Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Ultimate Representation



Nath Tower, Private Meeting Room

Candon Suites had been pleased to introduce his representative, Mr. Donovan, whose odd demeanor and physique would probably warrant questions. Specifically as to why Candon had chosen to use a heavy duty combat robot to be the president of his corporation, though equally confusion would also fall upon the necktie worn by the war-bot.

In the circular, wooden room they would await the arrival of both Uso and Alex Tasuki to discuss the future of their business.
"Decided to give up the ol' body?" Uso asked as she strode in, standing by the edge of the table and leaning forward, bracing herself against the back of one of the chairs.

"You usually have that love of being subtle and the whole 'I'm a spy' thing. I figured you would have gone for something that can wear sunglasses a little better than this."
The robot dove straight for his introduction as she made her presence in the room know.
"Hello, I am Mr. Dono-"
"-Hang on big guy, wait for Mr. Tasuki," Candon paused him, "yeah, I wasn't really going for subtlety with him. I don't want people seeing my name everywhere so I figured, 'why not make a presence so huge no one could miss him?' Now I get to where the glasses while he gets the fame. You'll see, he's actually way smarter me."

"Thank you, Mr. Suites," Donovan accepted gratefully with a holographic emoticon appearing over his face.

"Huh, still having issues getting the faces to have the right orientation?" Candon asked.

"It seems so," Donovan answered, "it is good enough, we have more pressing concerns."
Alex was unsure of why he had to be here, and his impression of Candon was still somewhat negative.

"So what is this all about?"
"Hello, I am Mr. Donovan, president of the Frontier Service Corporation. Our mission is to provide frontier colonies with services similar to those enjoyed on core worlds governed by major factions and facilitate economic integration with the interstellar market for colonial governments that are not recognized politically," Mr. Donovan introduced, speaking like a college professor, "I would like to offer two services today, the first is a banking system that can make your local currency, Arcmarks, equivalent to the Davis Alliance. We will do this by purchasing a single Arcmark for one Davis Alliance.

"There will be no need for every Arcmark in circulation to be exchanged. Interstellar trade will be done with the Davis Alliance or Kikyou Satsu while the Arcmark will be used as local currency, exchangeable at any of our banks.
Will you agree to make the Frontier Banking Service the primary bank of the USO? "
"Sounds like a reasonable proposition," Uso said, "Though you hardly need my permission to start currency exchange. The Spacers are already doing that on the back-end with some digital currency-scheme tied into the arcmarks... its legit enough that Vier isn't complaining so I figure its got to be legit enough... to be... legit."

Uso seemed unhappy she had to end that sentence by saying legit so many times,

"However! I do take it that means you want to open a facility here? Were you thinking of setting up some office space in Nath tower? Or would you like me to setup some banking space for you around town? Hire locals and I'd be happy to wave whatever costs there are in acquiring land... even have our local manufacturing pump out a building for you."
"Some land near the city would be perfect!" Mr. Donovan exclaimed, "However, as president of the Frontier Service Corporation it is my intention to create as many employment opportunities as possible. It would be preferable if the bank be constructed from local resources by natives of the planet."

Candon looked concerned as that was NOT his idea. "Excuse me!" He scolded.

"You are excused, Mr. Suites," Mr. Donovan replied.

Candon's face contorted with frustration, "We're offered a perfectly good prefabricated building and your suggesting we have the monkeys build the bank?"

"Precisely," came the sharp reply, "you want a strong economy, and such economies are the product of a strong, united workforce with each person doing their part. No one works for free.

"Currency is the lifeblood of an economy. People are like hearts, receiving money and moving it through purchases. The currency must flow or the economy will die."

The answer bounced around the spy's head a few times. It made sense to him. "Alright, your the boss."

"Miss Tasuki, there is another service I would like to offer and it involves Mr. Tasuki as well seeing as the U-1 will be entering the production phase.

"Manufacturing is a massive job market that can be smothered by over-automation of factories. Frontier Service Corporation is intended to thrive on a strong planetary economy. We wish to become the primary means of manufacturing for the USO.

"While we are currently weak in such a field the first manufacturing facility of our space station will immediately give us the ability to out perform your current manufacturing abilities. We wish to take over your current workforce and Mobile Assembly Platforms to begin training the future workforce of the Frontier Manufacturing Service. Will you help us with this?"
"Alex bought those MSPs. I think that is up to him," Uso said,

"We've got someone else already doing manufacturing... but she's... well... more of a partner than someone I can tell what to do."
"Due to the immense size of the U-1 every unit is going to reflect significant investment on the part of the USO. I suppose I'm offering something similar to a merger. Your staff would be able to join a manufacturing network that brings them to production from start to finish with no need to retool machinery at any time. Production would be faster and more efficient... That and we can pay them a greater salary."
"Ugh, VIER WHERE YOU AT?!" Uso shouted, getting up and looking out into the hallway. "Hold up, she's always around here somewhere doing stuff... "

The neko would pull out her datapad and start typing away at it.

"BTW, how do you manufacture oxygen? I went on vacation recently and was reminded that other planets have way better oxygen saturation raitings....OHGOOD VIER. Technical Stuff. U-1 Production and.."

The woman was about the same height as Uso, and wore a black shirt, grey leggings, and similarly desaturated colors ranging from her grey eyes to her pale lips. She would cut Uso off with a simple, "I overheard."

"good good good..." Uso would come back in from the hallway and jump back into her seat.

"We would be interested in joining assets together for U1 production, but we are aiming to produce a more modern fighter development group rather than just a strictly manufacturing co-operative.

The optimal method for U-1 mass production would be to form a corporation for control and production of the U-1 design which we could all share ownership.

Spreading out production, developing equipment, and finding clients for the U-1 design would help ensure that we all continue to enjoy a modern, up to date design while reducing costs, increasing profit, and reduce the incentive for other organizations to attack us due to increased entanglements.

Right now we could consider creating this U-1 corp and share ownership between Myself, USO, and the FSC with 25% ownership stakes while leaving the final 25% available to offer to others who would be interested in participating.

I would also be open to shifting U-1 production entirely to the FSC for the time being."
Candon stepped aside. The robots were talking now.
"One moment, please. I must think about this carefully," Mr. Donovan requested. The glow from his eye dimmed and it almost seemed like he'd shut down. He would remain like that only a few seconds before lighting back up and answering.

"I agree under the condition that all manufacturing facilities be under the jurisdiction of FMS inspecors to comply with safety, quality, and labor policy set by FSCorp regardless of ownership. The facilities will have to meet code at all times."

"Why the hell would that matter?" Candon asked.

"Because the fourth investor is unknown, thus we have no way of knowing what changes they'll bring," Donovan answered.
"Technically they would need to be under U1 corp jurisdiction for inspectors. This way we would have a single point where inspection groups and rules can be centrally managed. Naturally FMS can take the lead here though if we bring others on board this project they would be able to inject their own additional safety and inspection requirements through this venue assuming that the board, us, approves of the move.

We can include a good faith clause regarding the original three investors in the project, ourselves, which will allow for either a no-fault dissolution of the partnership or a compensation package if you feel like you are unable to work with us on this type of project." Vier responded.

"Man, I remember when lawyer-bots were fun, CANDON!" Uso shouted over the talking bots, "These complications going to be worth it or are they killing your buzz? We could just go straight division of labors for certain things then be done with it."
"I actually think I'm following this, Candon replied, "not that it actually matters who inspects what. Mr. Donovan is programmed to kill anyone he identifies as an 'unrecoverable detriment to the population or economy.' So basically a con artist is liable to lose his seat as the fourth investor anyway."

"My concern is not someone stealing the designs or trying to cut the USO out of the picture," Mr. Donovan announced, "We are going to be investing huge sums of money into this economy on top of what we have already invested just getting here. There is no compensation package that could mend the damage that will be done if FSCorp does not have its own staff training on those assembly platforms.

"We have four months to teach enough of the local populace to become a capable workforce that can take jobs on the first manufacturing facility on Howard Station. The more off-worlders we hire the more FSCorp bleeds money that could be given to the locals, money that would stimulate economic growth.

"I do not like this proposed corporation, and when it out lives it's purpose FSCorp will cease to support it because it is not a real enterprise, it is only legal and on a world where there is minimally defined business laws no amount of theoretical law will protect against real problems."
"My concern is with management and scalability for the U1 development process as well as the management style that will be put in place for further actions between myself, the FSC, and USO. If we are going to agree to work together we need to establish the method for which we will make decisions collectively." Vier responded.

"Democracy is over-rated. How about we just put someone in charge of building U-1s and that's that?" Uso asked.

"Because there are other concerns besides just a production line for the U-1. Developing a more modern production environment for that ship will benefit everyone in the long run. Setting up a joint corporation ensures that we will all be able to benefit from each other's efforts related to the U1. Other production issues for other items can be address separately. There is still plenty of work that needs to be done regarding local production of consumer goods." Vier stated flatly, unphased by Uso's outburst.
"I forsee too many issues developing in the long term-"
"-Mr. Donovan," Candon interrupted, "the owners of this endeavor each have SAINT backgrounds. Anyone causing problems is liable to find themselves in the trunk of a car. Figure out a solution and deal with any issues that arise in the future."

"But Mr. Suites, the economic model is perfect and must be adhered to flawle-"

"The economic model became flawed the moment I decided to make humans integral. Figure it out."

Mr. Donovan turned 'off and on' again, "FSCorp would be willing to create components for the U-1 construction project. In return we ask for permission to incorporate your designs in our own projects."
Alex raised his hand tentatively.

"I don't really understand any of this at all. Will we also be selling U-1s?"
"It isn't a bad idea..." Uso said, sounding less than convinced, "I mean, we're all used to that 'keep everything in-house' mentality but Vier has a point. Anyone we are able to sell the U1 to is someone who won't want to work against us."

"We can agree to technology sharing," Vier said, "and.."

"And it seems like the corporate management style idea isn't flying." Uso cut in, "Which means you're popping out U1s in exchange for what? Just being able to run those production platforms Alex bought? You need to weigh in on that Alex."
"I don't know." Alex mused. "We can already make them out of the lament can't we? What do we gain?"
"An excellent question, Mr. Tasuki," Donovan commended, "in the short-term aspect of this arrangement there is no real advantage, in fact, I predict that it will cause complications at first. This is a step towards beginning an industrial revolution of sorts, the jump start of the planet's economy.

"The USO is a self proclaimed government of only a single undeveloped planet. It carries no authority in terms of politics or even trade. However, a corporation is able to operate far more freely and can apply far more leverage in matters of industry. To put it simply we can provide far more employment opportunities than the USO.

"Now please consider a scenario in the next four months when our space station is ready for workers. Who will we bring up there? If the people being employed are not at least somewhat familiar with the process of manufacturing any mistakes they make will occur in space, where there is no forgiveness. We need people who are already acquainted with this type of technology and are trained to begin using the machinery."

Candon approached the conversation again, "there is, however, another option but it basically involves grand theft, combat, and probably a couple million KS."