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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

please use quotebox format in the future instead of codeboxes. The having to scroll right thing kinda makes it harder to read.
@Kirkatan - My apologies if none of the posts I've made for Sayoko in the past have made this clear, but when I use italicized text, it's for a character's private internal thoughts, not speech.
I believe all of us need some editing on our posts... firstly, Rin is not expecting Sayoko to exactly follow her lead and chop. You are the stealthy one after all! And Kirkatan is doing exactly as he should, using animal trails and tracking. but he shouldn't be hearing her thoughts...
I was doing that thing in fiction wherein you have a third person perspective and you show the different thoughts of different characters. Darren has no idea what the others are thinking.
"We've got all the clues we can get here. Beacon's a hundred meters this way... so we either find a trail, or make one."

Made that small change to clarify that Sayoko should likely scout ahead with Darren instead. I suggest you edit your posted action a bit, @FrostJaeger . You should be okay @Kirkatan
I'll try to get you set up IC and in the wiki by my next post. Which might not be for a while, today is my last day off until after Thanksgiving, and my job will be very busy until then.
Alright, I added Kamatari back onto the crew roster and put him in the empty cabin. I understand the lack of posts due to the holiday, of course. I hope some of you can catch up Saturday and Sunday and post responses to what just happened, so I can get another GM post out. Work should be easing up on me now after handing out 100+ turkeys on Wednesday and having the restaurant packed all day Thursday (and most of the weekend).
You definitely dealt hunger a mighty blow, @Reynolds Xmas decorating has me swooned tonight, but I'll be at full activity levels tomorrow and going forward. I can post again if you like, also, to the other team members
So we'll basically say Nakane wasn't removed and returned, he's just been sulking ever since Sunny took command of his area. And apparently got into some sort of fight with Ochiko or otherwise upset her, or maybe Sunny just keeps trying to get him to talk to 'real people' instead of the ship.
Sounds like a good idea about Nakane... Rin wouldn't mind his apology, either, @BloodyScarlet, though it'll have to wait until this mission is done unless you want to do an aside somewhere.
Yea, Nakane will be apologising after the mission and be upset realising what an pain he was for Rin.

Just got a new laptop to trying to work it all out.
Haha, beat me to a post, boss. Need to redo it. Though now things have gotten a lot more interesting... did Yumi get eaten by a giant sandwormy thing?
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