Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

[YSS Kanagawa] Prelude

YSS Kanagawa

Thad stood in the shower looking at the shower head wondering how he once again got in this sticky situation. Granted he knew how and had no regrets but this was not going to make showering any more easy. His one saving grace was the fact it was voice activated so at least that was a thing. "Shower On." He said in a slightly annoyed voice. The water instantly turned on and for his nep skin felt cold as ice. "Hotter, much hotter." The room started to fill with steam as the water increased in temperature. For a normal person this would feel like lava but for him was a nice relaxing time.

Thad had put in a request but all of the crew was too busy to come give him a hand. Was to be expected since he was not inquired so could not expect to be a priority. Instead he put in a request to MEGAMI to see if this Yam tech might send a helping hand. Through the steam he noticed a figure had appeared and was moving towards him. As the steam cleared he noticed a young looking girl standing at attention. She indicated she was there to give him a hand cleaning up. "I will admit, I was kind of joking when I said I'd be happy if they sent a neko on a rope." He said with a laugh.
YSS Kanagawa

Despite what she had literally just said, Aradia was not a navigator in the slightest - hell, the only way she could actually remember the location of rooms on the Kanagawa came from months on months of memorizing the layout of a Plumeria from her time on the Sakura II. Finding a direction was easy, but actually following the task force? That was an entirely different game.... One the smol was more than content with leaving to the ship's actual pilot.
YSS Kanagawa

Alfred walked through engineering manually checking each system, after finishing with the last system he pulled up the information of the debris on his Type-36 Communicator's display. Looking it over he reached up to scratch his chin as he tried to understand how the Kuvexians were able to inflict so much damage so quickly.

After a few minutes, Alfred decided that he need more data, he sent a request to his superior for access to all the information from the scans of the wreckage hoping that would give him what he needed.
YSS Kanagawa

Somewhere in her mind Alphara was aware of a burning heat, that seemed to threaten to char away every bit of flesh that it touched. As she became more aware and her body slowly became her own the heat faded. There was movement now that her mind knew, but her eyes couldn't track nor focus on. Finally she was able to move her body even as it felt to be drifting through a fog, sitting up she looked to Gen, her eyes focused on his lips having almost forgotten how they make sound.

As the fog of her mind and body cleared her eyes went wide and she threw off of the medical bed, away from Gen. Beside her a cart of medical supplies crashed to the ground along with her as she hit it with her leg, cutting the numb flesh open on a sharp edge. "Where's Madam?" She can barely talk still her vocal cords still mostly paralized. She'd drempt of this so many times before, and they'd always been tricks by Madam a game so that she could be punished. "What is this place?" She asks her head darting back and forth looking for the empending boot to drop on her head from any angle.
YSS Kanagawa

The girl smiled at him. "Something like that."

From behind her back, she pulled out something that looked a lot like a squeegee. "Just stand still and I'll get you taken care of." The tool began to vibrate with an audible hum.

The neko girl walked towards him, not seeming to mind the steam. "The manual says this may cause some hair loss, but I'll do my best!"


The ship's MEGAMI handled the request for the engineer, sending over the data he had requested. It appeared as though the YSS Destiny's Call had been carefully, intentionally cut to pieces by powerful aether weaponry. It would require a ship at least as large as a Super Eikan-class to inflict such damage. It was very likely that the destroyed SAoY ship had been sitting with its shields down, potentially as a part of some attempt at stealth.

Given that the CDD could accomplish a similar effect more effectively, the engineer might suspect that something else had been at play.

As for the systems check, everything seemed normal. The same nervous engineer that had been in the medbay some hours before was present here, walking around and aimlessly checking systems to keep herself occupied. She was so distracted that she bumped into Alfred, issuing a quick apology and pushing her glasses up as she shuffled away.


"...Madam?" Gen asked noone in particular, wondering what the woman was getting at. He'd run into Freespacers before and was fairly sure that Madam wasn't one of their official titles.

He leaned down and smiled at Alphara, recognizing the signs of panic in her. "You're onboard the YSS Kanagawa, a ship belonging to the Star Army of Yamatai. We recovered you from a destroyed Kuvexian vessel. I'm told that you were found in some sort of stasis, but you're safe now."

The captain frowned after saying that last bit. "Safe for now. This is a warship. We're about to pursue some Kuvexian ships like the one that you were found in. We may end up damaged - or worse."

Gen stood and extended a hand to Alphara, smiling once again. "What I can say is that you'll suffer no harm from myself or the crew. Be at ease."
YSS Kanagawa
Prior to shit hitting the fan

Boarding the ship had been... a bloody process to say the least, of course they didn't really tell him specifically why his credentials and gear had needed to be checked and re-checked so many times but the Nepleslian Bastard with rather handsome Yamtataian heritage could hazard a guess - eventually he was let through though a little too late to meet in the volumetrics chamber as suggested, it was fine though, being a red-panel he had no doubt anything actually important on the ship would make its way to him through less generalized means.

He wandered through the hall in his crisp, fresh uniform with a heavy-looking bag containing his personal defects slung over one shoulder, eventually finding his way down to the room and bunk assigned to one Ishikawa Kendo II - carefully dropping his gear off and unpacking some essentials while reading off the projected list of assigned tasks that had been sent to the communicator strapped to the inside of his wrist, the blue-haired man taking a moment to fasten a M01A fixed-blade combat knife to the back of his belt before moving off to begin making a dent on the list of things to do.

But then everything went to shit, Ken scratching at one eyebrow with his un-gloved hand as the fair-featured Nepper picked himself up off the floor post-impact, worrying a little internally though he seemed perfectly serene - even taking a moment to straighten out his well-fitting cargo pants and check his tools hadn't moved too much before checking his wrist-mounted communicator once more to keep up to date, offering the little device a frown and a huff as he packed his tools and moved to go keep the ship running.

Post shit hitting the fan
Various parts of the ship, he's a busy boy

"...still not sure what they may have reported as smelling like plastic burning but the ship's power seems to be undamaged and holding for now, fire suppression systems check out too, end message," Ken spoke into his communicator, letting the ship's Megami send the message where it needed to go as another notification hit his wrist, the blue-haired technician scanning over something about an unknown person in the medbay needing to be checked over due to both being scooped out of a box and having cybernetic components - so, quickly packing tools back into the belt on one thigh, Kendo moved to go make the necessary arrangements for such an encounter, sticking to the walls as he moved through the ship so that more combat-orientated personnel didn't need to deal with bumping into his shapely ass.

Little time was wasted as he replaced his uniform with a techie-red AMES suit in his size and re-attached his tools, making sure it was all sealed up and good to go as Ken grabbed a handheld scanner and made his way to the medbay, suit squeaking a little with each step but soon enough he was there, face illuminated by small lights behind the suit's visor - but Ken did take a moment to catch his breath and compose himself before barging into the medbay.

He wasn't as naked as Thad had been... but the skin-tight suit didn't do much to hide what the Nepper was packing and for the most part what he was packing was a lot of eyecandy beneath that red layer.

"Santo-Hei Ishikawa, here to perform scans," he informed them though didn't yet move in once he saw the tension in the room and the panicked 'spacer with a cut on her leg, causing Ken to shuffle sideways with a few quiet creaks of his suit and lean in towards Tahariel, the closest medic that seemed to be involved in all this, "They're still making sure the medbay's scanners weren't knocked around too much, so I'm here with a hand unit that wasn't plugged in at the time, I'll get out of your hair as soon as I can but do you mind if I take a few scans once our friend here is a bit more relaxed?" he asked her, Ken's somewhat deep voice having a somewhat soothing, calming effect to those who heard the baritone rumbles make their way out his suit's speaker.
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The captain gave the technician a nod of acknowledgement before returning his attention to the rescued Freespacer. She was, rather understandably, unresponsive. Likely as a result of all she'd gone through?

He stood back up, regarding the tech again. "Ishikawa, you said? Glad to have you aboard, son."

As for the newcomer.. he restrained a sigh. The last thing she needed was to be shipped off to somewhere even less familiar in her current state, and yet.. 'Well,' he thought, doing an admirable job of hiding his emotions, 'we can always put her back on ice if we have to.'

The captain looked to the caretaker and doctor. "See that she's well taken care of and given a place to rest. We don't have time to transfer her using the normal procedures, so she's going to have to tag along. Starburst-Hei, our new friend here is your responsibility until I say otherwise."

Orders issued and problem addressed, the captain departed the medbay and returned to the bridge.

"Is everyone accounted for?"

"Yes, Chusa," came the swift reply. "Away teams are back onboard."

"Good. Helmsman, let's hunt some Kuvexians."

The fold had been short and uneventful. As expected, the faint signs of the Kuvexian's departure had led the ship in the direction of the Kuvexian's territory. The ship's sensors detected where they had left fold. With some clever calculations on the part of the bridge crew, the Kanagawa emerged a safe distance away.

What hadn't been expected was the massive nebula that the dwarfed the bridge's view screens. Gen paused to take a look at their maps. A nebula of some sort was expected here, but .. well, it was one of the more impressive nebulae he'd ever seen. Light and energy seemed to radiate off of it. And yet, there was no sign of the Kuvexian fleet on their initial scans.

Gen tapped a few buttons, looking for an answer. He cast a likely culprit onto the main screen.

A massive ring-like structure, easily several kilometers in diameter, sat silently just on the perimeter of the nebula. Faint energy could be seen trickling off of it, slowly decreasing in output.

The captain frowned. "Sivins-Hei, any ideas what that..ring is? A Kuvexian device of some kind?"
YSS Kanagawa


“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Alfred insisted in an unnervingly calm manner as the nervous engineer shuffled away, he turned back to the data and read through it once again trying to determine the reasoning behind the method used for the attack on the YSS Destiny’s Call. A sense of realization dawned on him as he looked up from the report remembering the nervous engineer “Hey, hold on.” Alfred called out as he jogged after her.
YSS Kanagawa

"Honoured to be here, sir," Ken responded with a respectful bow as his superior left the room, his lean body snapping back upright with a faint huff and a smile towards the shell-shocked 'spacer, his blue cybernetic eye's faint glow standing out against the otherwise sterile and white back-lighting of his helmet. With a brief moment being taken to clear his throat, the red-clad Nepper took a few slow strides over towards the Freespacer, offering a sinfully charming smile from behind his helmet as he tried to not appear too intimidating.

"Ma'am? uh, hi - I'm Ishikawa Kendo the 2nd but feel free to call me Ken if you want to, most others do~" he beamed towards Alphara before gesturing to the device in his hand.

"I'm a technician and just here to run some scans to make sure you're all safe okay? it shouldn't hurt in the slightest, and will be over in a few seconds... feel free to sit down on the bed if you need to. It'll help take some weight off your leg, maybe hurt less," Ken chuckled as he bent his knees enough to put his own head at eye-level to hers, hoping to seem even less threatening.

"Are you alright with that?" he asked though his thumb had already depressed a button, the scanner having faced her the whole time he'd been speaking, it was a rather noiseless little thing so why not take advantage of the situation while he had the opportunity? those delicate yet handsome, fox-like features remaining locked into an unassuming little grin as the scanner finished taking its readings... but she didn't need to know that.
YSS Kanagawa

It had only been a few staggered moments since the captain had ordered the infantry to assemble when Corsalyn's cryo pod activated and began to wake her from her slumber. She had opted to have herself frozen, to act as a reserve infantry to be utilized later on in the mission if she should be required. Little did anyone anticipate that the order to unfreeze her would come so soon. The entire process took only a few minutes. A liquid activator was circulated into her blood stream via IVs and her temperature was raised to that of the surrounding environment. At first it would appear that nothing would happen, but her heart would soon start to beat again. Brain functions would increase, and her eyelids would flutter. Next an artificial stimulant would circulate her system, causing her to wake.

Cor woke rather suddenly her eyes shooting open as she took a sudden large gasp of air and sat up in her pod. She couldn't see yet, a common side effect of being frozen, but her sight would return quickly. Her tongue flicked a few times creating a picture in her mind with the various scents that lingered in the air. Sterile, crisp, medical. She knew that smell, and it helped to remind her of where she was. It would all come back to her now. Her mission, the freezing, all of it. Nothing to panic over, like waking up from a long dreamless sleep. Of course the fact that she was waking up at all meant something was wrong, an irony that she couldn't process at that moment. She groaned as she leaned over the side of the pod, allowing herself to pour out of its depths until she was free of her icy tomb. She was sluggish, still cold inside, something that affected her people rather harshly. She was also incredibly hungry, and at the same time somehow nauseous. Another wonderful side effect of the freeze and thaw process. Still there was no time to think of such things, not until she knew what was going on, where they were and what was required of her.

Corsalyn's fingers roamed the side of her cryo pod for a few seconds, her fingers fumbling over panels until she finally managed to find the data pad that would update her on the situation. She pressed her thumb to it and it came alive rattling off the time and date, as well as the captains orders and updates on the current situation. It took her a moment to comprehend that it hadn't been more than a day since the ship had departed and already they had run into trouble. This did not bode well. Still She had a duty to fulfill, there was no time for her to worry about times and dates now. With another groan she pulled the IVs from her arms and groggily raised herself up. Using various objects and walls to support herself as she made her way to the door. Her sight had started to return though it was a blur of light and dark, but it was enough.

As she reached the door it opened with a woosh, flooding the room with warm air from the rest of the ship. It felt good on her skin, but also acted to remind her that she was in her undergarments. This was not a huge concern for her though as her priority was to suit up and begin her mission.

Power Armor Bay -> Wreck of the YSS Destiny’s Call

It took the disoriented Corsalyn several minutes to reach the armory. By the time she arrived most of her Sight had returned and she was much more coordinated, having regained most of her faculties. Her armor was easy to find, as she noticed it was one of the only sets of the Separa'Shan Variant of Mindy armor. Upon approaching it she confirmed it was hers as it was marked with her name and rank. She smiled as she reached out to activate it, causing the suit to lower down, and open up for her. Normally she would strip down to her undergarments before suiting up, but as luck would have it she had no need this time. Once suited up she ran a quick systems check before grabbing her service rifle. Everything looked nominal. A heads up display indicated her location, and with a quick adjustment showed a wider map with the debris field surrounding the ship, and the wreckage. Already several dots could be seen moving through the debris towards the wreckage, indicating that the others had begun their investigations. She would need to hurry to catch up.

Navigating the debris in a mindy was an easy task. Its individual thrusters coupled with her movements, allowed her to fly with great agility, and before long she would arrive at the Destiny's Call. On her Hud she could see that several members were already advancing through the wreck, people who might not be aware of her presence here yet.

"Santo Hei Auroris Entering Destiny's Call." She piped in over the communicator.
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YSS Kanagawa

Aradia's brow furrowed halfway to her nose in frustration. "It's.... Difficult to tell. There's a lot of interference in the area, some natural but some... From the ring itself? Energy signatures match with a CDD fold jump at seventy-one percent accuracy. It's... some sort of relay? Likely used to supercharge drives for extended FTL travel, or enhance computing power..." She tapped a few more keys, then hummed in a pondering manner as her wings twitched, one briefly and audibly buzzing in a flurry of movement.

"The nebula might be a fuel or catalyst used in the ring. Placing an immense object in a location like this seems rather inefficient, without a regional reason to do so... If the object behaves as estimated, Kuvexia would easily benefit more from having them situated in secure territory to send out lightning strike reactionary forces or rush tactics. This is, as far as known information has told us, a topographical area too hostile to support long term occupation, let alone life in the planetary sense..."
Destiny's Call
Before the Jump to the Nebula

The sights that Cor saw were likely challenging to deal with. War was rarely pretty. Drifting through the flotsam of bodies and broken hull, past food trays and personal affects, highlighted just how unexpected the attack had been. The odds of finding a ship, especially one sufficiently powered down, in the reaches of space were astronomically low.

And yet, that's what had happened.

A ship's tech floated by. They had made it into their AMES in time to survive the dismantling of the ship, but it appeared as though some kind of small arms fire had been used to finish them off. The Kuvexians had been thorough with those they found, excessively so.

The order to return to the ship came not very long after. Leadership was rapidly adjusting to the change of plans and deciding what came next; the Kanagawa would not be one of the ships to stay here and sort through the rest of the remains.

YSS Kanagawa

The other engineer froze in her tracks as Alfred approached. She looked panicked, with wide eyes and pale skin. "Y-yes? H-how can I help you?"

She tightened her fists at her side out of nervousness, wishing she was anywhere else than here.


Gen frowned as he reviewed the data and listened to Aradia's explanation. If it were indeed a way to supercharge drives, then their speed advantage over the Kuvexian fleet they were pursuing might be lost.

He tapped his own screen, staring intently at the drive trail that led into the ring. The orders he'd been given to pursue the fleet and stop it from reaching enemy space were loud in his mind. Their original mission - and the lives of the rest of the Star Army fleet they'd launched with - would be at risk so long as the Kuvexian ships were safe. Their thorough dismantling of the Destiny's Call suggested that they may have been looking for something, but there hadn't been time to figure out what.

The Captain steeled himself and looked at the bridge crew.

"If it worked for them, maybe it will work for us. Toy-Hei, order everyone to find a secure location and strap themselves in. Sivins-Hei, please continue to keep a close eye on the sensors. Who knows what we're dealing with.

Sagara-Hei. Take us into the ring. "
Wreck of the YSS Destiny’s Call

Corsalyn waited a few moments, watching the various blips on her hud before the order to return to the Kanagawa echoed in her ears. She thought it strange considering she had just gotten here, but she wasn't one to disobey a direct order without having more information. Her superiors knew more about the situation than she did, and she suspected that they might be planning to leave this site for strategic reasons. Odds are whatever had caused this destruction was still around somewhere, and they wanted to avoid becoming the next victims.

"Copy that." Corsalyn responded to her new order as she beat a retreat out the way she had come, back into the debris field. Perhaps it was her determination to support her crew members, or maybe it was the cryo sickness, but she hadn't noticed the absolute scene of carnage that floated around her when she had approached the wreckage. However, now as she left, she better observed the mess around her. Bodies, many of which were not in any sort of protective atmospheric suits were floating around. Their skin frozen and their faces distorted in horror forever more. Whatever had happened here, had been fast, and as a great surprise.

Power Armor Bay

Upon re entering the Kanagawa, Corsalyn removed her helmet and stowed her weapon. It was at this moment that the Cryo sickness caught up with her in full force. The nausea that she had felt upon first waking up returned and she was no longer able to hold her composure. The young soldier fell forward onto her hands and immediately began throwing up. There had not been much in her stomach, but it still burned the back of her throat as she heaved heavily. The entire episode lasted only thirty seconds or so, before she was able to regain her breath, and managed to straighten herself up again.

She looked around seeing several people had witnessed her terrible moment. Her cheeks began to flush gently as she muttered a quick apology and hastily left the Power Armor Bay. She would remain suited up in case the order to redeploy was issued.
YSS Kanagawa

The Kanagawa slid silently towards the ring. It began to light up as they approached, tendrils of energy siphoning into it from the nearby nebula. Its energy readings rose higher and higher, far beyond expectations. Yet, the ring itself remained stable and motionless.

At some tipping point, the energy from the ring coalesced inwards in a brilliant ripple, swirling and twisting until the plane settled into an inky blackness. The rings energy levels became consistent as they grew nearer, the massive structure - easily big enough for the Kanagawa and a few of her sister ships - having finished whatever preparations it was going to do.

Gen stared at the dark before the ship, somehow blacker than space usually was. There were no stars, no light from the pulsing nebula just behind the structure.

And then they were in.

Kuvexian Command Ship - "Hard Day's Work"

"Your affluence, sir," said a diminutive alien. Its collar jingled as it approached the gold-clad Kuvexian who sat so casually on the captain's chair.

"Go on," she said, looking up from her book.

The alien nodded, tapping a few buttons on a datapad. The bridge's screen, which had been dark before, lit up with a view of the space outside. "A-as per your orders, sir, we launched aether-powered missiles towards the alien structure with their output set to far beyond maximum. Th-the signatures were carefully calibrated to match those of a number of our own l-larger ships."

The captain rolled her hand with a 'get on with it' motion. The slave jumped a little in fear, nodding furiously.

"As according to your br-brilliant plan, the enemy pursued us here. Th-then they entered the ring in pursuit of the de-decoys we sent."

Another hand roll, more exasperated now. She wanted him to get to the good part.

"H-however," he began.

She arched a brow and began to sit up more. "However?"

"It- it appears that they were not destroyed, as you expected."

"What?!" she growled.

"L-like the decoys, they appear to have vanished. Our head s-sciencer believed that the decoys had merely been destroyed outright upon entering it, but - but given the larger mass of the enemy vessels, that ... no longer seems to be the case."

The "head sciencer"'s pay had been docked so thoroughly that they went down two ranks. The captain regarded her new head sciencer and waited for an explanation.

"It seems that the ring is, indeed, a gateway of some kind, your affluence," the sciencer said, motioning with one of its four hands at the screen where the ring was displayed. "And, more importantly, it seems to still be fully functional. My..predecessor assumed that due to its advanced age - likely tens of thousands of years old - that the device would not be in normal working order.

It seems that assumption was incorrect."

The captain rubbed her purple fingers against her forehead. Her plan had been perfect - until that sciencer's bad information had ruined it. All that she had stood to earn by wiping out their fleet with zero losses - up in smoke. The enemy was not destroyed until she could prove they were destroyed. She gave the gate an angry glare.

"Where does it go?"

The head sciencer shook his head. "I'm not sure, ma'am-"

The diminutive slave from before stepped forward and whispered 'sir'. The sciencer paused, then tried again. "-sir. It seems to be a powerful Fold device of some kind, but its exact origin.. I can't say. It is pointed towards Kuvexian territory, so it could just as easily drop them inside the nebula as it could deep in our space. Or farther."

The 'inside Kuvexian territory' part gave her pause. She was prepared to call the whole thing a bust, but if a Yamataian fleet - her Yamatain fleet - emerged inside their home territory there would be more hell to pay than a simple garnishing of pay.

"Blast it all. Let's go in after them. I'll figure out the rest of the plan while we're in transit."

"Yes, sir!" came a chorus of replies from the bridge. The slave cast her a worried look, then made an even more worried look as they considered the gate. Something felt very wrong here, but it didn't know what.

YSS Kanagawa

The space around the ship was pure black. The usual streaming lights and fireworks were completely absent. The ship's orientation, location, and all other sensors simply reported..nothing. The only saving grace was that the ship was still whole and the crew had been reporting in regularly from across the ship. Contact with the other Plumerias had vanished along with everything else, but the assumption was that they were in similar condition.

This continued for nearly a week.

At last, color began to return to the space outside the ship. Brilliant clouds of reds and oranges, flashes of light and odd shapes in the distance creeped into view and then swallowed the ship entirely. The Kanagawa regained contact with the other ships at the same time and was pleased to find that they were safe.

Periodically, they passed through structures that resembled the ring they had entered through. The rings went by slowly, as though they were traveling at barely cruising speed, but the instruments reported that they were traveling well in excess of the ship's maximum FTL capability.

"Surreal," muttered Gen.

The next ring would not be so graceful. The moment the taskforce passed through it, energy readings began to spike wildly across every ship. Comms traffic exploded as the other ships reported in, reporting that visible energy was arcing through their vessel. The same was also true in the Kanagawa's lower decks, growing in strength and frequency based on proximity to the ship's core.

A metallic wrenching and whining sound reverberated through the ship, as though something were trying to rip it apart. Gen was shouting orders, demanding to know what was going on.

The wrenching finally stopped when the ship's power readings began to drop drastically. Engines and the generator room went completely silent. No errors were reported - simply.. nothing. A moment later, one of the other ships in the taskforce disappeared. Then another and another. Until the Kanagawa was all that remained in the strange space.

The ship fell out of FTL dramatically, emerging into a field of asteroids or debris and beginning to tumble wildly. The onboard gravity control, deprived of much of its power, was barely enough to give the crew a sense of 'down' - it certainly could not keep them pinned to the floor. For the second time within a week, anyone not strapped in was sent flying.

Systems from across the ship were flashing red on the bridge's displays, destroyed or heavily damaged from whatever had just happened.

"Sagara-Hei! Get this boat under control! Someone get status from engineering! Sivins-Hei! What the fuck is going on?"
As Ken reaches out to touch Alphara she doesn't retreat from his touch. Under his fingers Alphara is like air, her body moving to what ever position he wishes her. There's no protestations at the movement even if she's moved to the point of pain. She knew worse pain would come if she did, the madam had taught her that well. If he looks into her eyes now, he can see the truth in her soul, they're darting around wildly as she tries to spot the trap that is sure to fall on her head only too soon, before her eyes lock on him. Finally in her small voice she asks him a question.

"Has the madam ordered you to consume me?" She asks, her voice flat without the mortal fear that any living creature should be capable of feeling. Her eyes now flit between his ears, eyes, and teeth.
Power Armor Bay

Not finding anything of note within the wreckage of the Destiny's Call, Suzuki made her way back to the YSS Kanagawa and setup a floating fire support position outside to cover a potential retreat. Once that wasn't needed, she made her way back into the bay and remained within her Keiko. Partly due to being on standby, but also because she could make use of the armor's CIES to do some number crunching regarding what is known about the Destiny Call and the debris field that it is now. Something about it didn't sit well with Akira, but she is but infantry.
YSS Kanagawa
Heading to Engineering

Thaddeaus had been working out when the ship hit the first batch of something. Being curious he decided to go to engineering which was not far from his current position to nose around. While he was not an engineer by any stretch of the imagination, he was skilled enough to rig stuff together to get results. He had gotten halfway to engineering when the second wave hit the ship. This was shortly followed by lack of gravity. He found himself being turned into a ball inside a pinball machine. As he was flung by people, the words, "fucking god damn it Kai" could be heard as he bounced down the corridor. It took him a moment to get himself under control and able to direct his body. Lucky for him, nothing was broken though was for sure bruised.

He pushed fast to get himself to engineering. He grabbed onto a bar mounting to the side wall panel and tossed himself around the corner. He greeted Kuni Nayoko in a typical Thad way, by crashing into her. Thanks to the low gravity he simply wrapped himself around her and took the wall they collided with. His back smacked into it giving a small popping sound. He instantly grabbed the closest handrail to keep them from bouncing off the wall. "Oh snap, now that is what helps to work the kinks out of my back." He said with a slight distress in his voice. He released the young lady who was clearly in a hurry. "So what the heck happen, things seem a little broken at the moment." Thad had been taking in the sights around him and many of the systems seems off or just flat out broken. The displays were indicating errors and some just didn't display anything.
YSS Kanagawa

"Consu~ wha~?" Ken sputtered out, half-way through swallowing an anxious lump in his throat when Alphara caught him completely off-guard, the young Nep remaining quiet for a moment with a frown across his sharp features.

"No I'm not going to do that... hell, I'm a pescetarian even~" he chuckled after an awkward moment, biting into his bottom lip thoughtfully as the interaction was replayed in his head, Kendo making sure he had heard the woman right before turning to Tahariel.

"But methinks I'll be going now, she's all within safe parameters if this thing is to be trusted," he assured the Elysian, tapping one gloved hand against his scanner before continuing, "I'll leave you two to it, best of luck~"

One Week Later, Present
Mia Barber's Cabin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Sweet Chiharu, this thing is heavy!" Mia giggled out as she hefted Kendo II's personal, Diacry-coated handcanon, his hands wrapping around hers as the blue-haired engineer half-grimaced and took a swift step towards her. His lean, toned and uncovered arms pressed up against the outside of her own extremities, a gloved finger of his gently directing Mia's trigger finger off of the trigger.

"That's to tame the recoil a bit along with that thing on the barrel, hey uh be careful though, trigger may be stiff but that's still a 415 grain FMJ bullet going not quite mach 2 and having to explain why that is stuck in your wall isn't going to be fun," Ken advised as Mia pressed herself a little further back into his torso with a bubbly chuckle and a playful sigh, craning her neck back to look up at the Nepleslian.

"Ara ara Kendo-kun... you know I went through basic too, right big boy?"

"Yeahhhh~ but your trigger discipline still sucks ass despite that~" he chuckled in retort as the pistol was deftly plucked from Mia's grip and promptly shoved into the holster that covered the left side of his undershirt's chest, Ken receiving a little faux pout from Mia as she broke contact with his front, the periwinkle-haired Minkan spinning around to better face him and opening her mouth to speak before the ship suddenly flung itself whichever way it wanted. This subsequently sent Mia and her male friend out the open door of her room in a mess of limbs and coloured hair before they impacted against the opposite wall, Ken's sporty frame getting sandwiched between the reinforced surface and the padded body of his party-girl friend, eliciting a wheezed groan as all the air was pushed out of his chest.

Ultimately though it was drowned out by Mia's squeal and the cacophony of complaints the ship had to say about the whole situation.

Lack of oxygen and the sudden motion caused the lad's brain to rattle around in his skull, and him to momentarily lose consciousness until Mia was able to slap him back to reality not even a minute later, her pretty features screwed into a panicked frown as she struggled to not let them careen across the room once more thanks to the now-weaker gravity.

"Ken?!? Ken! oh thank fuck you are alive!" Mia exclaimed, grabbing Ken by his shoulders and shaking the Nepleslian desperately as the luster returned to his sapphire eyes, "What is going on?!"

Still reeling from it all Ken's eyes panned around groggily, confused as to who the hell had shut the blast doors before the memory of being yoted across the hallway returned to him, there was a dull pain in the back of his skull but it was nothing too bad, a small gash that had barely broken the top few layers of skin.

"I... fuck uh~ nothing good," Kendo huffed as he shrugged out of Mia's grip and gave the hallway another good look, hearing nearby voices just as panicked as Mia's had been as the lad righted himself and looked down at his watch, receiving a lot of connection errors but he decided there was no harm in trying it as Mia muttered something unheard through gritted teeth~

"Santo-Hei Ishikawa here, can anyone hear me? over," he barked into the device but didn't have high hopes, instead deciding to use the time he'd otherwise spend waiting in silence to call out, hoping either someone in the same section of hallway as himself and Mia would respond or maybe someone on the other side of the blast doors that had walled them in.

"Hey!" he yelled, his quickly voice bouncing back a few times in such an enclosed space.

"Can anyone hear us? is anyone hurt?"
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YSS Kanagawa

Alfred reached out and pulled himself to the wall still dazed he saw the blood before feeling the warm liquid running through his hair and down his neck. Sighing he went to the closest first aid station and got what he needed to stop the bleeding. As Alfred treated himself he thought back trying to remember what happened, he had been heading to Engineering to begin his shift, he had stopped for a snack when the ship had come to a full stop and he was sent flying. After the bleeding had stopped the engineer knew that the wound needed to be treated but he heard the captain demand a status report he continued to engineering as he spoke into his communicator “This is Santô Hei Buscema, I’m working to figure out what happened, sir.” His tone calm to a fault. Arriving in engineering Alfred moved to the nearest open console and began running a diagnostic.
YSS Kanagawa

Aradia was lucky to have put herself in a more secure seating before the ship's sudden reemergence from... Hyper-lightspeed? And, as such, only managed to experience unfortunate amounts of bloodrush as the inertia of her situation tried to throw her out of it. Disoriented and weakened, she was slower to speak than normal. "My theory may have been... More correct than I'd predicted." This theory was, of course, something she'd mentioned no more than a day before after getting any evidence she could from the ships's systems and diagnostics, cross referencing with the techies in engineering and doing some of her own mental gymnastics.

These rings were of unknown origin, for sure - if Kuvexia had the power to design and create these, they would have crushed Yamatai a long time ago. It is likely that the Kuvexians had found the rings somewhere else and relocated them into the... Arrangement the Kanagawa had found them in just now. After passing through the second ring, Aradia had realized that the system was clearly intended for transportation, likely harnessing the FTL drives of vessels using the network - the highway? - and supercharging them to allow for the terrifying display of speed. Unfortunately, the readings fluctuated too much to be readable, otherwise she'd have the data to now fabricate a predictive map on the location for where the starship - and by extension, possibly the task force - would had exited the network at. How the person capable of doing this nearly flawlessly was barely able to find the bathroom on her own is nothing short of questionable.

Aside from a form of transportation, other theories listed for the series of rings included a high-throughput, long-range energy transportation system, a Faster Than Light weapon system for possibly intergalactic warfare, a form of containment for a threat of some kind - a disease or spacefaring parasitical species - or even a particle collider meant for asteroids.

"This appears to be an unintended dispersal - definitely not a weapon system, and if it was used for containment then it's been breached. The derelicts..." The tiny one faltered as she double-checked the results of the scan, which... Were basically nonexistent. She had to play by ear. "I don't recognize any of these designs. This would explain an ancient transportation network, but it's been shattered? That would explain the turbulent ejection, likely a safety procedure installed into the rings. If we can find the system again, we should attempt to interface or board the ring for answers."