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RP: YSS Mikomi [YSS Mikomi] Mission 2: The Lost Fleet

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Kestral ran out of his door, almost knocking Kato over. "Kato I have no time for you lab idea at the moment, we have to leave now and head for Taiie. Get to you station, or help Suzi with what ever." He moved to the front of the bridge. "Suzi we have a problem. As you know we where meant to head for Taiie for Armour Pilot training. I sent a message to 5th Fleet's commander but they didn't reply. I have just received a message from HQ saying that we have orders to investigate the situation on Taiie. We have to leave. Who is off ship?"

Suzi was slightly in shock. 5th Fleet where big, and now we had to help them. It was almost fun. " Yes Sir. Only Eve is of ship." Suzi replied. "I'll get her back." Suzi tried getting hold of her in any way. "Sir, we can't get hold of her, she doesn't have any of her items on her."

Kestral sighed. "Well we are going to have to wait then aren't we? Get everyone kitted out. Supplies are onboard, and we need everyone lock and loaded as it will take us about five minutes to get there using hyper space. We don't know what awaits us." Kestral moved into his room, placing his weapon on his thigh and rifle over his back. "Suzi is the ship fully operational?"

"It is in better than we received it, I'll make a general announcement telling people the situation." She smiled. "All crew report to you stations, we are setting of on another mission. We are going to Taiie. This is priority as we will be leaving in about twenty minutes an will be there in about twenty five minutes. On arriving we do not know what we will find, so be fully prepared. We are all supplied up, so if you need anything, you know where to get it. Out." Suzi signed out with a smile. "All is now ready captain."
Side stepping out of the way so he isn't blocking the cap from moving back and forth his head flooded.

Get to my station? Do I even have a station yet? Help Suzi? No no she has things under control right now.... Best thing to do? He was thinking quickly before he opened his mouth.

"Suzi. How many members of the current crew are new recruits not counting me? Never mind the number send them to med bay now and make sure Ghi is there. We need to get these kids an ST back up and quick."

Kato was walking out the door to head to the med bay himself but he would let the others get their back ups first since most likely they would be in more need then a soldier mastering in science and engineering if they were heading into battle.
Suzi nodded her head as she appeared. "We have four new recruits." Suzi flicked the switch for a general announcement. "Can I have all the new recruits at the meddy bay please, and Ghi for some help. We need to get you kids ST backup's. This is a direct order. We want all of you to return back her in the next week or two." Suzi flicked the switch again. "Good thinking Kato. Now get there to." She made a quick smile and appeared in the meddy bay. Time to get things ready.
Ghi recieved the first message, and leaving her French speaking companion with a shrug, and was already heading to the medical bay, which she presumed was her station, when she was hit by the second message of ST backups. It made sense, and Ghi was actually going to have suggested it herself.

She soon reached the medbay, and spoke to the ceiling,

"Megami-sama, can you prepare for the creation of ST backups. It might be best to put them in triplicate, so we don't have the problem of lost ST backups as we did before with Lori. I'm sure you can come up with a good way of preventing it. Also prepare for casualties, since I presume we're going into some form of combat, or heading into some for of apocolypse. As for me, I shall sit on this bed and read through some random information."

As she'd promised Ghi sat down on a medical bed, and picking up a datapad, and began researching the 5th Fleet.
He was surprised to find he was the first of the new recruits on board to show up to the meddy but then he remembered Natalie didn't know where what was on the ship besides the few things he showed her and what she already knew. But where was that one guys he saw leaving the bridge? And where was the forth?He broke out of his thought and smiled at Ghi even if she couldn't see his face from behind the data pad.

"Hello Ghi pleasure to met you finally, though I do wish it were on better terms where we could get to know one another a little better." His ears were perked all the way up as he smiled broadly moving over toward her and the table. "Hopefully we'll have that time after whatever mess we are going into. Oh where are my manners I'm Sergeant Kato Tanaka reporting for ST back up, am I the first one here?" He was talking quickly trying to save time since they were down to about 20 minutes till arrival.
"Indeed, you are the first to arrive, first to undergo treatement. Please lie down on that bed." the tiny Ghi said, gesturing at one of the medical beds, "Megami-sama, once Kato-san is lying down, commence ST backup." Ghi put down her pad.

"Very nice to meet you, I hope to get to know you better as well." She said.

"So many people want to know me better." She thought, thinkng about Tom.
"You know after this whole ordeal do you think I could get a picture of us?" He sat on the bed and turned his eyes to her not yet laying down. "I mean my little sister would just flip out in awe if she saw you." He laid back hoping to get a response out of her while the back up was being done yet before it started he added. "I mean she thought I looked silly getting these ears. Silly hah I find them well..." He paused and just shrugged off the mental "STOP" command and continued. "Sexy plain and simple."
"Of course, it would be my pleasure to have a picture taken for the amusment of your sister. I am in now way insecure about my apearance." Ghi smiled, practising her bedside manner, even as the voice whispered "Lies, you regard yourself as the freak you are! Not Cat, not Woman. FREAK!" However the effect of the drug was still strong enough to weaken the voices power greatly. "Alright, we are going to start the procedure, a robotic arm like thing is going to pass a few times over your head, scanning. It will cause you some discomfort, I would apply some form of anaestheia, but we're going into a combat situation." Ghi shrugged, but looked kind and angelic, despite her being only 4'7".

A large robotic arm descended and passed over Kayto's face several times. Kayto would feel great discomfort, and possibly extreme pain, although that was unlikely.
His ears immediately flattened on his head as he squinted from the feeling. His right cheek muscle started to twitch as he clenched his teeth yet still held a smile.

"That'll be great." He spoke the words with strain through the clenched teeth as his eyes tried not to close shut. As the final pass came he let go of the smile wanting to rub his face but waited for the arm to lift up and out of the way before doing so. "Wow kinda like having the inside of your head tattooed..." He sat up and started smiling again to Ghi. "My little sister will be thrilled to see your picture I can just see the look on her face now." He was positively beaming now.
Game time Roken thought to himself after setting his things down in his quarters he steped out, oh wait i dont know where im going "AI can you direct me to my station or an armory so i can get ready?" Roken asked. Roken still hasent met the entire crew the only people he saw was the neko that rushed the bridge and the Gershin with his head down but he will deal with that later.
With a yawn, Mizuho looked up at towards the ceiling, laughing at the habit she could not break whenever she heard the intercom or AI. Still, the message was there. And she realized at once that she did not have any designated station, so instead of wandering about like an idiot, she found her way to the bridge. Kestral was who she would seek out. She was, after all, a tactician - and her real use was there anyway, beside the commanders, to offer her insights on such situations.

To fight was left to others, though she had other ideas should they come into contact again with the most hated of enemies.

Then came the second announcement, calling her to the medical bay. And she shrugged, turned, and wandered off in that direction, now entirely unsure of where to go, but refusing to admit weakness to an AI.
Natalie threw her backpack in the empty bed, noticing that the room was empty. She took sit in the border of the bed, brought out a comb, and softly started to comb one of her ponytails while thinking a bit of what happened on the day. But suddendly, her attention got focused on the order to report to stations. She threw the comb in the bed, and opened the backpack for her weapons.

Holstering her Type 28 NSP on the right, right above it the Type 28A/C NSP, a dagger on her right boot and tightning her katana to her belt on the left side, she also put her gloves on. Being well equipped for the incoming events is going to be important - she thought, while putting a couple of spare magazines in her uniform pocket.

"Suzi, i need to you to help me out with a couple of things. I need to see a on-screen map of the ship somewhere so i can figure out the positions of everything in this ship. Having a data pad or something can do the trick too, specially the locations of the med-bay, the armory and the bays. I know the Mikomi is not that big, but that info will come handy in a short future. Also, i need to know if there is a PHALANX or NATAKU power suit appointed to my name for me to use it. Of course, having a M1-3 issued would be the most pleasing" - she said letting out an evil grin
Suzi watched and helped Ghi when needed, and extracted the ST backup; she duplicated it and set them in two different files. She had done the same with the other crewmembers ST backups, as she didn't want to lose another soldier. "Ghi all done, other will be arriving shortly." Suzi moved of to Roken, "Can you go to the meddy bay first please, we need you ST backup, it is very important." She produced a holographic map in front of him, it moved when he did, and was always just in front of him. "Ghi is there waiting for you." Suzi also noticed Mizuho walking, but not towards the meddy bay, she was going the wrong way, Suzi decided to produce another map for Mizuho, and it appeared in front of her. Suzi heard a call from Natalie and reacted immediately, appearing by her, she produced another map, but this time a more detailed map of the whole ship. This one would stay with her, until she called it of. "There you go miss, though you need to head to the meddy bay first, to get you ST backup, and regarding the Phalanx, it is in storage. You one now has a name over it." Suzi and disappeared. She liked her holographic maps, they where interesting.
The maps that Suzi displayed made Natalie happy and satisfied. "What a realiable AI..." - she thought. She headed out of her room, and went to the medbay for her ST backup, even though she wasn't sure if things were going to be ok, not because she was going to pick up a fight with Ghi again or something, but if Ghi herself was going to treat her backups or in any case, wounds, well. She knew she got carried away in her first encounter with someone that didn't resemble a genuine neko. But Natalie didn't care the overcome of that, actually, on whatever she said that time she said it with honesty. "I can always relay on Suzi on that one anyways" - she smiled.

Taking a step inside the medbay - "Pilot Dawning reporting for the requested soul transfer backup ordered by the captain" - she said with a deep voice and a straightened up position.
Suzi appeared and motioned to the table. "Please can you lye down, this will only take a minute. There will be a slight bit of pain, but otherwise you will be ok." Suzi smiled, and began the ST as soon as she lay down. I took three passes of the metal arm and it was done. Then there was another copy of the ST backup ready and in another file, like all the rest. "Natalie you may go now, get to your post, and get your Phalanx." Suzi smiled again, and disappeared.
"Wow, that was quick.." she thought. Now she was going to the MINDY bay to wait for orders. Gave a quick look to the power suits, but there was one that cathced her eye - "That one must be mine". She walked to the Phalanx and started to run general tests, when obviosuly, it was in top shape just by the initial look.
Eve tumbled forward into hallway of the Mikomi, almost losing her balance. She was laden with bags, boxes, and hangers with clothes on them. The girl made it as far as the stairs, before falling in a heap of things. "Ahh!" she yelped, thinking of how to get up without spilling any contents of the spree her mother had taken her on. "U-uhm..reporting for duty, miss Suzi?" she turned over, and stared at the ceiling.

Suzi appeared next to Eve and frowned. "Welcome back. We are leaving for Taiie right now. Battle situation, strap up and get ready." Suzi smiled and disappeared. Appearing next to Kestral. "We can leave now. Eve is on bored." Kestral nodded. "Let's get this show on the road. Suzi take control of the ship, make sure our shields are up." He flicked the switch for a general announcement. "Alright we will be at Taiie in a round about five mins. Prepare yourself." He flicked the switch again, he turned to Suzi. "We have to make contact with the YSS-Confidence as soon as we get there."

Ghi had finished in the med bay for now, but seeing nothing else to do she continued to read through her data pads. Last time she'd only got in the way, so now she'd just do research.

Nodding a slight bow to Ghi he had left to head back to the bridge. "Suzi. What are we to expect when we arrive in Taiie? Combat? Space or on board?" He was stepping onto the bridge still waiting for some answers since he was still unsure about his station.

Suzi replied simply. "There will be combat, and most probably both on board the ship, and in space. Just be ready for everything."

Saeki was tangled up in her sheets, in a seemingly impossible position. Her arms and legs were splayed out, her head under the pillow, feet sticking out beneath her blanket. She was snoozing deeply, dreaming of catnip and grapefruit and sex. Normal Saeki stuff, that is.

Tom stumbled onto the bridge in a huff. "What the hell is going on?" He was just slipping the pants leg of his military outfit on top of a pair of black slacks. His vest puffed out, as parts of a coat he was wearing stuck out. His hair was slicked back nicely and he had a rose in his ear.

Eve re-hooked the bags under her arm, and hefted the boxes up. I won't even be able to try any of this on. she thought as she managed to clear the stairs. Her quarters were right near the bottom, and she nudged the pad with her elbow, after a few misses opening the door, and dropping all her things on the bed in a heap. Reaching into a drawer for a hair-tie, she walked into the corridor towards the sickbay, putting her hair into a ponytail.

Ghi was becoming bored with reading the highly technical data of the Irim gunship, and so when she heard Eve approaching she came out to meet her, "Well what can I do for you?" She asked smiling, looking up at the taller woman.

"Oh uhmm, if I survive this campaign can you see if I could get clearance for a NH-22C or..M or something?" the Geshrin looked down the hall and back up as she asked. Her mother had made quite the big deal about it when they had been out, once Eve had been able to recognize her, anyway.

"I'll see what I can do." Ghi turned around again to continue the conversation, "Why do you want it?"

"Oh, umm..combat effectiveness?" Yamazaki asked, her hands folding together behind her back.

"An admirable cause to be sure." Ghi commented, "The wish to be able to kill things more efficiently is one of the driving forces in our society." For some reason she was feeling really quite biter, although her voice was merry.

Eve winced slightly. "Oh. R-right. Well, thank you.." she turned aft in the hallway. "I guess I'd better get ready then." she mentioned.

Ghi shrugged and returned to the bay, and to her data-pad, she was getting really quite bored about this. She couldn't do anything. She idly pulled up the data on a few diseases and read through them.

Saeki bolted out of bed, spazzing for a moment before crashing to the ground. As she lay there on her neck, her legs up in the air, her uniform slightly ruffled from being slept in for several hours, she shouted "...ROMULOX!! TO THE MOUNTAINS!!" She leapt to her feet, brushing herself off, and then took off out of her room and down the hall, making a beeline for the bridge.

Kestral turned round to see Tom walk in. "We are heading to Taiie, we have a battle on our hands. I suggest you get totally ready Tom, you have about seven minutes." Kestral smiled. "Suzi lets get out of here, pilot the ship away from the docks and get us in to hyper space." He sat down, checking that all his weapons where ready for combat.

Suzi piloted the ship out of it's dock and moved away at a surprising speed, she loved the ship, it was brand new...well sort of. As they got further away she flicked the switch for hyperspace. "Here we go captain." They where headed for Taiie.

Not liking the idea of getting in power armour since he only had the minimal training for it and pulled out his 28A Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol and checked it's safety before holstering it and then checking his knife. "Sure wish I had a few grenades." He spoke more to himself then to anyone around him. Suddenly he remembered he had a Type 28 10mm pistol in his pack that he was issued free of charge and bowed as he headed off the bridge again. "Well then I'm going to grab a few more things and head to air lock 2 if that's not a problem."

Tom checked his hip for his gun, which was there. His pants were ok as is, but he pulled off the upper portion of his outfit and ripped off his fancy date coat, jogging to the barracks and tossing it in. Returning with a much better appearance, the Geshrin could only sigh. His date was ruined.

Kestral moved out of the bridge, and down the corridor. His destination of the mindy armour bay, he wasn't to sure what they where up against but wanted to be ready. Taking his holster of and his rifle of his back he got into his Phalanx, did the standard checks, and began to get used to the suit again. He strapped the holster back on and put the rifle over his back, he was now totally ready. He moved back to the bridge and sat down, there where only two minutes for they arrived.

"Sir, can I have... like an update of what I'll be doing exactly?" Tom asked with confusion etched across his face. "Everyone is decking out the big guns."

"Tom, I suggest you get the Phalanx on, we don't know what we will hit." Kestral sighed, by the sounds of it, it was two ships against...a lot more.

"Sweet, another ride in the power armours." Tom jogged off the bridge to suit up.

Making it to the Bunkroom where he dropped his bag he dug out the 10mm and the extra clip pocketing the clip and strapping the pistol to his left ankle. Snapping his fingers as he thought of something. "Suzi make sure no one uses the air locks I'm going to set up a few surprises for any potential unwanted guests." He bolted out of the room heading for med bay. "Hope this ship can synthesize some nitrogen trichloride."

Suzi sighed...â€
Natalie was ready when she heard people rushing in into the bay. Remained silent, to any other order that the cap'n would say, inside her phalanx. At last she will have the oportunity to go in the front line of the battle. Her blood started to rush with adrenaline, making her to be a little impatient, but no fear or nerviousism was on her, instead of that she was kind of psyched up too.
(*stabs internet connection repeatedly with a shard of jagged glass*)

Mizuho lunged through the hallways of the craft swiftly, making for the bridge, to hell with the rest of it. Taiie... how had that come so quickly? Has she lost her balance and hit her head? That might explain why she was in such a dour mood, and why her head hurt. Many colorful metaphors and unwholesome phrases escaped her lips before she found her way to the bridge, and, almost stumbling, pondered at the general lack of Kestral, then admitted defeat to the AI.

"Mikomi, situation, if you please? I was a little bit out of my mind for a moment there."
"Thanks for the assist AI," Roken said and made his way to the med bay but he wasnt sure what an ST was and he hoped he would grab the rest of his equipment, as Roken made his way to the med bay he paused for a moment I wonder if the AI had a name? He thought "Uhhh i was curious do you have a name by any chance so I can stop calling you AI?"
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