Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Ultimate Representation

"I'd be up for tha-" Uso said, only to be cut off by Vier,

"Combat may not be necessary here. If this is how you wish to proceed then we can continue to handle U1 development internally. We will outsource production of the U1 to your organization and agree to a technology sharing agreement regarding components that either of our organizations develop.

It is my understanding that Alex's MSP's are already being used for construction of larger combat ships for the Skyguard. Would you be managing production of those craft on Alex's behalf as well?"
Alex nodded. "I'd like to know that as well. Also, will the FSC be sponsoring the Sky Guard?"

He considered this for a moment.

"And will the FSC help to train recruits as well?"
Candon and Donovan looked each other in the face. That had been a fast turnaround time.
"I don't think we're tooled to build starships yet," Candon stated.
Donovan nodded, "I did not realize that construction had begun."

Candon answered, "I've instructed Mr . Donovan to build affordable academic institutions for the benefits of everyone. I've arranged for Origin Industries to provide the materials."

"Perhaps our people can work under the supervision of yours for the time being, until we establish a facility of our own," Mr. Donovan asked, "I would also be wary of selling U-1 mechas commercially."
Alex cocked his head. "Why?" He didn't see how or why it could go wrong, and he was puzzled by the assertion.
"Without any formal recognition from the industrial sector there is a potential for reverse engineering and remanufacturing by other companies," Mr. Donovan explained, "it is not my decision, but it is my opinion. We will support whichever choice you make."
"In regards to the Sky Guard, I'm willing to sponsor missions and local functions," Candon answered, delayed but present, "I actually have a mission already. I have sources indicating that the Kuvexians intend to replace the shipyard the SAoY destroyed recently, the shipyard I destroyed. As a matter of business I need the Kuvexian freighter hauling this mobile manufacturing installation, as a matter of discretion I want this to be private from the galaxy, and as a matter of pride I want no survivors within the enemy fleet.

"I'm offering a bounty of one million KS for the complete destruction of the Kuvexian warships."
:: Palace ::

Errowyn had noticed the industrialization efforts on 188604. She looked thoughtful as she walked through the palace looking for Uso. Making the runs to 18K Nexus station was fine for the major overhals, but the daily wear and tear on the Kawarimes components in this dusty atmosphere was causing her to make more frequent trips off planet.

After a lengthy search, Errowyn asked one of the staff at the Palace, "Where's Uso?" She asked bluntly with a hand resting on her service pistol.

"Nath Tower in a meeting, Miss Errowyn." The staff replied after noticing the placement of her hand.

Errowyn nodded and pulled out her Data Jocky and began typing furiously. She looked over the message she had typed up and gave a nod with a predatory smile as she headed towards the main entrance to the Palace that was in the final stages of being reconstructed.

Uso - To cut down your expenses it would be advisable to manufacture parts for the Rags war machines and my Kawarime. It's becoming expensive for me to make runs to 18K for parts that are wearing out faster than normal due to the grit that is being kicked up into the air. Which means I must increase my percentage to make sure you have a dedicated fast mover to provide air support that the power armors can't compete with in getting to area of conflict. - Hellcat

Errowyn looked over the message and sent it to Uso, where ever she was at as she exited the palace. Even though her island was a bit of paradise on this miserable planet. She missed the more verdant worlds that had more plant life and varied weather, instead of the same dry hot dusty weather.
"Reverse engineering the U-1's components largely is not a concern for us. Even if the equipment was reverse-engineered there are no major secrets involved in the construction. Furthermore, if counterfeit versions of the U-1 are produced then we are opening ourselves up to additional markets as U-1 usage grows. As part of Nepleslia's defense strategy against Yamatain between YE 33 and YE 35 the 4th fleet..."

Uso looked over at Vier as she started her lecture...

and then down at her datapad.

OH, Hellcat needs me!

Uso's attention would turn towards writing a response.

What am I paying you now?

Uso looked back up at Vier,

"Furthermore, the primary advantage of the U-1 is the ongoing development cycle. This includes basic system upgrades, tweaks, and additional equipment roll outs that further increase the capabilities of the craft. Though the individual components of the craft can easily be duplicated either through reverse engineering or through inferring their capabilities during observation, there is no way to duplicate our ongoing effort to continually refine the craft. Prospective buyers will need to either buy-in on the U-1 in order to get our expertise with the craft or waste their own time trying to integrate the U-1's development advantages into their own systems. Naturally, this will only impede...

Uso started slumping downward in her chair... her attention going back to her datapad as she typed up another message,

Wear that bikini for me again and I'll double what I'm paying you.

Then another,

Also what parts do you need? We're talking part-building right now if you want to join us.

"... and as far as military operations are concerned I am only interested in operations that further my cause here. I also find it morally objectionable to go in with the intention of killing all hostile sentient."

"HANAKO'S HIPS JUST FUCKING SHOOT THEM!" Uso groaned, "You kill people all the time, we just go in and blow up whatever and take the thing! How can you object to that!?"

"During a hostile encounter it is expected that there will be some loss of life, however going in without attempting to minimize that loss is unacceptable." Vier replied.
"I must concur with Ms. Vier," Donovan stated.

"Alright," Candon began. Anyone who knew him would know that he had several grades of 'alright' and that when he just said 'alright' things actually weren't 'alright'.

"Let me ask then, what should we do with the survivors? Imprison them? No, that's expensive. Free them? No, then the Kuvexians would know who hit them. Oh, maybe we can give them to Yamatai! Right? No no, then they might try to take the equipment we bled on to get in the first place!

"I fight the Kuvexians professionally, they are extremists. Their soldiers are willing to commit suicide rather than be taken captive, what if they get free and destroy our ship as an act of suicide? Or worse, what if they take one of our ships captive?!

"No, I am not going to needlessly risk the lives of the people I'm hiring to take captives with more than enough training to make a mockery of our crews. I am not concerned with the enemy's safety, I am asking our people to risk their lives for this attack. There is a strong possibility that some of them will not be coming home. The simpler their are orders the safer the operation will be. Let's not over-complicate this."
::p Palace Grounds ::

Errowyn pulled out her data jocky when it chirped with incoming messages. She turned it on and accessed the incoming messages and read them...

Errowyn giggled at the bikini part. as she looked through herrecords on the current amount of payment she was receiving from Uso. She typed that in next to her question of current payment.

Only if you come to my island for a break, I'll wear the bright itsy bisty pink bikini for you. And as for parts. Its the Aether Cannon barrels that get pitted badly that constantly need to be replaced. From high energy discharges and abrasive elements score the inside of the barrels that may or may not effect the destructive energy upon impact. But it throws off my aim in micro-millimeters. Not to mention the cockpit glass abrasions from grit in the air at high speed. I'm surprised I still have a paint job on '5'. - Hellcat

Errowyn looked thoughtful as she sent the message off to Uso. She may be a bit vain and almost anal in keeping her Kawarime looking sharp and in excellent shape. This was what she made her money to live on and hopefully save up for the continuence of her trip to be repatriotated back into the Star Army in some distant future.

She gave it thought of joining Uso as she looked over her attire. Dusty flight suit, desert boots boony hat. She had a change of clothes somewhere in the palace, if the construction laboerors hadn't moved them. She turned around and re-entered the Palace, heading up to her assigned suite of rooms when she was at the now Planetary Capitol City on business.

Her rooms were untouched and her stuff had been cleaned and stored properly by the domestic staff. She freshened up with a quick shower, change of clothes to include the itsy bisty pink bikini as undergarments to a much simpler dress outfit that could easily pass for an uniform, but the color was much more feminine than militaristic.

:: Nath Tower ::

She headed on over to the Nath Tower to see what it offered and maybe peek into the meeting since she was invited. ~~This ought to be interesting to witness~~ As she made her way up to the proper level and offices under directions from the building staff.
"Ok, how much time do we have to deal with these Kuvexians? My heavy hitter..." Uso said, pointing her thumb over at Vier, "... is apparently having cold feet and Alex's skyguard is green as fuck. Plus we have no idea what kind of assets we're going to go up against AND... well, I don't have an and but that's enough for me to have concerns.

Would a capture or kill order work for everyone?" Uso offered, "We've got plenty of space to shove people in. Maybe turn one of our ships into a flying prison and store them in deep space somewhere. Naturally we can't bring any of these hot items back to 188604...

... You know, two, three ships in deep space? We could load the Pumpkin Eater up with missiles and take them all out in one strike. May-be there is no need to involve anyone else?"

She could hear Errowyn approaching in the hallway, a slight smile coming to Uso's face, "Can we wrap this up? I got important buisness elsewhere as well. I'm sure you don't need me for this... Vier can probably handle everything."

Vier looked displeased.

"Though I am allowed to use my best judgement where appropriate in regards to killing, I have not had any interactions with these Kuvexians that would allow me to form an opinion of them. I am reluctant to be involved in this operation."

"Well... I mean, we're doing it. You might as well help us keep this from blowing back on this world when we inevitably fuck something up since you're not there to make sure it goes right." Uso added.

Vier paused for a moment.

"You will inevitably frame the operation in such a way that my non-participation will be worse than my participation. In this case I must insist that I be allowed to take prisoners should the option present itself."
Candon's blank expression said more than he could.
"The bounty stands as is," he stated clearly, "and Uso, its starting to seem that your people are either cowardly or pro-life extremists that can't pull a trigger. I'd advise replacing them with people who can actually accomplish things. I want this done correctly so apparently I have to do it myself."

Candon would head for the door, "Mr. Donovan, stay and resume your job as normal."
"I thought I was making a dramatic exit but I guess you could call it storming out," Candon answered from the doorway, "I'm not going to force someone opposed to the operation lead it. I'm sure Ragnarok would take the job."
Alex was thoroughly puzzled by the whole display. He decided to pipe in.

"It seems to me that if we don't help, people will still die, whether they be these Kuvexians or Candon's people. I think that the best we can do is try to limit casualties for those on our side. While not killing the enemy is nice, it isn't practical for ship scale weapons.

I can come along and try to take a few prisoners, since my weapons are more precise, but our focus should be protecting ourselves, not those that attack us."
"I'm sure they will, and they pretty much work for me so sit down and stop pretending that we are supposed to follow orders like assembly line nekos.

You want this to work right? You're going to need a plan and a way to bring enough forces onboard that your kuvexian friends get smushed before they can send back screenshots of who smudged them."
Alex stepped in between the two bickering 'adults'.

"Both of you stop it! You're being awful. As for communications, we should try to jam all long distance communications. If we jam everything we risk jamming ourselves."

He looked around for a moment, thinking.

"We should bring along a few fighters from the sky guard."
Errowyn came to a stop as she saw Candon step into the open doorway and turn to face someone inside that sounded like Uso. She cringed slightly at the remark of 'assembly line neko', which in all truth she was one. But a very limited batch that survived where her batch sisters didn't and were haunting her. Or from their point of view...keeping her company. And also resented the remark about being cowardly. She had proven herself against the Mishuu plenty of times while serving aboard the YSS Heiten.

She shoved past Candon quite rudely,bumping into him as she spoke to him. "I have to be extra careful as I don't have the support of the Star Army of Yamatai at my disposal like you do. Mr. Candon." Remembering when she had seen him before. Then looking at Uso. "When my contract expires and up for renewel. Be prepped for at least a hefty price increase." Glaring at Uso for she had heard her remark. She had her flight jacket in hand which had her callsign, ship she served on before the fateful mission that sent her rogue.
"And now you've made Hellcat mad and she's basically worth an entire Ragnarok worth of people..."

Uso looked at Errowyn, and then over at Candon, "How about we figure this out later? If you want to talk tactics you can strong arm Vier into doing the work for you. Just threaten to do a shitty job and ruin everything if she doesn't help... "

Uso tapped her fingers on the table for a moment, before shifting her attention to Errowyn,

"How about I pay you to do something else for a little while? You haven't shown me around your little corner of the world yet. The Ragna-guys talk highly of it..."
Alex was thoroughly puzzled by the whole display. He decided to pipe in.

"It seems to me that if we don't help, people will still die, whether they be these Kuvexians or Candon's people. I think that the best we can do is try to limit casualties for those on our side. While not killing the enemy is nice, it isn't practical for ship scale weapons.

I can come along and try to take a few prisoners, since my weapons are more precise, but our focus should be protecting ourselves, not those that attack us."

"A voice of reason," Candon griped over Uso, "Vier could learn a thing from him-"

Alex stepped in between the two bickering 'adults'.

"Both of you stop it! You're being awful. As for communications, we should try to jam all long distance communications. If we jam everything we risk jamming ourselves."

He looked around for a moment, thinking.

"We should bring along a few fighters from the sky guard."

"I know someone who can help us use our own comms systems to drown out their call. I'll-"

She shoved past Candon quite rudely,bumping into him as she spoke to him. "I have to be extra careful as I don't have the support of the Star Army of Yamatai at my disposal like you do. Mr. Candon." Remembering when she had seen him before. Then looking at Uso. "When my contract expires and up for renewel. Be prepped for at least a hefty price increase." Glaring at Uso for she had heard her remark. She had her flight jacket in hand which had her callsign, ship she served on before the fateful mission that sent her rogue.

"-excuse me," he apologized as she bumped into him. He stepped back into the room, away from the doorway he was blocking figuring it was a simple accident caused by him being in a bad spot until she spoke. He was wearing plain clothes so someone had to have told her.
'Now who'd have told her that…' he concluded, cocking his brow at Uso.

But her jacket...
'she was SAoY. Anger- no, disgust was in her voice. Perhaps she's bitter with Yamatai. Why…'
"I'm guessing you lost people... I empathize."