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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Visit

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Inactive Member
Kip's form appeared mid-step down a corridor, and dressed in a slightly ruffled suit, and a top hat slightly sideways on his head, and a cane in his hand, whistling a simple little Gaelic type tune. He approached Harm's door, and knocked on it with the cane.

He had timed his visit for when she'd be in, and by some simple calculations timed it for when she would most likely not be busy (he didn't know for certain, since he still didn't have any recording equipment in her quarters). It had been a while since they had last met, Kip being busy in lengthy conversations with Ephesus, who had become more manic than normal, churning out idea after idea. It had a lot of Kip's processing power to keep up with the calculations Ephesus spewed through their connection, but he'd managed to get away after Ephesus had jumped on a project he called 'Hero'. And so it was a good idea to see Harm. He was in his holographic body at the moment, his android one supervising a birthday party which he'd been invited to.

Before the door opened the hat and cane disappeared.
Kip slid the door open, and creating a hardlight bunch of flowers behind his back, came in and with a bow presented them to Harm "For you my dear, may they not fade for as long as I have energy to spare, a heart to craft the detail, and your presense to inspire me." he was pleased with the level of perfection he'd put in the flowers, roses with crystal like drops of water sticking to the petals. "How are you?"
"Oh nothing in particular, I just felt that I should check how you are, what you're doing, if there was anything I could do to help." Kip shrugged and smiled in a self concious style "And of course it has been to long since we last really talked to each other, or spent much time together. I'm sorry for my part in that ... I've been a little busy."
"I was wondering where you had gone actually. My staff hasn't reported nearly as many weird incidents... aside from a certain someone's underwear drawer being filled with gelatin.â€
"You're right, that wasn't me." Kip sniffed, "I do pride myself with slightly more artistry than that. I haven't really had time to lighten everyone's day, I did fill a room with helium balloons a few days ago, but that had minimal effect." Kip sighed, "Ephesus has been wanting to talk with me a lot of the time, discussing this idea or that, mostly using me as something to bounce ideas off, but occasionally asking questions to make sure I'm listening. And some of the math's that he's getting involved in at the moment is hideous enough to require a lot of my attention. In addition the Horizon recently went through a parch of dense gravitational anomalies, and recent data has required redirection of long term navigation, and I've had to co-ordinate the new construction fleets. A lot of work. And I'm hoping to manage to entertain people's life more soon, I have a few ideas ..."
"Well, your idea of entertainment might not be as entertaining for the people on the receiving end.â€
Kip frowned, "I'd prefer it if you didn't refer to me as a computer, my main purpose is after all not to compute. The hideous equations he's working on are mostly based around the creation of new pocket universes, and subspace shielding. The arithmetic's involved is extremely complicated, especially due to Ephesus actually wanting to go for the most sophisticated option rather than the simplest." Kip sighed. "And I'm sure that most people find my amusement ... amusing."
"There's nothing wrong with having a squeaky voice." Kip temporarily put on the voice of someone effected by helium, before reverting back to his original voice with a wink, "And don't worry, I don't like being called a computer, but I won't make a big deal about it, just wanted to inform you my preferences. Whether you take any notice of them is of course entirely your own prerogative. As for Ephesus ... he's been building up to this. The loss of the Destiny hit him pretty hard, and he seems to be trying to make up for his ‘failure' in that regard, churning out more and more ideas, radical technology, new weapons, oh so many new weapons ...â€
"Something different than the traditional aser lineup that nova corp seems to like?" Harm asked.
"Oh yes, from his precious Genesis, to the United Theory Cannons, like EM weapons but many times more powerfull, and this concept he has for something he at the moment, for whatever reason calls the "To be consumed in fire." And then there's the wormhole weapons, the railguns, and some stuff he's only hinted at. Not to mention the construction of a ship like the Onslaught or the Custodians." Kip sighed, "I'm not sure if he's slept in a month or two."
"Custodians?" Harm asked, "I didn't think one man could be messy enough to warrent the construction of a bunch of custodians in order to clean up after him."
"Ephesus is pretty messy, but he does insist there is some order to his madness, and then talks about entropy and causality for half an hour. However the Custodians are a type of war android, Ephesus spent quite a lot of time formatting and reformatting them, designing their power core, AI etc. That kept him occupied for an hour or so at least." Kip smiled, "They're bit like an improved model of my solid body, just with less processing power, and no shielding."
"You never really showed me all that body can do," Harm commented, her tone denoting more of an afterthough to herself than to kip, "What about this Onslaught?"
"I'll give you a demonstration any time you want." Kip smiled, "The Onslaught is a battle ship, based around the command concept. It's AI is capable of commanding hundreds upon hundreds of ships at the same time, allowing it to control entire fleets, and develop advanced tactics etc, it contains some of the most advanced technolgy NovaCorp has at its disposal. Ephesus is quite proud of it, although he already designing new ships. He hasn't told me much about them yet however, but I think he wants to house some of his new weapons."
"It sounds like it will be more of a testbed for weapons than a proper battleship," Harm said.
Kip laughed, "You could see it that way, but Ephesus isn't that desperate to try out his new technology. He sees a need for it, and so he'll build it. He doesn't just make things to show off his technology. Well ... not very often."
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