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RP: 188604 Who ordered the Robot?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Events take place after [Star Wasp] 7 : The Hate Machine

ON > Osman City Palace

Planning a war was an oppressive use of one's time, and rather than burn out spending all her time pushing virtual ships around on a display screen with Vier, Uso had decided to spend sometime working on one of her other projects. She had already used her datapad to send him a message along with her location.

Hey Corgan. What are you up to? Have some time to talk?
- Uso

Then there was Nadia. She was around here somewhere... the palace reconstruction had been going great. Air conditioning had been fully installed and the entire site was starting to look civilized! She was supposed to be around here somewhere, and Uso was pretty sure she was the one who placed the order for the boxes that had arrived a few days ago.


Uso had dragged the boxes that had been left outside of the palace into one of the main rooms. They didn't seem to be addressed to anyone in particular so Uso ended up slicing open one of the boxes herself and found what looked like a robot head.
Having recently come into possession of some potentially useful stuff for the battle against the Mishhu Akemi mentally messaged Uso to see about getting something for it. "Hey buddy, I got a crate of antimatter warheads, a shitload of rhenium and some uranium. Are you super busy and gonna yell at me again if I went to talk to you?"
Naida left the projector with a module for the telescope drones, she walked up to Uso.
"I don't remember ordering these."
She looked in the box curious at what's inside.
The smallest box that Uso already opened had indeed held a head, wrapped in tissue paper. It's a standard Yamtaian female android's head with black hair and closed 'powered off' eyes. Cracking open the larger box reveals more parts more haphazardly crated up for shipment. The largest box has a trunk in it, with a folded blue-gray security shirt on top covering some nasty holes in the robot's torso frame that give a good view of damaged hardware within. Two arms are stacked on top, one shattered by gunfire and the other intact. There's a serial number and 'PROPERTY OF NSSM, INC' stamped on the wrist facing up; the other hand is clenched tight around a sheet of paper.

An intermediate sized crate has a jumble of legs, trousers, and some scattered clothing thrown in on top. Whatever else it is the robot's busted up. Not totally wrecked but it's more then cosmetic damage, located as close to the servitor series' power systems.
The Palace

Having heard Uso's disruption as she was returning from meeting up with Cyrus and Ulysses in the CIC of the palace, Aashi rounded the corner into the room and, eyeing the bot box, spoke out.

"That would be for me, though I don't doubt I can program it to pledge allegiance to you, first and foremost, Uso."
Spacecase walked in. "Hey Uso I have the project half-way finished. Here is the bill for the project so far."

Upon noticing the head Spacecase got noticeably excited. "Hey does that have power? If not I could power it up and we can see if its operational. Oh I just love tinkering and fixing stuff. Can I see it? I'll give you a discount on the service."
The Palace

Aashi looked to the newcomer and said, "You can do it if there's not a price attached, sure. You can do it as a way to show off your special skillset that I am so far unacquainted with. You are?"
Spacecase tried to calm down but it was like trying to stop a volcano when its erupted he was bouncing up and down. "Spacecase nice to meet you ma'am." He held out a hand for a handshake having finally successfully contained his excitement. "I'm new round here. Top notch sniper, ship captain, and tinkerer nice to meet you."
The Palace

"Aashi Nath." She extended a hand and shook his and then threw her hip to the side as that hand landed on it and she asked, "So what do you need to power up my lovely lady?"
"Not much I have all I need back on the ship. Also I could give her a different body as I will charge for repairs to the body no way am I doing that for free." He pointed to the mangled parts in the crate. "Also if it has sentience what do you plan to do with it?" He took off his gasmask and stared her straight in the eyes as if trying to read her soul through them.
The unpowered unit looked unremarkable; the face was unmarred by the damage to the rest of her body looks almost peaceful. Yet... To the eye of a spacer... It almost feels like there's something trapped inside the synthetic wrapped cyberskull. Something yearning to awaken.

Checking out the rest of the body reveals the telltale extra wiring, for those familiar with the Emrys product line, that power a security unit's stun systems. That's a pretty valuable piece of trash in the crate!
The Palace

Unable to feel slighted by the questioning glare and only capable of holding her own, Aashi nodded as Spacecase spoke and then turned to Uso with a smile before looking back to Spacecase.

"She'll be allowed to do as she pleases with or without sentience. Let's see if she's operational in this body, shall we? Go back to your ship and get the necessary tools, if you can. Or should I bring these boxes to your ship? I'm willing to do either. Unless Uso has a better idea..."

She looked to Uso again after having said that and hoped she would have one of the brilliant ideas Aashi loved her for having.
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Naida looked over interested overhearing the conversation from the projector, she walked over greeted by spacecase, who bought her here "oh....you...hi...um may I help."
Corgan was in the middle of a large clearing in a forest of metal trees. He was surrounded by a dozen short, bearded men in ornate armor. All of them held medieval weapons. Battleaxes, massive hammers twice their size, even some with shields and smaller hammers or axes. Instead of his usual outfit, he wore a black suit of armor. "Come on, guys. The Princess was hitting on me first, guys. Can't we just have some ale and laugh about this?" He yelled.

The bearded folk started charging forward. Corgan shrugged and pulled a massive sledgehammer seemingly out of thin air. "I was trying to resolve this peacefully." He said, narrowing his eyes. The huge man charged at the nearest guy and swung his hammer. In mid-swing, the whole world stopped. Text appeared in his field of vision.


Corgan groaned. What the hell did she want now? "Fine. Log me out then." There was no response. The only sign he had been heard was the sudden shift in his awareness. He was back lying down in his bunk in the Ragnarok barracks. As he sat up, he pulled the plug connecting him to the Polysentience. He had gotten a direct connection installed in his room. The datapad on his nightstand vibrated incessantly.

He reached over and tapped it so it would stop. After he felt less disoriented, Corgan stood up and grabbed the datapad. The message was short, but he guessed she wanted to talk or she wouldn't have messaged. He walked down a few hallways and reached the main room right as Aashi was asking what to do with some boxes. Corgan waved hello and turned to Uso. "I'm here. What did you want to talk about?"
Spacecase stopped staring starting to feel awkward doing it. "Ok we should bring the box with us. Come outside and hop on my bike Ms.Nath. Also Naida your help would be much appreciated as many of my junkers are setting up the sensor grid."
"How about you try fixing up the robot thing here... for that matter why would you order a robot that's all smashed up like this?" Uso thought about it for a few moments before answering her own question, "Are we so low on funds that we're going for scraps?... Just get it turned on. I'm afraid if you reprogramming it Arccos is going to give us a speech about robot-rights or somesuch...

And I do mean fix it here, don't let that spacer take it onto its ship."

Uso would then turn her attention to her datapad,

"CORGAN!" A smile coming to her face when she saw him round the corner, setting her datapad aside, "What's your dating strategy for Arccos? I got her all sorts of clothes last time we were on Nepleslia. Now we just need to make sure you don't screw anything up...

... by We I mean Me. I'm making sure you don't screw this up."
"I wouldn't have brought it on the ship." Spacecase huffed. "Its just that all my tools are on it." He pulled out a device that looked like a pocket watch and pressed one of the many buttons on it. The device admitted an audible chirp and a junker soon appeared outside. "There happy?" He then went out side and brought a metal container inside. Opening it up and pulling out numerous devices and tools he opened up the back of the head and plugged in a power source. "Please don't disturb me this is delicate work." He then continued to fiddle with it adjusting things here and there in an attempt to fully restore the head's functions.
The Palace

Aashi nodded to Uso's remarks and, as she strived to do right in Uso's name, trusted her invaluable opinion amongst all others. It wasn't because of Uso's inherent good looks, or her quasi-charm, or even because of her backbone of boldness. It was simply because Uso was the closest thing Aashi had to a Captain. She was more than that, though. Using the fast-flying Neko man's words, she was Aashi's Empress. Someone to be respected and revered amongst all others on the planet. And for that reason, she listened with reverence and obliged her. Instead of disrupting Spacecase or Uso, who was now engaged in conversation with Corgan, she spoke to herself.

"Scraps turn to salvage in the blink of an eye, sometimes."
Already nearby Akemi flew straight into the palace to find Uso. When he came upon her he was somewhat disappointed by the crowd as he had wanted to discuss things alone. Despite that he quickly decided to walk right up to the other Neko and talk to her out in the open. "So, how many good boy points can I get for antimatter warheads and whatnot?"
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