• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

That about wraps up Mission 3! Now I'd like to formally welcome @ArsenicJohn to the crew. If you all have anything else you want to handle in that thread, I'll be starting up Mission 4 about this time next weekend. Also, I updated the wiki page with our new robot, put him in the cargo hold and moved Ed to her new cabin. Hopefully that works.

I need to ping @paladinrpg and @FrostJaeger to see if you two are planning to rejoin us before the next mission begins. I know I've seen Frost online recently, if you'll be back to posting at a certain date just let me know. If paladin doesn't return I'll have to NPC Rin until we get a new command type to pick up that slack.

If you two want to post a thread for Skade examining her new robot buddy, that would be cool. I can play along as Sunny, or if you want to handle her that would also be fine. I can also try to make time for other side threads if anyone else has things they want to handle between missions. Just let me know.

Hope everyone's having fun! If anyone happens to spot a new person wandering around the site, make sure to point them this way. We could use a few more crew members, and right before a new mission is a good time to join up. I'll keep my eyes open as well. I'll try to get up the wiki pages for the next system and post new ranks and medals and everything before next week as well. Also have a related side project or two to get approved.
Reactions: Wes
Is Skade off of probation now? Or did the nyan cat/rick roll thing just get her in more trouble?
She should be fine, I'll be updating that when I update the ranks and stuff and get the wiki history updated for the next mission.
I edited the title to make it clear this happens right after the end of the other mission. Do you or John have any ideas or preferences for a name for the thread?
I believe that's it. I have noticed that the first word of the name is spelled differently in certain places. One way in the actual URL, one in the main body, but then a different way a few times. What's the correct one we're sticking with?
It should be Kinzuko no Byakko in every instance unless I made a typo.
He's talking about online. I couldn't find a google search result for kinzuko that linked to a japanese/english dictionary. Kinzoku on the other hand, I did find. Of course, I only looked for a minute, but still.
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