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Wiki Updates - October 2017

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Here's some things to know about with the wiki:

Recently Added:
New Features (JUST ADDED TODAY):
  • TESTING: Don't reload the page when navigating (fastwiki plugin)
  • TESTING: Preload linked pages for speed (fastwiki plugin)
  • AJAX Inline editing is now available
  • confmanager installed
    • I can more easily add interwiki links and custom smilies
Features Under Consideration:
Features to be retired (?):
  • Wrap plugin keeps being abused to make pages that look awful on phones, and this seems to be the only way people are using it, strongly considering removing it.
Features to be retired (?):
  • Wrap plugin keeps being abused to make pages that look awful on phones, and this seems to be the only way people are using it, strongly considering removing it.

I believe I use the wrap header to improve the presentation of Kotori's bio.

I don't own a mobile phone. I can't even fathom why someone would actually stop and read using a phone (isn't that what tablets are for?). I have a Surface, and it manages looking at the wiki just fine.

Therefore, I want to know: why is this such a big deal so to need removal at all?
Do away with wrap it just causes eye sores, mobile problems (yes I use mobile wiki and forums all the time and never have on the tablet I've had for about a year now) and other issues.

Calendar plugin is in late stages alpha testing, do we really need it yet?

Custom smilies?!
@Wes As someone who browses the wiki almost entirely on my phone, I can attest that the WRAP plugin - although capable of greatly enhancing a page when used correctly - is unfortunately becoming too much of a hassle due to being misused more and more frequently.
Reactions: Wes

It wasn't an issue for the longest time.... just like using your own templates for certain things wasn't an issue for the longest time.
I would like wrap to stay. Whenever I use it, I make sure the page works not only on desktop but my laptop and mobile resolutions. It'd be a shame to see it go because others don't listen when an NTSE asks them to fix plugin issues.
According to Google Analytics, a significant portion of the traffic (about 41.5%) on Star Army is from phones and tablets and this percentage is rising.

We should strive to have all of pages on the site functional for mobile users.

It wasn't an issue for the longest time.... just like using your own templates for certain things wasn't an issue for the longest time.

The Submission Rules say otherwise, @Arieg.

Can you explain proper use, please?

I just look at the cool-looking stuff people do in their article and try to use some of it.

"Proper use" of the WRAP plugin, in my humble opinion, would be using it sparingly and using it in a fashion that looks well on mobile devices; for instance, the Star Army Intelligence and Ketsurui Kotori articles are what I'd consider to be "good" uses of the WRAP plugin - while the Rostok-class Project K588 Guided Missile Corvette and the S-500KM 'Asper' Medium Range Surface/Air-to-Air Missile (MRSAAM) articles are what I would consider to be "bad" uses of the WRAP plugin.

Reactions: Wes
From my own understanding, it's only low-end phones that suffer from the usage of wraps, such as Frost's and my own. Those that are capable of turning on their side get around this issue and make the page readable again. It's only recently become an issue however, and from what I've noticed, with Frost as the one complaining about it the most.
I see the cut-tables and understand that's unsightly, but I don't understand what makes that happen (therefore, I'm not sure how to avoid it).
I will happily complain about it louder than Frost, just say the word.

I'm not going to put my phone to the side to read an article when it's such an annoying, non-intuitive way to read on a phone. I hate the feature and doing it may still make the wrap look bad. I'll have to see.

I also have a pretty nice phone and so does my husband and both of our phones don't show the page legibly so saying it's a class thing isn't true.
From my own understanding, it's only low-end phones that suffer from the usage of wraps, such as Frost's and my own.

This post by @raz proves otherwise, @CadetNewb.

Those that are capable of turning on their side get around this issue and make the page readable again.

False, as demonstrated by the following horizontal screenshots of the Rostok-class Project K588 Guided Missile Corvette and the S-500KM 'Asper' Medium Range Surface/Air-to-Air Missile (MRSAAM), respectively:

It's only recently become an issue however, and from what I've noticed, with Frost as the one complaining about it the most.

Please do not make personal attacks against me, CadetNewb, as said attacks are "not permitted" according Code 1b.


I see the cut-tables and understand that's unsightly, but I don't understand what makes that happen (therefore, I'm not sure how to avoid it).

To the best of my knowledge, @Fred, it's caused by creating tables that take up an excessive amount of horizontal space and/or using the WRAP plugin to place wide tables next to blocks of text (which itself is done by placing the WRAP block containing the table "above" text in a header or sub-header).
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Reactions: raz
Samsung Galaxy S6 Straight Talk Edition, tilting fixes the issue. But mostly I'm annoyed about the template thing.
Let me make it clear; I never intended it to be a class thing, especially seeing as my own phone can't read pages with wraps. From my perspective, it was simply a statement of what seemed to be the situation. However, it's looking like it's simply a functionality that some phones have and others don't.

And no Frost, I didn't say that as an insult. As a tech mod, I've simply noticed it's been a very small minority that had ever complained about wraps being an issue, and recently. To me, you seem to be the one that brought this up first, and most often. This is just my observation, and nothing more.
The simple fact is that pages using wraps are pages that aren't following the standard templates, and it makes them inconsistent even when the wrap table is narrow enough not to screw up the page on a phone's view.
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