Star Army

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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Moon(ie) Fever (2.0)

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Meiko paused looking at Kioko when she stated that and bit her lip. "Damnit to hell..." She moved over taking Kioko to one of the beds and stripping her down like the others and taking her blood and giving her medication like the others. She quietly moves to take the new sample to Chieko. She looked annoyed for a moment at all that was happening, and was so distracted by her work that she hadn't noticed that she was beginning to get a really strong nose bleed, having been one of the ones originally infected, Despite this her focus didn't deteriorate and she began to walk and do her job more. A little unstable.

The Door slid open with Jayne standing on the inside, "Ma'am I have unlocked this cabin, but please keep your search only for the Pills. being a civilian her property falls out of normal operational rules." Jayne smiled and bowed before stepping aside to help.


Takeyu's request took a few seconds for Jayne to run. Though the very moment the scan completed Jayne appeared beside him, "I am sorry sir to report there are no communications with in know perimeters, that fall out side of current SAoY communications." Jayne nodded and looked like she was really sorry.

Another avatar of her's appeared next to Cheiko and looked over the first slide. "Ma'am now that you have destroyed the mechanical have you tried introducing fresh hemosyth to the sample?"

Takeyu thought for a few moments, thinking to himself. "Hmmm, then it might be possible that its something that isn't used 'by' the SAoY or any other nations that we know of, something... archiac perhaps," the captain pondered what it might be, there were dozens if not hundreds of different forms of communications that could exist in the universe that were not used by the SAoY for one reason or another - such as just not knowing about them, or even, not having any potential use.

Nenene's eyes slowly opened, she looked up at the blurry world around her, blinking a few times and then rolled to her side as the sudden urge to wretch overcame her and she threw up on the floor beside the bed she had been placed in. Done, she collapsed back onto the bed and ran her hands through her purple hair, feeling weak and very ill.
Medical - Neko Mind Space

Ume's figure waved at the black figure that appeared on the board beside her. She wasn't sure who it was, but she was always keen on playing board games with anyone. She distributed the proper amount of money to each of them and then rolled the dice for her turn and began playing.

Meiko paused a moment and took deep breaths her vision slightly blurring before returning to normal. She noticed how quickly the virus was moving and bit her lip, alright...they knew that the virus was mechanical and biological at the same time...wait...Nanomachines worked on broadcasting signals. She paused a moment more before looking towards the Chief Medical Officer for a moment and then quickly moves over to Chieko. "Koizumi-San, I had an idea...this virus is working both Biologically and Mechanically, the Nanomachines are aiding the biological side obviously... Nanomachines can't work correctly without the original signal it has being broadcasted by each nanomachine as such the signal can be traced...what if we used Femtomachines to find and locate the signal that the Nanomachines are broadcasting, then those Femtomachines could isolate and attack the Nanomachines to destroy, and start killing off mechanical part of the virus, effectively slowing it down if not outright eliminating it.... If anything it will give you more time to completely eradicate them, and ease the patients suffering."
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Kumiko had to fight to resist the urge to facepalm when she saw the engineers banging on the aether system with wrenches. For all the joking about percussive maintenance, she hadn't ever actually seen someone legitimately try it before, especially not people who were actually supposed to know the real methods to fix something. "Well, cut it out. You should know better than that." She paused, looking around the room once more. "Jane, go ahead and tie yourself into the engineering computers for me, keep an eye on things." Looking back to the engineers, she ran back over the list of what she already knew specifically was wrong, thinking.

"Have you started working on the conduits yet? If not, go ahead and start replacing the conduits for the Fold systems with the spares, or make some if you're out of spares already..." She paused again, rethinking this. "First, get yourselves into AMES suits. We need to limit the spread of whatever this is as much as possible, so on the off chance you aren't already infected, I'd like to keep it that way. Once you're done with that, get to work on the conduits. I'll take care of the aether systems." That said, she went ahead and started inspecting the aether generator, ignoring the slight scuff marks from the hammering, since it had been built far too tough for those to matter in the least.

"Jane, doublecheck to make sure this thing is powered down all the way, and go ahead and lock out it's power sequence for now once you've done that. I
really don't want this thing powering up while I'm poking around in it." Pulling out some tools from a nearby toolbox, she went ahead and started removing connections and the like, trusting her AI to have taken care of it.
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Chiasa waited for the MEGAMI to react to her command. It took a virtual eternity. Before Jayne's voice came from the speaker. "Emergency Medical Protocol Initiated. Overriding Security System. You may enter when ready Ishikawa-Santô Juni."

"Thank you." she said pressing the door open switch, as soon as the door was open wide enough she stepped into the room. She walked to the center of the room and stopped. She then rotated in place visually scanning the room for anything the might resemble a rainbow.

As Meiko came up with the next sample, Chieko - originally still smiling a little - gripped the curtain next to her before slowly letting herself down to the ground. "I did mention we should al have it now," the biologist smirked as she looked up and took the sample, "You should get that cleaned up before you help the next person. Keep an eye on your focus, though; we'll all be thinking a whole lot less clearly as this goes on."

The young woman then chuckled to herself as the vertigo cleared a little, allowing her to stand. She then thanked Meiko again before heading back to perform some more analysis. It was, however just based on the hope that the more technologically inclined people of the ship could find a viable way to zap the damn pathogen.

It took time, but Chieko finally managed to get back to the bench in order to continue her work when Jayne appeared. Hemosynth would be helpful if it were not infected and what was available may be; but that had not been fully investigated yet. Realizing she really had nothing to lose there, the biologist grabbed a hypospray vial of Hemosynth and tested it on one of the already zapped samples. She then electrocuted the vial from Elina before moving on to trying various other med kit compounds on the other samples.

Hearing Meiko again - this time about the virus giving off a signal - she recalled that the Captain was already asking the ship to deal with that and that Jayne may have given him an answer. "I left that with those more qualified," the academic called back.
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Meiko recalled what Jayne had said to Takeyu and shook her head thanking Chieko quickly and moved over to the Captain before bowing...which caused her to stumble a bit because of Vertigo. She groaned lightly and held onto her head before looking up at the captain. "Nayacesen-Sama, I had an idea... I overheard you talking to Jayne about finding the connection that the Nanites were attempting to connect to.. She said there weren't any... within the known area...what if we try that...but within each body itself? Use even smaller nanites, like Femtomachines that are set to find the Nanomachines wavelength within the body and hunt them down, to slow down the virus...Naturally the Femtomachines won't be able completely eradicate them...but maybe just maybe it would slow down the virus...and......" She wobbles a bit more. "give people...more time.." She groans and slumps against a nearby desk trying to regain herself.

Chiasa did not see anything that visually that would represent a Rainbow. There was not much in the room, but that did not surprise her since Elina had packed everything she valued into a backpack. She had not seen the backpack in her visual scan so she proceeded to open the lockers. Inside one of the lockers was the backpack. She took it out and carried it over to the work desk.

Once she was at the work desk she put the bag down and opened it. She started sorting through the contents. When she picked up a case it made a rattling sound. She flipped it over and saw the writing on it. RAINBOW 2. She cautiously opened it and there sitting on top of a disc that was probably Elina's creation were a number of intact pills. The capsules were completely intact. She closed the case and headed to the door.

She paused by the door and hit the intercom. She entered the code for Medical. "Medical this is Ishikawa-Santô Juni. I have found a number of the pills that the NMX was giving to the residents of the settlements on the moon. I am bringing them down to Medical."

She switched off the intercom and took off once more down the hallway.

"I actually thought that perhaps the system would scan even within the body, but I guess its not programmed for that. So instead," the Captain started and leaned on the table. "Let's try that, repurpose the scans and look into the bodies themselves, as its not common for communications to exist in our bodies - at least - not on the same levels we might be hunting for," he turned to Meiko. "Think we might find anything of use?" he asked.

Meiko took a moment to regain herself, her ear starting to lightly bleed but nothing to determintal. She turned when the captain addressed her and took a moment to think on it before looking up at the larger, more muscular man before her. "I do. If the plan works as well as I hope it does, then it can hinder the virus...what i'll do is create a concoction of different medicines to inhibit the biological aspect of the virus and we can put the Femtomachines in the concoction. That way the Femtomachines will not be hindered by the biological aspect of the virus... If we this correctly...we should be capable of finding the virus itself...and if lucky we can have it localize the virus and make splotches on the skin so we can target certain points of the body with precision electrical shocks to destroy the virus..."

Takeyu nodded. "Problem is hoping that it recognize's between that which is infected and that which isn't," he turned toward Jayne, her holographic projection standing a few feet away from the group. "Jayne, begin scans of those presently infected in the bay - internally only - display those scans and results to Meiko-chan please."

Meiko moved to the nearest computer and looked at the data that Jayne projected and paused a moment. "Yes...its small, but the Nanomachines are giving off a small signal that they use to recognize each other as allies rather than enemies....The Wavelength can be copied and given to the Femtomachines and they can target that wavelink..." She nods a bit and looks at Takeyu. "Captain, I'll mix the concoction..and will test it on myself to see how well it goes..." She moves to the side getting the needed medicines and began mixing them.

"You sure you want to do that?" Takeyu looked rather concerned at the medic's desire to test it on herself, given they had quite a few in the bay that such a process could be done on. "If it doesn't work......" the captain started to say but then shook his head and looked at those on the beds. "Very well then, but only if your certain it 'would' work."

Meiko looks at him with a determined look in her eyes. "...If I tested it on the patients and it failed, and killed one...I could never forgive myself. I am a doctor, my patients wellbeing comes first and I could not give..." She paused and looks down before looking at Takeyu again. "Whether it works or not...My patients wellbeing always comes first over my own." She paused and finished the concoction and takes a breath moving over and getting the Femtomachines and setting their programing, before pouring them into the concoction. "...It has to work..." She stared at it for a moment before looking at Ume and then Kioko. So many people are relying on me...Ume...Kioko...Isrun..Kana....Misato...Riko...The captain.. She bit her lip before taking a breath and drinking it down and closing her eyes. It took a moment before her body shook, she stumbles and falls against the desk beginning to pant a bit. "...Ugh..." She begins coughing quiet a good deal before she slumps for a moment...after that moment though she slowly stands back up her nosebleed has stopped, and her ear bleeding has stopped... She paused a moment more and pulled her shirt off revealing her bra and all over her body there are several splotches of yellow, showing where the virus is. "...It...It worked..." She looked relieved.

Perhaps it was a good thing that Takeyu wasn't phased at all by a girl getting naked, given he'd seen it plenty of times before - both while in the military, and outside of it. "Thats refreshing, but lets make sure," he smiled and nodded at Jayne, who began to run a secondary scan on 'just' Meiko; the information was then sent to a nearby terminal to show them the results of the new scan.

Meiko looked at the resutls and nods her head a bit and smiles. "The Femtomachines are attacking the virus, its not being destroyed...but if we do precision electrical shocks at the splotches it should get rid of the nanomachines, and if Koizumi-San's study had shown anything without the Nanomachines the viruses will die out... Once we do that we can synthesize a Vaccine using this knowledge."

"How are we to deliver this vaccine though? With everyone scattered amongst the ship we'd have to figure out some method to reach everyone - can't afford to let even 'one' person go," said the Captain.

Meiko thought for a moment and paused... "Ventilation...If we can find a way to make the femtomachines and vaccine airborn we can work that out...Femtomachines are microscopic as such putting it a gasseous form should work well enough I think, then we pump it into the ships ventilation system and release it all over."

"In order for that to work we'd have to temporarily disable the filtration systems, so that the vaccine doesn't get accidently quartined, which is a simple matter. Now, to administer is a general shock we'd either have to have people come here or send a team out, but then we might miss someone.... " Takeyu sighed and pushed off the table and folded his arms over his chest in thought. "Its too bad we can't execute a localized discharge in the ship, systems would be damaged and no way of telling whether it would really 'work' given everything else...." the captain continued to think; this wasn't exactly a field for him - he was an engineer... not a doctor.

"...Hm.." She thinks for a moment and sighs. "The Systems would be damaged but the ship's crew would be stabilized, surely the life support systems are protected from the shock...With our engineers we could fix the ship..." She pauses. "But lets save that for the last decision..." She seemed stumped, damnit Takeyu, she's a doctor not an engineer!

"Welp, in that case, lets go ahead and make plans to administer the vaccine and then once that is done we can work on the next problem," said Takeyu. "Jayne, when its done, I want you to disengage the life support systems air scrubbers."

Meiko nods a bit and took a breath... "Well first things first.." She mixes the concoction again and begins to program the Femtomachines to deal with the virus again, pouring them into the concoction and putting it in several different syringes and takes a breath. "Lets handle the people in here first...Then we'll move to administering it to everyone else."

"Then I shall help you there," he said and picked up some of the syringes. "Good idea for here anyway, just in case someone develops an adverse effect... although.. lets hope not..." the captain mentally punched himself, he had once been told to 'never' say something along that line as there was a risk it could jinx ya. He walked over to the bed that Ume was on and carefully inserted the syringe into her skin, then adminstered the vaccine and watched and waited.

Meiko moved over and began injecting the others starting with Isrun, moving to Kana, then Kioko, Nenene, and Riko...Then last but not least Misato. She moved into the biological area and injected Chieko as well and took a breath. "...There that should inhibit the virus and get everyone back on their feet." In fact, those who were injected would almost instantly begin to feel theirselves slowly recovering, those who were first infected would take a little time to recover, but the virus is inhibited enough to the point they can at least move around.

Nenene winced as the injection was given. She hated needles and looked away while it was being plunged into her skin. "I hope you've got a cure, Doc" she said, "This being sick thing overstayed it's welcome a long time ago" she gave the best pained smile she could, then sank back onto her bed, closing her eyes to rest.

It did not take overly long to feel the effects of the injection. She felt something changing, most notably first was the substantial lessening of the ever present nausea she had been suffering since first coming down with the virus, quickly followed by the abatement of the chills, temperature and other ill effects. She sat up and looked over at Meiko

"Wow, Doc, what was in that shot?" she asked, already feeling incredibly better than she had a few minutes earlier, the sense of impending death by illness fading rapidly.

Chiasa slowed to a walk before she approached the door to medical. She opened the door and walked in. "I found the pills that Elina was speaking about. It would probably be a good idea to analyze one under controlled conditions. It is possible that they could be the source of the infection, or more likely since the NMX were keeping them on them to keep them healthy that they suppress the infection and may be a curative."
Corridor by the Entrance to Medical

Elina sat with her back leaning against the wall. Head tilted forward within a bloody AMES helmet. Arms draped around her shins. Still as a statue. As the crew of the Soyakaze rushed about in dealing with the Plague. What feeling she had left was tingling crawly sensation within her that she couldn't get rid of. All she could think of was the pills she had stashed that could stop the sensations she was feeling and everything would be all right.

Was this how one felt when dying naturally? Body rapidly decomposing? She began to compose her last song mentally about dying this way. The Goths would love to hear this song and give them more fuel to feel depressed.

Back and forth, checking and re-checking. Time was of the essence, but Chieko was slowing down, missing things, repeating tests, observations - the fog was getting harder to pierce through. All the biologist could hope for was that the technical issues could be resolved and something in her tests could clean up the rest.

The sudden appearance of Meiko, on the other hand was a surprise. It happened as the young woman was attempting to test an anaesthetic on a sample for the third time. It wasn't good, but the injector gave Chieko pause as normally she'd want a little more explanation. At that point, however, she no longer had the will or energy to bother resisting. All she could hope for was that what ever she was given, it would end things one way or another.

Meiko smiled and patted Chieko. "I found a way to slow the virus..." She then moved and looked at Nenene. "Femtomachines used as inhibitors with the natural antibiotics we had to slow the biological aspect of it down..." She paused and looked towards Chiasa and nodded a bit taking the pills. "We'll work on a vaccine, immediately if these are able to be used as such.." She places them down next to her Lab Station before moving towards the door and pausing when she looked to the left and noticed someone was lying there. "W..." She quickly moved back in and grabs one more syringe and moved over taking off the Elina's AMES suit or at least revealing skin to stab her with the skin to give her the inhibitor so she could begin repairing... "Damnit...I didn't know there was someone out here..."

After doing that she pulled the other girl in and put her on the table and took a deep breath and began addressing everyone who was conscious or awake. "...Alright... Now we have three options...We are going to release this inhibitor into the ventilation system, to inhibit the virus all over the ship...we can A) Release an EMP that would destroy the virus...but it could harm the ship and we'd have to repair the ship even more than we are now... B) We can work on making these pills and what we know into a vaccine that will destroy the virus... or C) Come up with another way entirely to do it...I'm no engineer this isn't my best subject...I was barely able to pull off the if anyone has any ideas do make it known."

Elina in her delirium, spoke, "pill... must have ... pill.... the...say...keep ... healthy.... bow two..." falling quiet, as she lay there. Mentally going back to her composition. At least the itchy crawlies slowed downed a bit. but they would resume.

Takeyu was more than a little relieved when the others began to wake from their near death experiences; it wasn't the kind of thing anyone should have to face - no matter if they were technically 'immortal' due to ST Backup technology.

"There is another way to use an EMP to take out this thing throughout the ship," he started and looked at Meiko. "Instead of unleashing an EMP burst throughout the ship - the likes of which would cause irrepearable damage to systems, we can isolate what level of a burst we'll need, once we have that; we can tune the burst to a level that it won't affect the systems but rather the virus itself."

"From this, we can place those who might be affected by this EMP into isolation where they'll be treated indivisually, while this is going on we can unleash the burst; those in the isoalated areas won't be affected."

Kana soon jumped off her table and lifted her hand up. "I can help!" the pink haired Neko shouted excitedly as Isrun sat up and looked at her with light disapproval. "Look out, the unstoppable chemist is back," the frosty haired Neko sighed with relief.

Chieko then came out of the office looking much better, "One and a half volts at three hundred milliamps was enough for the samples, if that helps any."
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