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Wormholes and SARP: What happened?


Inactive Member
I'm just wondering exactly was decided on this topic by the various members of our lovely GM crew. Now, I'd rather if we kept this civil, but if it goes they way I suspect it will, at least it's private this way.

People can present their arguments as the please, but I'd prefer it if a few questions of mine were presented first.

-What is the current status of wormhole-based propulsion?
-How has this affected ongoing plotships?
-Why was this decision reached?
-Could this judgment be negotiated pending highly specific restrictions?

Thanks for being reasonable, gents.

No drama is intended. I'm saying what I need to say. I'm getting a lot off my chest here and I'm not out to upset anyone.

  • Not approved. I don't think we should allow wormhole-based FTL in the RP anymore, since it's basically unused anyway, and because it defeats the point of the speed restrictions.

    The only time wormholes should be used is with the "Gates."

    Let's not use wormhole generators on ships, and especially not missiles.

    Wormhole travel (being instant) circumvents the Starship Speed Standard.

    We could make it, not instant... to make things fair couldn't we? I mean, no one really knows if the transfer of matter is a wholly instantaneous process across wormholes...

    Maras can only do it over a set distance or less every so many minutes or so and if it can't make the jump, it's FTL mobility seriously takes a hampering. Between jumps, it sits there twiddling it's thumbs for hours on end at STL speeds.

    Any more restrictions and we'd effectively be a barge with lungs.

    If we took a vote, we'd be keeping it. You say nobody has it?
    Zakalwe's writing it into his next submission. I am likely to do the same.
    Don't fight the people. The people know best.

    And we want this.

Sorry if the tone is disrespectful. In my experience, respect is earned on both sides of the table. Wes, you're swell but you're heavy handed and I think I'm still bitter over what happened at the light-house.

My conclusion is people need to act on their feelings more. I look around and I see a lot of people saying "Don't tell X/Y". IT'S PATHETIC. MAN UP, YOU DAMN MAGGOTS XD.

Hell, why don't we vent this ICly, all civilized like? SARP needs a Che Guevara for people to look up to and big blue doesn't have the political stance for anything like that at the moment.

If anyone's interested, PM me. If you don't know who Che Guevara is, google him and LISTEN TO HIS SONG </Macross 7>.
Then PM me.

This is OsakanOne with the sniffles,

Over and out.
Wormhole travel (being instant) circumvents the Starship Speed Standard.
We could make it, not instant... to make things fair couldn't we? I mean, no one really knows if the transfer of matter is a wholly instantaneous process across wormholes...
The charge time to create a wormhole to a destination could offset the reduced travel time too.

These are some good ideas to balance wormhole FTL.

Personally, I believe that as long as it's not instantaneous teleportation travel (aside from large, immobile gate systems), then there isn't a problem.

Maras can only do it over a set distance or less every so many minutes or so and if it can't make the jump, it's FTL mobility seriously takes a hampering.
Maras can only do it over a set distance or less every so many minutes or so and if it can't make the jump, it's FTL mobility seriously takes a hampering. Between jumps, it sits there twiddling it's thumbs for hours on end at STL speeds.

These are very vague facts that don't do well to prove your point.

How far can it jump, instantaneously, and how long does it take to charge your imaginary batteries? It's really wonderful that you all want to be different, but there are ways of being diverse without being over-the-top.

If we took a vote, we'd be keeping it. You say nobody has it?
Zakalwe's writing it into his next submission. I am likely to do the same.
Don't fight the people. The people know best.

Zakalwe has also said that he can remove the reliance on Wormholes in his articles. In other words, he has no problem getting rid of it. The people may know best, but not all of us agree with you.

And we want this.

And a lot of us have already expressed that we don't want instantaneous travel, in either ship or weapon form, aside from Gate systems.

There were some very good suggestions earlier to change Wormhole FTL into a viable, agreeable form of FTL that doesn't overstep boundaries. It can be different, but it cannot be so different that it boosts past the standards for ALL speeds we've placed for the good of the roleplay. I suggest we follow up on that if we ever hope to end this debate in some semblance of agreement.
Variety is the spice of life and you sir, need to realize WE, THE ROLEPLAYERS OF STARARMY.COM want this, whether you do or not and we're arguing for it because it's fun.


If we took a vote, we'd be keeping it. You say nobody has it?
Zakalwe's writing it into his next submission. I am likely to do the same.
Don't fight the people. The people know best.

And we want this.

I don't want this. And I roleplay. Better take a poll of ALL THE ROLEPLAYERS OF STARARMY.COM to back up that statement of yours.

Look, it's obvious that this is a hotly contested issue that's hinging on the instantaneous teleportation or insta-fragging thing. All-in-all, if you just call it a different version of FTL travel with no instantaneous movement involved, a lot less people would have problems with it.

Basically, it's a cute way of changing the paint color of the same car.

There were some very good suggestions earlier to change Wormhole FTL into a viable, agreeable form of FTL that doesn't overstep boundaries. It can be different, but it cannot be so different that it boosts past the standards for ALL speeds we've placed for the good of the roleplay. I suggest we follow up on that if we ever hope to end this debate in some semblance of agreement.

Wow, I sounded like a total ass lol

Ex, mind working the line of sight stuff into the wild ones?
I really like this guide.

I had a bit of a brain-storm: Gate-Pylons on worlds at stations, trains the size of jumbo-jets that go for miles at a time delivering stuff from world to world or even to orbital platforms and elevators with additional pylons.

With this, new worlds could be established quite quickly, creating a new frontier of lawlessness and excitement. Yeehaw.

brb, I have an idea for my next novel.
For standard transportation, well, it's definitely not-so-popular and I feel it is okay to keep it that way... seeing SARP's current intended styling and genre.

However, I personally don't want to put it entirely out of commission. It still has room to be used as a spacial phenomenon, or for plot purposes.

For example, the culmination of my plot rests on a wormhole/gateway-creating device that opens up to a space-time bubble where would rest remains of the lost Second Draconian Expeditionary Fleet... currently colloquially referred to in my plot as Amaya's Gate.
You can never really"phase out wormholes." from a realistic, or a fictional sense... it literally doesn't make sense (Realistically it'd be completely bad. Fictionally, wormholes are just plain there with some degree of reality applied.) from the standard sci fi models. They are, and will always be an integral part of the universe just like a fish in water or the birds in the air. Essentially wormholes are a part of the universe itself, a phenomena that can be generated, as well as normal phenomena all on its own a "Wild Wormhole" as it were. And really, people have been around long enough to know we have them. And well. It just seems awkward to be rid of something already established ICly, in the canon, past, and everything in between.

If you all want to phase out wormholes, you'd be phasing out the entirety of the universe itself, or severely crippling FTL travel as a whole in a way Unstable Space makes Aether, Hyperfold, and CFS and the like go wonky (I'm just using how Andrew described the event in regards to the Bufarks Cloud.). If not those, it would fray the fabric of reality or space time itself in a way to make FTL dangerous. We can't have a Earth with out dirt, or rock, or water. Take one out, and it isn't an Earth. It's just something without the entire substance.

And honestly, I don't get what the big deal is about them. A valid way of going about them was put up, and suggested, but was left fallow. From the way everyone is acting, it sounds as if fear has gripped you all in regards to weaponizing them (Discussions have indeed been had on this regard.). Well, there are worse things on here then wormholes and less then worse, both are double edged swords which is a goodthing. And I for one like wormholes. Not because people think they're instant travel but because it is an alternative to the generic Hyperfolding technologies, and could be a very handy plot or descriptive tool. And, I believe something was made to alleviate the assumption of instantaneous travel.

What if wormholes offer a different view of "What FTL looks like." Instead of "We came out of a flash of light." as Hyperfold has been described. But now its a gaping portal or something with all these vibrant colors and lights and effects that differ from the norm. It offers an alternative to the basic, standard model, and as I have also stated, not every race would develop Hyperfold. Some do, some don't some develop different things. I've preached, and have protested this for a long, long while now. And I just can't understand the reason why everyone wants to do away with something that provides little, to no harm at all. It's all been discussed across multiple threads, solutions given, questions answered. I just really can't. :\ Potentially, these could be a very good thing.

OsakanOne said:
We create a series of rules to be followed. Just as Zesuaium, aether and plasma have general rules, so should wormholes.

Rule #1)
In order to create an exit wormhole, a line of sight is required which is not obscured by solid matter unless used in extreme proximity (10 meters or less through material no thicker than one inch).

And there we go. Problem Solved. Transposition is now impossible and if we decide we want to "warp out" of a hanger or launch ordinance without a bay door, we can.

This also makes it a little more difficult to run away but the dynamics here are also very interesting: Worm-holing is no longer feasible in a junk-yard, mine-field or asteroid field unless the wreckage is first moved.

The quoted alone can be a valid suggestion that was overlooked. Hyperfold, Transposition, Aether, Zesu, Teleportation, Gravimetric Drives and the like all have rules on here. This can to. Instead of casually throwing something away that could be a potential boon from an IC prospective, maybe it'd be a good idea to keep it around for actual use, and avoid the fuss later of someone wanting to use it. And then a mass argument, discussion, jihad, or something spanning weeks, to months just for a simple, "Ok." to do it once. Apply some rules to it, just like the others, and all is well. Really, it would be. Rule # 1 was suggested right up there in quoted text so, if we took the time, Rules can be rationally applied to keep this around if we tried.
Blithering frell aside, I would like to bring something to your attention.

There are those still making use of this and those who... Demonstrate a keen interest of wormhole technology.

There is also the notion that despite the steady torrent of one-sided disorganized complaints, I yet to see a solid case against it as it remains more plausible than the vast majority of the game's fahbrot physics - and far easier to understand.

Permit me to be bold, but what is your honest motive in your desire to have wormhole technology bortched from existence?

I can't be the only one to observe an... Ulterior motivation on your part, giving rise to your somewhat... drannish behavior.

Needless to say, we shan't be making Wormhole Weapons: I stand by my word that I have no intention of sending armament into ships: If it will get there, it shall do so of it's ow volition - The wormhole would only serve to bring it closer to its' destination, much like a helping hand.