Star Army

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Im going to deny this for nepleslia unless legix comes in here and decides otherwise. Not for any malice or malicious reasoning, Its just not something that makes sense for nepland to have or utilize (Plus if they did they would bootleg it and make their own version, Shafting poor sachi in he process. Stealing is our national past-time, ye?)~

My reasoning is that nep fighters, While having some lengthy flight or combat times, Are still not long enough to justify the need. There are no 24-hour operations that have really happened, And what nep-fighters do have those kinds of operations times they can just rest on their own and rely on their JANE/JOHN/ACE to handle the lookout and waking them up.

My other reason is because its sachiko, Tho i love her so, Shes a cat. An nobody in NAM in their right mind would trust any program or extention made by a cat interfacing in their flight suits, helmets, or disruptor flight suits.

It just makes more sense for yamatai to have them, And neps to just keep popping those pills that let you stay up for days at a time until you start being able to peer between the void.

As an unofficial member of the independent council of three however i think its a good thing for any indi pilots to be able to have. And if a nep pilot where to find out about it, buy it with his own pay and want to use it to get some rest while the rest of his flight are exhausting themselves thats fine. You should however put something in your article about sachiko releasing it open source because it doesnt say how everyone can get their hands on it considering neps and cats use different internet things. (Our is literally called the InterNep, Pretty smart name, ye?)
it isnt from a corp or business. Its being sold by an individual, his character, Sachiko Itatsuki.

Charaa also doesnt make a lot of articles and hasnt yet developed into the wiki savant that making 10,000 articles makes one like using and min-maxing templates and understanding what can be somwhat confusing like DRv3 or the nomenclature system (that even evades me sometimes).

Personally i like the idea of an individual just selling stuff. If its a physical product you know they cant make enough to meet demand, But that can be reflected if its written right. before i made shasta's corp i was just going to make a lot of stuff she just made and released onto the internep free-use style, And the cost would essentially just be the cost of the parts required to build it.
Similar to char Neshaten won’t be using this technology as it was developed by outsiders however i do think its a really cool idea.

The big factor in neshaten not accepting outsiders again now is because terrorists which there was a news post about
Long flights for diplomatic trips and other stuff have been a thing for us, so I can see this being rather useful for them. Especially for crew of that transport I submitted recently for long hauls. All in all a very interesting idea in my opinion.

Also sachiko is family of one of our people, so she's already trusted on that account if Ichika recommended the program.

Also despite being a check box, the USO is no longer a canon faction, and is now only in a historical sense IC referred to as the OSO.
Ok, first I’d like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart to the top and all sides in responding to this.

I edited my original post and took out the USO, and made sure to add the independent.

Before I talk about the factions using/not using, I would like to admit I have to say that Char I correct, I indeed haven’t done a lot of articles, thanks to templates I was able to do the characters, and I had made my first step into creations that I was hoping to create as a means o helping Jack with getting S6 stuff posted.

I’m nowhere near being a savant, I mean I am familiar with how to create pages, and I was able to create a table on my player page and that was because I went to look in the help section and also because I have a table ready in my fiddlespace [ok I apologize if that sounded NSFW]

With the nomenclature, I basically copied another’s and wrote what I thought it should be in there. I honestly don’t know how it ended up in the box that it was in. Still, thank you for the link though.

I also wanted to say that my brain farted and I couldn’t think which cooperation would be contacted since She’ll definitely need help with the distributing part of the process she wants to get it out there in the universe.

Also, Char DRv3 what are these exactly? I’ll also think about the open sourcing bit. I also think i understand what you meant by Min-maxing

now the factions part, Jack when I go to make my edits I’ll try to think of how it should affect those in transports since indeed there aren’t beds there.
Well the hammer has cots, but those aren't exactly as comfortable compared to the gel padded pilot seats. So if there is a way they can use the chair optionally for rest, then that may be very helpful, especially if with a full crew to where all cots and seats are occupied at the same time.
If the person moves, does it send brainwaves to other areas until they're in the right position? What are the risks? is there potential for abuse? Are there benefits to this the give an advantage over existing techs like the VCE or volumetric projections?
It’s possible that in the sleep the user would move, and Sachiko knows this might bother another, so I feel like she might make it, make sure that the body can’t move, at least in the real world, in the state they were now in, they can move all they want to to get themselves comfortable, and then get to sleep.

The only way I can think of that they might try to abuse it if they activate it, but don’t go to sleep, which will force it to deactivate and bring them back.

In a way, what I am saying is they are hallucinating the environment they find themselves in while in the real world they were rendered in a paralytic state to keep themselves safe.

The risks are probably in a bootlegged version or a pirate version where there are things that were faulty. Oh, or even if the machines themselves had a virus that infected it, the machine is sending impulses into the brain so the impulses could potentially be bad, but I think Sachiko wouldn’t think of that.

The benefit she’ll want achieved is a good bit of rest for a long haul trip.
I apologize for double posting, but this thread hasn’t had a reply done to it in a while. Is there anything I need to do?
Alright, well I've gotten NTSE permission, so I can do some work on these.

So I'll take this article as my first.

First few things: Is this a program, or is it hardware? That's not too clear in the writing. Also the box with the nomenclature information, can you remove the box and turn them into bullet points? It's a small thing but it helps keep the site looking uniform is everyone does it the same way. Also the information section, the information is good, but can you rewrite it in a way that is less conversational and more informative? I don't really know how to put it into words, but because that section was copied from a post the tone is very different from the article.

I'll write up the official review using the check sheet in a little once I have more time to look it all over cleanly, it's my first time using it so I gotta be careful with it and all.
Oki dokie so I went in and first I dealt with the box, which I have to admit was actually a lot more difficult than I had anticipated, but I think I managed to get it right, so I hope it’s staying that way. The next thing I worked on was the additional information bit, and I hope it reads much better now, and lastly, I made sure to mention at the top where it mentions the helmet, I added what it was, namely a Hardware for the helmets and software, in terms of a program for the actual effects.
[ ✔️ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
[ ❌ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template
[ ✔️ ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ✔️ ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[ ✔️ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate
[ ✔️ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ ✔️ ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ ✔️ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ✔️ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ❌ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Okay firstly, here are some minor alterations to the article I made;
  • I removed the double spacing on the nomenclature, to make things more tight, since it's bulleted you don't need to use wide spaces.
  • There were two types of apostrophe used in the article, and it was small, but they did look different when the article was being viewed, so I went through and changed it to one type.
  • I added Sachiko to the Nomenclature data as the designer, if that's not true you can put who designed it instead.
  • Minor grammar and punctuation changes. Mostly it was just changing the tense of words of punctuation, but there were a few places there the wording had to be altered to flow properly. (The meaning is still the same for everything)
A comparison of all the changes I made can be found here.

Now as for things that need to be done for this article to be finished;
  • First, the price. We need to have a listed price there, and then you can make a note about the price being different for different places. But you want the notation to be brief and to the point
  • Also we need to get FM approvals. @Wes as the FM of Yamatai and @Soresu as the FM of Iroma, then a note needs to be made in the article about what factions standard systems does it work with (which is the list of factions that approved)
Thank you for the assistance in correcting the Grammar, unfortunately, it isn’t my strong suit as much as I’d like to say otherwise. I have decided on a price and made sure to add the discount for Yamatai and NDC, so now I just need to wait for the additional approval.