Star Army

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RP [Yamatai] Star Army Recruiting Center (YE 45)

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RP Date
YE 45
RP Location
Uesureyan Fortress, Kyoto, Yamatai
The Uesureyan Fortress was abuzz with the comings and goings of Star Army personnel, as it was both a military headquarters and a hub for new recruits. Inside the Star Army Recruiting Center, the atmosphere was one of excitement and anticipation, as aspiring soldiers waited for their chance to join the ranks of the prestigious Star Army.

Guerrero, a seasoned recruiter with a stern demeanor, stood near the entrance of the center, his eyes scanning the crowd for potential recruits. A young woman with a determined expression and short, wavy brown hair caught his attention. Her name was Erin Nissa, and she had come to the Uesureyan Fortress with dreams of serving the Star Army and protecting the citizens of Yamatai.

"Excuse me, Miss Nissa," Guerrero called out, making his way towards her. "I'm Guerrero, the recruiter here at the Uesureyan Fortress. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Erin turned to face him, her piercing green eyes meeting Guerrero's gaze. "Likewise, sir," she replied, offering a crisp salute. "I've heard a lot about the Star Army, and I'm eager to join and contribute to the cause."

Guerrero nodded, impressed by Erin's enthusiasm. "I can see you have the spirit and determination required to be a part of the Star Army. Tell me, what inspired you to join our ranks?"

Erin hesitated for a moment before answering, her eyes distant as she recalled memories from her past. "I... I lost my family during an enemy attack on our home planet. I don't want anyone else to suffer the same fate. I want to be a part of something bigger, to protect those who can't protect themselves."

The recruiter's expression softened, understanding the pain and resolve behind Erin's words. "I'm truly sorry to hear that, Miss Nissa. We need individuals like you, who possess a strong sense of duty and a willingness to fight for what's right. I have no doubt that you'll make an excellent addition to our ranks."

Erin's eyes glistened with gratitude, her resolve to join the Star Army only strengthened by Guerrero's words. "Thank you, sir. I'm ready to begin my journey and make a difference."
With a firm nod, Guerrero gestured towards the enlistment station. "Then let's get started, Miss Nissa. Welcome to the Star Army."

As Erin followed Guerrero towards the station, her heart swelled with pride and determination, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead and become the best soldier she could be. And so, a new chapter began in the Star Army, as Erin Nissa took her first steps towards a life of service, honor, and sacrifice.

Feeling satisfied, Guerrero found his coworker, Stella Glass. "It's always inspiring to meet individuals who are so passionate about joining our ranks and protecting Yamatai. How are things going? It seems like we have a steady flow of recruits today." He looked around for his coffee cup to take another sip but realized he had already finished it and thrown in it the trash.

"About to grab another cup myself," Stella said after waving towards the reception area. "Had a good flow of recruits. Some certainly showed that passion!"

"Still, it seems like there's never enough to crew those giant Izanagi-class ships," Guerrero said with a sigh. Their work was never truly finished. "Shall I send someone your way? I'll have them fill out the form first so you can skip the usual questions and just talk person to person."

"Sure thing," Stella said with a quick nod that made her short blonde hair momentarily plume in the back. She set to filling her mug back up from a large to-go carton from Warm'n'Sweet before heading back to her interview room.

A Kodian stepped forward and waved to Stella Glass. "I came to escape the civil war on my homeworld of Gashmere. Everything I had just got wiped out by an asteroid anyway. How can I start?" He was tall, bear-like, and covered in thick black fur all over. Despite his intimidating appearance, his eyes held a vulnerability that was hard to miss.

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OOC: JP by Wes and @Ametheliana - to be continued.
Uesureyan Fortress
Star Army Recruitment Centre

The sun had barely crested the horizon when the woman had taken up station across from the recruitment centre. Obviously a Yamataian gynoid, albeit one on the taller and greater endowed end of the spectrum, she had seemed content to wait out the passing of time. She wore a white duster coat, open and showing an obviously civilian imitation of the type-42 Star Army bodysuit, coloured all in black with the legs tucked inside a pair of black knee-high boots. As the world came more alive around her she steadfastly ignored the increasing activity, her dark violet eyes unfocused and appearing lost in thought.

Her name was Sasaki Ryo and for the longest time she had had a dream and now she was so close, in both space and time, to achieving it. Her dream was simple - she wanted to join the Star Army of Yamatai, become a nekovalkyrja and go out into the wider world to earn glory and fame. In fact, she had been so determined that Ryo had long ago designed a roadmap to get her to this moment. She had been born and grew for the first sixteen years of her life as a male, across three different bodies. As all nekovalkyrja were female, becoming one would obviously be awkward for someone who had no experience with it. So Ryo had saved every scrap of KS he could get his hands on for several years until he could finally switch to a female body. That had occurred four years earlier to the day exactly, on Ryo's 16th birthday.

The first thing she had done upon awakening was set an alarm for exactly four years later when she would be 20 years old and eligible for service.

Suffice to say, the following months had been a somewhat chaotic experience. Eventually Ryo had sufficiently adapted to her new circumstances and got back on track with her life. Having read just about every preparation guide for military service that she could find had allowed the teenager to focus on achieving an excellent academic record. Knowing that such a singular focus wouldn't be enough, Ryo had also made sure to develop appropriate interests in certain sports and hobbies. Of course, being a hormonal teenager, self-control had not been easy to achieve and she had oft struggled with the temptations of letting go to enjoy the rigorous social life normally enjoyed by said hormonal teenagers.

Finally, the internal alarm she had set so long ago activated and knocked her from her musings of past struggles, regrets and sacrifices. With a soft snort Ryo shook her head, sending her long, glossy black ponytail swinging. Taking a deep breath, she banished all thoughts about the path that had carried her to this moment and allowed a wide, happy smile to form as long-stoked excitement bubbled forth. Ryo took a long, final look around, wanting to imprint this moment deep into her digital mind. This was where the rest of her life began!

Turning from the white marble government buildings of Central Kyoto and the glassy skyscrapers that dominated the visible portion of East Kyoto, Ryo firmly pointed herself at the blocky grey fortress that fronted the military district of West Kyoto. This was the Uesureyan Fortress, and more importantly to her, the location of the Star Army Recruitment Centre in Kyoto. So many of her heroes stared at her from recruitment posters, extolling the benefits of service. If the mood had taken her, Ryo suspected that she would be able to name most, if not all, of them. But that wasn't her purpose here today.

With a nod to herself, the young woman strolled confidently towards the entrance of the recruitment centre and couldn't help but utter the words: "Look out Universe, here I come!"
As Ryo walked through the large metal doors of the recruitment center, she found herself at a security checkpoint, the scanners humming softly as they ensured the safety of all who entered. Standing guard was an older Nepleslian man with a grizzled appearance and a cybernetic arm, a testament to his years of experience and service.

The man greeted Ryo with a nod and a respectful smile, his gruff voice carrying a sense of authority. "Welcome to the Star Army Recruitment Center, young lady. I'm Sergeant Harris. Before you proceed, we need to do a quick security scan. Please step into the scanner and hold still for a moment."

The device emitted a soft whirring sound as it scanned her body, analyzing her belongings and ensuring she carried no prohibited items. After a few seconds, the scanner emitted a beep, signaling that the process was complete. Sergeant Harris nodded in approval, his eyes meeting Ryo's with a hint of admiration. "All clear. It's always nice to see eager new recruits like yourself. The Star Army can always use dedicated individuals who are ready to make a difference." With a nod of approval, Sergeant Harris gestured for Ryo to proceed further into the recruitment center. "Good luck on your journey, young lady. I have no doubt that you'll make a fine addition to our ranks."
Uesureyan Fortress
Star Army Recruitment Centre
Main Lobby

The young woman had been surprised to be greeted by a Nepleslian man, but Ryo knew she should not have been. Many years earlier, while researching the Star Army, her childhood assumption that the military was purely composed of Yamataian gynoids and Nekovalkyrja had quickly proven false. It made sense that other species would be involved in the defence of the Empire, but that wasn't something that she had thought about much before then - having relied overly much on the stories told to her by her mother in her childhood to supply her understanding. But then again, Ryo was fairly certain that was true of nearly all children who, upon growing up, discovered the world was vastly more complex than they had believed it to be.

Stepping forward from the scanner, Ryo paused to bow to the Sergeant. "Thank you, Sergeant Harris, for both your your continuing service as well as those kind words." Lifting her head, Ryo offered the man a happy smile before turning to head deeper into the recruitment center. As she walked, the young woman left herself a reminder of the memory containing Sergeant Harris and his kind words. For all Ryo knew, she might need to hear those words again and maybe some day she could message the Sergeant to let him know that she had indeed made a difference.

Emerging into a large lobby, Ryo stepped to the side and stopped. That way she could take a moment to look around the space, without blocking the progress of any individual who might be following behind her. Unsurprisingly, if you ignored the nature of the information being shown on the viewscreens, it looked like just about every large waiting room she had ever seen, even down to the mass-produced seating and vending machines. The smell wasn't exactly a delight but, having spent time as a teenage boy, she wasn't terribly unfamiliar with such. Returning home to her room after uploading to her female body had been an unexpectedly unpleasant experience in odious odours that she had previously been inured against.

Turning her attention to the other people in the lobby, some of whom she had noticed entering the recruitment center during her earlier vigil, Ryo was surprised to see how many of the others present looked bored or disinterested. Didn't they know how important this place was, or how life-changing their time here could be? Deciding that she had dawdled enough, the young woman's eyes followed the signage directing her onwards. Seeing her goal, Ryo strode forward confidently, with her head held high. It didn't take her much time at all to enter the pertinent details into the electronic form.

Name: Sasaki Ryo
Species: Minkan 31F
Citizenship: Yamataian
Place of Birth: Kyoto, Yamatai

With a nod, she confirmed that the information was correct and took note of the ticket number that appeared in response. Still smiling, Ryo picked out a chair that would allow her to see most of the surrounding viewscreens and settled in to watch them. It certainly wouldn't hurt to familiarize herself with the available career occupations while she was waiting.
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Two lanes of traffic flowed toward and away from the Recruitment Center. Granted, the individuals coming and going appeared in waves, some more frequent than others, but there was no denying the popularity this place garnered. Freshly recruited and seasoned soldiers alike gravitated here, at some point. They were all welcomed with open arms, and they were all put to work with equal enthusiasm and gratitude. It was inspiring, to see that camaraderie shown equally to every member of the Star Army, new and old, ignorant and discerning.

Annelise stood there for a long time, observing every moving part surrounding her. Silently spectating those moments and committing them to memory. Vera wasn’t with her this time; she had a shift to work while Annelise benefitted from a day off. Being content at home, lounging around and taking things slow, was not in her forte. She loathed idleness, and knew she could spend her time in a better way. She decided to use this day off to travel around Kyoto, taking in a city she so often rushed by, and paying attention to the world in her vicinity. It was jarring to realize how much she’d missed by being so busy, but realized there was good in seeing the city for what it was. Even the uglier parts.

And now, after a meal at a local restaurant, she stood before the Recruitment Center. A welcoming place for any and all, citizen or migrant, to come, register, and be a part of the Yamatai empire. For many people, this was the place where they found hope, comfort, and care. For others, this was where their calling was recognized and their sense of duty was put to work. In both activations -one from over 10 years ago, and her most recent one only three months ago- she was never required to come here. Her creation and activation assumed her loyalty to the empire, and her training instilled everything already present in a dedicated citizen. She was ready to go, fresh from the batch, and never needed to hear the convicting stories, the reason for fighting, the drive to defend. It was already in her.

Back then she ignored a building which served little to no purpose for her tasks. Every trail off the main path was a distraction, and wasn’t worth her time. Now? Now… when all that time went by and was lost, and she could’ve prevented it? Her perspective changed dramatically. This obscured part of Yamatai’s infrastructure became immensely important to her.

She took her first steps forward. Hands naturally perched on her tail bone fell to her sides before relaxing into motion. Her gait was confidently firm, a poise trained into her since day one. She pleasantly excused herself as she entered the building, slipping by others and holding the door open if needed. When she stepped inside, the lobby’s wide, open concept made her pause. Her green eyes scanned the room, taking a careful look at each individual occupying the space. A pride swelled within her and she stood a little straighter. Seeing all of these people, with varying degrees of passion and energy, revitalized her. She made sure to stay out of the entryway and exitway, in case others had to walk by. But she remained where she was, not prying into any existing conversations or wedging her way into a group.

However, she would be lying if she said she’d rather be alone. She wouldn’t mind it at all if someone approached her to converse.
Uesureyan Fortress
Star Army Recruitment Centre
Main Lobby

Just as Ryo was finishing reading through the information from the viewscreen that described the 01G Giretsu specialisation within the Star Army Infantry, she noticed a new arrival entering the lobby. The young woman was surprised to see what she, from the yellow gold colouration and obvious ears, identified as a Nekovalkyrja. Of course, there was no reason that there wouldn't be neko's working in the recruitment centre, but something about this new arrival told Ryo that such wasn't the case here. Which was unusual because, from what she had read on an official SYNC site, nekovalkyrja were basically contracted at birth and wouldn't need to attend the recruitment centre for its usual function.

It was possible, she supposed, that the golden neko had left the service behind her in the past and was here now to re-enlist. The minkan wasn't sure about that though as surely there would be some kind of organisation dedicated to handling the re-enlistment of civilian neko's? Ryo found herself to be insanely curious, so naturally decided to go and query the source of her musing. The young woman practically bounced out of her seat and across the room.

"Hihi! I'm Sasaki Ryo! I'm 20 years old and I want to join the Star Army and become a Nekovalkyrja like you!" She paused a moment and tilted her head. "Wait, you are one, right? Oh man, I hope you are or I'm going to seem like a pretty big idiot!" Ryo bit her lower lip in momentary worry. "I can't look like an idiot today!" She then realised that, in her enthusiasm, she hadn't actually paused for long enough to allow for any kind of response and smiled weakly. "Umm, sorry about that. Hi!?"
For a while the silent mumbling was nice. The atmospheric droning of conversation was oddly therapeutic. She wondered if anyone would actually go out of their way to speak to her. She was surprised to discover her thoughts were quickly answered. One of the human-looking recruits sprung out of their seat to make their way over to her. Observant eyes turned expectantly towards this individual, likely a greenhorn given their bubbly, innocent nature. Annelise forced a small smile onto her face to appear more pleasant, as it naturally fell in a line.

”Hello,” she began. The enthusiastic reply stiffened the Neko into silence. She stared down this individual as they rattled along, a bit overloaded by by the energy this recruit exuded. When asked if she was indeed a Nekovalkyrja, she couldn’t bring herself to reply. More accurately, she couldn’t bring herself to reply in time, as the girl swiftly condemned herself for making an assumption. Annelise did her best to wait patiently, her smile already gone and her eyes glancing at those who decided to look their way. When this individual, Sasaki Ryo, realized they hadn’t given Annelise the ability to reply, they apologized and opened the floor to the gold-skinned Neko. Annelise took a painful moment to collect herself before responding.

”It’s… Nice to meet you, Sasaki-San.” The forced smile returned and she held out a hand to shake. “I am Strixdottir Annelise. I’m pleased to hear you wish to join our ranks as a Nekovalkyrja. The Star Army always benefits from a home-grown supersoldier.” That sounded weirder when she said it aloud. Her lower eyelid twitched in self-scrutiny, but she shook it off effortlessly. “Yes, I am a Neko as well, though it may not be so obvious. We have many different looks, as you can see.”

The pause allowed Strixdottir to consider her next set of questions. She brought her hands behind her back to rest on her tailbone as she continued. “I’m sure you’ve been asked this already, but what inspired the enlistment? I’ve never had the benefit of inquiring, so I‘m curious to know.”
Uesureyan Fortress
Star Army Recruitment Centre
Main Lobby

Ryo felt an internal flare of relief at the response, glad she hadn't managed to put the other woman off entirely. Honestly, she hadn't meant to go full-fangirl on Strikdottir-san - in fact it had been years since she had lost control that badly. It was just that it was The Day, of all days, and she was here, ready to sign up with the Star Army. She was positively giddy with excitement and would obviously need to keep a careful watch for any further unseemly displays of emotion with complete strangers.

Once the neko had finished talking, the young woman was quick to incline her upper body in a bow of appropriate depth. "My apologies, Strixdottir-san. I allowed my excitement to overcome me." As she raised her head, Ryo's cheeks were obviously flushed, half in excitement and half in shame. "It's just, this has been a long time coming." She thought back, doing a quick sum in her head. "I must have been about five years old when my mother first told me of the Battle of Nepleslia, during the First Mishhuvurthyar War. I know she sanitised it for my young ears, but I couldn't help but fall in love with the idea of all those brave Nekovalkyrja, giving their all in defence of the Empire."

She let off a throaty chuckle and shook her head, showing a wry smile. "Oh, from what I've learned since, I really knew nothing back then of sacrifice and duty. But it didn't matter, because from that night my heart was set on one day being able to stand amongst those heroes, as one of them, in the Star Army." She threw her arms out to full extension. "And, fifteen years later, here I am - ready to start making that dream come true!" After a couple of seconds, Ryo let her arms fall back to her sides.

Remembering why she had approached the neko in the first place, Ryo tilted her head. "Oh, and if you don't mind me asking Strixdottir-san, what brings you here today?"
Three new figures entered the fortress. An unlikely assemblage that nonetheless called themselves a family. Marigold Starbreaker was a tall thin Helashio with kinky blonde hair wearing semi-formal attire. By her side was a taller thin Separa’Shan in a dress uniform. Sacre wasn't wearing her neck award, but the red bit of ribbon at the top of her ribbon rack drew every eye that knew anything about how to read one. Few had Yamatai's highest award for combat valor. To the opposite side was a tall, strong figured Senti in similar full dress uniform, though fewer awards. Nonetheless, Aliset held more than a few firsts in the Star Army, and had wound up on the WTF moments forum more than once.

Somehow, Aliset hoped Marigold's career would be the best of both herself and Sacre, without the wild chaos. Still. She would be lying if she made any hint at not being proud of this moment. "So what do you want us to do with Starbreaker while you're off going forth and doing great things?"

Marigold smiled at Aliset. "I'll put it on a storage pad, but you two can use it anytime you need it. I'd like to go flying when I have leave."

"I'd you feel overwhelmed and have a chance to call, do so we'll pick up. If you want to be stationed with us you just need to fill out the form." Sacre said, concern in her voice.

"And expose her to Alastair? C'mon, sweetie, you know better than to expose a sweetie like her to that. And his two braincells are between his legs, so you'd end up stabbing a captain."

“I would hope she has the good sense to stab him personally.” Sacre replied.

"I'll be fine snake-mom." Marigold said with a laugh as she strode up to a recruiter for her appointment. "Hi, My name is Marigold Starbreaker and I want to be a Star Army officer."

"I'd like to think she can get in line, but you and I would be too busy enjoying the show."

“She gets that from your side of the family.” Sacre replied.
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