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RP: YSS Ryūjō YSS Ryūjō - Mission 0 - The Meet Up

DECK 3 Cabin 25

Errowyn kept glancing at the volumetric screen floating in her cabin as she unpacked and put away her stuff. She was reading up on the Teisatu and its variants and accessories. She wondered if the Ke-T8-P3102 Hyperspace Fold Module could be placed on Kawarime, since both ships were similar in design. But the only handicap that Kawarime would have is that it couldn't cloak as the Teisatu 1C could as it was built in.

She finished getting settled in her cabin and dismissed the volumetric screen. Grabbing her flight suit. She would rather do the mission in her 2-seater Kawarime. She moved back down to the hanger bays to over see how the two new pilots were doing with their pre-flight checks. Way Nichol was acting near the end of the meeting. He wouldn't be 100% alert. The one called 'Doc' would in the same condition. She scowled and then sighed.
"I don't know if I'll go after shift, or maybe some other time but I do want to." She stretched a little as she walked, glancing around the ship. "I think it might be best if we do this together I'm still not very familiar with the ship and I don't want to get lost." It was hard to believe a soldier of Yamatai would get lost on her own ship, but with how much attention the purple Neko was paying to everything but the way she was going it became easier to see how such a thing could happen.
Shuttle bay

With the tired state of mind Nichols was forced to work with, the Nepleslian pilot couldn't make heads or tails as to why Doc would wonder off topic like he had. He was able to understand all that was being said, though, which only added to the initial confusion that Nichols was the victim of as his fellow pilot seemed to fail to suppress some kind of prejudice he had against the SAINT organization. "I only asked if you could cover him as a wingman, good grief."

While it seemed Doc wasn't about to play nice with Kakeru in the name of teamwork and the benefit of Yamatai, Nichols turned his communicator on again so he could report to Kakeru he planned to fly as his wingman. "Kakeru, it's Nichols." He began as he walked out of the shuttle bays towards the nearest vertical passageway. "It seems I'll be your wingman for that reconnaissance mission you mentioned. I'm on my way to Errowyn to give her a heads up."

Deck 3

Nichols landed onto Deck 3 in the midst of a spin. He'd been unable to resist the temptation to fool around with more hazardous acrobatics in the vertical passageway as if he'd forgotten about his blunder from earlier on. Yet with no Minkan to disturb his velocity, Nichols landed on his feet and only almost fell back until the wall opposite the vertical passageway made an etiquette crash barrier. Once he'd regained his balance, Nichols made his way around Deck 3 to a cabin with the numerical designation of 25. Now at the door to Errowyn's cabin, or so he thought with his currently fatigued state of mind, Nichols put his right hand into a fist and tapped his knuckles against the door.
Deck 3 - Cabin 25

Errowyn stepped out from the lavatory and looked back up the corridor to see Nichols at her cabin door. She was curious as to why he was there. She came back to stand next to him. "Whatcha need, Nichols?" She leaned against the corridor's wall. She had her flight suit folded neatly over her arm. "How's the pre-flight checks coming along?"
Deck 3, Cabin 25

After Errowyn had started the conversation with her duo of questions, Nichols turned to the Jotto-Hei with thumbs hooked in his pockets. "Kakeru's in need of a wingman for his recon mission and he asked me. I'm just here to ask permission an' make sure you're okay with me going or if you'd got a better plan up your sleeve. I'll be honest..." An explanation of words was interrupted by a yawn. "... I didn't get much rest."
Deck 3, Cabin 25

Errowyn watched Nichols and nodded. "I'm going as you guys need your rest 'Once' you both finish your checks on your crafts. Get some rack time in. Can't have pilots asleep at the helm." Pushing off the wall she was leaning against, motioning Nichols to tag along.

She headed on back down to the hanger bays. "Santo Hei Shinozaki, This is Joto Hei Yumeoibito. Both of my junior pilots are grounded till they get rest. I'm flying wing with you for this mission. My callsign is 'Hellcat'. Be joining you in a few minutes." Stepping into the null-grav tube to drop to the desired level.
Kakeru placed his hand on his forehead as he felt the beginnings of an incipient headache forming.

"She did not want to go, then now she does. Sigh, guess that follows the tone for today."

Idly, he wondered if a certain pink haired hyperactive chiwawa was having better luck.

"Joto Hei, Hei Shinozaki, roger that, will be waiting at the port side bays, over."

Waving the crew chief of the ground support staff over, Kakeru bowed his head apologetically and said: "Sumimasen Heisho, the training flight was just cancelled, we're launching for recon instead. Sooo... can you please swap out the rocket pod for a screamer?" He said the last part in a rush, expecting the displeasure of the crew chief, who sighed instead and signalled his assistants to remove the rocket pod. "Relax kid, these things happen, I won't bite your head off for it. First mission? It shows. Good luck!", the crew chief told him as he walked over to supervise the unloading.

As he watched the proceedings with a curious eye, Kakeru thought over his loadout. With decoys and a jammer, his fighter was configured very defensively, a loadout designed to penetrate hostile space and slip out even if detected. The unfortunate part about dealing with unknown enemies was that there is no guarantee that the enemy even used the same systems to detect you that your countermeasures were designed to spoof. In cases like that, it was usually hard physical decoys that were more effective than a jammer system that might not even affect any strange new system the enemy was using. Thinking this, Kakeru was more than half tempted to ask the crew chief to change the ECM module into another set of decoys instead but refrained himself. There was no evidence that the ECM module would be ineffective either and against an unknown, the more options available, the better. His only regret was that the two modules excluded the possibility of bringing in more firepower or a marker module to mark targets for fire support. He shrugged his shoulders in resignation. He was only out for recon this time, search and destroy would have to wait for some other day.
Deck 3 -> Shuttle bays

As asked, Nichols followed Errowyn without any thought as to where they were going. He'd fallen momentarily silent as they floated down the vertical passageway to the shuttle bay. "Hopefully my insomnia didn't follow me to the Ryujo. Other wise I imagine I'll left adrift in space." Perhaps unaware or uncaring his thoughts had been verbalized, when the Nepleslian pilot landed on the floor of the shuttle bay he made a straight line for Doc's Kawarime. He'd not waited to see if he'd needed Errowyn's permission, granted she seemed keen to let Doc and himself finish without further interruption when they were in front of her cabin.

Once more at the edge of his comrade's vessel, Nichols nodded his head in a silent greeting to Doc. "Hey, flight lead's goin' to fly recon, so we got no rush for anythin' unless something major comes up. Want any help?"
Holliday returned his gaze to the console, inputting some changes in the software to match his particular style of flight. That is to say: as uncluttered as possible. However, the dentist's modifications was interrupted by Nichols. Henry pointed a thumb behind him, gesturing towards the engines. "Eh, nothing much, I just need you to check and make sure there's nothing in the engines. Just check, please, I don't want to distract you from your own issues." With that, he returned to his console, an eyebrow coming down as he seemed to have run into a particularly annoying problem with his software modifications.
Deck 1

Nobuharu watched Ume while they started clearing deck one, he paid particular attention to the way she moves and the peculiar sword at her side in place of a sidearm. "Ume, could I ask. Why the sword? It seems like a step back in terms of an emergency weapon when a sidearm can be used from cover and range. Were you a Ketsurui Samurai previously? I have known many of them."

During the sweep, Nobuharu is very thorough and highly efficient yet it looks almost as if this is routine for him. His many years being a janitor aiding him in being observant for all sorts of little unthinkable places. He does it all with a soft smile and relaxed movements.
Deck 1

Ume's movements seemed to be the exact opposite of professional, she often times looked confused about which way to go, and was looking around quickly, as if she had missed something. Perhaps she might not have been the best person to learn patrolling from. Her attention turned to Nobuharu however when he spoke up. "Oh I have a side arm as well." She gave a pat to the NSP that was holstered at her side. "But the sword is part of my training, I'm not a Ketsurui Samurai, but well I'm part of a project to see if it is practical to incorporate more refined melee combat techniques into training, without having to go through as much training as the Ketsurui Samurai do, granted with less effectiveness than them."
Portside Bays

Errowyn went to the other craft sitting near Kakeru's, "I want a high offensive load with standard decoy loadout." She instructed the ground crew chief of the craft she had chosen. She nodded over to Kakeru as she began her pre-flights checks on the Teisatu. She was going to miss the forward nose guns.

As she pre-flighted the Teisatu, she changed into her flight suit. It felt like a betrayal to '5' to use another craft. But it didn't have the mounts to carry all an external cloak, fold generator and the usual compliment of munitions she liked to carry.

by the time she was finishing putting on her flight suit, she was done with the external pre-flight checks and climbing into the Teisatu.

~~ Back to baby sitting again~~

"Oh shut up. He's a fellow shipmate and deserves the chance survive and learn." Errowyn mumbled to herself as she settled in the seat of the Teisatu to begin her interior and controls pre-flight checks.

"Santo-hei Shinozaki. Transfer the flight data to this Teisatu." She called over to Kakeru as while running checks.

Megami stood up once the captain had finished his statements, she turned and gave a salute before heading up to Takeyu. She smiled toothily at her superior officer and poked him. "You're not very good at giving speeches are ya?" She teased him a bit as her ears twitched. She slowly tilted her head towards him and began swaying lightly on her feet. "So what should I do, Captain? I take it my place is upon the bridge due to my taaaaalllents?" She drew that out rather well. "Or perhaps you'll need me else where..? Or maybe you'll see me placed on the front lines to show people what to do? Who knows, I'm eager for my first assignment!"


Meiko watches Ume leave, and takes a breath before standing up. Her place at this particular moment was obviously the Medical Bay. She decided to head that way, fixing her hat for a moment with an audible sigh. She headed into the Medical Bay and began prepping everything, getting some of the new blood and perhaps older blood to check out the Medical Kits all across the ship to ensure they were properly stocked, and ready to be used. She used her time to get everything situated and prepared within the bay itself, before moving to take a seat in the Lead Medical Officers room at her desk looking over files of each person on the ship, including their medical records.
"Hai, Joto Hei, transferring mission comms frequencies.....transferring flight plan to upper exosphere.... transferring flight plan to fold nav point....transferring fold exit coordinates....transferring local astrographic data....transferring target astrographic data.....transferring mission flight plan....transferring Ryujo fold exit coordinates....transferring overwatch coordinates....." Kakeru recited as he dumped file after file into Errowyn's flight computer.

"Tami Control has assigned us the flight callsign Dragon 1, our departure slot is 30 minutes from now."

In all this hustle and hurry, Kakeru knew that this mission was severely underplanned and prepared. Feeling tempted to return to his cabin and haul all his equipment along, he gave it up as a lost cause. Besides the fact that there was no space, it was only a short hop to dock with the Ryujo again if he needed anything at the target site.

"MEGAMI, connection to Hei Amatsukaze please. Noa-Sempai? Kakeru here, you found anything about our mysterious attackers yet? Like what kind of weapon did they use to blow up the probe or were there any strange emissions before the the probe was destroyed? It might be fire control targeting." If there was a clue as to how these mysterious attackers detected or aimed their systems, the chances of detecting and evading them rose immeasurably.
Errowyn glanced at the incoming data, "Check.." as soon as the info was completed uploading onto the Teisatu data storage computers to called forth when needed. "Info transfer complete." when the last was done uploading.

She finished out her flight checks, nodded to the ground crew, making hand motions that she wanted the Teisatu lowered into the launch bay to test out the aether engines on the bird. She lowered the canopy as the Teisatu dropped into the lower deck of the two part hanger bay. Locking her helmet on once the canopy closed.
Seeing Errowyn's fighter slide into the launch bay, Kakeru signalled the ground crew that he needed to follow her. At their acknowledging wave, he slid down into the pilot seat and squirmed to make himself comfortable. What may seem like a minor inconvenience now might translate into a real pain after a long flight. As the cockpit canopy hissed close over him, he wondered if he was going to receive Noa's reply in time.

"Dragon 6 (Ryujo), Dragon 1-2, request clearance to launch from Bay 5. Tama Control, Dragon 1-2, requesting clearance to launch from Landing Bay 2." It was always complicated, launching from a ship that was docked in a landing bay as well.
Kakeru didn't have to wait too long before his communications lit up with Noa's always energetic voice delivered via telepathy. "Shinozaki-kun, there you are! No, I haven't been able to decipher more than what we saw in the briefing from the Chusa, yet. Munkata-shoi says she is still on leave for a few minutes so she's taking her sweeeeeet little time, and we haven't made it to the communications station of the bridge yet! I'll give you an update in the field as soon as I can get the restricted access data in front of me to analyze."

There was a pause and then her texting speed got furious. "The MEGAMI's telling me your Teisatsu is on the launch deck already?! Sheesh, you sure you want to rush into this operation behind Yumeoibito-hei? She's got an infamous reputation for tempting the fates in the 21st Fighter squadron... they don't call her the 'Hellcat' for nothing! Don't do anything too risky, okay? You're there to gather intelligence, not come home in a fireball."
Touched by Noa's concern, Kakeru replied: "Yeah, I get the same feeling talking to her. Her idea of recon was a high speed pass through the enemy. But then, she's the Joto. No worries, I loaded up with decoys and jammers, if it gets really bad, we can always fold out and wait for the Ryujo to come pick us up. Thanks."

Stuffing down a feeling of envy for Doc and Nicols who were probably resting in their rooms right now, he felt a pang of regret for not bringing something to read along. All the pre-flight checks were done, rechecking them would simply be make-work while he waited for flight control to give them clearance. Closing his eyes, he leaned back to take a short rest as flight control got the mess that was the daily traffic picture sorted out.
Erowyn completed the power up of her aether generator power-up. Finished up the pre-flight checks. "Dragon 6, this is Dragon 1-1. Dragn Flight requesting a manual launch. You have departure vector and clearance to launch? Or are we to wait till Ryujo clears Dock?"

Errowyn listened for response, making sure her SPINE Interface was hooked up to the Teisatu MEGAMI. She closed her eyes, reviewed the information being direct feed into her mind then compartmentalizing it, where it was handy and working the flight controls.

She frowned as it didn't have the familiar feeling with the more familiar '5' she was used to, but a fighter pilot had to be versatile.
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