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OOC YSS Takamagahara Discussion

So what fighter can let a mini pilot it exactly? Can't find anything on the wiki. In fact I'm guessing a lot of new mini gear will be issued for this plot but its a bit difficult for both pre RP and skills when i can't seem to find mini specific gear.
Wylde. Any if them. You just connect via mini spine.

Cmdr_Jackson. Theres minis made in setting all the time. NH-33M is the current model, same generation as the current full size neko
Hey, guys. Since it came up in our IRC chsnnel. Do we want the mini neko plot to be an 18+ plot? Everyone please vote!
I'm for 18+ if only to not have to pull any punches when it comes to writing, however I don't really mind either way.
Alright dude. Thats why I put it up to vote on the thread. Mini neko plot will remain a regular plot. Any 18+ content will have to be done in asides in the 18+ section of the boards.
I could do 18+ if I bothered to get wes/whoever to give my account access.

By the way I got all my stuff for my character wiped due to a computer issue, just saying why it was taking so long.
I'll be 18 in May. Sorry guys.

BTW: I'm almost finished with my character. I should have her personality and history done by Tuesday. *Knocks on wood*
Depending what its made of.. Could either price it like a steak knife.. Or if its a high quality. Maybe half price of a full size one?
Yamataium is not a great material for a bladed weapon. It's very soft compared to most of the metals on that list. It's primarily an armor material for that exact reason, for the same reason lead and gold make pretty crappy edged weapons. While it does regenerate, it can only regenerate lost material, it doesn't necessarily regenerate the same shape.