Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

[YSS Kanagawa] Prelude


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 42
RP Location
YSS Kanagawa, Yamatai Space
YSS Kanagawa
Captain's Quarters
Rokusai Gen

"MEGAMI, start up the log," said a crisp, authoritative voice.

A chime answered in response, telling Gen that the recording had begun.

"Today marks the first day where my new rank and title really mean anything. The incredible weight of responsibility that comes with this ship and the mission we are to carry out weighs heavily upon my shoulders."

There was a pause as the captain considered one hand.

"My new shoulders. Adjusting to this new body has been something of a challenge, but one I enjoy. It feels more.. appropriate. It is my hope that each day I can take another step towards being more like the man who inspired me to make this change."

Gen looked to the large mirror that hung on one wall. The dress uniform was crisp and impressive, highlighting the captain's broad shoulders and commanding posture. As the captain looked up, it was the face that looked back that was the biggest change. A male face, bearded, with features that matched the many years of service of the mind within. It was a far cry from the Neko body that Gen had previously "worn".

The eyes, looking back at himself, showed resolve.

"End log."

YSS Kanagawa

While the captain settled in, the crew was boarding and checking over her systems. The Kanagawa was new, like so many others in the ongoing war, and demanded much of her new crew. Systems had to be checked and checked again. Crew rosters were reviewed and updated. Quarters assignments were griped or cheered about.

For new recruits, the Plumeria-class was something of a legend. They had heard stories of its legendary durability and combat power. Tales of groups of Plumeria suddenly appearing in the skies of the Star Army's enemies and raining down justice. That they were all now part of that legend filled them with hope and pride. That none of them knew what their mission was didn't particularly matter.

For many of the more experienced crew, boarding the Kanagawa was like seeing an old friend once again. Her corridors were familiar, had been walked by countless members of the Star Army in so many ships just like her.

The engineering and logistics crew were discovering that the Kanagawa wasn't exactly like the other Plumeria they were familiar with. A portion of her cargo bay was filled with quite a few cryochambers. Sleeping Nekos and other species lay inside each. Rations and other sundries were in far greater supply than the craft would typically need for a normal mission duration. Together, they spoke of a mission of unknown length far away from the Star Army's usual supply lines.

As Gen walked towards the Volumetric Room for the ship's first briefing, he considered what to say and how to say it. The sight of the new crew bustling and preparing for the Kanagawa's launch was another reminder that their lives would depend on the decisions he had to make in the coming days. He mentally shook off the unease that haunted him, firmly reminding himself of the importance of their mission.

With the doors to the Volumetric Room before him, he once more shored up his resolve.

"MEGAMI," he said, staring at the letters on the door. "Begin to summon the crew once they've settled in. I'd like to see their faces and get to know the people I'll be fighting alongside. We can debrief after we've gone through the shakedown."

Another friendly chime answered him in confirmation. He wondered idly at the response; all the MEGAMI he'd worked with before had been more ... chatty.

Gen shook off the thought and considered the door once more. The Captain intended to make himself available to the crew if they wished to meet him, to forge the first link in the chain that would hold them all together no matter what came later. Into the waiting interior of the Volumetric Room he went.

Make yourselves comfortable, share some backstory if you'd like, and feel free to stop by to meet the Captain. You can meet him one-on-one or come in with/after someone else - I'll handle it however you'd like. You're also welcome to not meet him at all. :) Plenty of stuff to explore.

After a post cycle or two, the ship will get underway and the mission will officially start!
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RP Date: YE 42
RP Location: Volumetric Room - YSS Kanagawa, Yamatai Space

Report to the Volumetric Room.

The silent command registered in Kanagawa Chasianna’s digital mind as an order directly from the captain himself, but relayed by MEGAMI. Glancing up from the volumetric pages of a particularly gripping romance novel that she had been reading for the last ten minutes, Chasianna took a deep breath and floated out of her seat. With only a thought, a volumetric mirror appeared in front of her, which she used to briefly examine her appearance before leaving her cabin. Her cornflower blue-paneled bodysuit indicated that she was a soldier in the Star Army. However, by virtue of her Nekovalkyrja body, she was also an infantrywoman, even though she had never underwent formal training. Nevertheless, amongst the catalogue of duties that she performed on the YSS Kanagawa, foremost was her obligation to fight in power armor whenever called upon to do so.

It was a duty that she intended to execute without question.

After adjusting her bangs over her eyebrows, Chasianna deactivated the volumetric mirror and left her cabin. While many crew members were still boarding the ship and unpacking their personal gear, Chasianna was completely prepared to leave port. The YSS Kanagawa was her home. Not once in her short life had she ever left the confines of the ship, even when presented with the brief opportunity to do so. Save for her volumetric reader and uniforms, she had virtually nothing in the way of personal belongings.

It was a simple life of duty and sacrifice, but a part of her wanted more.

Upon entering the Volumetric Room, Chasianna delivered a snappy military salute to the broad-shouldered captain. “Kanagawa Chasianna-Hei, reporting!” The Sprite belted out in a peppy soprano voice. “Permission to take a seat in the front row for the briefing, Chusa?”
RP Date: YE 42

RP Location: Volumetric Room - YSS Kanagawa, Yamatai Space

Report to the Volumetric Room.

The command that had rang in Chasianna’s mind had also rung in the mind of her ‘ship-sister’, Kanagawa Renna. She shared cabins with her sister, specifically, the MEGAMI room. She had arranged this herself, and had managed to get the request approved, due to the current lack of avatar from the MEGAMI, and the fact that, to her and Chasianna, the MEGAMI was much like their mother, as the sprites that had been created by it they were. As her sister was reading the novel, Renna was busy on her datapad, studying the software. Ever since she had been created, she’d taken an interest in information technology, yet another reason she had requested for her and her sister to be bunked in the MEGAMI room, although, much like her sister, was still in training for her role.

She, too, checked her appearance in a volumetric mirror, but took more time than her sister, taking extra care and detail into making sure she looked perfect. Her bodysuit also had cornflower blue panelling, due to being still being a newly created soldier, but she knew she’d one day be wearing technician red. She was soon up, too, and spoke up, to Chasianna. “You ready, sister?” She’d say, giving her a nod, before setting off with her, for the Volumetric Room.

Much like her sister, all her belongings were already on the ship, and she was already ready to leave port on the ship she had called home the whole of her short life, so far. Unlike crew that was now coming onto the ship, she and her sister were quite accustomed to the differences between this ship and normal Plumerias, after all, this was their home, and all they knew, so far. Renna had also not yet left the ship, after all, she had no interest to, as of yet.

She entered the Volumetric Room along with her sister, saluting the captain as well, speaking after her sister, for once. “Kanagawa Renna, Yontô Hei, also reporting! I also ask for permission to take a seat, Chusa, with my sister.”
YSS Kanagawa
Volumetric Room ("Captain's Office")
Rokusai Gen

The Captain turned to face the two women, giving them a respectful nod and folding his hands behind his back. "Chasianna-Hei, Renna-Hei, good to see you both."

Gen relaxed his 'stern, dependable officer' stance. "No debriefings just yet. I'm saving that for after we've left port. Sensitive information and all that. No, today is just a chance for me to get to know all the new crew a little. I'd prefer it if my first interaction with key personnel wasn't our first debriefing."

He walked over to one wall of the Captain's Office he'd had the Volumetric Room turned into and began making himself a cup of coffee. Gen had met a number of sprites in the past, but none quite so .. new. He wasn't sure how to hold a conversation with the twins, sometimes. "If you have any questions for me, by all means please ask. In the meantime, I have one for you - what do you think of the ship's MEGAMI so far?"
YSS Kanagawa
Ramp Entrance

Hinata looked up at the entrance to the ship, then back to the man beside her with a bit of apprehension, a first for the woman.

"So... We are going to be living in this... For months at a time with only brief possible stops planet side or out of it..." There was disbelief in her voice as she looked to him, then back to the ship and let out a sigh. She seemed to fidget a bit, confused and concerned over the fact that she was to live in some ship for far to long for her tastes. She looked back to the area they were docked in, already missing the interaction of more than just ten people or so. She gave a small shiver and headed up the ramp, bags in hand that held all her belongings. She called on the Megami to give her directions, eyes taking in the path highlighted before her to send her to her room to drop her things off. Her weapons and power armor, again a far difference from the armor she was used to in the Daisy, was already on board, just the normal standard issue items that everyone got, she let a small sigh escape yet trudged on through the halls of the ship.

Very little had Hinata spent extended periods of time aboard a ship, more often than not just quick jumps to operation areas, Hinata was a station or planet side girl, a majority of her time in the military spent away from ships and focused more in the larger companies, Centurions and Rikuguns over some of the smaller long distance operation teams. But she had followed Kai to the ship, away from where they had met. She tossed her bags onto the bed of the room she had taken, unsure just yet if they were to share a room, and turned instead to explore.

This was her first time on a Plumeria class ship, even when she had been on ships usually they had been larger carrier types to transport large amounts of troops at once for quick insertions into the battlefield. She felt wholly out of place on the ship, but she usually excelled in these situations. Given time before the summons was made, the giant of a Neko had taken to exploring the ship to see what she could discover about the ship itself. She wasn't sure if Kai would follow behind her, but she certainly took her time in exploring. Eventually as the order came to assemble, she found her way toward the Volumetric deck and stepped in to offer a crisp salute.

"Nito Heisho Kaito Hinata, reporting for duty." She offered to those assembled in the room already. The multi-hued giant of a Neko stood at a towering 5'11", her multi-colored hair bounced as she stood up again and blue furred tail twitched behind her. She let her eyes roam over those assembled, eager to see just who had already assembled and to get an eye for just who she would be working with.
YSS Kanagawa

Thaddeaus Maximus adjusted quickly to the life of being in the Star Army. Honestly it felt like every other group he had always been a part of. Listen to the guy above barking orders and storm the hill killing as many enemies as you could. This was followed by downtime back with the team to bond and grow stronger as a unit. Though he had to admit the nekos were far more individual than he had expected. Being of military make he pictured them being lifeless killing machines. To learn they not only have different personalities but also have feelings was a welcomed surprise. While he was all about getting the mission done, to balance the harshness of war one needs to have those moments of bliss and happiness. Else it was easy for one to slip into a state of only having a reason to be was to kill which was a dangerous path to walk.

Thad got a message that he was to report to Volumetric Room once he was settled in. That took exactly however long for his bag to hit the floor. He was never one to get comfortable in one place. Always having to be on the move. Though having a home like this for awhile would be a welcome change. He made his way in the direction of the Volumetric Room. Having memorized the layout of the ship helped greatly. He made it a point to know as much as he could in the off chance the ship might get boarded. He even helped out a few of the new crew by giving them directions. While he was on the smaller side of a half ID-SOL, he towered over much of the crew.

He walked into the room and announced himself. "Thadeaus reporting as ordered." He stood at attention, his shirt stretching across his chiseled chest. Head was held high as his eyes looked around the room at his new comrades.
Even Kai had to admit this was going to be quite a change to not only his, but Hinata's life, but he was honestly excited for this. He absolutely loved ships, and the Plumeria had a fond place in the Minkan's heart as the first major ship class he ever got to man the sticks of. Now that experience was being brought into play again, a almost child like wonder crossing his mind as he saw the gleaming and shiny new hull of the ship. But the woman who was object of the much greater love of his heart, garnered more attention then his hobbyist passions. He rested a hand on Hinata's shoulder before they went nervously walking up the boarding ramp umbilical.

"Surely it won't be all bad, I know it's a big switch, but at least we'll still have each other along the way. I know I'll miss the girls and getting their regular mail, and that I won't be getting to be the part as a father as I should. It'll be hard for me too, but just think how sweeter coming home will be later, and all the plans we can make for what we'll do when back.", Kai said reassuringly, already feeling the pang of distance from his daughters. Perhaps that would be the hardest part of this, but the rest of the journey remained yet unknown.

The halls and corridors felt oh so familiar, yet new again, especially with Hinata at his side this time around. Something he kept even in his mind now as he saw the signs of discomfort, and even though he could not fully relate to a more planetary life style, he still wished to comfort her. Hell, he was even part way through commenting about how relieved he was that they were getting to share quarters, but didn't get very far as she went to explore. Sliding his bag through the door to bump against the side of his bunk, he hit a jogging stride in order to catch up.

Normally the Minkan would have gone on and on about ship facts, and how it's parts worked, but he figured perhaps it was not the best methods to soothe his lover's apprehension. However, he was more then happy to accompany her, trailing beside as they walked the halls of what would be home for months upon months. So he kept those words stowed unless asked for, and instead, made idle conversation as they went. It was only as they were called to the VR chamber, that he put on a less casual demeanor, his lean and nerdy frame trying to radiate his pride at receiving this position as they entered the chamber.

Snapping a salute, same as Hinata, the newly Joto Hei introduced himself. "Greetings captain, Joto Hei Kai Sagara reporting for duty as well. I look forward to helming this fine ship on her maiden journey." Despite his rather nerdy and intelligent reputation, the 6'2" Minkan man kept his void black locks, and skin well cared for. Perhaps in part to his Belmont clan heritage, he was quite the looker, even if for a nerd. His silver eyes were probably the most captivating feature, or his lean yet toned frame molded from hours in the engine rooms of many ships. Trained as technician, then humble bridge crew, the man had seen much in his time. From the Sakishima, to the honorable Eucharis, then the fiesty Bucaneer, and now here.

Kai had certainly earned the ribbons and awards on his dress uniform, and now he was ready to prove the stories yet again on the Kanagawa. He had many to make proud, and a love for his family to express by doing his part for their country.
YSS Kanagawa
Volumetric Room ("Captain's Office")
Rokusai Gen

A soft chime alerted Gen to the other crew approaching. He gave a curt, appreciate nod to the MEGAMI.

"Chasianna-Hei, Renna-Hei, we can continue that conversation later, if anything comes to mind," he said, wrapping up a conversation that was best kept to private company. He wasn't concerned, but he didn't need the entire crew acting strangely around the ship's AI.

The door to the room opened, allowing Hinata and Kai to enter. Gen was back into stern officer mode as he listened to their introductions. "Hinata-Heisho, Kai-Hei, welcome. Make yourselves comfortable, MEGAMI has summoned a few others."

The captain motioned to an empty area of the room, which promptly materialized a few plush leather chairs and a small table. "Do any of you drink coffee? One of my guilty pleasures."

He poured and handed out cups to anyone who wished one with a somewhat formal air. Something about how the captain handed over the coffee was reminiscent of a tea ceremony.

Another chime announced the arrival of another crew member. Gen welcome Thaddeaus as he had the others, giving the half ID-SOL a cup of coffee if he wished it.

Gen took a sip of his own coffee once he'd served the others and seemed satisfied with it. It was the first he'd made on the ship since arriving. For some reason, different ships seemed to have subtle differences in the flavor of their coffee. He was sure someone - Kai, perhaps, given his background? - could tell him, but it wasn't why he'd called them all here.

"We may have one or two crew join us, but we may as well get started. My name is Rokusai Gen. It's a pleasure to meet each of you. I have read your files," he said, motioning to a stack of folders on the desk. "Some of you have quite the history. I am excited to see how you apply your experience to the mission ahead. For the rest of you, I look forward to seeing those files grow. The mission ahead of us is of a highly secretive nature, but it promises to have a significant impact on the war. I'm confident that you'll each receive your share of commendations in the days to come."

"Until we launch, I won't be able to discuss the mission further," he continued. The various physical contacts with the port were a risk he wasn't willing to take. "I can, however, answer any other questions you might have. If you have none, then you are free to return to your duties, if you wish."
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YSS Kanagawa
Power Armor Bay

Within the power armor bay of the YSS Kanagawa, a rather plain looking Neko officer watched as an team of logistics personnel loaded her new Keiko power armor into its seiza resting position. She just watched on, crossing her arms across her chest as a number of feelings came to her.

She had fully expected to spend more time at the Fighting School as an instructor. But she was quite shocked when she got orders for the Plumeria class Gunship. It had been years since she was last on one, her first temporary command of one. But being a shakedown cruise, it doesn't particually mean much other then a break from her long career with ground infantry.

When her thought armor was secured, she returned to the present and turned to exit the bay. She had to report to her new commanding officer.
YSS Kanagawa
Volumetric Room ("Captain's Office")

Thad did love himself some coffee and he wasn't even needing it to get over a hang over. Which was a new way of life for him. Since joining Star Army he found himself less partying and more focus on the mission at hand. He liked this change of pace and welcomed the better company. He was far to use to having a good time at a bar with the less than good people of the world. Aboard the ship he hoped the higher class of Star Army would leave a lasting impression. And he hoped he too would leave a lasting impression.

His first order of business was to work to get his rank up to be given more tasks. Even though this was not his first time around the block, to star army they could care less. Which he understood, have to prove your worth. However during his research of the ship he would be joining took notice of a pair of twins who were a rank under him. This was interesting since he did not believe there to be a rank under his yet this was the perfect opportunity. He could team up with them and show he can lead. This was most exciting since he had expected it would be awhile before he had his own group of minions to lead.

He scanned the room and took notice of the twins he was most curious to meet. He made his way over and took a seat next to them. "Greetings, nice to meet you. I am Thaddeaus and looking forward to working with you on this mission."
YSS Kanagawa
Ramp Entrance

Taharial sighed as she wandered up the ramp, she had been on a few different ships now, so to her this was just same old same old as she walked up the ramp. She greeted anyone that she saw as she looked around and smiled as she liked the look of the ship as she giggled a little. She had sent her PA to the ship earlier so that she had the protection for someone of her race.

Her wings flutter as she checks her datapad for the information of the crew she would be making sure stay alive and not die too many time. She reads over the crew and smiles as little as she sees the crew names and stretches "looks like I will have my work cut out for me now." As she looked through, she also saw that the captain was holding a meet and greet basically and thought she would introduced herself before she continued getting settled.

Taharial headed towards the Volumetric Room to introduce herself, while she walked she sent a message out to the crew.

Hello crew,

I am your new medical personel, Taharial Chasen.
I will be in the med lab soon, if you need to have a data backup
or want  to have a chat about anything medical you need, physically or mentally.

Volumetric Room ("Captain's Office")

Once at the Captain's office, Taharial noticed that there were already people chatting with the captain, so she decided to leave meeting the captain to another time, since she would have to sort out at least one mind back up before the mission started.


Taharial had made her way to the MedLab where she threw her bag down "New ship, same home." She giggled to herself as she sat down and got her notebook out. she started to write in it as she waited for crew members, most likely the Minkan and Nekos that have forgotten to keep their stuff up to date. She yawned a bit and looked around the medical room "Better make sure I know where everything is in this ship as well, so I can get to it quickly." She gt up as she sighed and then started to look through was was stocked in the ship and what was where.
Volumetrics Room

Suzuki Akira also noticed the people already in the volumetric room, so she opted to head to the medical lab instead.

Medical Lab

When the doors to the Med Lab hissed open, she walked to talk to the ship's medic. But when she realized she was Elysian, she paused for a moment. It had been years since the 4th Elysian War for the elder soldier, but still felt a bit uneasy around them. Especially purer Elysians. But she was a professional soldier, so she kept such misgivings from really showing up on her face and she walked up to Taharial.

"Greetings Chasen-hei, I require a mental backup now that I am active combat once again." Akira said with a hint of compassion and much professionalism in her voice that being an officer requires. Then she couldn't help not inspect the cleanliness and organization of the room. Years of being a basic training instructor.
Volumetric Room (“Captain’s Office”)
Kanagawa Renna

Renna nodded back to the captain as he relaxed and told her and her sister that there wouldn’t be any debriefings, yet, understanding. “Aye, Chusa, understood. It only makes sense, getting to know those that are to be serving you for the indefinite time the mission might take.” She smiled lightly, watching as the captain made himself his coffee, offered for the twins to ask any questions, before he himself questioned her and her sister on what they thought of the MEGAMI thus far.

“Oh?” Renna said, before, with a thoughtful look on her face, she thought of what to say. However, before she could say anything, a chime was heard, Renna recognising it as an alert from the MEGAMI, followed by the captain saying they can continue the conversation later, giving a nod, before turning to the doors of the room, as Hinata and Kai entered, together. She payed particular attention to Kai, with the awards that adorned his uniform. Well experienced, she thought.

Taking a seat in one of the leather chairs that appeared in the room, Renna, despite not taking a cup herself, watched as the captain handed over the coffee with that formal sense to it, before hearing that chime once more, and the large half ID-SOL Thad walked in, watching him.

As the captain spoke once more, Renna would look back to him, nodding lightly as she listened. Of course, the captain couldn’t tell them the information yet. They were still in port. Letting loose the sensitive information now could lead to the information somehow getting outside the ship – and who knows what could happen, then.

She then noticed the half ID-SOL would approach where she and her sister had sat, and looked to him, and nodded to him. “Greetings, Thaddeaus. It is nice to meet you, too. I am Renna, and this is my sister, Chasianna.”

Sharon Starburst

Not long after the captain had spoken to the crewmembers present in the Volumetric Room, another crewmember appeared. She was a curvy Minkan, with pink eyes, and somewhat wild, though still well-kept pink hair. The panels on her uniform were coral, indicating she was a caretaker, ready to help take care of the rest of the crew, and their morale.

“Nitô Hei Sharon Starburst reporting for duty, Chusa! Sorry if I’m late. I was putting my belongings where they should be.” She said, with a chuckle, and a smile. “Was there anything important I missed while I was out of the room?” She’d ask, moving to sit down on a seat in the room.
YSS Kanagawa
Volumetric Room ("Captain's Office")
Rokusai Gen

Gen let the crew chat, watching as a few crew members passed by. There would be time to meet everyone. They had a long mission ahead of them, after all. His mind wandered to the mission's details and the upcoming launch of the ship while the room's other inhabitants chatted.

Sharon's entrance pulled him out of his thoughts. "No need to apologize, Hei. We're keeping things informal for now."

The captain stood, introducing himself and offering the newcomer coffee as he had the others.

Time passed this way for some hour or so, with crew coming and going, making their introductions and beginning to form the bonds that would turn them from 'acquaintances' into 'crew mates'. A gentle, nudging chime informed the Captain that it was time for everyone to return to their stations.

They had a ship to launch.

OOC: (feel free to continue another round of dialog, if you'd like!)

YSS Kanagawa
Medical Lab

A handful of other crew members stopped by between the time that Taharial sent out her notice and the signal to return to station was issued. Among those were a few of the bridge crew, a surprisingly high-ranked cook, and a nervous looking engineer who wanted to know if their ST backups would be saved to the station or not, "Just in case".

OOC: (same - feel free to get another round of socializing in if you'd like. Links were provided to the NPCs above if you'd like to include them.)

YSS Kanagawa
Rokusai Gen

Settling into the chair of the C.O. station, Gen had to admit that he would never get tired of the new-captain's-chair-feel. There was something pleasant about the material's lack of blemishes and fresh-off-the-production-line smell that he rather enjoyed. The sight of the bridge filling up as crew reported in was pleasant, as well. Small details filled the bridge, like chairs being adjusted for their new owners and screens switching from one display setting to the next.

Gen fought back a smile. He told himself that he'd be one of those stern, dependable captains now that he'd be running his own ship. As an XO, he - she, at the time- had served along a number of captains. His favorites were those with a broad back and zesu-like disposition.

As the last of the bridge crew settled in, he couldn't entirely resist the small tug at the corner of his lips.

"Kazamura-Hei, inform port that we're ready to depart."

The woman nodded, her hands flying across the volumetric screen before her. A few moments later, she looked to the captain.

"Our flight plan has been accepted. We have clearance to depart in five minutes, Captain," she replied.

He nodded in return. "Toy-Hei, how's she look?"

One of the other women, sitting at the Systems and Safety Monitoring station, responded. "Everything is well within the green, Chusa. The Kanagawa is ready for departure."

"Excellent," Gen responded. This was all expected, of course, but such formalities were important.

"Helmsman," the captain said, looking to the Piloting and Weapons station. The man sitting there was more than a little famous. "She's in your hands."

OOC: (this one's mostly for @Jack Pine , but anyone who would normally be on the bridge is free to add in)
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"Nice to meet you Renna. Thinking this is going to be one wild ride." He looked around at the crew. "Lots of green in the ranks but have a few seasoned souls." He looked back at her with a smile. "Don't let the arm band fool ya, I am new to star army but not to fighting. Can count on me to pull through and get the job done."

Thad then reached into his jacket and pulled out a flask. "Want a drink? Might be our last chance." He said moving the flask in her direction.
Kanagawa Renna

Renna smiled to the half ID-SOL, and nodded. "It may be. After all, we still don't know what our mission is, not until we've left port." She nodded further as he spoke of the green in the ranks. "True... after all, me and my sister were only recently made. But I am sure that us and the rest of the crew will perform our roles to the best of our ability." She chuckled lightly, as he spoke of his experience. "We'll have to see. Personally, I am more looking into the support side of things than combat. In particular, I'm very much interested in information technology. I might be wearing cornflower blue, but one day, I'll be wearing red. But don't let that fool you, I'll still be able to hold my own in combat."

As she offered him the drink, she looked at him with a bit of a frown, and shook her head. "No thank you. We're about to go onto duty soon."

Sharon Starburst

The pink haired and eyed caretaker Sharon smiled at the Captain as he told her she needn't apologise, and that it was a informal time now, giving him a nod. "Got it." She'd then listen as he would introduce himself as he had to the others, before she sat down in a seat in the room, to talk to, and meet, some of the others, while they all waited for further instructions.
YSS Kanagawa
On the way to the Volumetrics Room

"Taharial's here? Oh, sweet!" A tiny and excited voice echoed into the room, quickly followed by its owner, an impressively short Elysian woman who happened to be sliding her miniturized datapad back into its holster. She scanned the room, but it appears that the captain had already disappeared - looked like her pad was acting up again, and it might need to be replaced now... Dammit.

"Did the captain already leave to the bridge? Shoot!" Aradia exclaimed with a hint of frustration to her lightly-woven voice. Seemed there were quite a few people on this ship... Of course, this wasn't the first time she was on a Plumeria - and in fact, she'd studied the deck layouts several times now, so with a tropical flourish of her wings the green-paneled lady was already marching to where she needed to go. Damn her sense of time! It always gets thrown off when she joins a new ship...


"Joto Hei Sivins, reporting!" Her vice crisply disturbed the air of the command center, giving the most formal of salutes she could to the captain whom towered over her.
To be honest, the meeting had been rather brief, and more then a bit vague, at least to an extent to have less info then the minkan had hoped for. With introductions made, it was clear that the time for departure was fast approaching now. So when it was time to go, and taking advantage of the informal nature of the meet and greet, Kai slipped his hand into Hinata's before giving a little squeeze and a peck on the cheek. "Seems like it's my time to go do what I do best. I'll catch you later after my duty shift alright, but think this will be a good place for us. The mission seems important, and the crew hand picked, so let's do our best.", and with those determined words he made his way to the bridge, giving her one more smile for until he next saw her.

Kai Sagara straightened his pilot's cap as he approached the bridge, his walk tall and proud, knowing he would put forth all his effort to prove his reputation was more then just fame and good graces. Stepping into the command compartment of the mighty gunship, the minkan half floated down into his seat as his mindware auto implemented his desired seat settings. It sadly wasn't his first ship transfer, having run the gambit of being at the helm of numerous imperial ship classes. Hopefully, this would be his last for a long while, he wanted it to stay his and his girlfriend's ship for as long as possible.

But now was the time to be serious and show he meant to keep it that way, especially as departure clearance was given a few minutes later. Having already auto-executed all required system checklists, he was pleased with all lights green. Taking the controls in his hands, they felt slightly different, but familiar, like a hug from a long unseen old friend. So with a grin, Kai spooled the engines, and as they whined to full power, he put in the command for their moorings to be released. Even with fresh dampeners installed, that slight thump as the hull was set free, never got old.

"Hai Chusa, engine is at output for cruising speed, moorings are away. Preparing for exiting of the bay, and I'll accelerate once clear of the gate marker.", the junto hei reported before easing the bird out of the cage. Once it was clear of the dock, it began to spread it's aetheric wings, moving at more impressive speeds towards the edge of the system. "System envelope in two mikes, FTL is charging and will be ready to engage on your order Chusa."
YSS Kanagawa
Rokusai Gen

The captain looked at the newcomer Elysian. His gaze lingered on her for a beat too long before he moved on.

In a confident, gravelly baritone, Gen motioned her along. "At ease, Sivins-Hei. To your station."

The launch of the ship was uneventful. The best kind, in Gen's opinion, but it was to be expected. The Star Army didn't make bad ships and their pilot was one of the best. He'd need to be.

"MEGAMI, put me on broadcast. It's time to let the crew know what we're up to." The MEGAMI chimed back an affirmative. With the ship away and the CDD engaged, comms were as secure as they were going to be. He gave Yorin-Hei a meaningful glance, waiting to speak until the Communications Officer gave him the go ahead.

"Crew," he began, his voice rumbling through the ship, "many of you have questions about the details of this mission that have, thus far, gone unanswered. It's time to rectify that. We of the YSS Kanagawa, alongside the other ships of our task force, will be FTL'ing deep into Kuvexian space. As part of the Star Army's larger retaliatory efforts, we will be taking out production lines and centers of wealth belonging to high-ranking Kuvexian officials who support the war effort.

If that doesn't cause them to change their minds, we'll deal with those officials directly."

Gen motioned to the air in the room, which promptly responded by displaying a volumetric map of the sector. It zoomed in on a corridor between their current location, far on the borders of Yamatai's space, and the Kuvexian's own sector.

"We'll be taking a passage, called the Kerebos Gap, to get there. Our new Senti allies recently informed us about the route. It seems that it's an area of space that Kuvexia and the local traders avoid. We're going to take advantage of that to slip into their sector undetected.

We know very little about this 'Gap' other than the broad strokes of what systems lie where. Be prepared for anything."

The captain looked to Kai and Aradia. To them, he spoke in a more muted tone, not letting his comment broadcast. "It'll be your jobs to keep us safe during the flight. There's likely a reason why locals don't use this space, I'd rather not find out the hard way."

The map zoomed towards a particular location and Gen's voice returned to normal and the broadcast resumed. "We'll make a brief stop on the edge of the Gap to take on additional supplies from the YSS Destiny's Call. Logistics crew, your dockets should be updated with the additional cargo as of now. These supplies would have given away the extended nature of our mission and potentially put our objectives at risk. Please make the appropriate preparations.

The task ahead of us is not a simple one, crew."

Gen paused, letting his words sink in. His next words were spoken with a grin. "However, I am fully confident in our ability to strike a little fear into the hearts of these Kuvexian bastards. They'll learn that there is a heavy price to be paid when you come knocking at our doors.

Now, back to work, everyone. We've got a ship to run."

The MEGAMI chimed again, informing the bridge that the broadcast had ended. The captain looked to the waiting faces of the bridge crew, especially the newbie crew.

"I said back to work, everyone," he said with a lingering grin. The best way to get their minds off of the weight of his announcement would be to let them get lost in their work.

"Sagara-Hei, take us to our rendezvous point, please. You should also find your mission documents updated - when you have the time, review the course and make any adjustments you deem necessary."

Gen settled down into his seat, looking at the volumetric display of the stars streaking by. After all that had just been said and done, the one thing that was still lingering on his mind was just how much taller he was than he used to be. He shook his head, stealing a glance at the Elysian Science Officer one more time.
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YSS Kanagawa
Volumetric Room

With their Captain on the bridge of the ship and done with her ST backup, Akira decides to make use of the room for her own purpose. Walking in, she activated her one of her own volumetric programs to change the room to that of a firing range. Content, she smirked to herself a bit as she listened to the ship broadcast. Afterward, she sent a message of her own to a subset of the crew.

To YSS Kawagana Infantry Detachment
From: Chui Suzuki Akira

" Report to the volumetrics room for an orientation briefing."

Short, sweet, and to the point. The way Akira preferred to be.