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RP: YSS Imperator [YSS Imperator] Pre-Mission One: We're Going Where Now?


The Ham Lord
Inactive Member
YSS Imperator,
Gemini Star Fortress,
Hanako's Star
28日 2月 YE 39
Starboard Primary Airlock

Standing just to the right of a Nekovalkyrja Shoi, Taisa Sutoikku Kaede had decided to personally review a selection of the oncoming crew. The Shoi at his left was writing down the names on a datapad as each crew member came aboard. Kaede's own type 35 uniform, with his central white paneling on his coat and the bars on his sleeve showing that he was of the command track, and the Captain of this vessel. He returned the salutes and bows of those who entered.

He wanted to make sure that everything was going well, for their mission would not be easy. Kaede had received his orders from fleet command, and the third division leader onboard the YSS Ultimatum. He would brief the crew soon enough, as he needed to get back up to the bridge soon. Imperator would succeed in her mission none the less.
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YSS Imperator,
Gemini Star Fortress,
Hanako's Star
30日 3月 YE 39
Starboard Primary Airlock

Ayane took a deep breath as she waited near the airlock door, it's doors cycling opening. The Neko adjusted her uniform, making sure it was presentable as the doors opened with a hiss, letting in the light and air from the other side to filter through. Stepping through, she was momentarily surprised to see a welcoming party waiting on the other side, her right hand quickly coming up to perform a crisp, perfect salute towards the two superiors in front of her.

"Akagawa Ayane, Jôtô Hei, reporting for active duty service as the Weapons Operator of the YSS Imperator!"

Ayane would hold her salute until dismissed and told to be at ease.
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YSS Imperator, Starboard Airlock

Making her way towards the large warvessel, a towering Elysian woman in the standard Type-35 crimson-stained uniform indicating her field shifted the duffel bag on her shoulder. Not being early as the ship's head engineer was going to mean a bit more work than anticipated, but it should be smooth nonetheless. Stepping into the CO's view, she straightened herself even further, saluting, "Shosha Araena Serphine, Chief Engineer, reporting for duty!" The smoky elysian struggled for a moment to maintain both the salute and her duffel bag's position, once relieved became a flurry of limbs to straighten the pesky thing.
Starboard Primary Airlock

Kaede returned the salutes of the people saluting him, nodding to the both of them individually. He switched his gaze back to the airlock as he sent a message telepathically to his executive officer, "Hoshi, your presence is requested on the starboard airlock entryway." He straightened his uniform and looked to the Shoi, "Any discrepancies, Shoi?"

She looked up to the Taisa and shook her head silently before looking down back at the datapad. Kaede settled his gaze back to the airlock again and awaited the next person.
YSS Imperator

White panels accented with a Chusa rank pin adorned the torso of Taiyou Hoshi as she sat at the first officer's station on the bridge of the YSS Imperator. She was feeling confidant and capable today, like most days. It was apparent from the way her head moved gently side to side to take in the faces joining her on the bridge as the morning rolled on. She took her mug from the cup holder of her station and closed her great, big, blue eyes as she took a long sip. Then, she placed the cup back in its position next to her as she got a message from the Captain, Kaede.

Her blue brows pinched together in determination to fulfill her duty to the Taisa. She punched into the air thanks to inertia control and glided off of the main level of the large bridge and out, to the starboard airlock entryway.

When she had made it there, she surveyed those near Kaede with appraising but carefully kind eyes as she floated in front of the,.

After she was done studying the faces of those assembled, she jutted her light pink jaw and pursed her lips as she looked directly to Kaede and performed a sharp salute while clicking her heels together and her feet touched the ground.

"Taisa Sutoikku Kaede!" Hoshi said in an even and apparently professional tone. "Chusa Taiyou Hoshi, reporting!"
YSS Imperator
Gemini Star Fortress,
Hanako's Star
Starboard Primary Airlock

Yamasaki Ayane, starfighter pilot and novice violinist, was energetic and animated as she strode towards the docking station of the YSS Imperator. Her black duffel bag and backpack, both snugly strapped to her back, did little to slow her down or slope her posture despite the combined weight of both bags. Today Ayane had chosen to attire herself in a Type 35 Jacket, a Type 35 Skirt with cadet blue tights, and, Type 22 Boots. Her uniform clung tightly to her over proportional curves, the effect amplified by her belt, which tightly cinched at her waist. Her hair was impeccably neat and glossy, drawn up in a high pompadour style ponytail. Vertically challenged and short of stride, Ayane took rapid footsteps in her determination to reach the starboard primary airlock of the YSS Imperator.

On impulse, Ayane hovered upwards to see past the personnel in front of her. She caught a glimpse of the captain of the YSS Imperator, Sutoikku-Taisa. Remaining in the air for a burst of extra speed, Ayane hovered past a particularly slow walker in front of her for a chance to personally meet the captain, taking extra care not to draw undue attention to herself. She set herself down about 40 paces from the captain and smoothed out her outfit before before walking into the captain's view, initiating a bold salute as she did so.

"Hei Yamasaki Ayane, reporting for designation as a Starfighter Pilot of the YSS Imperator!"
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Starboard Primary Airlock

Kaede has drawn air to speak to the XO, but looked to the pilot as she spoke. He gave a simple, staunch "Welcome aboard," then turned to Hoshi, "I need to take care of some things, if someone needs me directly, I'm on the bridge." He gave a quick and less formal than usual salute to Hoshi before taking steps towards one of the Zero-G Passageways. In truth, he needed to get things done but he remembered something he wanted to add and stopped before turning back to the XO, "Have all crew go to their stations once they have settled in, we are the slightest bit ahead of schedule."

And damn right was Kaede happy for being ahead, even though his face barely showed a thing.
Gemini Star Fortress
Military Starship Docking Area

Ise Momoya floated her way across the busy and bustling dockyard, her cornflower blue jumpsuit bright and new, as was the jr. officer peaked cap upon her neon green haired head. Not that she was a new officer, she had held her rank of Shoi for some time now, but she had bought new clothes for her new posting, the rest of which were packed into the tiny rolling case that dangled behind her as she cruised along at an altitude of 5 feet above ground level. Ise Momoya was a Type-33M Miniature Nekovalkyrja and compared to the others joining the crew of the YSS Imperator, had a lot of luggage coming with her.

Being a mini such as herself and being in the infantry, meant she could not use the standard Daisy or Mindy power armors, instead needing her own personal Sylph power armor. The Sylph was old, out of production and very rarely seen these days, so much so that most mini neko such as herself did not have access to armor and did not serve in the infantry. But Momoya had one, one that she'd had with her for years and years now since the wars. A power armor that she brought to every assignment and was now being carted, by several dock workers, behind her in it's storage crate.

Momoya approached the airlock, stopping as she reached the similarly pale blue uniformed guards protecting the entrance to the battleship.

"Shoi Ise Momoya, commander of ship's infantry unit" She introduced herself to the guards with a bow, then produced her documentation for review. "And armor" she nodded to the crate waiting behind her as one of the guards raised an eyebrow to the large container that was coming with the shoi.

"Welcome aboard, ma'am" was the response she got as her I.D. was returned. And like that she was aboard the ship. Her belongings given to another infantry neko to stow away in her cabin and the power armor bay as Momoya went to report in to the commanding officer.

YSS Imperator
Starboard Airlock

The mini neko passed through the inner airlock doors and smiled as she entered the standard zero-g passageway and spotted an officer wearing the uniform and rank of a Taisa, turning to go deeper into the ship, who must have been the commanding officer. She floated over, tugging her jumpsuit straight, then placed her tiny hands on top of her cap to keep it in place as she accelerated, rocketing down the passage, around the Taisa and spinning around as she reversed thrusters and came to a stop in front of the officer, bowing as she bobbed in the air before his face.

"Shoi Ise Momoya reporting in for duty!" She announced, then drifted over and lanced on the Taisa's right shoulder.
ISS Imperator, no Longer at the Smelly Crowded Airlock
The Shosa Elysian almost rode her duffel bag through the Zero-G chute towards her cabin's deck. Taking a slightly lowered rate of transcendence, Araena thought to herself how much it took to run a battleship. She's had plenty of practice on heavy cruisers, sure, but a battleship is a city with guns, and she worked in its heart. At least the core systems were difficult to reach should boarders ever find the Imperator in their sights. But...

The Elysian flapped a few times to reverse her direction, having missed her floor during the thought session. Arriving at the correct deck this time and disembarking from her mount, Serphine went into her cabin to drop off the unnecessary weight. Time to go to work...
Just Inside the YSS Imperator

ATIKA's return to the ship was difficult to detect, arriving as she did by means of a tight-band communications laser. She'd started beaming up at around 0730, took her time coming online after her data was transferred, and waited in a digital lobby for a few more minutes until it was officially time to board, and her access was granted.

From the perspective of everyone else, she just seemed to materialize as a hard light projection inside the ship's airlock, and struck a pose. "AaaAAatiqah-hei reporting for duty!" She seemed to realize this lacked formal gravity, and swallowed hard before saying again, in a much deeper voice, "I mean... Santô Hei ATIKA. Information Technology Specialist." Her voice relaxed and she added, "I'll be on the bridge if you need me." That said, she saluted to her captain, and waited to be dismissed.
Starboard Primary Airlock

"Hai, Taisa!" Hoshi said tersely. Her deep blue eyes watched as a few more personnel came through the airlock and her eyes narrowed as she saw some of them foregoing the necessary salute to their superior officer, her. She felt her brows furrow for a moment before she let her face go blank and spoke slowly to those who had entered.

"Santo Hei ATIKA and Shoi Ise Momoya, you may find your stations and begin work. As the captain has recently informed me, we are ahead of schedule and most certainly need you at your posts immediately. Dismissed."
YSS Imperator

ATIKA promptly dematerialized, reforming at the bridge before sitting down at her station. The appearance of pushing buttons and observing the display was little more than a means to indicate her state of progress, but it did make it easier to read what she was doing over her shoulder than if she'd really needed to use it.

"Software inspection and verification in progress. I'm sure no one's been touching our stuff, but it's still good to triple-check, right?"
Starboard Primary Airlock

Shosa Aerlia Lei'Shela slithered her way across the loading bay towards the looming battleship before her. Lengthy chalk-and-coal banded tail trailing behind, the senior SAINT officer gazed up at its unfathomably large fuselage with one eyebrow slightly raised - a Venis version of a jaw-drop, given the emotional training. An actual Venis jawdrop was something much different indeed. The sheer mass was impressive even to her, a well-seasoned operative who'd seen a lot more than your average person. Taking a couple of minutes while others boarded, the black-paneled snek took stock of the whole vessel and several of the personnel moving through the airlock. Mhm, this would do. Eventually, the Shosa brushed her shoulders out of habit to clear any non-existent lint, years of training attending to that.

Attracting a few wary looks from a few brave passers by, the Aerlia made her way into the Primary Airlock, spotting a lone Chusa checking the various crew members coming aboard. She immediately recalled her intelligence briefing, taking a moment to remember all the information she needed to know about said individual. As the Separa'Shan drew up to the officer, she 'stood' to attention and offered a crisp and well-practiced salute. In the deadpan her species were known for, Aerlia addressed the woman. "Chusa Taiyou Hoshi, I assume? Shosa Aerlia Lei'Shela, Chief Intelligence Officer reporting." Her subordinates should already be aboard, along with her belongings.
YSS Imperator
Starboard Primary Airlock

Senjo Shefu approached the massive, refitted warship with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. His Type 35 uniform with a yellow panel, indicating he was a chef, seemed to glow in the light. He gazed at the ship, overtaken by the sheer size of it. He though Plumerias were big? This was monstrous, gun mounts bulging from various positions. He would be in the galley most of the time with the other cooks, but his advanced position would give him general rule of the galley, meaning he could go on away missions to gather new ingredients to try on the ship, unless it would be an assault mission. In that case, he would be confined to the ship.

He approached the airlock, saluting the guards at the airlock, and watched other crew members meet the officers within. "Good afternoon," Shefu said to the guard, handing them his I.D. badge, "Santo Hei Senjo Shefu reporting for duty."
"Welcome aboard. The welcoming committee is inside." Said a guard after a moment of reviewing his I.D.
"Thank you. Have a good day." Senjo replied, retrieving his I.D. and lowering his salute. He stepped into the airlock, handing his bag to an aide to be taken to his quarters.

He approached Hoshi, standing at attention and giving a crisp salute. This was the XO, the Captain absent. Senjo assumed that the Captain had returned to the Bridge, but he wasn't sure. "Santo Hei Senjo Shefu, ship's chef, reporting for duty!" He said, making eye contact with the XO. His green eyes sparkled like freshly polished emeralds and his bright yellow panel shined, freshly cleaned.

Kaede smiled at the floating mini, "Welcome Abo--" He stopped once she rocketed to his shoulder. "You're an interesting character, though I am heading for the bridge. I'm guessing you know how to get around?"

He turned at a junction which gave her a chance to make the decision to stay on his shoulder and go to the bridge, or go off to the armories or her quarters. Either way, he kept his walk towards the bridge.


Kaede arrived on the bridge with a bit more jaunt in his step than when he stepped off. He took a seat at his captain's chair and looked generally around the bridge. He leaned back and gave a sigh of contentment, "Alright, give me a report and prep for launch once we have taken all our newbies."

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, "And someone get me a cup of coffee."

One of the bridge crewmen looked to ATIKA and gave a simple nod in regards to her statement, "Always better to check." She leaned into her console and triggered the PA system to speak aloud to the crew,

"Attention, Attention, YSS Imperator will launch in approximately one hour. Please finish boarding and report to your stations as soon as possible."
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Starboard Primary Airlock

"Shosa Aerlia Lei’Shela welcome aboard," Taiyou Hoshi said after returning salutes. "Your presence on this vessel ensures the safety of all aboard as well as all of those in the Star Empire of Yamatai. Thank you for joining us."

She trained her deep indigo eyes on the chef and said graciously, "And you, Santo Hei Senjo Shefu, ensure we don't die of starvation. I thank you for that, as well."

To the both of them, she said, "Please, find yourselves at home aboard the ship and find your posts within the next few minutes. We depart within the hour."
YSS Imperator
Residential Deck, Cabin

Ayane had long since acquainted herself with the Sharie-class, though it came from a very meticulous memorization of the myriad of decks and halls that linked the massive battleship's internals together; actually experiencing it first-hand was something else entirely. She had managed to find her way to the cabin assigned to her, a quaint little room not so different from the Plumeria's, with what little belongings she had laying in a neat stack of boxes next to the double bunk bed the Neko would be sharing with. The sheer manpower required to keep the behemoth of a ship working meant she probably wouldn't ever find out who that other person would be; perhaps a peek of his or her back. An idle and awkward greeting as they passed each other on their way to their stations.

After unpacking, hanging her uniforms and spare clothing, she left the cabin behind and made her way towards the bridge.

YSS Imperator

And she made it just in time, right as the PA announcement came across the board, Ayane walked briskly over towards one of the forward stations. Normally she would have been doing something else, filling in somewhere else, but the Captain and XO had wanted all hands to report to their duty slots to prep for the departure. Taking a seat at the tactical station, she plugged her SPINE in and closed her eyes, exhaling as she felt her senses expanding beyond the five she already had.

You're so beautiful .. pleased to meet you, Imperator.
YSS Imperator
Fighter Launch Area/Bay

Having set her bags down in her designated crew cabin, Ayane decided that she would tour the launch areas before the ship departed from Gemini Star Fortress. Still wearing her duty uniform, Ayane went to the fighter launch areas. From what she had previously read about the ship, the YSS Imperator would be carrying Hayabusa V6D Starfighters and Raccoon T7 Transport Shuttles. Her expectations were confirmed as she entered the bay. The fighters and shuttles were lined up in organized columns throughout the room. Immediately, she floated herself to a nearby Hayabusa Starfighter to examine the craft. Approaching the craft, she increased her elevation to gain a top-down view of the fighter.

The fighter had an arrowhead-like profile with delta-shaped wings. This particular craft had a blue-gray color scheme. There were two seats in the rounded cockpit, however, Ayane knew that the craft could be effectively flown with only one pilot. There were two sets of double turrets, two along the equilateral sides of the fighter, and one located at the base of the fighter. From her position, Ayane had a poor view of the two heavy cannons located underside the fighter, however she had a slight view of the barrels of the cannons.

Ayane skipped a breath as she examined the craft, floating down to get a closer look at the details of the fighter. However an announcement over the PA system dragged her out of her stupor:

"Attention, Attention, YSS Imperator will launch in approximately one hour. Please finish boarding and report to your stations as soon as possible."

With a swift upward glance and an inaudible gasp, Ayane threw herself to the floor and reported to her designated station.
Battleship Bridge

As the voluptuous angel entered the bridge, moving to her assigned console, she thought to herself what could be done here. The launch was unlikely to damage the ship at all, and what happened in the heart would have been a more direct observation of any irregularities or what-have-you.
YSS Imperator
Crew Cabins

Senjo set his luggage down in his cabin, and heard the PA announcement. "Let's see what's on the menu today." He said to himself, leaving his still unpacked bags on his bunk as he made his way to the galley, wondering what the next meal would be.

YSS Imperator

Senjo entered the kitchen, his white chef hat on and his yellow panel shining in the light. The other cooks had just begun to arrive, most having already washed their hands. He walked to the nearby sink where another cook had just washed his hands. He pumped some soap onto his hands, and ran water over them as he scrubbed. He would be taking control of the kitchen, as he had seniority and more training than the others here. His sous chef began grabbing rice from the cupboards, and another grabbed fish from the deep freezer. Ah. Fish and rice, the traditional Yamatain cuisine. A proper meal before departure. He walked to a counter next to a large industrial stove. He turned the stove on, the surface becoming hot. "I need a fish!" He asked a sous chef, who grabbed a fish from the counter where they thawed. "Thank you," Senjo said as he plopped the hard fish onto a cutting board, taking a knife from a nearby holder. He tried to make an incision in the fish, the creature still too frozen to be cut into. "Well. That won't work." He said, instead grabbing a medium sized pot, filling it with warm water. He dropped three fish, and placed the pot on a warm stove. He didn't want to cook the thing yet, only wanted to thaw it. He took out another pot out, filling it with water as well. He dumped rice in this one instead, cooking it with salt, pepper, and some other spices. Various smells filled the kitchen, the most noticeable fish. The prep cooks had prepared snacks for the crew, a wide array of sweets, breads, and chips on a large serving table in the wardroom.