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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

@paladinrpg So far, just the bit about 7 seven years. Basically, I'm head-canoning it as a case of one part of SAINT not talking to the other (possibly deliberately? huehuehue...) and am using it to plant the first seeds of doubt in Sayoko's mind about the SAoY; thus it's not meant as a limitation to what the Shoi can say. (My apologies for not mentioning my intentions sooner)
Hopefully Valesti isn't being too mean. I didn't want to actually run off Skirnir, even. But Rin at least has seen the particular things that set her off, twice now.

Okay everyone, go pick out some nice guns and maybe pack a machete or two. Fedoras, whips, bikinis and loincloths all optional.
I wonder, if you gave Darren enough time with the Type 33, he might be able to machine out the RFID tag in the B module to turn it into a "Just in case we need to fill something with lots of bullets, fast" gun.
I don't see why you couldn't use a LASR without a PA. You just need to rely on the laser sights and have no AIES assist. And bring backup batteries.

I was thinking Rin could grab an Aether Beam Saber Rifle and use the Zesuaium blade as a machete just fine.

*grabs fedora and whip and hope there are no mine carts*
Sorry I have been taking long to post for Rin, just was partly waiting on more reactions before we get down to business. Post going up tonight.
If nobody posts in the next couple of days I'm just going to have the shuttle explode and wipe out most of the crew. That would be the 'killed off in spectacular fashion' part of the rules about what happens if you don't post in a timely manner.
And your next post had better feature your character in the shuttle ready to go, no dragging your feet back on the Heartbreaker still. And yes, every PC was chosen to go on the mission and every NPC but the pilot stayed behind.
Hey, I was waiting just about an entire week for Paladin to just post so we could get 'goin. I got so bored waiting that I ended up getting sucked into a technology hole. Don't worry, I have a post coming. And I actually mean it when I say that.
Sorry but I got sucked into a lot of other events IRL this week also, please see my post in the Life Events section for a further explanation...
Sorry for my lack of posting, recently my sleep schedules been fubar'd and for whatever reason if I don't get posts done early in the day I can not for the life of me focus on posting. But now that I'm back on schedule I should be able to post more often so long as its not screwed up again.
See attached. Last post was two hours ago for me, and yet it's not showing up in my alerts. Which is weird, because I have both the subform AND the thread itself watched.


EDIT: On a side note, does that order include Miho? Because she is tiny without her sylph. And tiny things and jungles do not mix well.


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