window and smiled. "Has anyone else seen snow before?" she asked, turning toward her class to see if anyone might respond.
Ra'chel was fast asleep on her seat with her feet on her pack on the floor near her. Several candy wrappers lay scattered about her on the floor. She was comfortable and occasionally her tail would wiggle and her nose twitch. Or an ear would swivel or the tip would curl down. Once in a while she would give a soft yip as if responding to someone.
Kit'suki sat by the window looking outside. He had inpoved his skills far past where they used to be during that first match. Focusing largly on his swordsmanship and marksmanship as well, he has improved in pther areas as well. The claases victories and defeats always teaching him more about what was working for him, or what needed improved. He wiped a bit of triedness from his eyes. The Class games were not his only focus in life. Outside of them he was still working hard on his medical studies. Asked if anyone had seen snow broke him from his own train of thoughs. "Huh?, Oh I have." he said with a small smile. He had not seen snow too often he remeber it being very cold though, but also fun to play with when he was a much younger Kit.
Aka's eyes brightened when someone responded, causing her to turn toward Kit'suki and ask. "Was it fun?" she smiled and turned back toward the window to watch the falling snow, occastionally, the group would hear a sonic boom in the sky - the result of military starfighters going about their normal patrol routines.
Rachel would twitch at the sonic boom, roll over in her seat and doze off again. She hated any lengthy travel and this was how she dealt with it. She shivered a bit till she put something between her and the side of the bus.
Cy'jiro was a bit of a slow learner when it came to combat situations but he had gotten himself up to an acceptable level of combat over the course of the many skirmishes the class had. He had settled into an odd position of a light mid range attacker who mostly complemented his team instead of leading any attacks on his own. It might not have been the most glamorous role, but he at least was pulling his wait and that was most important to him.

Now however he was on the bus with the rest of his class as well as a few others. Unfortunately he couldn't bring his sister along since it was a class based trip and she wasn't part of the class. He did get more quiet than he was used to on such trips though, at least with regards to it being right next to him. He just took in the view from his seat, admiring it quite a bit.
"It was," Kit'suki Answered about the snow. "But I remember it can be worse for us Daurs, than Liabes due to our lack of fur." he said looking out the window for a moment before he continued. "Not that my brother didn't get cold as well but when your hands have no fur on them holding snow can make your whole hand numb in seconds." he said
Aka' giggled. "That's why you wear glove!" she said this as she pulled out a pair from her rucksack. "I have enough for everyone though, think I overpacked...." her voice trailed as she began to dig into her pack, it looked like a scene out of a cartoon as things went flying out - gloves here, socks there, a pair of binoculars flew out and landed neatly atop a nearby pillow. With all of the stuff coming out, one would have to wonder how she managed to pack it all - given it seemed she had more stuff than room. "Ughs, I forgot a few items though..." her expression changed when she realized that she'd forgotten one very important item that she had wanted to bring.
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Ra'chel was out of her seat, looking wide eyed around. Rubbing the spot where Aka's boot had thumped off of her noggin. She growled softly, looking for the culprit. Since none confessed up, she sat back down in her seat, spotting the boot. She gave it a toss in Aka's direction.
Kit'suki laughed. "Well try telling that to my five year old self will you?" He said as he hadn't worn anything for a while back then. He watched though as Aka brought out a suprising number of things that she had though ahead to pack and how it all seemed to pile up nicly. "What did you forget?" he asked
"My binoculars..." Aka' sighed and was about to keep looking when a boot bonked her on the head. "Yipe!" she looked around to see where it came from but since her attention was focused more on her bag she didn't see who tossed it. After a moment she shrugged her shoulders and put the boot, and the other items, back into the bag. "Don't suppose you have a pair Kit'suki?" she asked, leaning back in her seat and admiring the view from the bus's skylight.
Ra'chel snickered at hearing Aka. She pulled out one of the many books she had brought on trip with her to work on an essay for that class. She was nervous as this was the farthest she had ever been from the city into the wilds. Flying didn't count even they could've ended up in the wilds then.
"Binoculars?" Kit'suki asked as he looked uncertin. "I dont.. Oh wait." He said with a grin as he looked though his bag pulling out a pair. "They were in here!" He said as if half supried they werre in. "These are the pair I use during matches. I forgot to unpack them from my luggage last tim we headed out." he said as he handed them over to Aka. "Their.. not really the best for site seeing but You can barrow them if you want." he said
Cy'jiro chuckled as he watched everyone on the bus, it was refreshing. He goes up and moved over to Aka' when the ride was smooth however. "What are we going to be doing at the destination again?" He wanted to make sure he was ready, and mentally prepare himself for what was to come.
"Yay!" Aka' cheered when the binoculars were handed to her. "Now I can do something I've always wanted to do," the girl said with a big grin on her face. When she heard Cy'jiro's question, the girl looked toward him and while putting the binoculars away, said. "Its an educational camp, although that sounds boring huh?" she briefly looked up at him and smiled. "It'll be fun though, we get to play most times but also learn about nature and have some activities and such. I did hear from one of the teachers though that they want to do something called a 'test of courage', don't know what they mean by that," the Kit tapped her lower chin in thought, which was broken a moment later when the bus turned a corner and the students onboard would first be greeted with a magnificent view of a lake.

After a few minutes, this view would change to show the camp that was built atop of the lake, many cabins were there along with paths that connected them all together. People could be seen mellowing about the cabins, although a group of them were just outside of the camp near what looked like a parking area. "Almost there," Aka' beamed. "What are you all going to do when we get there? It'll be a freeday, so no worries about boring stuff from the teachers."
"Hitch a ride back to the city," Ra'chel muttered putting away her books to take in the view. She looked around the area. It was just weird to see nothing but towering trees and low building. She was more used to buildings towering over the trees. She wasn't looking forward to this trip outside the city's limits.
Aka' seemed rather happy that she had the binoculars and his ear twitched a bit in curiousity. "So then what is it you wanted to do?" he asked

As the camp began to appear into view as they were asked what they were going to do fist getting there. "I'll likly get my things unpacked and then see what all the camp has to offer. I'm sure there's a lot of different things to see, the camp it's self looks cool being on top of the lake and all." he said
"Aww... booooo....." Aka' said toward Ra'chel, then ran over, jumped behind her and placed her hands upon the other girls shoulders, before resting her head atop Ra'chels. "But but but! It'll be fun here, so boring in the city, too much noise," the girl giggled. "Besides!" she then jumped back off the seat, landing on her feet and spreading her arms out. "Today is a free day! We get to just relax and have fun fun fun!"

A moment or two later the bus would arrive at the main camp, pulling up to the drop-off location. The door's soon opened and Aka' was quick to grab her bag and run off the bus, finally glad to be back out into the environment with nice, clean, cool air. "Ahhh! So nice!" the girl grinned, put her backpack on, then placed her hands on her hips. "Come on! Come on!" she waved toward the bus.
Ra-chel finished securing her pack and putting it on. She strolled off the bus and it hit her...

The Silence

It was like stepping into a whole new world. Even the loud noises from those already there were terribly muted. The sounds were absorbed, not bounces off harden surfaces to join in with the myriad of other sounds. She had taken about five steps from the bus, before she came to a complete stop. She looked around her. Even the big bus behind her, engine rumble was softened.

She took another step, pausing again, looking around wondering if she was placed in a sensory deprivation chamber with a surround video.

Ra-chel wanted to succumb to her urges and flee back aboard the bus.
Kit'sukiwas out of the bus after Rachel. He looked around a bit and shivered forgetting just how it felt to be this cold. Still he was dressed warm enough. "Your right about the quite though." he said to Aka. "I guess we just got so used to the noise of the city we all forgot what actual quite was." he said. This might be a good place he could study some of his medical books better as there would be far less to distract him