The color "Gunbelt Gray," #333333, in Star Army uniforms is being replaced by the very similar color Jet Black, #343434. This affects Star Army of Yamatai duty uniforms' boots, belts, shoes (excluding gloss black), and gloves. This is primarily a name change.
Also, reminder that "Star Army Blue" and "Star Army Gray," aka "dark blue gray" and "light blue-gray" are now being referred to as the actual colors "Regal Blue" and "Cadet Blue." This does not affect the hex codes we use. The technical names for these colors are Star Army Regal Blue and Star Army Cadet Blue, although these are normally left off for brevity purposes.
The Star Army clothing store page has been updated accordingly with the new color names above.
Also, the "sky blue" color sample image on the wiki has been updated to the correct web color, which is NOT the infantry cornflower blue color. You will have to check your roster pages to make sure the correct image is linked. If you linked the old image instead of the one from the color page, it could change color to sky blue instead of the proper infantry color (Cornflower Blue).
You can find all the colors used in the Star Army of Yamatai uniforms, including image examples and hex codes, at