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Approved Submission USO Dress Uniform

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I think the tried and true Tutti is on vacation for about two weeks, but I know of someone that does $15 fullbodies that are *smacks lips together and kisses them while holding her index finger and thumb together near her mouth before releasing them and opening her hand up in front of her face with a wide grin* very good.
Well as far as I can tell I have everything I need for this article, unless you guys feel it's still missing something. EhWha hasn't responded to me in almost a month so I might just go ahead and look for someone to get a commission. anybody on DA you guys would suggest?
I can't speak for artists right now, but already, it's looking better. I recommend you use some bolding for the individual description points, as well as some of the bullet points. Speaking of, the bullet points might look better if they weren't spaced apart like that, but I'll leave that up to you. Both "Features" and "Color Style According to Rank" is probably better off either made into headers of smaller size or bolded. Other than that, I'm willing to approve it unless there's any objections.
Um well I found an artist to commission, but he seems to have gone silent on me, and he raised his prices. Wes knows who I am referring to as he seems to commission this person often.
Just find someone else. I'd rather pay a bit extra to have a responsive artist do work.
Um well I found an artist to commission, but he seems to have gone silent on me, and he raised his prices. Wes knows who I am referring to as he seems to commission this person often.
I don't know who you mean, actually.
Oh, I've only done two commissions with them so far. One completed and one batch of ten where I've only got 1 of 10 sketched. I'm waiting for the others.
Focusing on the article itself though, should I just approve this? The artwork usually speaks for itself.
I've seen it elsewhere, but it'd be great to see it in this thread!
There we go. This is about ready.

Here's what I need you to do to get it approved:
  • I changed the page to match the Clothing template.
  • There's a history section where you should put the history and date first made, the designer, etc.
  • There's a usage section for how to properly wear it and wash it. You could possibly move the color section into this if that makes section, or leave it in the design section. Fill that out.
  • Go through the article and make sure everything is in complete sentences. Example: "A standard formal dress skirt white, with a stripe in the wearers secondary running down on both sides of the skirt," isn't a complete sentence.
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