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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Yeah, seems a few people here have been busy lately. I've been missing you guys. >w<

Looking forward to your post, Pally!
The reason for Sayoko's body deteriorating so rapidly (in my most recent post) is due to the fact that (after a discussion in the Shoutbox) I envision the passing through the "threshold" of the Heartbreaker's FTL Bubble to be similar to passing through a spatial anomaly.

Usually, a Mindy would be able to pass through the threshold with ease, thanks to an active Combined Field System's ability to protect against the gravitational shear that one experiences while traveling through the aforementioned threshold.

The CFS on Sayoko's Mindy, however, was only barely able to protect her (thanks to being utilized almost entirely for propulsion) - and let a small amount of that gravitational shear "leak" through.

A Mindy, of course, wouldn't be harmed by such a brief exposure (as, well, it's <imho> built to withstand those kinds of things); a Nekovalkyrja, though......isn't meant to withstand such forces (again, imho).
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Not much to clear up this time. I think all we have left is a little chat with everyone in Medical. I think you're all doing fine without me butting in too much there! So feel free to keep chatting.

I'd like to thank our guests for joining us for this mission and playing along! I should be putting up a new mission Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully. I did not realize adding a new star system for each mission or so would take so much time. Didn't think ahead there! @SirSPT should be an official member of the crew for the next mission. And while our new friends are heading off to another plot for now, they (or some of their friends) might just return for another mission on down the road...

So look forward to promotions, demotions and some commotion in Mission 3: Call My Name And It Feels Like Home.
Thank you for inviting me, Reynolds! It's been a lot of fun, and has helped me figure out with certainty how I want to handle the I'ee, as well as Sally and Yui, in future roleplays. If ever you're in need of space wasps in your roleplays again, I would love to take you up on the offer. Everyone here has been great fun to play with!

Sally and Yui's next adventure is upon the YSS Soyokaze!
  • Hoshitomo Rin - Service, Combat Award, Exploration
  • Inukai Sayoko - Promotion to Itto Hei, Service, Tomoyo's Kikyo, Combat Award, Exploration
  • Masashiga Skade - Demotion to Santo Hei, (Service, Combat Award, Exploration medals temporarily withheld)
  • Blesi Ingrid - Promotion to Nito Hei, Service, Exploration, Good Conduct
  • Carlos Luna - Promotion to Nito Hei, Service, Exploration, Morale
If you think I missed a medal or want to recommend someone for something, let me know! I updated the wiki page as well.
Here is a link to all of the awards, just in case: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:medals_and_awards
Here is how I have medals set up on one of my characters: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:murakami_mitsuko#medals

Skade is listed as 'On Probation' which means Sunny is double checking all of her work and Rin is on her back around the clock. She's also likely spending most of her day cleaning, peeling potatoes, you know the drill...

It took me a while to set everything up, so no new thread tonight. Hopefully I can get it started tomorrow after work. For now, just enjoy the ominous name of the next system...
Same thing here with the time issues @paladinrpg . First week of the semester is kicking my butt already. But a JP sounds like fun, so let me know when works for you and I'll try to clear up some time.
Whenever I hear a good song lyric that has the weird common thread all these titles do (which I don't think anyone's ever noticed) I write it down or email it to myself. I have a pretty big list to choose from depending on what the mission should be about!
While everyone is editing their character pages for those promotions and medals, make sure your history and everything else is updated to be current. Another one of those reviews is up, and I want to make sure everyone is caught up and all information is correct.
Yui has asked for a report from the Heartbreaker (also one from the SAINT rep there). Writing it would also give you a great chunk of history text to put on the Heartbreaker wiki or your character histories. Plus I need an update for FM purposes anyway. So yeah, send me a summary of what's been happening down there in the deep deep South!
I am definitely okay with writing up some sort of official report/summary to be filed away for the higher ups. If @paladinrpg and @FrostJaeger want to contribute as well, that would certainly be helpful. I think some of the timeline of this when and where this stuff is happening is a bit wonky, though. Hopefully we can get it all straightened out.
I can always hide my post and re-insert it later if needed.
Sorry for the delay in Rin assembling the team post, ju st been very exhausted having kids home from school all week, heh. I should have it up by tomorrow.

Acewing and I are also working on that JP in the background.
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