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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Yeah, I was all like, No one's told me what to do...so let's go guns blazing! Cause space battles are fun! If Skade has to pay IC for me to have fun, I guess its worth it? There's only so much menial labor you guys can give her...right?
P.S. When apologizing/admitting fault, do soldiers bow or stand at attention? Want to make sure Skade grovels correctly. ;)
Welp, that's what I get for not understanding the DR system that I just looked up. Turns out the DR 30 of the ship> the DR 1 of the Aether Rifle. The Gauss Cannon doesn't even do anything. :confused: Looks like Skade just undid a lot of work...time to look for an exposed exhaust port to make up for it. :D
So here's my question. If the particles from the Thoot ship turned a Zesuaium blade, something that is nearly indestructible, into swiss cheese, should Skade have radiation poisoning or something? Maybe coughing up some sympathy blood? Joke about donating her body to science? :)
I figured she'd have kept herself well enough away that the particles wouldn't have caused any ill effects to her. I don't really have any specific effects from the particles in mind, since the engines are meant to use a cocktail of dangerous, conveniently unidentified exotic particles. The two main effects I have kept consistent is this: it eats through inanimate material with no resistance, and causes organic material to super-heat; vaporising or 'exploding' it.
It's my fault ultimately for not taking into account just how damn tough Skade's weapon might be, but that's why I like to create my vague, canon 'safe zones' when it comes to technology. 'It just happens because exotic particles!'

Also, something for everyone currently involved in the thread: I wrote up a little vignette that takes place inside the Thoot mothership during the HB's escape. It's written from the perspective of Sammy, a male Ee'ith ambassador who was stationed along with his sister Mei in the Thoot fleet to communicate with any potential aliens who stumbled too close.
He's meant to be the reason why Thoot could send such eloquent messages to the HB. Of course, for the moment he's just ambiguously canon since I haven't written him up as a character or gotten him approved, nor do I plan on using him in roleplay yet. He's a character I'd like to explore in the future, though; a more independent one, unlike Sally and Yui who are practically tied together.
Here it is: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum...eartbreaker-side-vignette-sammys-story.20135/
Might give the Empire a reason to talk to the I'eee, just to make sure no one else gets their hands on the technology.
I know. >w< My only crutch regarding that is that the I'ee themselves don't really know where the technology comes from. It's just another piece that they found littering their homeworld when they begun recording their own history. I like to think that it was originally a weapon that they mis-intepreted and used as an engine instead.
Hey everyone, I had that overloaded wrestling weekend and then went straight back to work. Then immediately got a cold, probably from someone in the huge crowd I was squashed up against. Hopefully I will be better in a few days, but that's why I haven't been around. I'll just tag @Gunsight1 here too.
Okay, after waking up from my latest nap I worked up a post! Whoo! Get us moving along at least. The next mission should be starting up in the next week or two, I just have to get a few final things settled. Sorry for the delay. And thanks to everyone and especially Wasp for keeping posting and staying active while I was indisposed.

Now that I've caught up, on the engines and the Zesuaium blade...I would say you need to edit that post just slightly, or else Wes might get a bit upset. I think it would be safer to say that the particles from the prongs at first didn't hurt the blade, just the grip and the rest of the weapon. And when the prong broke and scattered the particles further, it probably did some light pitting all over Skade's armor. If she had stayed in the 'exhaust' area for longer it might have gotten through, her armor is weakened now but I wouldn't say fully damaged. The non-blade part of the weapon is probably ruined. And if the blade had been bombarded with those particles for long enough, it might have ruined it, because it does say some types of disintegration affect it if sustained. That work for everyone?
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I'm sure Yui will be nice if you give her lots of honey, heh.

I've edited my post to better reflect Zezuzuazium's properties. Skade now has a few little scores and dents on her suit where some particles brushed up against it.