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Wiki Updates - October 2017

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Considering the fact that I wrote or helped write some of those Wes, I think it's time we made new ones, especially since wraps simply weren't available then. The reality is, the templates are dated, though to help remedy this, there's a few submissions for new templates, which we should definitely look at more closely.

Even then, I suggest we use templates more as a guideline; so long as all the pertinent information is there, and presented in a nice, readable manner, I don't see a problem.
Considering the fact that I wrote or helped write some of those Wes, I think it's time we made new ones, especially since wraps simply weren't available then.

From my experience browsing the wiki, they've worked fine thus far even without the WRAP plugin.

The reality is, the templates are dated...

Why fix what isn't broken, @CadetNewb?

Even then, I suggest we use templates more as a guideline; so long as all the pertinent information is there, and presented in a nice, readable manner, I don't see a problem.

@Wes and the Submission Rules have stated otherwise here and here respectively, CadetNewb - and why change something that has worked pretty well for the past six years?

They arent just dated.

What are they, then, @Arieg?

Don't remind me.

Remind you of what, Cadet?
For their time, the templates were quite good compared to what we had previously. However, now that more time has passed, they've become dated, and less than optimal. Just because they 'work' isn't an excuse not to improve on what we have - I'm not one to want SARP to become complacent.
What about when the wrap is too high and it is like this on the text to the left:


Imagine the wrap to the right of that, in the center, and the ToC to the very right. It is gosh awful.
The AJAX Inline editing thing or whatever you did makes editing stuff on the wiki so fast and easy. Thank you so much for that Wes!


EDIT 2: Went on a formatting/cleanup spree just so that I had an excuse to use the feature.

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Woah woah woah.

Hold up.

I've been looking around the net. Did you guys know DokuWiki comes with settings specifically for modifying the code of a page to be kind to mobiles when the browser detects you're using a mobile device?


Look, the Wiki isn't consistent at the best of times. Wiki Consistency is something that needs to be looked at but right now isn't the time. I think instead of arguing over templates and these little things, we should look at the bigger picture.

#1 is there a way we can develop a layout that will allow everyone to be happy? I have to admit, the current layouts are really bland and boring to look at.

#2 is there a way we can manipulate the Wiki itself to modify the layout of the page to be more mobile friendly? I've personally been doing research on how we can accomplish this, because honestly arguing is doing nothing. Shouldn't we be working together to make this website better in as many ways as possible, not fighting over whether we should stick to the old or create something new?

Everyone has valid points. Literally everyone. No one is wrong in their opinion because their opinion is in what they think the best interest of the site it, but what we need is to take the two main points, those being Mobile Friendly, but not a bland and blocky forum post style page.

Can we at all possible work together to provide this? A nice to look at page, preferably emulating Wikipedia's current layout, but also figure out how to make it mobile friendly?
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Honestly I wish we'd go back to worrying about the quality of article rather then endless arguments over rules, regulations, and whether or not its following a years old anemic template who's layout doesn't perform for quality work. End of the day getting something up onto the wiki thats going to stand up and last through years of use is what matters, not these petty political squabbles.
figure out how to make it mobile friendly?
The only thing that keeps articles from working on mobile is submitters not taking the time to check how their wiki page looks on multiple platforms. That's the solution: getting people in the mindset of doing some good ol' fashioned trial-and-error layout work before submission.

The wiki is mobile friendly. The wiki is versatile. Get people who write articles to carry those same traits and Wes won't need to mess around with or limit the wiki's plugins.
This is about the quality of the article. You're the biggest one here who uses the wrap template and your pages often aren't readable on mobile. If you can't read the article because formatting, it's not high quality. The wiki is made to help people format articles in a consistent and flexible way.

The wiki already works great on mobile. It's only when people add wraps (or wide-ass tables, to a lesser extent) that there's issues.

  • Disabled inline editing for now, the edit section wouldn't load on mobile
  • Removed fastwiki plugin as there were some circumstances where the article content wouldn't load until a refresh
Is there no plugin to disable the wrap for mobile devices?
Maybe we could keep the good stuff and get a Wiki Mod (or mods) who has the authority to edit pages that are broken. Everyone can already do this but having someone official prevents unjustified whining.
It makes no sense to have a second plugin to disable another plugin when I can just disable the first plugin.
The problem is that nobody gets to benefit from the first plugin if we go that route. Keep in mind that we still need to cater to both groups, both PC and mobile. I think having the second plugin for mobile users to disable the first may actually be a better solution, since it allows both parties to have something.

Why have the WRAP plugin in the first place, then, if few individuals are going to use it? If I were making an article, I'd rather not use the WRAP plugin at all, seeing as how it'd be much faster then making a "mobile-friendly" page and a "PC-friendly" page.

Honestly I wish we'd go back to worrying about the quality of article rather then endless arguments over rules, regulations...

To the best of my knowledge, these "endless arguments" only persist because of submitters acting as if the Submission Rules don't apply to them.

...and whether or not its following a years old anemic template...

Why are you insulting the work of following individuals, Arieg?

...who's layout doesn't perform for quality work.

So being able to be read on mobile devices isn't considered "quality work"?

...not these petty political squabbles.

Why are you dismissing the concerns of (presumably myself) and others as "petty political squabbles," Arieg?
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Especially when, atm, PC users are still in the majority of the users. Heck, I use mobile when I leave the house and want wiki pages to be legible when I try to find something, but I do want it to look better when I pull it up on my laptop. I find it kind of silly that we're cutting our nose to spit our face, by taking away a feature for PC users and instead catering to a minority of our user base that isn't even that 40% of mobile users but some subsection that don't have phones that don't work well with the wrap plugin.
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