Wes should really address these. But I'll do what I can, and take my lumps from Wes as needed.
Lady Xerena said:
Five questions:
1. By "in between" you mean they often plunder rather than manufacture their explosives?
Something like that. Steal them, fashion them, so on. Manufacturing is, after all, an organized process, and pirates usually lack that. They might have a crude proprietary system they use to create their own explosives, but chances are slim for that.
2. For incendiaries, like thermite or napalm or WP (white phosphorus), or molotov cocktails and stuff like that, do I need Chemistry or could those be covered under Demolitions as well?
If you're going to make that stuff, Chemistry and Demo. If you steal it, just Demo.
3. Can a Demolitionist, say, fashion her own crude bazooka rockets or RPGs, and maybe a crude launcher (I'm talking about a simple "dumb" rocket that just flies in a straight line or a ballistic trajectory), or other types of "explosive devices" such as mines or trip-beam bombs that involve a little more than just the actual explosives? I would assume that home-made remote detonators, time detonators or -insert sensor- detonators (assume the sensor is either already available or extremely simple to produce)?
A demolitionist can probably fashion that stuff given the right tools and ingredients. But ... it's probably a military character that can do it.
4. What about simply using existing explosives, like C4 or even TNT, or antimatter or nuclear demolitions munitions, or rigging a ZPE cell, vehicle or other device to explode? I would imagine that most forms of sabotage would be covered between Demolitions and Rogue (and Technology Operation for hacking and malicious programs), but I might be missing something.
Those kind of "medium explosives," sure. But those other things are going to be very strict demolitions, and military at that -- and they probably will be exercised with GM approval. You'd probably have to pitch your idea to make sure it fits plot wise, neh?
5. What about "destructive devices" that use something other than chemical explosives? Examples include a sealed container of liquid nitrogen or helium, nuclear/antimatter/aether devices, graviton-based devices, magnetic field based devices (like the warheads carried by the Scarabs released by Protoss Reavers, which rip apart stuff within the blast radius) and plasma devices.
Again, strictly monitored for plot purposes. But is it possible? Sure, if your character (still waiting!) is a
Minnie May-style bombfreak.
Which, if you made a Minnie May-style bombfreak, I'd fuckin' love you. Seriously. 'Cause Gunsmith Cats is only the coolest manga of all time.