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RP [YSS Kōkatsu] Part 1: Seeking Alpha

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YSS Kōkatsu
Jiyuu Fleet Depot Spaceport
30日 4月 YE39

Star Army Intelligence didn't have a section set aside for its ships at this particular star port. Black spacecraft emblazoned with a black-white-and-blue seal featuring the Yamatai Star Empire's shadowy version of the Eye of Providence still dotted the concrete tarmac, though. The Outer Colonies region was one of the Kikyo Sector's most unstable, after all, so the Empire's secretive spy bureau had constant business across these stars.

Off near the Jiyuu Fleet Depot's western seawall was one such vessel, standing on its landing gear near the hangar bay that'd entombed it until just a few days ago. She was the YSS Kōkatsu, an old Escort Destroyer recently refit and assigned to SAINT, and today her new crew would embark on a mission that'd take them beyond familiar suns. No other ships currently occupied the same area of the port, which left the Kōkatsu in a seclusion that appropriately made manifest the intelligence service's reputation.

Chiaki-class Destroyers weren't as fast or nimble as scout ships like the Nozomi or Yui 7. They didn't pack the sensor suite that a Midori would, nor possess the raw firepower and engineering perfection harnessed in the famous Plumeria-class. Nonetheless, Chiaki were an excellent vessel for intelligence operations. Small and nondescript despite their stout toughness and impressive armament, the little destroyers could travel virtually unnoticed through space while staying hidden behind their Joint Stealth System and sensors jamming capabilities.

And though SAINT's assets could never truly be called strained—it would be a difficult task for anyone but the Director and Taisho Yui to honestly account for the scope of Yamatai's intelligence fleet—most long-range scouting ships not assigned to dedicated patrol groups were focused toward the Kuvexian War front. Thus, Chiaki filled the gap, making black-hulled Escort Destroyers an increasingly ordinary sight at star bases across the Empire. Here in the home sectors, the class' lack of a Hyperspace Fold Drive made a negligible impact on the clandestine operatives they ferried to whatever problem needed solving.

It truly was a perfect troubleshooting ship.

The Kōkatsu's captain, Shosa Okano Yoshiko, sat alone on its bridge. She'd been at the helm of ships like this for years. While her ambition undeniably gave her a thirst for something more grand, she was good at being a harrier, and would never think to command opportunities beyond the one she presently held. A SAINT starship operator since creation, Yoshiko knew the ins and outs of solo-ship missions into hostile territory and immersed herself in preparing for what was to come as she waited for launch time from her captain's chair.

Everything about the black Chiaki looked new and had been checked and re-checked by the best engineers available, even if most of that immaculate sheen was barely more than a new coat of paint. The Logistics Liaison's Office was long since done with its duty to outfit the ship with arms, supplies, and equipment. Strategists had formulated an airtight operation for the Escort Destroyer to accomplish.

All that the Kōkatsu lacked was her crew.

But they'd be showing up soon enough, orders in-hand and in-mind, having just debarked from the latest PAINT Starliner to arrive at the Fleet Depot. Other than a stiff, warm oceanic breeze that swept across the expansive landing field, 6 rokugatsu, YE 39 was a pleasant and clear spring day on Jiyuu III. The Kōkatsu's rear cargo bay gate would remain lowered until all hands had reported to quarters and informed the MEGAMI they had come aboard.
YSS Kōkatsu

Tilting her head as her pink hair fell down against her chest, Tsubei Kyoka looked across the tarmac at the Kōkatsu and her brows pushed together in the center as she gritted her teeth.

This would be her first time boarding a SAINT ship, though it was not her first time boarding a Star Army of Yamatai vessel. Having served many years aboard the YSS Aeon, she knew a thing or two about about what she was doing, though the reality that she was going back into the field was beginning to hit her. She had been a civilian for quite a time before coming back to the Star Army, but knowing her daughter was serving the Empire while she served her own goals was against her better judgement. And, so, she found herself stepping aboard and alerting MEGAMI of her presence.

"Ittô Juni Tsubei Kyoka, reporting!"

- - -

The raven-black haired operative, Yuu Sakaki, had been raised in Tsubomi and attended fighting high school, then trained as an operative for the Star Army of Yamatai. And now here she was, aboard her first assignment. Her mouth gaped as her red eyes studied the innards of the ship while she walked up to it. She bowed deeply as she entered the Kōkatsu through the cargo bay and spoke out to the Neko in front of her with three stripes and an officer's cap. She saluted to her and stood up, standing much taller than her superior officer.

"This is Santô Hei Yuu Sakaki coming aboard."

While her black furred Neko ears twitched lightly, Tsubei Kyoka studied the younger Neko and then returned the salute as her heels clicked together.

"Let's be the welcoming party for the rest of the crew as they arrive," Tsubei Kyoka said to Yuu Sakaki, who nodded tersely and looked away from the other Neko and out at the shimmer of spring's warmth stretching along the tarmac.
YSS Kōkatsu
Jiyuu Fleet Depot Spaceport

Saeki Uehashi could not pull her eyes away from the aggressive form of the black Chiaki-class destroyer as she walked down the tarmac. It was a beautiful ship, and she felt honored to be among the privileged few who had the opportunity to serve on the vessel. Fresh out of INDOC (and a cloning vat), for these past few weeks, Uehashi had walked with her mouth agape as she began to witness what the world had to offer. After graduating from INDOC, she took a few dance classes and tried some street food. She had enjoyed her break after completing training, however, she was excited for her designation aboard the YSS Kōkatsu.

As she entered the ship through the cargo bay, the first figure that caught her eye was a pink-haired Neko officer. She gave her a deep bow before saluting and introducing herself.

"Santô Hei Saeki Uehashi reporting for duty and coming aboard the YSS Kōkatsu!", she said in a jubilant tone.

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YSS Kōkatsu
Jiyuu Fleet Depot Spaceport

As soon as Hasewega saw the Kōkatsu clad in black at the end of the tarmac, she hurried over to t and what was she believed to be her new assignment. As she approached, an old feeling started to well up inside her. One she hadn't felt since she first laid eyes on the YSS Heartbreaker a year ago: Anxious. The memories of Heartbreaker still hung in her mind but the long, arduous retraining to become and Intelligence Operative had now occupied most of her mind.

Regardless of how the Minkan felt, this was her new home now. She stepped up the ramp and into the cargo bay, feeling like she was stepping into the dark depths of a crouching, hidden beast. Seeing the gaggle of crew members, she stepped forward and offered a bow to the Ittô Juni before standing up and snapping to a salute.

"Jôtô Hei Hasewega Sara, reporting for duty." Her voice lacked the levity of the Neko before her.
YSS Kōkatsu

Saluting to each of the newcomers, Tsubei Kyoka looked from one to the other, studying each of them with bright violet eyes under heavily lashed lids. While she accessed the cabin assignments in her digital mind, she smiled at the three gathered warmly and then spoke out.

"Let's see ourselves to our cabins, then. Jôtô Hei Hasewega Sara will be in cabin 4 and Santô Hei Saeki Uehashi and Yuu Sakai will be in cabin 2." She added, "MEGAMI, make sure to alert the captain of those that have arrived. Girls, if you will follow me?"

She turned on her heels and led the way.

- - -

Sakaki looked to the two girls as she started walking behind Tsubei Kyoka and asked, "Have you always been with SAINT, Jôtô Hei Hasewega Sara?" Then, tilting her head to look at Saeki Uehashi said, "I am guessing you always have been, though, since you're a Santô Hei like me." Telling a little about herself, she said, "I'll be at tactical on the bridge!"

She had become more open with people in the last few months since leaving her home city and was apt to make friends out of people, but would still fold into her quiet, diminutive nature out of instinct at times. Now was not one of those times.
YSS Kōkatsu

"I've been with SAINT since I completed INDOC a few weeks ago!", replied Uehashi. "Oh, and you're going to be on the bridge? Oh no, I could never do that, bridges are so dry and...sterile. I'm with the infantry. Field ops allows me to interact with people on a more...personal level rather than through MEGAMI or PANTHEON.", she added, ranting a bit as she lost herself within her own thoughts.

"What about you Sara?"
YSS Kōkatsu

"No, I used to be part of the infantry." Hasewega replied as she started after Kyoka. "YSS Heartbreaker, NS-U1-107427. Spent a year being one of the few infantry members on the ship before it was recalled." Images of the excursions she made flashed in her head as she spoke. The derelict scout ship, the Vekimen station, the Battle over Ee'ee, snipits replayed quickly in her head before she shook them off.

"Not quite sure if I am at liberty to bring up some of the stuff I saw during my time." Hasewega added in before any could ask. "Some of it still probably being screened for sensitive information. The Intelligence Operatives we had on the ship never really lasted long..."
YSS Kōkatsu

"So you're both infantry," Sakaki said. "You have that in common, if not your experience levels. You'll be able to help one another out because of that, in ways neither of you expect."

"Luckily the cabins are close to the hangar on the Chiaki-class," Tsubei Kyoka said. "So you'll have no problem going back and forth if need be. This is cabin 2 for both Santô Hei personnel."

While Sakaki nodded and brought her standard issue black backpack into the room and chose a bed, Tsubei looked to the other two women, expecting Saeki Uehashi to do the same with her own standard issue and personal items. Sakaki then began to take out a small portion of her stuffed cat plush toys and placed them on the pillow of her bed. Tsubei Kyoka put up a hand and shook it one way or another.

"Let's not unload all of our belongings right now. Maybe another time?" Tsubei Kyoka then looked again to Saeki Uehashi to see her progress getting acclimated to her room.
YSS Kōkatsu

Uehashi set her duffel bag down by her desk in Cabin 2. She let Sakaki select the bottom bed as she took a few fragile and important personal possessions out of her bag. These included some articles of dance attire, a volumetric makeup kit, a laudatory book on the political activities of Empress Himiko I, and a set of dance shoes. She set the makeup kit and the book down on her desk and placed the shoes and the clothing in the nearby cabinet before looking up upon hearing Tsubei Kyoka.

"Oh, sorry Juni! I'm right behind you, wherever you want to go!", Uehashi replied with a cheerful smile.
YSS Kōkatsu

En route to the newly cristened SAINT vessal, was a hovering EM-J5 anti gravity assistance bot. There was something unusual about this one though, namely, it seemed to be carrying cargo in the form of an unusually red mini neko, her appropriately resized supplies, and a full sized scout sword. The miniature in question sighed, beleiving herself to be somewhat late. Not that she thought it was her fault in any way. The strap for the bulkier cargo the poor assistance robot was being forced to carry didn't seem to obey her and just get tied.

But that of course, was in the past now, it was best not to linger on the past. Only relatively recently had she completed her SAINT training, after quite the lengthy career as a minineko infanty. This would likely, be a huge leap in an unexpected direction for her, and she knew it. She was somewhat excited though, as she hadn't had the oppurtunity for a new experience such as this for quite some time.

After finally wandering aboard the ship, she quickly made her way to the other crew members, still standing atop the anti gravity drone, its cargo and all. "Nito Heisho Takaki Iki Reporting." She said as she bowed apropriately low.
YSS Kōkatsu

Hasewega made her way to Cabin 4, dropping off her duffel bag of standard issue items on the bottom bunk. The small crew cabin felt familiar yet empty as she took in a deep breath to calm her nerves. She stepped out, not waiting to keep the rest of the crew before noticing the newer, much smaller member of the crew. Seeing the red chevron on the small figure, she gave a curt bow to Takaki.

"Good to see we have more crew members aboard. Feel free to acclimate yourself to one of the cabins." Hasewega said, waving a hand out towards the other crew cabins. "I know mine still has an open bunk."
YSS Kōkatsu

The miniature neko raised herself up from her bow, and took a look at the Minkan adressing her, taking in the sight for a moment before she noded. "Ah, is that an invitation?" She tilted her her head and, while she didn't quite grin, she seemed amused. "I haven't had the oppurunity to meet the rest but I may take you up on the offer. Just know I may keep you awake at night." She knew of course, that could be taken in the exact wrong way, so she quickly elaborated afterwards rather than just leaving it in the air as such.

"I like to dance to music at night sometimes."
YSS Kōkatsu

Tsubei Kyoka came up to the two speaking together and looked between them, then back towards Uehashi with her deep lavender eyes.

"You two may have a lot to talk about," Kyoka said. "Seeing as you're both dancers." Kyoka turned and bowed to the mini and said, "Please forgive me, I am Ittô Juni Tsubei Kyoka. Welcome aboard."

- - -

Yuu Sakaki looked from her new roommate to Takaki Iki and asked Uehashi, "Do you dance at night, too? None of my old roommates have done that."
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YSS Kōkatsu

Saeki Uehashi swallowed nervously upon processing the cold and direct inquiry from Yuu Sakaki, taking a little offense at the tone of the question. She briefly recalled an embarrassing incident with her old bunk mate during basic. While Uehashi was practicing a particularly daring dance routine, her room mate had opened the door and stood there with her mouth agape for what must have seemed like an eternity before Uehashi noticed her presence and closed the door, but not before an excruciatingly long staring contest, of course.

However, she had always enjoyed night club dancing, despite having limited opportunities for such festivities.

"Well, if you mean night club dancing...then, I love it!", she replied with an awkward and somewhat playful smile directed at Sakaki. "But dancing alone at night is fun too!", she added as she gave the miniature Neko an energetic bow, taking care to observe the chain of command.
YSS Kōkatsu

The anti gravity assistance drone riding mini's slight grin grew a little wider as the only slightly odd seeming collection of saints talked, before bowing back to the Juni. She quickly put it out of her mind, the fact that the Juni had bowed to her first when in fact, she was the superior officer here. She's always had a problem with the total vigilance required for that though. "A pleasure to meet you. Though I enjoy it, I can't tell you how good at it I actually am."

"And I can't say i've ever tried my hand at club dancing either." she stood with her hands clasped behind her back, observing the somewhat exciteable seeming neko identified as Uehashi. She certainly seemed like one that would throw her all into a task set before her, from the limited information a first impression could offer.
YSS Kōkatsu

Sakaki looked at Uehashi as she gave her response and nodded, "Well if you decide to dance at night in our room, just make sure to give me some lessons first so I don't feel inadequate compared to you! When it comes to martial arts and swordplay, I have confidence. Dancing..." she trailed off before regaining her words. "Not so much."

- - -

Happy to have received the courtesy of a bow in response to her own, albeit her own was indeed preemptive, Tsubei Kyoka smiled at the mini as well as everyone else gathered before speaking.

"I am going back to the cargo bay to meet any other crew members. If anyone would like to join me, they are welcome."

She backed away and gave a curt bow before hurrying to cabin 3 where she dropped off her duffel bag and made her way to the open cargo bay where she put her hands behind her back, clasping them, and stood with her ankles nearly touching and toes splayed in her Type 32 heels.
YSS Kōkatsu

Rising from her bow, Saeki Uehashi smiled at Sakaki upon hearing the offer. She had always wanted to learn more about martial arts. The little she knew about self defense had come from basic training and ingrained knowledge. At present, Uehashi perceived martial arts to be similar to dancing because of its physical intensity and aesthetics. However, she was also eager to learn for its practical application. I should start downloading martial arts manuals, she thought as she formulated her response.

"I would love that! I can teach you how to dance! And maybe you can teach me how to dance...with swords!", she proposed, raising her hands for emphasis.
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YSS Kōkatsu

Yuu Sakaki nodded vigorously and her black hime-cut hair swished around her jawline as her ruby eyes watched Saeki Uehashi speak.

"That I can do. In our down time, of course. I wonder how much we will get. Where we will go..." She caught herself and silenced her train of thought by instead saying, "I guess we will know when we are meant to know."
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YSS Kōkatsu
Jiyuu Fleet Depot Spaceport

Joto Hei Nagato Maki sterolled across the landing field, her duffel bag, containing all of her worldly possessions, slung over her back. Her black paneled uniform denoted her membership in SAINT, She looked up at the black hulled destroyer that loomed ahead, pausing mid stride as she looked upon the angular and compact warship, the soft breeze ruffling her blue and purple hair. She had not served aboard the ship for some years now, not since she had served aboard the YSS Aeon. Maki had spent the last few years either as an instructor, or, more recently, on extended leave from service, enjoying her time at least pretending to be a civilian.

Now she was back on duty, recalled back to service for the Empire, for the queen, and most importantly, for SAINT.

Maki continued on, climbing the ramp into the small ships combined shuttle bay/cargo hold.

Joto Hei Nagato Maki, reporting for duty" she said to the officer manning the entry to the ship.
YSS Kōkatsu

With a salute, the pink-haired Neko had turned to Nagato Maki and succinctly gave her rank and name in return afterwards.

"Ittô Juni Tsubei Kyoka!" She cocked her head to the side and smiled at the Joto Hei while her hair graced her shoulder and fell below her waist. "Please come aboard. Which room would you like?"
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