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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

If the parasite can last long enough to overwrite your mind, it discards its old body anyway. I don't know how it would be affected by the acid/bacteria or how long it needs to take over a body, so idk.
From what I gather? Nothing but a Neko stands a snowflakes chance in hell against anything the Mishuu have, including their dumps.
I don't know what eating it might do, considering the Parasite was probably at this point merged to the host Neko which was killed. Its possible some of the toxins in the tentacles are still viable though...
Well, if you want the mother of all stomach aches, Edtoto, go ahead. lol. Skade's going to be very confused though.
I think it would be more along the lines of "If you wanna die of suffocation Edtoto, then go ahead and eat it"

I guess the major question at this point are if the toxins are biological or synthetic. If they are biological, are they stronger than bacteria that can liquefy flesh in a few minutes of constant exposure
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Ingrid can put it in a doggy-bag for you so you can have it later.

Hypothetically, Vekimen could probably break down hemosynthetic lifeforms, but many of the resultant compounds would likely still be toxic to them. Crunchy carapace bits would take a lot longer than fleshy bits to dissolve, but eventually, they'd succumb. Cracks in the carapace would allow flesh to get digested even before the carapace breaks down. Vekimen wouldn't be able to digest a functioning parasite fast enough to kill it before it burrows its way out of their digestive tract and a purpose-designed parasite could survive in that environment just as well as the Vekimen's natural digestive bacteria.
Everyone please be sure to post this week...we don't want to be stuck here at the front door forever.
You guys are getting very close to a 'rocks fall everyone dies' situation here, where I'm just going to have to scrap the mission, cut my losses and move on.
I'm wondering if we should try talking to the robot, you know, since we know OOC that it's looking for Mishu parasites, but I don't think diplomacy would occur to Skade right now, so...
We'll have to see if we can get the cameras back online. If we can, we'll be able to get a better look at it and then we'll be able to properly consider how we want to approach the situation. If we can't, I dunno. It may come to shooting. Either way, Skade's on her way to engineering right now through the docking ring. She's moving fast, but if the android is moving at a decent speed, it'll reach the bridge before she catches up, particularly if she routes through engineering.

P.S. Ingrid is a little bossy.
Oh yeah, the blonde one is the tech. And the blonde one is actually Veronika. Gaarhh! I knew I was going to get tripped up by that, sooner or later.
I did a little JP with Ed about some things happening between this current mission and the next. You all might want to take a look, since I mention the next system we're going to. Along with saying the crew members do a few nice things for Ed, if any of you want to have your own interactions with her. Or just have it pop up in [Mission 4] The Word And Deed Go Hand In Hand. Also I mentioned giving @LeighLink an order near the end.

If anyone else needs some time with the Captain or another NPC, let me know. Or I can supervise other JPs if you need an NPC to show up for you. I'm just not always free every night.

Let's keep those posts going so we can go save some creepy, smelly aliens!
So Im curious to know how recruitment would go about in the prospects of a War Machine acting infantry. Even though my origins are Nepleslian my loyalties and ties are not bound to anyone as of yet.

That and Im not certified yet. TT^TT
I think one killer robot on the ship is probably more than enough already.

If you are interested in making a more standard Star Army character, I'd be happy to have you aboard, though. I don't think I have a good opportunity to introduce any more guest characters at the moment, so it would need to be your normal military type.

I mentioned it in chat earlier, but you need to pick a plot or two to try to get that character into, and @ the person in charge of the plot to get their attention. The GMs usually approve characters for their plots. I'm not sure what all Nepleslian plots are recruiting right now. Contacting @Gunhand4171 would be a good place to start, though.
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