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Approved Character [Yamatai Senate] Senator Tofuku Rin


Retired Member
Inactive Member
Character Article URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:npc:tofuku_rin
Preferred Plot's GM: @Wes

Given that I would like to write something for the consideration of others in the senate. I would like to propose a Senator for the Veronica system since they have the population to have a representative and to my knowledge are without a representative.

Additionally I have more than a few characters (a couple who I need to polish and officially get approved) who hail from the system, three of which are directly active in Yamatai related plots. Beyond this I wouldn't mind putting some work in to the wiki pages and breathe a bit of an update into the home of the Star Army Training Administration.
SICK history. Reasoned, well researched and beautifully written.

I'm a Yamataian sub-FM, and I would approve this char in an instant.
The character looks fine to me too; however, I have some concerns: the timing of this character submission, and the fact that both of the people who voted in favor of the treaty are major LSDF Valta members, and that you are also a Valta member, makes me wonder if there's some OOC agenda here and maybe you're just doing this to back up Luca. What reassurances can you offer me to show me that this is not the case?

I want to say that I don't think Yamatai's failure to join the defense alliance has destroyed or will destroy the Valta plot. You guys will be fine. The latest developments in the International Relations Conference have not really changed much. From the start, the Star Army has basically stayed away as far as it could from multi-national military forces and there's never been a force for the alliance. The Valta is a Lorath ship and can work fine under only the Lorath banner. Its survival is in no way dependent on the YSE senate.

The YSE senate has historically had two major problems: lack of participation, and conflicts of interest (where players have senators vote against Yamatai's interests to either weaken Yamatai or promote their own factions), both of which have been bad enough at various points to get the senate RP shut down. Can you say with honesty that you're joining to join the senate in general, or is it about this specific vote that's currently happening?
I realize that the timing is poor for this submission, but this is honestly the first time that the senate has been active that I have felt that I am a seasoned enough member of the community to feel that I could meaningfully contribute to the discussion. It doesn't serve anyone to insert a head that will bob one way or the other on subjects without really understanding them so when past discussions such as the tobacco export, and love day proposal came up, I did not contribute.

I also will not deny my involvement with the LSDF Val'ta. I am one of the members of that plot, however in that plot I am playing a Lorath, and even if all of the treaties were broken my character would not be in danger of being ousted by political results, so to that end I'm more secure than some others.

Beyond this part of the reason I was asked to participate in the IRC, was to provide a more moderate voice that would avoid some of the stronger feelings that exist and attempt to keep things from catching fire. I was actually in the process of writing such a post, however Lamb beat me to posting and last I checked it wasn't really an appropriate point to speak up on the subject of moderation and a willingness to consider alternate points of view given that there is the presence of a Nepleslian senator to consider for the powers that be. So I have not so far been able to present a showing of where I stand in the political field.

Beyond this I wrote my senator as someone who has served loyally on the front lines in Yamatai's defence for over a decade. I did not write her as someone who has had any particular interaction with the Nepleslian or Lorath populations specifically to ensure that IC her focus is on the YSE and its benefit. When I read that one of the requirements to participating was that you have to actually like Yamatai, I took it to heart and wrote someone who would have Yamatai's interest at heart, not those of foreign powers.

To this end I was intending on using her presence to attempt to consolidate the opposing forces in the senate and demonstrate how the attempt to ratify the treaty is good for Yamatai, while also conceding that it's largely pointless since the damage of trying to pull out is already done and that even if there was an overwhelming majority in favour of ratifying the treaty that it would likely have to be renegotiated anyway given the recent events. I wanted to actually roleplay someone who cares about making things better, rather than caring about the specifics of what benefits who.

So to put it simply, I was not about to push a foreign, or OOC agenda. While admittedly since I enjoy peace between the nations in the setting that might have been attractive. I would much rather do something productive rather than polarize the discussion and move both the senate and Yamatai as a whole toward a more productive stance and mindset that will benefit everyone instead of henpecking over differences of opinion.

In the end it became my goal to give people something to consider, and then abstain. My senator's population is at present mostly made of ex-Jiyuuians as such they would prefer a vote in favour of the treaty, however it is going to be stricken down anyway, so not voting either way is the better option since outright support isn't viable, nor is outright denial.
Fair enough.

Character approved.