Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward Wandering Medic (Ep 1.1)

Quinn went with the motion, tightening his leg over Snake's shoulder and dropping his weight downwards in a hurry before Snake could push him off balance and backwards. Using Snake's momentum, he let the man keep moving forward, dragging him down and rolling backwards himself so he ended up sitting on Snake's chest when they finally came to a stop. Now within arm's reach Quinn reached down to attempt to get a hold on the other man's throat and cut off his air, or blood flow, just long enough to make him pass out.

Quinn managed to get the upper hand on Snake, rolling with his tackle and over rotating them so that he could get on top instead of Snake. This caught the Kohanian off guard for a moment and Quinn positioned his hands for the choke. Snake was not about to let himself get chocked out however and after a moment he grabbed Quinn's arms at the elbows and squeezed firmly into the joint and pulled trying to pull his arms off his neck.

Rot Mädchen

Veronica was a bit confused when she heard Analiese ask for just water, maybe she was one of those Origin made robots that ran only on water? No that didn't seem right, maybe she just hadn't decided yet. Either way Veronica gave a soft now "I'll get you a glass then." She walked off to get the water, returning not to long after with it and placing it in front of her. Veronica then sat down across from her. "You look like you've got a story."
Rot Mädchen

Ana had let out a small sigh when Veronica left to get her water. She swallowed once more, waiting, but it wasn't long before Veronica returned and made her statement. Ana took the water in hand and gulped down some being careful not to choke on it. She took in a breath and let it out slowly before chewing on her lip. She wasn't sure what she could say or how much without getting into too much trouble and so figured at least part of the truth by saying softly, "I...I can't pay."

Ana lowered her head and peeked up at Veronica through her hair, hoping the woman wouldn't ask too many questions. She isn't sure just how much she can tell without lying...nor how to lie convincingly enough. As she waited for Veronica's reply, she looked out the window to see if any of the others would go by or even try to come in here, still looking.
Oww, fuck, that hurts! He grouched to himself as Snake's fingers dug into his elbows. He squeezed harder until the pain of being squeezed back hurt a bit too much and then, out of sheer desperation, he brought his head back and then down into Snake's nose. His aim was to break Snake's nose and get the other to release him, at least temporarily, but he absolutely didn't stop squeezing, quite determined to make it out of this without having to kill the man.
Rot Mädchen

Veronica heard the young girl's statement and then paused a moment, this would be the time when a lot of store owners would tell her to leave since they couldn't make any money off her. However Veronica was not that kind of person. "You can't? I guess you don't live here everything alright?" Waypoint Station was a tourist and trade hot spot, anyone actually living on the station was likely to make decent money even if they just worked as a laborer at the shipyards so it was unlikely someone without money was from the station. "Are you looking for a job?"


Snake had been too busy trying to spread Quinn's arms apart to do much anything in time when he noticed him coming down at him. The headbutt ended much more successfully than the previous attempts, breaking Snake's nose clearly as well as knocking him out. There was no no resistance and Quinn could get up easily enough, but this guy was definitely going to remember him.
"Ugh." Quinn ceased his squeezing when Snake went limp and awkwardly wiggled around to get his leg free. He slid off of snake and cleaned his forehead off on the man's shirt. "You should have just let me leave." He scowled at Snake and then set about looting everything off the man's body, especially taking the man's weapons and ammunition. When Snake woke up he wasn't going to be happy and it was best the man didn't have anything other than his own two hands when he woke. Quinn had a mind to remain living. He took the strap from snake's gun, tied the man's wrists behind his back with a secure square knot and left Snake resting on his side against a wall where he wouldn't be easily found, and the blood could drain from his nose. Sure he'd wake up with a fierce headache, a broken nose, and in a small puddle of his own blood, but that was better than not waking up at all.

Quinn picked up snake's rifle and left Snake there, heading for the Rot Mädchen. He pulled up a map of the station on his datapad and patched it into his eyes and followed the back routes to the place to stay out of the main corridors and areas. A quick 3-dimension check of the area and he hurried into the bar and closed the door behind him, leaning against it and from a stray look someone gave him he realized he probably still had blood on his face. He glanced around for Veronica and then blinked when he found not only her, but the other woman he'd helped get away. That was a pleasant surprise. He crossed to their table and bent over to whisper in Veronica's ear. "We have a problem. There are three very pissed men after the miss and I. Got anywhere we can lay low for a bit until that captain of yours arrives?"
Ana kept her gaze down as she shook her head to her first question and statement, but hesitated when asked if everything was alright. She chewed on her lip, looking up to watch others as they passed by. She was looking to be sure she was still safe, sure that one of the three would be stumbling in here sometime soon. After a moment, she blew out a breath and nodded. She knew, from her mother, that a job is what most do and can earn money. She swallowed and said softly, "A job. Yes. That would be a good thing."

Ana sat there, not quite believing things were going so good for her, but she had a feeling that maybe something would go drastically wrong. Looking up, she saw the one that had run into Fiend and allowed her to sneak away from them. She couldn't hear what he had said to Veronica, but she could see the blood and knew that it was only a matter of time before they were found.
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Rot Mädchen

"Well there are plenty of places you can go to get hired if you're looking for a job." Veronica spoke up lightly and smiled. "I could hire you here too." She looked a little excited, since she might have new staff.

However before things could progress more Quinn came in now carrying Snake's Z-SAMR Rifle against his shoulder. The few people within the cafe looked up at him rather curious now curious as to why he was so openly carrying a rifle. Veronica seemed pretty interested too and listened to what he said to her.

"Hmm..." She looked at Quinn's condition and then to Analiese and back to Quinn. "I need you two to explain to me what is going on." Her voice had lowered to a much more serious tone. This was probably the same voice she used in tough negotiations as well.
Ana looked between the other two and finally saw what others were staring at. She blanched and scooted towards the wall, shaking. What is going on? What happened to Snake and the others? Am I being traded...again? She looked down and away, her arms going around her waist as she also came to realize that she won't be eating any time soon. She clenched her jaw, unable to tell since she wasn't too sure what was happening at the moment.

Trust them. She heard in her head. It sounded like her mother's voice, though it could have just been her subconscious speaking up too. Finally she spoke in a whisper, "Those men took me from my home."
Quinn realized the gun was frightening the poor girl and took a moment to flip the safety, eject the clip and the single bullet from the chamber. The bullet went back into the clip and the clip into one of his hidden pockets and that done he settled the gun a bit more out of the way, being very careful to be safe about the direction it's barrel was pointed at all times. No need for anyone getting accidentally shot even after he'd done everything to render it pretty much useless. "Ran across three men when I left here. One of them ran right into me, quite rude if you ask me, and when I noticed she was frightened of something I distracted them, sent two off on a misdirection and the other one is out cold not too far from here." He summed the whole thing up as quickly as possible. "Now they're all undoubtedly angry and will come back this way any minute." Hopefully Veronica could help. "And I really, reallly, don't want to have to fight the other two in here."
Veronica looked between the two once more but then focused on Ana. " they kidnapped you? Well I can offer you some shelter, but staying on this station would be bad. Do you want to return home?" She was speaking in a soft friendly voice once more trying to encourage Analiese to speak up more.

She tilted her head back some to look at Quinn who was still standing. "You shouldn't really get involved in things like this without information first next time Quinn. She could've been a legitimate prisoner that you helped escape. That would put you in a lot of trouble. So you need to be a bit patient and get information on things you think look suspicious."
Ana swallowed as she listened to Veronica and felt her heart race. Her eyes were wide as she shook her head, "I..I'm not a f-felon." She thinks that's the right word for what Veronica was admonishing Quinn about. Keeping a wary eye on the unloaded weapon that is on the table, she shook her head once more. "I c-can't go h-home. There's nothing for me there." She began to feel trapped where she was and got up, intending to move past Quinn. Since she won't be able to eat yet, she may as well move and get her mind off of her hunger.
Quinn was about to puff himself up and defend the quiet, and clearly still frightened, Ana when she spoke up for herself. When she got up he stepped sideways to cut off her line of movement, turning his head so she realized he was looking at her. "Here." He made sure she could see everything as he slid his hand into one of his pockets on his coat and slid the handle of one of his knives free. He held it up where she could see the trigger that allowed the blade to slide out and retract. "I'm going to want this back. Should they show up stick them with the pointy end. Preferably in the eye, the neck, the inside of their leg or cut the tendons of their wrists or ankles." A crash course in defense in thirty seconds but if her life depended on it he had the feeling she'd take it to heart.

The blade itself was about twelve inches long and sharp on both edges, not quite as easily fitting in Ana's much smaller hand but the trigger was easy enough to work and shouldn't go dull even if she hit bone assuming she had to use it.

The knife offered, he turned his attention back to Veronica. "I'm not sure how things work out here, but I'm pretty sure if she was a felon she would have been restrained in some manner, and they wouldn't have been heavily armed while heading into the recreation district of a busy space port." He had a point. "I grew up among convicts, felons and ex-military. I've seen thugs, gangsters, murders, and con men and she does not fit a single one of their psychological or sociological profiles. I'm going to trust my instincts and believe her words that she's not a felon. She needs help, and I will give her mine. Will you?" He wasn't going to back down to Veronica's admonishment, but neither did he attempt to physically tower over the other woman.
Analiese stopped in her tracks when he stepped into her path. She gasped and backed up, cowering a little as he moved slowly to show he was no threat. When he showed her how the knife worked, she jumped slightly and watched as he put the blade back in. It was better than her makeshift knife, which was hidden in her boot at the moment and she had no way of getting to it easily.

Not accustomed to being given things without expecting something in return, Ana shook her head and didn't make a move to take the offered knife. Instead, she kept her gaze lowered and said softly, "I can't. Not without permission." It was ingrained in her and, though she would have had no problem taking a knife like that for herself had she found it, she couldn't take the gift. She kept her distance from him, not that he would harm her with the knife, but to keep him from touching her. She was shaking from hunger and weariness, for she could never get enough to eat or sleep while traveling with the others. Weakly, she said softly, "Please...let me pass."
Veronica shook her head with a sigh at that. "The point isn't whether or not she is or isn't a felon. The point is you have no idea of the situation Quinn. She could be a daughter running away from home. A hired employee that's trying to run away from their employer after taking payment up front." She shrugged her arms slightly and sat back. "I commend your valor, and I'm fairly certain she's either really been kidnapped or is a con-artist. So it comes down to take the risk of being scammed out of everything you own, or risk leaving an innocent to fend for themselves. No matter which option you choose I'm sure that if you're wrong you'd regret it." She started twirling a strand of her hair thinking a moment. "You're about to join a skill where figuring these things out before you act could be vital."

The Redhead stood up and stretched lightly looking at the two now. "However we're at a point where we need to act now." She stepped over to Analiese and put her hands on her shoulders. "So why don't we get you something to eat, and take you upstairs? I have a few rooms up there. We can talk more about what happened and what you want to do. We can also have some introductions."
Trying hard to keep focused on staying awake, Ana could hear most of what Veronica said. It became jumbled, but certain words stuck out like "daughter", "hired employee", "kidnapped" and "con-artist." Unable to think straight, she doesn't realize that Veronica had moved until she felt hands on her shoulders and she jumped a little. Responding to the authoritative tone in the woman's voice, Ana said softly, "Yes, Mistress." She kept her head down, as was proper, and waited for Veronica to move and lead the way.
He really hadn't meant to frighten her, realizing that a mite too late for him to do anything about it. He opened his mouth to reply to her, probably give her a lecture about leaving her previous life behind or some such, but Veronica's words got him to close his mouth again and not say a word. He moved to make room for Veronica when she got up, his mind turning things over while he watched the pair of them. He noticed the jump at Veronica's touch, the submissive words and posture, and he considered the rest of her that he had seen as of yet. She was still frightened, he could tell that much, and once he'd had a moment to breath he decided he could attempt to fix a little of her unease.

He tucked the knife into the pocket of his coat and then he worked it free, sliding out of it and wiggling it where Ana could see before he moved to beside her and draped the heavy coat over her shoulders without actually touching her. That done and he dropped into an easy crouch, putting himself so that she would have to turn her head to not be looking at him. "You're going to be alright." He said softly. "The only thing I expect from you is to get my coat back when you're done with it." It was heavy, warmed by his own body heat and she looked ready to fall over. "If I'm right you're about ready to fall alseep on your feet. Why don't you let me carry you upstairs? Miss Veronica can see about getting you some delicious and hot food and then you can take a long nap."

He remained crouched there, making himself small and unthreatening, waiting quietly. He kept one eye on the door though, not wanting to get caught in such a vulerable position. At least he had his other knife and his little lazer pistol in his vest pocket if he had to use something.
Analiese noticed his movements when Veronica had suggested that they move upstairs. She was not looking forward to walking much more, but knew she had to. She wasn't sure what it was that Quinn was attempting to do, but when he put his jacket over her, she gasped, not expecting to be treated as such. She watched him warily as he keeps himself vulnerable towards her, not being intimidating. She glanced at Veronica, but knew she needed to respond to him. Sighing softly, she slumped against one of the chairs nearby and closed her eyes, shaking her head.

"Why are you treating me like this? I don't deserve it." She looked away from him, biting her lip.
"You don't deserve to be treated like you are less than a human being. You are not a slave and I will happily take a few bullets if that would convince you." He said softly. "You can hardly stand. I am going to pick you up now. I'm going to carry you upstairs, and let you get some sleep." He still gave her plenty of time to back out of it, to move away, reaching for her as he came out of his crouch, but not touching her yet.
Ana kept her gaze away from him as he spoke and closed her eyes at hearing some of what her own mother had tried to tell her. She could feel a tear squeeze out of her lids, though she would not show it. She could hear him move and almost feel it, they were already so close. She nodded and swayed towards him, to weary to argue much more. "Alright." Her voice sounded tired more than anything else and she figured, at least for now, he was not going to do anything to her he hadn't already said. Which was simply to carry her upstairs.