Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Here's Sayoko's inventory, as mentioned in her RP post.

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Sayoko's inventory is about what I was expecting people to bring. I believe aether weapons are not normally used on the surface, because they just do too much damage and have a tendency to just keep going and have a huge area of affect. The ABSR on the Phased Pulse setting would probably be fine, with the full power/sword as a backup just in case, but you probably wouldn't want everyone on the team swinging one around with trees and etc. everywhere around you. LASR and other non-energy things should be fine.

I'm sure Miho could be helpful for scouting and investigating. But if both she and Rin couldn't think of a reason she should go, I suppose she can stay behind. There just won't be much to do. But if you need a break, that might help you. Just staying in the shuttle for support might be an option as well.
I agree that anyone who needs downtime should remain in the shuttle. Miho could easily be there coordinating communications on the ground or such.

As for the weaponry, I was not aware that the Type 33 Rifle existed Frost. Hmm. If you want a more lower key aether weapon that's fine, but I think at least one team member should have the ABSR cutting power on call. So far Skade has one, so Rin will switch to a LASR and just use the Zesuaium end of the ABSR by itself as a machete, heh. I think that is a doable modification.

I made the following edit:
Following her own advice, naturally there was also a survival kit backpack slung on her back, and a standard issue LASR with SLAG attachment in her hands at the ready, and an extra bandolier of shells along with the batteries in her belt.

Notable too was the fact that the First Officer had in a hastily constructed scabbard with what appeared to be the Zesuaium blade of an Aether Beam Saber Rifle that had been detached and mounted on a handle to function like a machete to cut through the jungle brush cleanly even without being powered as a plasma sword. Thanks to her upgraded Minkan body's strength it was much lighter than it would have been in her old Yamataian form and thus a viable option for the excursion.
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I think I used that quote already during the last bit of flying we did. I will probably use it again next time, because it aggressively pushes to the front of my head whenever a suitable situation comes up! If I start talking about tubes and bogeys, then you'll know I've moved on to Sewer Shark quotes.

I might have been picturing the shuttle as a Raccoon instead of a Kuma at first, but I think I'll remember better now. Whoops.
Just thought I'd mention that I purposely didn't give specific orders to him because Rin figured he would take them from the Heisho, or likely do exactly what he is doing. :-)
Was going to post tonight, got held up extra late at work. I'll update tomorrow though. So here's your last chance to post before that for any stragglers.
Yeah, I figured that. Clarification is good though. If Rin rolls her eyes at the newbie asking dumb questions, oh well. ;)
Hmm, I think a quick response post then would be good to do before Reynolds does GM post tonight. Rin will also make the download of the shuttle schematic available to Skade, in case the newbie needs a refresher of "antique" technology from way before she was born. :)
The little back and forth you two had is probably a good idea in this situation. I'll keep providing info as you guys explore, but you might want to discuss what you're finding out. Feel a bit more free to move about and interact with each other, it's really only when you need a definite answer from me that you need to wait for a GM response.

I'm sending out a few PMs with more info about some things you all can work into your next posts.