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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Moon(ie) Fever (2.0)

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Medical Bay

Kioko made her way to the get the stuff that she was asked to get and was worried as she gathered the things for Meiko "I have what you asssked for here" she handed each of the things to Meiko one at a time "It isssn't your fault." She put a hand on the girl's shoulder "you couldn't of known Misato was this over worked" she looked away "No one could tell this would of happened."
Medical Bay

Ume helped Kioko collect what was asked for by Meiko and watched for a moment. "Kioko is right and there was so much to do too. You did everything you could," She wanted to pat Meiko on the back but didn't want to disturb her work, so instead did as told and started making sure the recovering people were comfortable.

Seeing that the hemosynth was being properly useful on the organics was a relief Chieko could not put into words; however Elena's blood work seemed even more interesting. The way that the mechanical bits seemed to be bound put her in mind of the drug that had been mentioned and had her testing the hemosynth on that; however, just as the biologist was about to start, she could hear some commotion out in the main lab.

Popping her head out, she saw the awkward rhythm; but waited to see if her help was needed instead of trying to get in the way of the other two being ordered about. The oxygen would help for now; but if the signal stopped all together, there was only one thing left. Chieko checked around to see if there was any adrenaline and a proper hypodermic needle around - just in case...
Kumiko nodded to herself at what Takeyu was saying. "Jane, go ahead and toggle gravity locally, make sure everything stays stable outside of this area of the ship. Also, actively monitor the life support-" As she spoke, the gravity toggled off, and she triggered her own gravity control absentmindedly, "systems for me, make sure everything stays active and even distribution." Moving slowly and carefully, Kumiko pulled the power core up and out of it's housing, bringing it to rest up against the wall nearby.

Bending down into the housing, she peered faintly at the housing, then ran her hand along the far edge, trying to judge how far it was warped. Hmm... Doesn't seem like it's too far from true, but it's kinked pretty hard. "Jane, do we have the right materials on hand to- No, scratch that. Not worth it to replace it here on board, better to just get a new frame made entirely." She looked around, quickly locating some basic tools, just in case. Guess I'll just shave it down for the time being, get the aether core reseated. Wouldn't do if we were going into combat, but it'll serve until the ship can get back to an actual repair yard. That decided, she went ahead and started shaving off the offending part of the frame with a plasma torch, just shaving off thin slices bit by bit.
Medical Pre Spraydown

"Your welcome Riko-hei for the idea to use emp." Bors mumbled to himself before turning to leave, he figured he better check on the rest of his squad and see how they were weathing this storm. He should also learn their names as well, or at least give them nicknames.

Shuttle Bay Post Spraydown.

After the ship had been hosed and the virus dead the nepleslian went back to where he had found Misato. Climbing back on board the shuttle he rummaged around for the drink he had left there, quickly finding it right where he left it, how odd. Taking a sip he grimaced a bit, "Shoulda capped it, that spray stuff has a bit of an aftertaste."

Even with all of the work and attempts to slow her descent, the spark with in Misato gave out. The medical equipment, that were monitoring her, started screaming, as he body finally shut down. Misato hadn't felt a thing since she passed out last, and this death was peaceful for her. Though for the rest they got to see massive jerks and a pained look on her face before the body stopped moving and all that was left was the steady sound from the heart monitor.


It was long before the frame was shaved enough for the mounts to mate, it was only a matter of millimeters. Once it matched up in scans Jane spoke up and gave Kumiko an heads up.
Chiasa remained standing near her friend Elina. At this point in the crisis she had done all she could do. It was not in the hands of the Soyokaze's medical personnel. Since her presence here was unnecessary she turned to Elina. "I will check on you later. I am going to the bridge to resume my duties while the medics deal with this pathogen." she turned and made her way out of the Medical Center heading to the bridge by the most expedient route possible.
Elina nodded numbly as she watched Misato in her death spasms. She wished life had treated her better than to fall to a NMX Plague. She nodded acknowledging Chiasa as she stared with morbid fascination at the death scene unfold to the bitter end.

She sighed and laid back on the bed where she had been placed.

Kumiko waited a moment for the frame to cool back down before running a hand along the spot again, coming up clean and even. There. Definitely needs to be replaced later, but that's good enough to get the ship back to a starbase. That done, she went ahead and started shifting the aether core back into place, slowing it down carefully as it came up against the frame once more. No point in fixing the frame up, just to bang it up again because of carelessness. once it was properly seated in, she went about reconnecting and locking everything down, leaving the gravity off for the moment, since it was always possible something would be slightly misaligned, and as evidenced earlier, it was much easier to move this thing around without gravity than with.

Nodding to herself as she rechecked all of the connections one last time, Kumiko patted the core one last time before backing away slowly, and spoke up once more. "Gravity coming back on momentarily, everyone! Jane, go ahead and toggle it back on, then run a check on the core through the computers, make sure nothing is registering off about it one last time before we boot it up." As the gravity came back on, she felt herself settle back down a little bit more firmly, and let go of her control while she waited for the scan to finish.

Takeyu rubbed his forehead as he listened to the results coming in, although when he heard the straight 'beep' from the heart monitor his eyes momentarily flickered in the direction of Misato; the man sighed and relaxed himself a bit as he leaned up against the table. "Damn it...." he muttered and shook his head, he had thought that she was in stable condition and that the administrating of the serum would help her out but he figured that she might've just been too far gone to save, at least in their current body.

"Prepare her mental backup please, and revive her," he said and wiped the sweet from his forehead and placed a hand on Meiko's shoulder. "Take slow, deep breaths," In-hale," he moved his hand toward his chest, "then ex-hale," the captain said calmly as he moved his hand away from his chest - it really didn't seem like much phased Takeyu at all - even with Misato passing away he wasn't freaking out or panicing, in his mind he partly wondered if this was due to their ability to revive people from mental backups or maybe this was just due to experience.

Chiasa settled into her station and entered her access code. With the medical crisis being handled by the medical staff she wanted to go over the data so she could prepare an effective after mission report. She queued up multiple search strings, she wanted to go over the data on the Moon and their trajectory. She needed to understand why their flight path had gone awry and resulted in the shuttle crash. She then started going over the information about the evacuation. She wanted to see if there was a pattern to the infection spread, and the sections of the Moon towns that were evacuated.
Medical Ward

"All this work, all this preparation, all this fixing the situation, and someone still died..." She groaned a bit before slowly standing up looking towards Ume and Kioko before lightly nodding to them. "I know... its Doctors mentality, we all feel some type of guilt when one of our patients die.." Then she felt Takeyu take her shoulder, and she did as he said, taking a deep breath and exhaling a few times before nodding, that actually did help. She smiled at him and nods once more before saying: "I guess there are some times when you can't save everyone." She closed her eyes for a moment before nodding. "Yeah...Lets prepare her mental back up." She looked towards Ume, Takeyu, and Kioko. "Thank you for your help. Ume, Kioko, Chieko-San, Nayacesen-Dono. I couldn't of puled this off without you all." She moved over motioning for Ume and Kioko to follow, and began preparing the Mental Back Up, hoping that the goop wasn't still infected as well.

Chieko's search hadn't turned up much either; but when she heard the next change in tone, she sighed and bowed her head for a few seconds. On the bright side, it had only been Misato so far; unfortunately it had to be Misato. The biologist knew that a restore from back up should still be possible; however, she wasn't sure if the regrowth system had not been affected by the virus. That was when she heard Takeyu's more or less order, followed by Meiko's words.

"Definitely update the back-up," she offered, poking her head out of the office, "but hold up on the regrowth until I check something. I'll need a sample of the Heisho's blood - and once everyone takes a shot of hemosynth, a sample of theirs too. If the combination provides the perfect results, other than elimination the symptoms, I'd say start the batch with some of your chemical added."

Elina heaved a soft sigh as she laid back once more the bunk. She was feeling herself again. She just wanted a shower to get cleaned up. With the added immune boosters and inhibitors, her immune system finally kicked in to fight NMX plague once it recognized the harmful plague virus. With herself being exposed to it the longest had developed an immunity and finally was able to purge it from her system, leaving her in a weaken state.

Now her stomach rumbled softly to remind her she needed sustenance other than hemosynth. She wondered if they served chow or not. Wishing she was back on the Moon where she could go get food, regardless of the hour.

"I'm hungry." To anyone that was within hearing. "I'm leaving to get some food." She stood up carefully to stand.

Ume finished getting the patients around her comfortable as they waited for the injection to take effect and then moved over to Meiko. She had not dealt with death before only had the notion of it downloaded into her mind, so the mix of feelings she had was new to her. What Chieko said bothered her though. "Everything is going to be okay right? Misato will be just fine after she has her back up..."

With the Aether Generator back up and running the Bridge crew was able to jump the ship back to the station, where with was met with a pair of SAINT cruisers. They ordered the Soyokaze to heave to, shut down their engines and await inspection and possible quarantine.

The SAINT inspection team came aboard in their AIMES suits, and proceeded to scan the ship and crew for any signs of the virus that had been inflicted upon them. As they moved through the ship the took records, files and samples, including Misato's body. Once they had the ship's logs and samples stored away, the interviews started.

They recorded every thing said, and through the interviews the crew found out that the troop transports had jumped in to the system without anyone still in control. They were all sick, or dead. The ships had been quarantined, but now with the cure the crew of the Soyokaze came up with they would be able to help them.

Once the interviews were concluded, SAINT informed them that the mission and details of the virus were classified at the highest level and they were not to speak to anyone about it. Their tasks complete, the Inspection team left with all of the confiscated records, logs and samples.The Soyokaze was finally allowed to dock with the station and put in for much needed repairs and rest.

The Soyokaze put into one of the large repair docks and was quickly surrounded by scaffolding and a swarm of inspection pods, shuttles and space-suited engineers and technicians, who immediately started crawling over the heavy cruiser's wounded hull, surveying her material condition and starting their notes and plans for repairs and overhaul to the large warship. There was much to do and the yard dogs looked forward to the expulsion of her crew so they would have free reign over the cruiser without interference.
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