Star Army

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[YSS Shinsugo] Prologue: Getting A Starship (feat. YSS Eucharis)


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RP Date
YE 41
RP Location
Kyoto, Yamatai
Hanako walked out of the back of Star Army Command's headquarters with a brisk pace and to a large starport tarmac nearby where the familar shape of the YSS Eucharis was sitting amongst all the shuttle craft. She had been freshly promoted to the rank of Chujo by Taisho Ketsurui Yui herself in a ceremony. During this time, Hanako had asked for a special favor from the head of the Star Army: Could she keep the Eucharis as a mobile headquarters for Star Army Personnel Command? And she had got it. This technically made it the only starship under the Personnel Command's ownership. Every other ship was a fleet ship, a SAINT spy ship, or a logistics transport. As Hanako, grinning, hit the rear cargo bay ramp she ascended it with a jog and started placing some calls through a floating FARS drone that met her in the bay.

"Is this Chusa Delanna Shanis?" Hanako asked through the robot as it followed her towards the main passageway.

Delanna smiled as she heard an answer to her call as she knew that Hanako was busy but she was nervous of her new role as a Chusa and wanted a bit of advise from her idol while she has been in the Star Army. She calmed herself down and spoke "Yes it is, I am surpised I got through to you so quickly Chujo" she gulped a little as the nerves didn't settle.

"I am Hanako from Personnel Command. It is nice to meet you. I am currently looking for more starship captains and your name came up as a candidate. We need as many ships out there as we can crew right now and if you are up to it I can get you a ship command by tomorrow night," Hanako explained.

Delanna was dumbfounded upon hearing this. She started to stutter a little "T-Thank you, I would love to command a ship, I think I bring a lot to the table and can make a good and stable ship that should last a long time." As she talked she jumped up and down happily.

"That is excellent!" Hanako smiled, making her way to the bridge of the YSS Eucharis. "The ship I had in mind is YSS Shinsugo, which is a Midori-class Scout Ship. It is small but capable and very stealthy. As a scout ship you would not be tied to a large formation of ships like an escort would be. It would be a great first command."

Delanna was surprised she was getting a ship like this but tries to calm herself down as she breathes in and out. She hoped that it wasn't hearable through the speaker "Thank you, thank you, thank you, I will make sure to make it an amazing ship, it would be a great addition to the Star Army."

Hanako smiled. "There are two ways to gather a crew for the ship. First, you can find them yourself and attempt to transfer them over through Star Army Personnel Command. For example I found some of my old crew while viewing the cherry blossoms at the hanami festival. The second way is I can find candidates and send them your way. You will interview them and those who pass will be added to your roster."

Delanna thought for a moment and then smiled "mhmm I think it would be better to get some candidates to interview, if your time table allows it, I would rather get to see my crew before the ship, make sure that the ship can hold them." She chuckled a little "aliens like me, I would like to make sure we have the right living areas, like heated areas for our Separa'Shan crew, or whatever else is needed."

"Very well," Hanako said. "We will keep in touch. If you need anything from personnel, feel free to write me directly on the Star Army Communications Network," Hanako told Delanna. She switched on the Eucharis's systems and got the ship ready for takeoff.

OOC Notes: JP with @BloodyScarlet
The day of the first flight of the YSS Shinsugo

Delanna smiled as she sorted out her outfit to make herself look professional for the crew that will be coming onto the ship, she was planning small interviews, so she could get to know her crew a little more. She had a small table and chairs set up outside the ship, it was here she was sitting down with dossiers of potential crew members. She was excited for her first ever command as a captain, she knew that she would have to show her crew that she was a strong and dependable leader for them.

She tucks her tail to the side of herself to not make a scene, she waited calmly for the crew, her dirty blond hair done up in a tight bun and make herself look smart as she sat there. She was still going to be her friendly and helpful self to the crew like she has been on previous ships. This time though she had to lead and also had Hanako watching, which made her both more determined and nervous at the same time.
And surely enough, it did not take long for the first canidate to arrive. A respectable 5 minutes ahead of the sheduled time the orange paneled logistics worker approached the table area curiously. However, this was no ordinary recruit (if there even was such a thing), as the aquatic captain quickly would find out just by looking at them.

It was a Separa'Shan woman of average height, most likely Venis, sporting a dazzling bright orange set of scales with white striping. Neatly combed shoulder length orange hair, sat atop a head of fair complexion and darker orange eyes with slit pupils, as was becoming of the serpentine race. However, what was most peculiar about this recruit, was that there weren't two eyes looking at Delanna, but four. Two heads sat atop the snake's shoulders, both seemingly identical, but distinguished by a pair of glasses and one flashy hairpin. The head on the left, bespectacled, looked at the Chusa with serious, attentive eyes, while the other one seemed more friendly, albeit a bit drowsy.
Upon reaching the conveniently placed table setup, she... or rather "they", gave a quick, but proper salute.

"Santo-hei Shui'Shan Aescha, reporting for duty Ma'am." The left head spoke up, clearly being the one to instigate the salute. Right head lady followed up with a quick "Ma'am", holding the salute for a bit longer than was considered standard protocol.
Delanna looked up at the two headed Separa'Shan woman, she was surprised seeing this, but she loved that this Separa'Shan had wanted to join the crew. She nods to the two girls as they saluted "Hello Santo-hei, it is a pleasure to meet you, two, one?" She didn't know how to talk to the Separa'Shan "well please Kihla, oh I mean um what was it, urgh, sorry I am not fully fluent, Oh that was it sit." She smiled happily "Sit down and we can discuss you and the ship, oh well I am Delanna, oh wait Chusa Delanna, need to remember that."
Clearly noticing the newly awarded Chusa was still out of her element, the snakes relaxed a bit themselves... or rather, Shan did. Shui showed little difference in her sleepy expression. "Two, actually. It is a bit hard to explain, but there is definately two of us on here. My name is Shan, and this here is Shui, she's not much of a morning person."

As they sat down and let the remainder of the brightly colored tail wrap around the chair, Shui responded again. "Pleasure to meet you Cap'n,. Nervous?"
Shan shot her "sister" a surprised glance. "Hey, mind that tone whern you're talking to the Chusa."
Fresh from the front lines of the war, the grey paneled bodysuit wearing Kurita Tomomi made her way through the port looking for the YSS Shinsugo. A FARS EM-J5-1a floats along with the duffle bag carrying soldier, humming to herself the Imperial national anthem. Tomomi stopped and looked at it.

"Must you do that now?" Tomomi asked her assistant.

"Oh yes. As many times as you change assignments, one of us has to make a good impression before they kick you off once again." The angelic voice rang out.

"I didn't get booted! I just got transferred to this ship." Tomomi responded back. The droid does its best attempt to shake its body/head. But it was well aware of its limited mobility. She goes back to humming the anthem as Tomomi shakes her own head and continues the search.

It was true that she did not have the most stellar of careers compared to some alumni of the YSS Eucharis like Pineapple and Blueberry. But she was trying to clean up her image.
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Delanna smiled at the two girls, she made sure that she had memorized the names, as she made sure she knew the difference she giggled a little with the little fight they had. "Well miss Shui, I am actually quite nervous after Hanako gave me this ship, I am worried that I won't be good to the ship or her crew." As she then looked to Shan "It is okay, as a alien I am surprised I got this ship, until I was told the YSS Shinsugo is all about the unity of Yamatai then I understood."

Delanna could hear the anthem and was a little confused as she paused her little talk with Shui and Shan and looked over to where the noise was coming from. She smiled seeing the new person appear and she chuckled "Ah hello there, you must be" she looked through the dossiers on her little table and finally found it "Tomomi, ah you served on the YSS Eucharis, that must be why I got your Dossier and that." She giggled a little and nodded "We got another chair so you we can have a triple interview, um..." She sees the little robot with Tomomi "quadrupedal interview maybe?"
"Ah hello there, you must be"

Tomomi looked over and then made some noises looking at her assistant to stop. The floating droid obliges, not wanting to cause too much of a scene at the moment. Tomomi waited for the alien to finish speaking before responding.

"Nito-Hei Kurita Tomomi reporting!" Tomomi says after gliding her way to the chair and putting down her duffel bag to sit. She relaxes just a tad bit. "Pay no heed to Fumi here."
Delanna sighed as she nodded to the new Nito-Hei with a smile "Okay I will pay no heed to the forth being at the table, so for all here, let me say what the mission of our vessel is." She stretched a little and swiped through some documents, to make sure she wasn't miss remembering anything as she spoke "Okay, we are going to be going out and dealing with colonies, research centers and the likes that have gone dark, we will be tasked with going out and investigating why, sorting it out and getting the area back on track with Yamatai."

She scrolled through her documents again with a small smile "Reading over what I have been giving about you three, I am lucky to have you on my first ever ship, you sound like wonderful people that I am going to enjoy being around." As she talked a small smirk formed on her lips as she looked up at the three girls "So now the formal interview, Nito-Hei Kurita Tomomi and Santo-hei Shui'Shan Aescha, my first two questions are, Why would you like to work on the YSS Shinsugo? And what skills do you process to help the crew on the ship?"
Delanna received a message on her tablet from a Santo Hei Akita. <I've heard that you are heading up the YSS Shinsugo and are looking for crew members to help represent the diversity of the Empire. I think I can bring a unique perspective as a infomorph, or AI, to your crew. I'm a information technology specialist, and I'm also good at data-mining and outher ways of acquiring data that you will need. Thank you for your time, I await your response.>
Tomomi mulled over her answer for a bit. She was simply transferred to the ship and didn't think much more about the why. She was used to such things. Thus she decided to simply omit that answer.

"My occupations are Information Technology and Starship Operations with a specialization in communications and sensors. At the moment, Starship Operations is my primary. I am also an AI expert as Fumi here will attest. I am the one that has augmented her based on the first rudimentary AI I had plenty of time to create on HX-2. You might think of her as the 2nd iteration of that one before he ultimately succumbed to data corruption." Tomomi says, face saddening as if she was talking about a dead parent.
Shui nodde with a smirk, responding to the cap and her sister. "See? I knew it! And yes, i sure have never seen a person like you before! Very cool! with all the fins and teeth 'n stuff!" A remark her sister responded to with an exasperated sigh.

Once their fellow crewmembers had made themselves known, the orange snakesgreeted the newcomers, before answering the Chusa's question. "Anyways..." Shan spoke up. "In our case, we have requested reassignment from our former position, the Essia Frontier Startport. Up untill now we were stationed there as logistics personnel, but the whole Essian occupation made a fair mess of things, as you can imagine. Once the occupation was over and everything was mostly back to normal operations, we figured a change in scenery would be nice. Something more than your usual 9 to 5.

As for what we can bring to the table, our logistics experience, multitasking ability, among other things. Such long distance travels with a crew as diverse as ours requires more than the standard supplies and accomodations." Shan explained. Indeed, managing such a diverse crew on a fairly small ship was indeed a fair challenge. One they would all work on together. Shui also chipped in last-second. "Also we give the best hugs!" Raising their arms and waving their tailtip around, Shui emphasized her point quite clearly. "Dangit Shui we just met these people!"Their left arn came up to Shan's face to rub her nose in disapproval.
Delanna looked at the message that appeared on her tablet and she smiled, she wasn't expecting this much of a turn out this early into the day and it made her super happy that her ship wasn't going to be dead on the first day. She responded to the AI's message with a brief welcoming message <Thank you for your offer Santo Hei Akita, We could use your skills on the ship, my only questions are what do you need on board to help you out? anything from a body to just some things specially designed for you.>

Delanna then turned to Tomomi as she talked about her training and skills, with a smile she nodded "I have read some of the info, but yes you are a really skilled individual that I look forward to working with you, I am sorry for your lost of the 1st iteration. Oh I welcome you to the ship as well Fumi, if you need anything like charging ports in places, I will get to work helping you with that." She gave a small smile to Tomomi and looks at the ship "if you want to, you can requisition parts using your own money so in ship down time you could work on things."

Finally she turned to the dual snake and smiled kindly with her toothy grin at the girls as she nodded "Why thank you Shui, I try to keep my skin nice, also my teeth and fins as well." She giggled as she was teasing the snakes and listened to them "Well thank you, it sounds like you will very valuable in our logistics needs, we will definately need it with this team on the ship, so thank you in advance for the help, also hugs are a vital things in helping people cope, relax and bond, so that is just more positives."
Nodding in agreement, Shui shot a smug sideways glance at Shan, glad the captain Delanna responded positively to her casual attitude. Shan responded with a defeated pout. She wasn't used to this kind of casual talk on what was technically duty hours. "So so so! This is the Shinsugo? It looks a bit smaller than i thought... n-not to be rude or anything! Just an uh.... observation!" Shui continued, letting that mostly unfiltered mouth yap away. "Well that's a given. The shinsugo is a Scout vessel, meant to move around quickly undetected. We're not actively going out to fight hostile forces, so excessive weaponry would be more of a burden than a good addition. You should know at least that much..."

Now it was Shui's time to pout, not liking it whan Shan made light of her because of her ditzy attitude. "Of course i know that! I just imagined something more like... you know, those cool super fast ships on the holofeeds! Like Guarders of the Galactispace!" Shui waved her right hand around to emphasize her point, which got dangerously close to whacking Fumi in the proverbial face. "Well, as impressive as that would be, military efficiency is a bit more important than looks around he- Hey! Careful!"
Upon hearing that she would be getting her own personal AI lab, as long as she can afford it, Tomomi couldn't contain her excitement. Fumi seems to sigh, though it is hard to tell with the limited mobility of her body. But it was enough to just barely dodge the random arm flung in her direction.

Tomomi finally contains herself and bows in her seat. "Thank you for the offer, I gladly accept."
<I do have a small personal processor that should be put either in the computer core or AI lab. It's my house as it were. I'll have it delivered to the ship.> Akita messaged bak as she found the holographic projectors in the room. She projected a hologram of herself into the room. "However, for now, I'm here." She said as she popped into existence. She gave a small wave to the rest of the crew members that were gathered, "Hello, I'm Santo Hei
Atika." She said brightly.
Delenna watched the three people in front of her and the infomorph that had formed as well. She was surprised about the group and was happy to see that people were excited and happy about their new posting on her ship. With a smile she stood up and saluted the crew "Welcome aboard the YSS Shinsugo, Santo-hei Shui'Shan Aescha, Nito-Hei Kurita Tomomi and Santo-Hei Atika." She gave a polite smile to the three people and stood straight "I thought that since we will be sharing a smaller ship, I would be more relaxed and friendly on our down time, when not in a mission, please treat me like anyone else, I am not that scary."

Her smile faded as she looks at the ship and back at the crew "That being said, while we are on duty I am going to be very strict and will be wanting to see excellence from all of you, I am hoping that our missions won't require too much fire power but we can never fully be prepared for what is to come, We have 4 PAs and enough armor for the ship, with enough weaponry for everyone to have a primary, a secondary and something for close combat if needed." She looked at the small group around her "you can make yourself at home, I am expecting a few others to come up, plus my second in command, they are running late yarska." She looked annoyed at herself "I mean damn, well you can explore the ship, get to know each other, get a room, enjoy some free time, your work area, whatever you want, you could also stay and chat with me, while we wait for the others, I am hoping they haven't gotten on the ship without talking to me first."
Tomomi looked around at the grouping of fellow crewmembers and gave a nod of sorts to the infomorph. Being an amateur AI specialist, the opportunity to work with an infomorph made her suppress a squeal of excitement. Much non-invasive experiments and analyzation of data from social interaction will be done or so she thought to herself.

She then looked back to her new CO and stood up to salute.
There was a cute huffing and puffing heard in the ship dock as a strikingly blue-skinned and short pink-haired neko was seen running towards the YSS Shinsugo's gathering area. A big duffel bag was bouncing widly against her ample hips and small waist as she ran, embroidered with the emblem of the Star Army Medical corps that matched her teal uniform panels. A kawaii seal plushy was also poking out of its hastily closed zipper. "Don't leave without meeeee," cried the hyperactive medic as she closed the distance to the interview desk in a hurry and gave an out of breath salute to the rim of her Type 32 sailor cap that sat atop a pixie-cut hairdo. "Nito Hei Caroline Ragadottir reporting for duty!"
"Hai, Shanis Chusa!" Once again the serpentine duo saluted, this time Shui was a bit more enthousiastic about it. Soon after Shui waved at the panicked nbew arrival. "Ohey there, we're not leaving yet, you're good."

Shan turned to face the captain again. "I suppose Shui and i will get aur luggage into the ship and get ourselves settled. There's lots to be done after all. I can't recall from the file if the shinsugo had cold-blooded crew chambers available or not..."