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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Hey guys, sorry about not being around much this past week. Things were a bit hectic at work and my laptop died. But everything is getting back into order. I plan on kicking off out next mission in the next couple days or sooner. So get your partying in!
Episode 5 is go! Adventure awaits!

Feel free though to continue with the beach party in the interlude thread. I will leave it open for people to post in and continue as long as they like there.
Man. Three months pass, starship got recolored and overhauled, the last episode was a beach episode... Is it just me, or did the Sakishima enter Season Two? Or are we playing the OAV sequel to the original series now?
Gonna be gone until monday afternoon but that shouldn't really put too much of an irregular space between my posts, just givin' a heads up.
All right, I am all caught up, sorry for not posting. Just all imagine that Misha sat siletnly in the wardroom with frown on her mug as usual. I will post soon.

Also @Reynolds you wanna continue with the Interlude 4? I would be up for it, and I bet @Lamb would be too.
Sure, I was just running out of beach movie titles to use, and thought we were moving on. I'll get something up Tuesday.
Hey all, have just submitted an NH-33 medic and hope to see Akane assigned to the YSS Sakishima soon! If you have any feedback I'd love to hear it!
>YE 35
>glorious neko body
>top-of-the-line computerized brain
>immune system a masterpiece of biotechnological research and development
>chemicals selectively filtered by OS
>allows herself to become addicted to stuff
>doesn't just turn off withdrawals
>doesn't just turn off pain
>doesn't just eat plastic or tree bark to create energy instead of sleeping
Hey be nice to our stupid SAINT operative... WE love her just how she is... A little damaged... in the head.
I got nothing against Dakura. This is an instance of " Just Sayin' ". That said, I got Wes to like it (even though he gives out likes as if they're candy) so I'm taking that as my official stamp of approval to make fun of her.

But hey-- maybe after TFL ends I can have Koko stop in over here and everyone can make fun of her for not flying when she could fly and not being able to touch people when she really ought to be able to touch people. If they feel safe making fun of such an unstable person with such a big sword.
To be clear, I think there's no place in the Star Army for addicts or people with major psych problems, and she should be kicked out of the military as soon as possible. We don't need those kind of people representing us.
Should she really be kicked out, though? This might be a major psych problem for a Nepleslian or even a Minkan; but we're talking about a built Neko here. Three years old, life is only Star Army; no one to tell you how to spend your free time. So long as it doesn't interfere with ones' duties, Star Army typically allows all sorts of debauchery off-duty that our current military would frown upon. Yamatai's sexual freedom is worth mention here. In such a liberal society, is it really such a problem when these things are practiced off-duty? What if some otherwise perfectly capable young Neko were to save up her money and request leave once a year to go on a vacation out to Ether where some fancy Nepleslian cigar shop is set up by one expat or another; just so she can dabble a little in the expensive tastes of another culture? It would be pretty hard to frown upon that.

"Yeah, but..." You'll go on to argue, "This is an issue that affects her performance; as she's doing this on the job and suffering these withdrawals on the job."

I'm glad you hypothetically made that argument to me, because it gives me the opportunity to respond to it should it be your actual argument. This is a Nekovalkyrja we're talking about, here. She's got that whole 'masterpiece of biotechnological research and development' thing going on. You don't really have a problem so long as you can order her to stop having withdrawals. Which you can; because it's basically like unchecking the box in the UI, isn't it? Other Nekos turn off their pain all the time; why should this be any different? Perhaps a bit of counseling would be in order, to let her know that she isn't meant to be intoxicated or suffering withdrawals while on duty.

"If you want the shakes and the auditory hallucinations, it's none of my business." You might say, "But you absolutely won't be sitting here on my bridge with them."

Furthermore, have we even given any thought as to why a character might allow her body to give her those feelings? Certainly we try to ensure that Neko have no identity crisis; but when you've been born and bred as a tool of war for an Empire which only recently gave you true citizenship, there've got to be some big questions in your giant perfectly-efficient computerized head somewhere, even if you don't really think about these things. Perhaps it's out of a sense of pride. 'If this is what normal people have to endure, then I won't be spoiled if I endure it, too.' Maybe an attempt to build strength of character. 'If I can overcome this, I will be better-prepared for adverse situations I have no control over.' Perhaps even, a bit of misogyny?

In fact, even if the character was simply making a thoughtless mistake, she could cover it up but saying one of the two things I already mentioned and make herself look like quite the soldier. Compounded with the fact that such a handicap can (because of her awesome Neko body) be looked at as something so simple as a thoughtless mistake, this reaction seems off to me. Why work so hard to make Nekovalkyja such a powerful, indomitable sisterhood when you can so easily dismiss one of them for a problem that'd be easily solved?

With this argument before you; I beseech you-- Place yourself in the shoes of the superior officer. Would you still have her thrown out of the gang?
Yes. Particularly since she's a member of SAINT, which is entrusted with handling especially secret information, and especially because she's an officer, who is supposed to lead by example. The Star Army isn't an orphanage for "at risk" characters. It's a military. It's also the face of the empire. So you either meet the standard or get replaced by someone who can.

I'm not an expert on this character because I can't read all the Sakishima posts due to time, but from all accounts I've heard so far, she's got a substance problem that affects her during mission time. Look, there are lots of soldiers who party hard and get drunk, but just like any real-world career (military or civilian), if you show up sloshed or have booze-related inhibited job performance, the risk of getting disciplined/canned is very real. Think about honor. Think about earning respect. Think about how these soldiers are entrusted to handle matters of life-and-death.

Would you respect her? Would you hire someone like that?

All soldiers of Star Army of Yamatai are sworn to upload the Star Army creed:
Put simply: I don't think Dakura is fulfilling her duty to uphold that promise, so she should shape up or ship out.
shape up or ship out

All I wanted from you was the admission of 'shape up'. Because all I was hearing was 'ship out'. Dakura preformed more than adequately on her last combat sortie. This is really the first instance of her suffering from her habits while on-duty. This is where, as you'd say, someone should tell her to 'shape-up'. My position in this plot is to play the character who is XO of this ship. His duty is to maintain the affairs of the ship. She is one of the captain's resources and she is damaged. You can't replace her so easily, especially given the situation. You can fix her, with just a few simple orders. Stuff a protien bar in her mouth and tell her to shut that medical condition off right away-- and bam: you've got a fixed Neko right then and there. No need to go calling the JAG because someone's uniform has a stain. No need to start filing the Section 8 form because someone's girlfriend broke up with them.

This is the same level of issue as that when you're dealing with a Neko character.

Look, there are lots of soldiers who party hard and get drunk, but just like any real-world career (military or civilian), if you show up sloshed or have booze-related inhibited job performance, the risk of getting disciplined/canned is very real.

Maybe so, but this is taking place in a world where your booze-related inhibited job performance can be ended as quickly and easily as removing a cap. If you up to watch on a duty day with a big Doctor Seuss style striped top-hat, what do you think would happen? Someone with more bars would tell you, "Take that hat off right now, Petty Officer." and maybe write you up. You wouldn't get canned.

So, I think this should be as simple as, "Take that withdrawals off right now, Juni." and maybe a write-up.

EDIT: Hopefully, also you're wearing your normal cover beneath your Doctor Seuss hat, or you'll be in even more trouble.
First off seeing as I started this some what with my character I will say this.

Granted Dakura enjoys the sauce, but it has never affected her performance while on duty (off duty yes somewhat), she is a SAINT officer (rather a somewhat terrible one) but she still holds that mission above all others.

Also as bought up she is a Neko and can process it out all of the naughty naughty booze in her system and could do so but this "code blue" as i call it is more for humor and character interaction (manly Ichi and San, who I use primarily for comic relief and to just pester Dakura) as well as a bit of character development and plot interaction. If it hasn't been obvious I usually try to have a bit of fun with my characters and giving them a 'weakness' of sorts such as drinking with dakura, which gives them a bit of flavor other than a cookie cutter neko with blind loyalty and maybe some Fascist ideologies for being in SAINT.

Would you respect her? Would you hire someone like that?

This brings up a real life story regarding my IRL Military career. I had a Sargent who was an ass, and in particular hated me, why I don't know don't really care. We butted heads all the time and we had a mutual hatred for each other but I did respect his rank and stayed my cool and composure even though his person annoyed the hell out of me.

Dakura is an officer and if someone has a problem with her drinking on ship I would expect them to Respect her rank and maybe mention her less than desirable past time to the capitan or proper chain of command. After all these are military professionals and Would be expected to follow military protocals.

As for hiring someone like that? Nekos are created and pressed into service not much of a choice for hireing and yes I would if they got the job done I could look past there problems and maybe try recommending some rehab to them.

IN all honesty if dealing with problematic personal is as black and white as keeping them in or kicking them out I have no idea how half of the Nekos in the SAoY are still in, a lot of characters in the RPs do something in someway that is against the creed. I would say to error is human but these are future space cats.
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