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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Fly Me to the Moon! (1.0)

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///Medical Bay\\\

Meiko thought on that for a split second and got everything set up for Misato, before she nodded. "Perhaps you're right, I should probably get a back up myself... To be honest though this is my first time doing a back up, at least from the side of those who conduct the back up. Last time I had a back up was to switch to my newer body." She says idly, before motioning for her to lay down, and get set up.
Mess Hall

Crasher helped load her teacup seat onto Truly's tray, before the two Neko stood up to return their dishes. They were giggling to each other as they squeezed past the pair they'd been seated with, Caramel giving them a smirk as Tama bobbed about overhead, oblivious. The Neko passed another odd pairing on their way, glancing at Rafe and Ume, noticing the sword on display. This assignment would definitely be interesting.

Med Bay

"I got my last major back up done when I got my newer body. But I have kept minor updates rolling when ever I link with the SPINE in my Mindy. It helps, though last time I remember dieing..." The gray neko shivered thinking back on it.

"Maybe I should make sure it is edited out before I'm brought back up... but then again I think I would hate just blacking out just before." She smiled trying to reassure the medic, "not that I make it a habit. And I know the CO would hate to see any of us making a habit, hell It wouldn't surprise me he'll try to keep tabs on every last one of us."

She slid up onto the bed and laid back closing her eyes, "Jsut don't forget to do a back up... hate to lose everything that is you..."

Chieko swallowed her next mouthful then tilted her head at Bors' comment. "But why did they not like it?" she asked, "It sounds like it would have been nice."

She then picked up more food and popped it into her mouth.

Ume thought for a moment as she continued to eat. "Hmm...I guess maybe to the edge of our territory? They said we'd be fighting the NMX and taking out their last few bases. They haven't given us a location yet though." Now that it had been brought to her attention she was really starting to think about it, it hadn't crossed her mind before.

"Makes sense", Rafe replied, "After all, that's the reason why were are here I suppose". Finishing off the last of his food he pushed his plate aside and said, "Its food for thought though, especially since it appears to be a combat mission. New places, face and planets", he chuckled, "I just want to know my way around the ship before I worry about all those things though, better to know your own home before learning someone else's".


4hours later


With a Flash and a shock wave that rocked the camera from the gravitational shock wave of the fleet reentering reality, the fleet now hovered over a large gas giant, it's green swirling light lit the hulls with a sickening color.

They had left with out any pomp and circumstance. The fleet and the flagship Soyokaze deserved better, but there were people that needed to be liberated and an enemy that needed to be crushed so that they didn't rise up again.

The fleet appeared in orbit of the gas giant, in an direct opposite side to the moon. As far as anyone aboard the Yamatain ship knew the listening station hadn't picked them up. But for how long will their stealth hold out. How long before the NMX pick up on the gravitational waves, or the fact that the planet's orbit had changed by miniscule amounts, because of the added mass, or simply a NMX patrol ship visually seeing them. The Clock was Ticking and there was so much to be done.
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Nenene leaned forward in her chair as the Soyokaze reverted back to normal space, settling into orbit on the far side of the gas giant from the colony and NMX base.

She had to fight the urge to plug into SPINE and start going over the raw data from the sensors herself. The Operations staff had that job and they knew what they were doing. For her to jump into their bailiwick would show a lack of confidence in their abilities.

"Any signs of hostile ships or activity?" Nenene asked, glancing up at the main view screen.
Med Bay

Since the departure of the grand ship YSS Soyakaze, the decidedly water themed Nekovalkyrja medic had been familiarizing herself with the second lab in the medical bay, and of course taking inventory. The last thing they needed when heading out on a new mission was a lack of medical supplies. True, the Nekovalkyrja body was extremely resilient, and could recover from almost any injury thanks to their regenerative abilities, with the Type 33, like Rain herself, being notably skilled at said task, not all the soldiers of the Empire of Yamatai were Neko. And there were limits to what even the Type 33 could regenerate.

Yes, death was hardly a permanent problem anymore, thanks to Soul Transfers, but it still removed a soldier or, far worse, an officer from active duty until a new body could be grown for their soul and memories to be downloaded into. It was an inconvenience that could easily hamper, or even cripple, how a ship functioned. That was one of the chief reasons the Star Army still employed medics on the front lines, rather than simply allowing a soldier to regenerate on their own, or be reborn in a new body.

Well, that and the deep traumas and psychoses that tended to follow after having gone through several deaths.

With everything in Lab #2 checked out, Nunagawa strolls over to Lab #1 where her colleague Meiko had apparently set up shop, and already performed her first physical and ST procedure. Smiling as she tucks a rogue strand of dark blue hair back into it's proper place, her eyes wander over the second lab, as well as Meiko.

"Everything good in here?"

When the Soyokaze dropped back into normal space Chiasa was sending a series of commands for passive scans. "Conducting passive sensor scan Shoi. So far nothing is showing up, but our proximity to the gas giant works both ways. It hides us for the moment from the NMX, but it also blocks us from seeing them."
Hangar Bay

The trio were camped out in the Hangar, not wanting to wander too far away now that the Soyokaze was out and on the job. Tama was hidden away in a far corner, looking over a Sylph stowed all by itself, looking a bit lonely. She needed the assistance of the suit to pilot most fighters, which was likely why she'd been stuck as Truly's co-pilot. The lead Neko was perched on top of the massive fighter assigned to her, sitting cross-legged next to Tart. The two had datapads out, and seemed to be going over notes.

"I still think 'Totsugeki FIRE' needs more work. Like right here...you can't just rhyme 'day' with 'today'. That's lazy!" "C'mon Vee! That section will be so loud nobody will even hear it. Or, like, care."
PA Bay

Ume had spent her lunch time talking with Rafe in the cafeteria, just speaking about things in general, she was rather open to conversation and would've went on about all sorts of random things. However once her lunch was finished she had to head back to her post. However now that they were withing combat distance the plum neko was on standby to be ready to deploy on short notice in case of combat. While it probably wasn't necessary, Ume decided it might be best to stay close to her power armor, she knew her way around the ship fairly well, but she didn't want to make her squad wait for her when they were called to deploy. She had brought a game of magnetic checkers with her though to play with any of the other soldiers in the PA bay who were bored too.
Medical Bay

Meiko had done her first Soul Transfer, and for someone like Misato of all people, she had also went ahead and got her own back up done with the help of the others in the Medical Ward just as Misato had suggested. Now however, she was sitting around and reading up on the rest of the files she needed to learn, especially since she was told she might be seeing field action, she needed to take to memory all of the things that the others had so she could do them on site rather then look them up as she was talking with them like she had done with Misato.

She was nervous to handle her first ST, but in the end she did okay. She recently had gotten aware of her co-worker in the medical bay, a Nekovalkyrja by the rank and name Santo Hei Rain Nunagawa, she had yet to meet the girl in question but she was eager so she wanted to finish her memorization quickly. However it seems Nunagawa was under the same influence of thought. As Meiko was just finishing up on reading the files, her door opens revealing the Nekovalkyrja herself, she blinked lightly and turns to her when she speaks up asking her how everything was. She paused a moment and eye'd around quietly and then back towards Nunagawa and then gives her a genuine smile, and ran her fingers through her own blue hair.

"Everything seems to be doing fine here, how're you doing over in Lab 2? Everything doing alright?" She decided to reply to the Santo Hei, she figured that was a good conversational starter as she began searching for the next few things to say, despite her doing awesome in college, and getting along with others, she got kinda nervous when around others in her profession. But she felt a type of calm with this Santo Hei, perhaps it was because she had blue hair like her so they at least had one thing in common.
Crew Quarters

After spending much of his lunch with Ume, Rafe busied himself with various tasks including documenting the ships crew and cargo. He also took the time to memorize his immediate chain of command and ensure his effects were in order in case of any inspections.
Science Lab

Fed, backed up, and heading to their first mission, Chieko sat at one of the desks in the lab checking over her scanner's programming. Most of what could be obviously noted as life had always been easy to detect and analyze. With so many understood knowns, the information gleaned could often be anti-climactic; but every now and then differences show up that can make things exciting. It was for those unknowns, or semi-knowns that the young scientist always tried to theorize ways to detect and examine - the nucleus of her curiosity beyond the practical work that must be done.

Liberation of a colony was rarely science, however. The closest it got was the political, which could only be called a science due to the more open interpretation of knowledge and the application of it. The rest, and most often constituent, was the military end; and for how ever much of an academic Chieko was, she was also a soldier.

This then brought up the question of what her specific orders would be in this mission. Was she to go in with the infantry and help clear out the malefactor forces? A duty she had been trained for as a member of the Star Army. Or was the young Minkan to go in after to check for things left behind that would be a hazard in both the short and long term habilitation of the recently freed people?

"If we utilize our scouts to spy on them then we came glean more intelligence before they realize we are here, but I am worried they may have patrols about. If they do, then we need to figure out a way to silence those patrols without tipping off the base to our presence," Takeyu rubbed his chin while he walked toward the edge of the main bridge, peering downward toward the other bridge crew below. "Launch a group of scouts please to investigate the area, see if you can locate patrols. Shoi, take charge of the scouts please."
Med Bay

"Everything's just fine," Rain replied with an equally genuine smile to her fellow medic as she strolls over to the ST backup device, inspecting it with mild curiosity. Being fresh out of training, and being just under eight months old, the young Neko had never had a backup done of herself. It might be prudent to do so, or she'd likely revert back to the Neko equivalent of the infantile stage.

"Though, you up to doing your second backup of the day? I don't particularly feel like loosing the eight months I've lived so far!" The blue-on-blue girl grins at Meiko, one aqua-blue hand patting the ST machine.
Medical Bay

Meiko nodded towards the Neko, and then stood up and watched her head over towards the backup device. She paused a moment listening to Rain and her request for a backup. She tilted her head a moment and laughed a bit, before nodding. "Don't blame you there, sure I can do another backup for you." She pulls out Rain's file, and walks over to the ST Machine and motions for her to lay down. "I just got done with one of our superiors earlier today, then had my own backup done. I think i'm definitely getting the hang of back-ups by this point." She gives her a little knowing wink.
Smirking, the blue Neko lies down as prompted and nods at her fellow medic's words. "Practice makes perfect, eh? And think of it this way, this makes you at least three up on me!" Rain winks up at Meiko and closes her eyes, awaiting the bustier girl to activate the ST procedure.
Power Armor Bay

After trying to explain his story about the flowery pistol to Chieko, with the clearness and percision akin to that of a hammer trying to cut a slice of watermelon, Bors had decided to call it quits and head down to the PA bay. He was happy to find his MCAS wasn't to badly damaged in the move, a few scrapes and scuffs adorned it but nothing other that that from what he could tell.

Fishing out his trusty Ecig from its usualy hiding spot in his uniform he began the process of putting his PA on.
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