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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Fly Me to the Moon! (1.0)

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Crashed shuttle

Chiasa considered their situation, and with the report that their ship was under attack, rescue could be problematic. "The weapon pod is completely modular. Power down the unit, and set the pod to maintenance mode. We can remove it externally with simple tools. Meanwhile I will pull the computer array. That will ensure the enemy can not access the data, but we can see about using one of them to control the pod if we need a defense option. Let me know what when you have the pod disabled and I will pull the array."
Computer Core

As the hysterical Neko's crowded themselves in the corner Lydia had indicated she felt a small pang of regret at the apparent fear her presence instilled in them. Gesturing at the floor she let out a curt reply to their cries for mercy. "Kiss the floor, don't make eye contact with each other and no one gets hurt understood?" With that she walked up but kept a safe distance before gesturing with the barrel of her rifle at the technician stammering and choking back tears as she pleaded for her life. "What do you mean, you can give us all the information? Information on what exactly, whats the NMX doing with this facility?"

Crashed Shuttle // Rescue/Salvage Vehicle::

While Fred was working at cutting into the crashed Star Army shuttle, Elina kept an eye out on the battle between the Star Army Infantry and the NMX fight that was moving quickly away from the crashsite, giving them to time to extract those that remained behind.

She spotted spacesuited people exiting the shuttle with crates and trunks. "We got some that are mobile."

Fred just grunted his response as it was tough to cut into the armored hull of the shuttle. "Make sure they can get aboard in the rear most section." He stopped his cutting into the hull of the shuttle once there was signs of life and they was mobile. He stored the Work Arms back to their stored positions along the side of the Rescue/Salvager Vehicle.

"Gotcha," Elina spoke making sure the there was power to the section where they was going upload the Star Army Shuttle Personnel in. "Everything looks good, Fred. Should I try to contact them again?"

"Yeah, mize well.." Fred moving to get his medical bag with limited medical supplies, leaving Elina alone in the operation area of the big rescue vehicle.

Once he had left her alone, she moved to the radio and switched frequencies to an old Star Army emergancy one that would reach the Star Army Personnel. She transmitted again. "Okay, we don't like being ignored, shot at while rescuing your guys macho butts. At least a hi would have sufficed. NMX don't like others out on the surface of the Moon and they will be back in force.We have medical aid for those that need it. Please hurry with whot ever you guys need to get done."

She sounded worried as she spoke, nerviously glancing out the view port where the battle was moving away from them.

Ume gave Kioko a pat on the back once she was up and moving about. Once she felt the area pressurize though she realized there was no more need for using the comm systems and could just speak up. "Good to see you're still ready to go. Just don't go overboard." She then began to walk, heading back to the main group to check on the situation and get a report. She heard Bors' remark and replied with a suggestion to the troops. "Someone with some tech knowledge head down the elevator, the longer we're here the more dangerous it is, so you should move quickly."

Takeyu listened to the ongoing chatter and damage reports that were coming in, the reports of FTL signatures at the edge of the system worried him - if they were enemies they would have problems as they weren't at full strength anymore. "Try and figure out if they were going in or out please, I want to know ahead of time if we have any new enemies to deal with..." he said and turned toward another crewmen, listening to the details the captain nodded his head. "Good, orient our weapons onto the enemies position and start laying down a barrage, ensure our people are not in the cross fire please."

"Send out a rescue shuttle to the crash site at once," his voice trailed off when he heard the time of death being spoken and leaned back in his chair; and shook his head. He brought up a display of the crashsite and of the enemies around it and rubbed his chin curious as he watched the firefight untold, he'd seen death before and wasn't phased by it - it didn't mean he was immune to it, it just meant that he wasn't going to let it control his emotions; although as he looked around he could feel the tension in the air and the subtle hints that people were nervous.

With a sigh the captain stood up and looked around. "Come on people, we have all seen death and it is not something we'll ever get used to, but if we allow it to control us - to slow us down - it would give our enemies the chance they need to inflict more death upon us. Let's not give them that chance," he looked back at where the XO had been. She'll get a backup, but that doesn't make dying any less tragic...

(OOC: It would appear that the post I made on Tuesday never actually appeared, at least not for Yoshi. Thus I am combining both that post and the one I am making today)
Crashed Shuttle

The two science Nekos made their way out of the shuttle with the survival kit as Chieko gauged between Chiasa and their would be rescuers. "Seems the civies want to leave sooner than I can pull it off, Juni," she replied on the closed military frequency before switching back over to what the civilians were on. "When we're under attack, we fight back," the Minkan smiled, "besides, I don't think you'll have to worry about the NMX after long."

The academic then noticed her assistants and pointed them towards the airlock, switching to military again, "What do you think, Juni?"
Listening Post

Kioko smiled as she got the hang of walking in the suit of armour and looked at Ume "I won't be that helpful down there, my ssskillsss lay in observation not tech" she looked around and sighed a bit and looked around "isss there anything I can do to help the operation run fassst and sssmooth?" she wanted to help but she was never allowed to before because of her looks even on the ship she was on before it got hit said that she was going to stay on it and not come come down with the others. Kioko wasn't use to people needing her help even though she was a intelligence operative, no one ever seemed to look past the snake and she loved the idea of helping now "I will collect weapons from the dead, find better use for them somewhere else".

Ume turned her head to Kioko and spoke with a mix of uncertainty and feigned confidence, still trying to present herself as a leader. "Hmm it might be better if you can take a small detachment and find any possible routes more hostiles might come. There were no Mishhu in this fight, so we haven't taken care of everything yet." She then spoke over her comm, since the possibility of another fight was still there she needed to get everyone ready for it. "Everyone gather the injured together. Medics, and Meiko when you get back, tend to the troops and POWs. The POWs only need to be in 'Stable' condition and soldiers 'fit for duty' if possible. Any soldiers that can't be put back on the field get them ready for an evac and report it."
Crash site::

Elina smiled as there was finally a response. "About time! Welcome to Moontown Mining Consortuim. Have your power armored guys sit on the rigg outside." Radioed back. Hoping Fred wouldn't be needed. As he was the only one who could operate the big vehicle with any form of safety.

Fred, in back near the Airlock, helped cycled the personnel from the shuttle throuh the airlock into the big holding area of the vehicle.
Listening post

Kioko nodded briskly and looked around for a couple of people to help choosing her team she looks back at Ume "I will radio in anything I find around" she starts moving slowly, with the extra weight of the suit she couldn't move that fast.

Kioko looks around the dome looking for anything that might be a opening, a small slit in the door, or anything that hinted to an opening. Kioko grumbled a bit as she kept searching, she soon realised that there could be a network of underground tunnels from any of the houses around.
Medical bay

The formation process was complete. Nenene's new body formed completely as per specefication, though with the additional glitches as well. Now the computer accessed Nenene's most recent backup file and brought it up and began uploading it to the new body, installing her into her new form.

She would be back up and running again soon enough.
~~Bridge Soyo~~

The crew for the most part snapped out of their funk, though the cloud of negativity was still floating about, they were at least going about their jobs.

A shark's grin formed on the Gunnery Officer's face, as she hit the firing command for the ship';s main battery to fire on the enemy targets near the crash site.

The bridge bunny that was working the sensors started working as much magic she knew to define the strange FTL blip she had read, though her biggest problem is that now there wasn't anything appearing to have happened out there. The sensor records showed something happening out at the edge of the system but now nothing at all. She started devoting more and more time and energy in the identification of the what happened.

~~Shuttle Crash~~

The running enemy disappeared in multiple flashes of light. The shock waves from the main weapon slamming into the few feux Mindys could be seen in the dust of the moons rising up into the sky...

A Rescue shuttle arrived not 30 seconds after the weapons fire, "Hail Rescue Vehicle, and Survivors of the crashed shuttle. Please lead to the Moon town, We'll cover you all and make sure this shuttle is fully distorted before we leave."

~~Listening post~~

The rumbling grew louder as a section of the moon out beyond the dome opened up and a high-speed craft launched. By the time it broke orbit of the moon it was going far to fast for the Soyo's targeting sensors to follow. As soon as it could it jumped to FTL and was gone.

~~Listiening Post Computer Core.~~

The turncoat neko pointed at the servers, "We were collecting coming a goings of your fleets, There were also rumors that the Mishu were working on something... some kind of genetic project. But form the sound of it they escaped with it all..." She pointed at the ceiling after the rumbling had stopped.

~~Soyo Surgical bay~~

Misato had been rushed through one of the last remaining working shuttle bays, straight to a surgical bed. the doctors started to work on her pulling shrapnel from her chest. It was going to be long and arduous process, After that she was looking at hours of time in a Hemotank.
Listening post

Kioko caught a glimpse of the craft and sighed "seems like we were too late" she hated the idea that the enemy escaped and looked around to find if there was anywhere else for people to get into the dome, she was mumbled about her own idiocy not thinking that they had an escape plan as she keeps checking for things.
Crashed shuttle.

Chiasa listened to the transmission and could feel the impact of heavy weapons on the ground not too far away. "Well that makes the weapon pod a moot point. Move out Koizumi-Hei." she said to the Scientist.

Chiasa then shut down the power system of the shuttle. She then opened the access panel for the computer array. She reached in and unlocked the mounting clamps. She then pulled out the pair of ICP's and then made her way out of the shuttle. She walked over towards the large vehicle.
Crashed Shuttle

Hearing the explosions and the transmission, then Chiasa's comment as she turned to see what happened, made the order too easy to comply with. She signalled her assistants to get into the transport and gave their armored escorts a "Let's get outta here!"

The academic then switched over to the civilian channel again. "It seems your NMX worries have now been cured," she smiled as she lead the way to the air lock, "Now to see about our part."

The Minkan pulled out her science scanner and began running a chemical, biological, and radiological scan on the air lock, having not yet entered. She had her mission instructions as well, and without the shuttle available as a clean space, she needed to be sure of her surroundings with each step.
Listening Post

Ume had some mixed emotions about seeing the ship take off into the stars. That meant there was less for them to fight and they could save the survivors that much easier, but on the flip side that meant there were that many more NMX still out there to cause trouble somewhere else. "Santo-Hei Hatoyama to Soyokaze. Unidentified spacecraft has just left the moon base, please confirm if there are any other ships ready to launch and if there are any remaining life signs at the listening post."

After speaking to the Soyokaze, she changed her channel over back to infantry to contact Bors. "This is the main level assault team, a spacecraft just left the moon and jumped into warp." She wasn't sure if they team below could do anything with the information but she figured it was best to keep them informed.
Crash Site:: Rescue / Salvage Vehicle::

Airlock was of civilian manufacture from a major corperation that specialized in such vehicles for hostile enviroments. It was in good condition and solid contruction as the rest of the vehicle. Vehicle itself was heavily armored to withstand metoer showers while out on surface rescue and salvage of crashed ships.

Once past the Airlock into the big hold where Fred was, The air was stale, but servicable. Inside of the cargo hold had benches running down each side. On the open deck was tiedown rings for cargo or salvage from crashed ships to be secured to.

Fred nodded to each of the newcomers and showed them how fasten the seatbelts. Once they was all aboard and secured. Fred removed his helmet and looked at them for a minute or two. "I hope that's all of your people." Then he made his way through a hatch to the operations part of the big vehicle.

Soon he had the big vehicle moving towards Moon Town 2 Garage for the vehicle at very slow pace, that a walking person could easily catch up and board. The Ramp was still extended but cleared the ground by a foot or so off the ground. An easy step up onto the ramp. Airlock was simple to use. Green Button marked to opened the Airlock, Red button marked to close the airlock.

Inside the only sound was the soft muffled whine of the turbines that produced power for the locomotion, lifesupport and lighting which was minimual just to barely to see by if someone had to move to a new spot.

It was a smooth ride as the vehicle's weight pretty much crushed what ever was in its path back to the Vehicle base. Unfortunately, there was no windows to look out of. Just a big half tube with cabinets for gear and seats.
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Listening Post

Meiko arrived back at the Listening Post just as Ume gave out her orders to deal with the POW's and the Soldiers she quickly got to work fixing the POW's and Soldiers back up to the exact specifications that Urii asked of her and the other medics.
Computer Core

"The hell ?!?" Bors said as the ship burst out of its hiding place. Determined to get some answers the Nepleslian sternly walked over to where the prisoners were currently being detained "What was on that ship?" He said grabbing the nearest neko to him by its collar and holding her up to him at eye level, assisted by his suits strength.
Medical Bay

The process was complete. The tank began to drain away the exes hemosynth fluid for later use. Nenene's new body was gently held in place, washed and dried before two medic's moved the still unconscious officer out of the tube and onto a bed, covering her in a sheet to keep her warm until she woke up. There were some quiet comments about the unusual small horns and tail that had been added to the body, the medic who had been in charge of overseeing Nenene's regeneration had not seen those features in the selected package for her new body, but shrugged and triggered for the Executive Officer to wake up.

Nenene slowly came to. First sound, muffled and distant. She could feel everything around her and as the world grew and solidified, she knew she had just been regenerated. She had died and come back. Luckily she had not been hooked up to spine at the time, so she was spared the memory of experiencing her death. She was though missing everything after the last time she was hooked up to the system. The last thing she remembered was being about to go down to the fighter bay and launch. She must have been killed in space, her fighter destroyed or something like that. This was something she would find out later was not what had happened.

Slowly, Nenene opened her eyes, the room around her was bright, making her squint. She took several deep breaths, filling her new lungs for the first time. She had no idea what was going on with the ship, or the world around her, she just let herself relax and get through the awakening process. She had been through it before, knew it had been caused by something traumatic and knew there was nothing she could do about what had happened, so no reason to worry herself or panic about it. She closed her eyes again, letting the breath out and forcing herself to relax. She would have a little time to acclimate before she would need to return to duty.
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