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RP [YSS Wakaba] Episode 1: The Ghost Outpost

Kari nodded to Hara, then followed along silently. Though she could see through her active camouflage sensors in every direction, the slightly darkened hallways made her rely more heavily on her suit's low-light and infrared sensors. As they walked, she swept her head from side to side, particularly on the lookout for heat signatures that could be signs of life. When noises started sounding around them without accompanying sounds of movement, she started to grow suspicious. When movement caught her eye, she turned her head and zoomed in on...a ball? Then she saw the blood.

"I have pinned down a lifesign, shosa, at least in a manner of speaking," the nordic neko silently messaged over an open channel to her comrades as she tried to determine roughly how fresh the blood was by using her infrared vision to check if it was still warm. Meanwhile, she also activated her radar to try and build a more complete view of their surroundings. "There is a trail of blood."
Junko narrowed her eyes at the patchwork of wiring. She was too focused on how to fix the crap wiring to pay too much attention to the noises. She was relying on the rest of the team to do their jobs as she did hers.

She moved to set her bag down with minimal noise and slung her rifle over her left shoulder. She arranged the tools that would be needed for Hara and herself to use.

"Should be one of those Miko-cores those peacekeepers were so fond of, have not seen one of these in a long time." she said, pausing for a moment "

Though who ever did this might have completely rewired everything. Help me locate the power cable first please." Junko said in as polite of a tone as she was capable once she was focused on work to the science officer. She was no computer specialist, but she was fairly adept with wiring. She always had to contend with it when components blew up on her ships.
"Hai, on it..." she said in response to Inaho, then added, "Hai, Shosa..." over the open comm with the team, "It's a good thing I am the queen of multitasking. Let's see what we can do, then..." The Taisa's priority was obviously the long-ranged scan, she opened another set of volumetric displays, and began forming a composite overlay of the scan data. Apparently, she'd become the Science Officer at some point when she was not looking, but she had no complaints. They were short-handed and she could lend a hand any way that was needed. She had KAMI double-check the calibrations and systems to make sure that the long-ranged scan was correct.

Meanwhile, she had the science drone move ahead of the team as the Shosa instructed, she noticed the scratched-out logo on one of the bulkheads, "Well it looks like they had some opinionated interior decorating over there. I hope they like the Hinomaru a little better, I don't want that nice candy-egg paint job on that drone messed up." She continued the scans with the multi-purpose drone as the team moved deeper into the station. "Scans are still a mess," she said with a sigh.

The ball hit Alexandr's foot with a light almost ping. Looking up from the Ball the mountain of a man connected again to his Comm channel"да, понял мэм. I will take point. Directly ahead seems to be another blood trail. I will see if the person is still living." His words came casually again. His almost jovial tone still not skipping a beat. Turning his weapons light on, Alexandr continued carefully towards the blood trail, to what lies beyond. Keeping sure he stayed within sight of his comrades."hello? Are you possibly conscious? If not, i am sorry I was too late." He spoke quietly in the direction he began to walk. His eyes scanning as many angles as he could, for potential ambush points.
Shoi Koyama
UOC Station Interior, Ten Hours after shuttle crash.

Koyama had awoken to the AIES of her suit sending a jolt along her SPINE. The sensation had been akin to being electrocuted. So sensitive. Darkness had welcomed her to its cold embrace as the shuttle's pilot screeched for them to brace for impact. All around her, Daisy and Mindy clad crew had locked themselves to their seats. Armored hands holding tight to Yarvex straps overhead for added support. Something had struck the shuttle's CFS so viciously it had smashed through the protective barrier and speared the reactor. The HONEY CRUSH fusion reactor had gone out without so much as a whimper. Safeties had been engaged to prevent a core overload that would have turned them into a small, bright star for a fraction of a second. The Tanuki had slammed so hard into the hangar's metallic deck plating the unibody Durandium Alloy hull of the shuttle had ripped itself and the deck apart. The scene had been out of some fantasy game. They'd been struck by the hand of a truly angry god.

Her digital brain had shut most of itself off, leaving the subconscious to wander as her Hemosynthetic systems worked furiously to repair brain injury to her frontal and parietal lobes. But in that time... she had dreamt. Of a grassy plain. A staff of golden metal with a gentle curve at the top and a massive white jewel set firmly and cradled within. An orichalcum staff. A legendary weapon for her Archmagus class one could only acquire by pre-ordering the now wildly popular, sector-wide MMORPG of the hour. She'd been hunting. Gathering materials from the area's high-level monsters. She'd been her guild's loremaster, its elixir savant and grand enchanter. The upcoming guild-wide raid necessitates days upon days of preparation. It was then she'd heard a scream, a girl's scream. And the guttural laughter that had proceeded it. The hammer blow of metal on loamy soil had caused a dust cloud.

Now she, Nemethyst, Archmagus of the First Rank of the Order Crimson had run toward that clamor of battle. Seeing a truly massive Minotaur wearing the inky black armor and wielding a too large ax ensorcelled with magical runes. A Death Taker. A new class was recently added with a new update. Along with the non-human Minotaur playable character race. Many on the MMO's creator's forums had expressed anger at the overpowered class, and even more when the two new releases were combined. And Nemethyst, third in command of the elitist but woefully small Debauch Tea Party guild of the game Seinaru Jidai had answered the call of battle and help.

What had ensued had led to a huge upset on the forums. And had started a guild war that was still talked about today a year later. Her class hadn't been known for its physical defenses for it wore nothing but robes or the lightest of chain. She'd always eschewed it. Sticking to the cloth and array of defensive magic. And there she was. A five-foot-tall Elheim, or more in a derogatory fashion, 'Elf' faced off against a ten-foot-tall tank in emberal plate wielding an ax of the same material. Her character, a male of Elheim of too much bishounen looks she had always RP'd with severe Chūnibyō tendencies had pissed the fucker off something fierce to divert its attention from the downed Shadow Thief. Her UI had told her the busty female thief had been level two. Completely out of their element. Her opponent had been a one-twenty. Likely some pay to win shitlord who had shelled out the hundreds of KS to buy the class, and all of the experience scrolls to boost them and its starting gear had evolved with them as a result.

Oh... it had been such fun to teach the likely snot-nosed newbie a lesson in just how the veterans of the game rolled. Death Takers had been on the rise. Broken and new classes always had been. None had been defeated. Always targetting the newbies to the game to grief or in these areas and camping kills to deny others the valuable drops, beast materials, plants, waters, woods, and ore for the various crafting professions. And there she had been. A weak-looking Elheim wearing expensive equipment ripe for the plucking and bragging rights that they'd taken out one of the Tea Party in player versus player. For when two players locked horns, the defeated's items and money invariably went to the victor. And all it had taken to drop this wallet warrior had been a Bolide, a spell that summoned a flaming meteor from the heavens. And just to make it memorable, she... he, for she played a male version of herself in the game had released the stored power of the eyepatch and limiter he had worn.

All that had been left was the kilometer-wide crater and a bright red smear and crumpled remains of expensive black armor. The explosive blast and impact had drawn hundreds of high-levels in the area. And there was Nemethyst, known for not taking shit from anyone standing on the corpse's remains and extolling the virtue of their prowess in a true demonstration for the RP personality Koyama had so carefully and humorously crafted. Striking poses, the best of which had been a hand placed on their face, fingers splayed to partly hide the dark violet eye of her limiter release and the other a wine red which ever so dramatically glinted. Of course, she'd gone for the heterochromatic eye colors. There had been claps, 'Oohs and Ahhs' complete with the 'Holy Shits' and mad scramble toward the remains of her conquest. Emberal was rare. Only dropped in the deepest pits of the local raids or mined in the abandoned shafts of the extreme level mines reserved for the truly crazy or max levelers that required no party. Not to mention the asslord had enough bought potions and accessories to fund months of expeditions in just the platinum currency it could sell for.

Even as her character continued striking poses, speaking in those light, yet concendsending tones of disillusionment, others of her guild had arrived. Surrounded her and declared it had been her kill and anyone who tried to ninja the spoils would face the full might of the Party. In the end, the Chūnibyō caster had offered a hand to the Shadow Thief who stared on in awe and disbelief. A whispered compliment over a private channel, voice different, female, her this new character had, had the balls, or sheer stupidity to walk known to be for the high-levelers and a prime spot for ambush pvp. You fighting a monster? All it took was a PvPer to show up and pop you while you were worn down.

Hinokami, the Shadow Thief had been welcomed as a recruit at her... his request. For everyone in the Tea Party was odd in their own ways. Hardcore lore riders and nerds for which they were known even by standards of the game. A progressive guild and world-first team of just over eight hundred souls in a land of close to a billion players. And later, a fellow player of the guild, and in real life an Operative of SAINT (Who no one knew of this and to this day did not) had data mined the game and exposed that bastard as one of the content and fluff creators. Known for his padding and attempts at making the NPCs and characters within the game more snowflakey than some of the worst anime characters out of Yamataian produced anime. Plus. His fluff was complete and utter shit, to begin with.

Koyama had earned a title that day. Taking down a Death Taker, a world first. 'Death's Mistress.' a teasing joke because of just how pretty her male was and serious in what had transpired. Even earned her a bit of theme music which she could play at but a thought. The game creators had found out who she'd defeated was in real life, and discovered they had abused their position and power. Giving themselves items, boosting the character. And they'd been stripped of the authority to a more public relation role and tried to adopt anonymity in the game. And sweet Chiharu, Koyama spared no expense trolling the fucker into a flaming garbage fire when she discovered whom they played. Payback for all of the ill they'd caused. Bringing her new protege along in the process. They'd exchanged information, and had been shocked and pleasantly surprised they were both in the Star Army and served on the same ship. The pride and flagship of the First Expeditionary Fleet. The YSS Tokyo.

It was a pleasant dream in which her mind had recalled. A defense mechanism she'd installed by tweaking the barest, most inconsequential fraction of the Nekovalkyrja OS. An inherently dangerous thing, and so far up the chain in law-breaking she could likely have been black bagged or broken down to a Yonto Hei or worse. Tossed out of the Star Army and the tender mercies of the Ketsurui or the Zaibatsu. For no one was supposed to tamper with the masterpiece with which the former Emperor Uesu, and Doctor Shinichiro had crafted into a beautiful symphony of sentience and artificial soul that was the beating metaphysical heart of her species.

Koyama feared death. The final death. And had desired a means of even just a few, precious moments with which she could endure that rampant fear if that happened as her body shut down, and mind began to fade away. Her final hurrah. Naturally, the engineer kept this secret. Buried it so deep that not even an ST system could detect without intense scrutiny at the hand of a Kessaku System specialist or Zaibatsu rep. If discovered, it would likely appear as some form of flaw, or quirk of the system in her case. And she prayed that never happened. That first and only attempt at the OS had been little more than a microscopic graft atop the swirling mass of bio-engineered and chemical code of the brain. The system was so intricate. So masterful anything further scared the living shit out of her for it was her own life and soul she had played with.

Her mind had become dimly aware at the electric jolt to her SPINE with the fading of the dream, the AIES sending another, and another. The suit, her suit waking her up as the hemosynthetic blood pumping into artificially grown veins crawled its way through her brain's tissues. Repairing the damage done. Her suit's fleshy insert had cushioned a lot of the impact, the Zesuaium having no give for that most magic of metals neither bent nor broke. But somehow... somehow it had in a way done so. For Koyama, Shoi and Engineer had blacked out at the impact and end over end of her shuttle's crash. No braking thrusters. No shield to cushion it. Just the scream of the pilot as the transparent Durandium of the cockpit window giving out and its shards all but decapitating the hapless Minkan pilot. Her name and been Hitomi. An Itto Hei. And now her life experiences up till now would be forgotten. The unrequited crush and confession to the Shoi on the handsome head of their security detail erased.

Detmer, a Santo Juni, the man wouldn't get to hear it as Koyama had urged him to listen to the woman's confession once they had landed. Her digital brain had been brought up and linked to the Mindy's HUD which couldn't hold a steady readout without lines and static running across its display. The AIES running a system's check, text in Yamataigo scrolling across the cracked plane as the lobe responsible for processing sensory input, including pain reengaged. The M2-4 series' verbal unit had been active as her bloodcurdling shriek echoed and fell upon the deaf ears of her now very dead comrades. Pain. white-hot, sharp beyond anything she had felt during her long, first days in training shot through her left shoulder. Something sharp, solid, and with little give pinned her in place. Warmth trickled down the now exposed flesh which wept Hemosynthetic blood. It had gone right between the segmented joints of Zesuaium and had punctured her bodysuit and skin. The Yarvex hadn't ripped but been pressed down to the point the gluon mesh and fleshy Hemosynth muscle insert had pierced her from pressure alone.

The AIES had emitted warnings. The muscle had begun to regenerate as did the torn flesh and broken collarbone once she had gotten free to survey the damage. The shuttle was a wreck and totally beyond repair, held together by ripped, bent, and crumpled supports, hopes and dreams and paneling with which huge, jagged gaps and ruptures allowed her to lookout. Armored corpses had lain before her. Members of the team she'd been assigned to. Limbs, odd angles, necks hanging much the same, or the heads now missing or crushed just as were other parts of bodies. Even with their highly advanced technology. Daisies and Mindies couldn't hold up against ballistic impacts. That kinetic force had to go somewhere. And their might CFS systems had given up the ghost much the same way as a nubile Nekovalkyrja would their virginity in basic. All around her the crackle of residual power in the power cabling had sparked and spurted before being snuffed out as those last vestiges of energy were blown out like a guttered candle.

That scene of death and destruction had been ten hours ago. Bled almost dry, her armor damaged, emitters functioning still but with that random chance of malfunction or death constant reminders that she'd survived. But in such a way she was hampered, crippled. Injured and alone amidst a horde of Kuvexian forces roaming the station like flies on a carcass. It was an old UOC station. Nonetheless, a place from which any sort of action could be launched from. And Koyama was smack damn in the middle of it. The Heavy Aether Pistol maglocked to her thigh, and Aetheric SMG strapped to her back had been scrounged from the brutalized remains of her team. The weapons at her hips had been her own. All of them worked, but dependent on her suit's generator to provide an endless supply of generated supply of energies. Her generator wasn't fully functional. Damaged. Working only a little above fifty-eight percent in a state of possible shutdown or overload depending on just how much strain it was under.

It was a constant struggle for her suit's computer and herself to keep the thing together as she moved through bays and halls. Shadowing Kuvexian armors and soldiers. They had decided no one had survived the crash. But the shuttle's computer had been destroyed beyond repair and mysteriously the power-armored Yamataian soldiers and relief group's units had their AIES locked down so tight and under code only one of her rank, above or someone knowledgable in cracking the seal could.

Already a few "unfortunate" mishaps had transpired. A Kuvexian in the basic power armor disappearing, only to be found dead. Little to no visible damage. No telltale blasts of aetheric fire melting parts of their armor to slag burning the pilot beneath. But very precise spots had been targeted. The neck, segmented gaps along the arms, under them in the armpit. Their arms had been broken in a brutal but effective fashion to facilitate this. All the while they'd been unable to call for assistance. Her AIES had been able to generate EM, and Subspace waves that bounced against the opponents to cancel them out. But each time had been a struggle. The Hemosynth insert had boosted her power projection (Strength) but with not running at peak efficiency it was a very David and Goliath scenario. But no slingshots or rocks. Just the years of intense tutelage under a blue-haired, brown doe-eyed Neko wearing the red hakama and snowy yukata of the elite bodyguards of the royal clan. One who stood naught even five feet tall but wielded her weapons in a whirlwind of death if needed, and other times a cheery disposition when sated on candies and sugar. And four others of the same cut and rank with one in the blood-red of Daimyo.

Injured and weak as she was. A damaged suit of power armor, outnumber and gunned. Koyama wasn't going to be easy meat if she had anything to say about it. That squeamishness cowardliness of a losing battle had been beaten out of her in ways a normal soldier of the Empire, or even those crass, yet ballsy fucks in Nepleslia hadn't. Stubborn pride and a zeal to survive were in the driver's seat now. And by Chiharu, she aimed to get out of this. She thought of that even now, an unhelmeted Kuvexian before her, a hand clamped over his...her? Mouth, an aetheric wakazashi sunk deep in where the carotid artery would have been in a human watching as the light faded from their eyes and slid to the ground.

They'd been a grunt. A baseline trooper with the standard-issue power armor and all that Kuvie desires for shiny things, position, and money on their mind. Their eyes went empty and she pulled the weapon free, it had been off, but the Zesuaium blade had remained. Yet it was now coated with the dark arterial blood of the foe. They had put up a respectable fight. Rending a hole in the side of the Zesuaium plate of her suit and a decent chunk was taken out of a pauldron of her armor from a brief flaring of their aetheric rifle. They were things she couldn't afford to have had happened. But that seemed to be the price of combat... her first real taste of it. All the training she'd had under her belt. Learning from the cream of the crop of guardians to the family with enough juice and influence to start devastating sector-wide wars couldn't prep her for actual live fire. And it scared her to death causing the wound she had just suffered to weep a little more of her precious, artificial lifeblood before it had sealed over.

Already she felt weaker. Her body's resources going toward repairing the damage inflicted and keeping her energy levels up. Her suit's Hemosynthetic muscle insert helped, but if its wearer became too weak, even that wouldn't be enough to be of use. Her AIES alerted her of incoming, the heavy footfalls of even heavier armor echoing down the partially taken apart hall. With that, the former Chief Engineer of the YSS Sakura II disappeared, leaving the kill behind. Someone or something had begun to pick them off.

Yet every time a body dropped that wasn't her own. A piece of her went along with it. Blood, sweat, tears, and the pain brought on by fists or energetic fire. And the fear of the possibility of not making it out alive. For while she knew if she died, her ST backup would come online. Deep down, Koyama knew for a fact, nay, felt that the 'her' of the now would be forever gone. Those experiences, sensations, thoughts, feelings, insights. Lost to death, swept away as inconsequential. Yamataian soldiers had that mystique of near immortality. But she bet her money on them having not contemplated the ramifications of dying on the battlefield and coming back a little more of a copy of whom they had been all that they had previously experienced now gone forever.

She wouldn't let that happen to her.
Kari listened to Federovich's comms transmission. Though she felt his nearly jovial tone was far too upbeat for her taste, she appreciated the calm in his words. Especially the words in a language she didn't recognize. Those words in particular sounded direct and serious, which appealed to her deeply. She scheduled a few hours to learn the language in her upcoming off-duty time.

The nordic neko watched the man turn on his light and move carefully towards the blood trail, calling out into the unknown. Though she was ordered to follow behind Hara, she felt a moral obligation to guard the Nepleslian's back so she took a few steps away from the group in his direction and continued to scan the area with her thermal sensors and radar.
UOC Station

Kari would note that as she looked over Kaede she did display a degree of stress, as going into this setting was no doubt a little hard on her emotionally. But her presence was not threatening, rather was more motherly and reassuring.

Kaede nodded to Fletcher-shosha to the reasonable commands they gave. Being logistical specialty, she had no qualms about dealing with the less than glorious matter of the FARS units and their management. After the rest of the team debarked safely, Azai-hei set the shuttle into secured standby mode, donning the helmet of the Mindy armor with a 'fwoosh' and making sure her Nodal Fabrication Module backpack unit and was attached and ready. Once her power armored boots hit the dusty hangar floor, it took a few additional moments to calibrate her AIES to the data feeds from the several active drones, which already seemed to be getting some anomalous readings that quickly disappeared as soon as they appeared -- a fact she made sure to point out to command.

They were definitely not alone, but there was no distinct visual on who or what was here as of yet. The orange-panel soldier however definitely did get a bead on the numerous traps that they faced and assisted in bypassing and deactivating them, the presence of which was to be expected -- the Jiyuuian certainly had valuable experience with such things on basic anti-piracy duties that formed a core of the former UOC Peacekeepers training, as well as her first mission on the YSS Sakishima. Though her facial expression wrinkled a bit at the sight of the old golden sunrise logo on the wall the drones noticed scratched out and defaced, a fitting montage of the modern era's disdain for what was at the time a great ambition of the Yugumo colonies a decade prior.

Kaede was about to move to assist Junko in the restoration of the console, when she was interrupted by the presence of the ball rolling out very conspicuously, its trail of blood lighting up brightly in her sensors. She knew this must have been the source of the ghost ping she had detected earlier, and covered the team as Alexandr and Kari moved to investigate while she restated the Santo Hei's observations. "Confirming presence of fresh hemosynthic fluid on the object, Also picking up sounds consistent with... hmm... damaged or ablated armor platings? They could be from a surviving infantry member, so be careful."
UOC Station Interior, Ten Hours after shuttle crash.

Samandriel had not been as well protected as the others in the shuttle, he didn't have a custom PA yet to fit his Elysian body shape, He had been battered around in his seat and he could feel it throughout his entire body ached, his uniform stained in blood in multiple places and a massive banging headache whenever he moved his head slightly, opening his eyes just made it ten times worse as well. His body was weak but he knew had to get up and continue what they had planned to do, weakly he opened his and looked around to see what had happened to the occupants of the shuttle. He saw the rows of PAs all hunkered into their seats, he didn't know which were alive and who was dead like the shuttle, he tested his limbs and grunted out in pain as he tried his left leg, felt like a break. 'Damn it' he thought to himself as he unstrapped himself, his body pleading with him not to more or do anything, just fall asleep again.

He knew what was going on with his body and fought through it, he knew that succumbing to this feeling was a death sentence as his survival training kicked in. Normally these shuttled has something for first aid, but he just needed some painkillers and a splint mostly, a make shift one would work just fine. As he stumbled around the shuttle and tried to keep his leg from taking too much pressure he noticed someone else had already gone, one of the seats were vacant, a survivor somewhere, hopefully not that far away. Finding nothing to help the injured Elysian picked up one of the many weapons that had been on the ship, a rifle, not what he wanted to use, but it could keep his leg in a better shape than anything else here.

After a pain staking long half an hour of ripping fabric off his uniform, so he tightly wrap the rifle against his broken leg, came the harder part, making sure the bone was was in a good place before using this splint and tying it tightly. He grunts and winced as he positioned his leg as correctly as he though it needed to be, then pressed the rifle against it and started to tie it up "Damn it." He grunted through the pain. When the makeshift splint was in place he tried it out, pain shot through him, but it was a little more bearable. With this he picked up one of the other rifles, as much ammo as he could carry as the other survivor may need some as well, then he made his way out of the damaged shuttled and into the Station. He followed a path, as he ducked out of sight whenever he heard a noise, down dark corridors and into even darker rooms, the rifle was a last resort for the soldier as the noise would attracted so many more of whatever was making the movements, he assumed Kuvies as that would be the most logical.

He had found dead ones now, since there was no gunfire he assumed the other survivor had been stealthy killing them on their way to wherever they were headed. He made a not of each one and followed a logical path to where the other survivor would of headed, two marines together would be better than one stuck in the enemy controlled station. He just hoped that he found them before these Kuvies did.
UOC Station Interior

Fletcher's AIES detected and categorized the ball almost instantly. If it had been a grenade, the sensors would have detected it. It unnerved him slightly. He considered the situation, he didn't want to split his forces. The enemy could be trying to lead them into a trap. They were also there to rescue people and blood on a ball didn't look good. He crouched down, using his medical scanner on the blood. He frowned, it was too fresh for his tastes. While he supposed that they could have cut themselves, he didn't know why they would do that rather than just making themselves known. Something was amiss here and he didn't know what it was.

He quickly sketched a plan in his mind, "Federovich, Take Kari and Azai with you. I think they might be leading us into a trap, but I can't ignore that one of our people might be bleeding out. See if you can find the source of the blood, stay alert for traps, don't go beyond mutual support distance. Yukiko, put your science drone with Federovich's team. I'll stay here with Junko, Hara, and Kaede. They will fix this terminal. Once they have fixed it, we will get a reading on everyone on this station and our job gets a lot easier. Let's get to it."

UOC Base

Yuri listens to Junko and nods as she digs a bit deeper into the console to see if she could get the power cable and finally found it. She pulled it out while listening to the orders of their team leader "Might make some confusion there Fletcher-Shosa. Azai Kaede is one person and can only be in one place" She looked at Kaede and nods to Alexandr to follow them "We will manage here..." Focusing back on the control panel letting Junko do her magic as she stood up the power systems slowly came back.

"Entering systems right now, using the hacking bypassing....." Yuri narrowed her eyes as the screen flickered a few times and numbers and words pass by then it booted up to the main entree screen "Welcome to UOC Helios space station" Yuri said a bit sarcastic as the name popped up "The station is barely holding up...getting alerts all over the board sir. The station has not seen a technician for a long time, so it shows alerts of weak structural areas and even some levels of no breathable air" She slides a few times to find any valid information "This is interesting...the signal that we were tracking is coming from the lower decks. But here is the curious part... it's close to the power generators but also on a deck with no air but only lovely space view" Yuri taps onto the screen showing the hull breaches of that deck.

The information slowly poured in as she stopped a slide of information and narrowed her eyes "We got life....but also live fire" Yuri looked again back at the Shosa "I can't get a full reading of what the lifeforms are, but I do get registered Stary Army personnel they are..." The system suddenly overloaded and a burst of power surge broke the panel right at Junko and Yuri. By the power of the blast, Yuri gets thrown back and slams harsh against the wall showing some injury and still moving.

Meanwhile, the hallway team that investigated the body was hearing more unwelcoming sounds, cracks, and footsteps in the dark. Yet every time the Alexandr spoke it became quiet and no shuffling or movement was detected.

YSS Wakaba

"I am receiving information from the team, this is UOC Helios space station, entering the main grid database for more information" Inaho spoke as she turned to her Taisa "The station was back in the UOC the main military station where peacekeeper recruits were required to report when they were enlisted and done with their training. Helios would assign them to their designated locations. The..." She blinked and looked at the screen "I just lost contact with the station team, Yukiko my dear try to get the connection back as soon as possible"

But something was up, Kazue narrowed her eyes and looked at the screen seeing the station in its unstable form "Battlestations...." She ordered as Inaho blinked and gave a curious look at Kazue "Scan for jamming frequency... this base got Kuvexian bait written all over it. Did you both forget what the Kuvexians did back in Kimirthro, the flagship investigated that former NMX base, and it got baited the same way" Inaho shrugs at the reminder of that faithful battle and nods "Of course...you are right Yukiko follow-up scan on jamming devices they may hide in plain sight" Inaho spoke as she turned to the screen and begins activating the ships defenses and weapons coming online.

The Wakaba was still in the same location but certain flashing lights were now more noticeable between the derbies that were flying around the base. Trackers were hiding there without them even noticing as a big EMP explosion happened above the Wakaba, it reflected a good portion of the EMP but shields on top were drained to 45% "What the ....report!"
UOC Station Interior
Ten Hours after Shuttle Crash

Koyama's AIES had warned her of the heavy metal footfalls headed her way. Though it took the unit a moment to differentiate more than just one pair. A soft flutter of panic had made itself known within her stomach before her Mindy ducked to cover. This United Outer Colonies station had seen far better days she imagined while trying to find something with which to try and make contact for support and retrieval. Even if it meant trying to get to this wreck's computer core to try. Her parched lips suckled greedily at the straw protruding from the armor's hemosynthetic insert's purified reservoir of recycled water. The Neko felt as if her thirst couldn't be slaked until the suit's system had finished its brief scan of her body through her SPINE. Blood loss had partly brought on that thirst it seemed. Her body's way of trying to conserve water stimulating that sensation while her body worked to generate more blood on what resources she had left in the tank.

It'd been a test in willpower to hold off further as the steps drew closer.

The generator worked. Albeit at reduced capacity. The sudden and massive power draw to the CFS emitters had fried a few components only to have the problem exacerbated further as time had worn on until she'd awoken earlier and resolved that particular problem of being partly impaled.

Repairing some of the power regulation software was an ongoing effort between the two as the group of shiny, golden power armors tromped by the inconspicuously intact set of large, low-grade plastic packing crates leaning against the entry point for another room. Just for the added panache of giving off that feeling of haphazard abandonment while her suit hugged one of the walls. She'd thanked good Yamataian engineering when the emitters had engaged and held a solid volumetric image. Or she was just pretty darn lucky.

Koyama felt a twist in her gut just like the last few times she had come across more of the enemy. A few of the kind she had been introducing herself to in their lighter suits of armor. And now one of their larger kin. When she peeked around the corner through a small hole in the image.

The AIES' optics array took little snapshots as they passed by once their dynamic entry had been completed. Information raced up and through her SPINE and flooded her brain even as her eyes had just registered it on the HUD along with more data. The big fellow it seemed the system was saying was the more dangerous of the group. Heavier armor and a modestly bigger weapon. She had never seen one in person. But you didn't stay in the Star Army too long without becoming familiar with what you're fighting against. Heavier Infantry, designed to kill lighter suits like hers and give a Daisy a run for its money in ground combat.

The suit continued to project such information into her mind and eyes even at hearing the foreign if the slightly disturbing native tongue of the Kuvexians. As the person spoke, it was translated for her through the Mindy. The lesser armors she knew of, the weapons familiar... up until they simply weren't. Her attention had been solely on the gaudily adorned Kuvexian suits that stood out against the shattered backdrop of the large area they were now in that something had gone over looked.

A trio of figures, not wearing the classic armor of the Kuvexian military had caught her off guard. Long before her current service in the First Expeditionary Fleet. When she was but barely fully grown and little more than an itty bitty Santo Hei fresh from boot and on her first assignment. Koyama had served in the Tenth Standard Fleet. A fleet that had been situated within the former Colonies and had tried to bring the area to heel and back to Yamatai's side.

Exposure to the area's local technology had been rampant. The Lorath's technology had still been pervasive throughout the outer systems and still somewhat of regularity in the inner systems of the former Fifth Expeditionary Fleet territory and then United Outer Colonies. So the units they wore were fairly familiar. The power armor's AIES then came to know them as well. 'Wind' armor suits. Two out of the three thankfully lacked the infamous Gust kit. Then again even with simple meta-material armor plates, the suits could be dangerous. Though the kit bearer was duly noted as potentially be a more difficult opponent. Their Lorath made weapons would make it all the more difficult. Old LSDF issued Railgun rifles had a nice variety of ordinance to chose from. Giving them a fair bit of lethality and flexibility.

The damaged Mindy's pilot refused to respond to the loaded offer. There was only one real answer to his offer after that. Kuvexians lied. They cheated. And they killed. And according to more than a few drunk members of the weekly pen and paper RPG she'd been in would sell their kids or grandparents for a quick KS. Or whatever they used. The heavy pistol rested on her waist along with the short sword on her thigh and she tried to imagine the reassuring weight of it. She wanted desperately to grip it once more, but her other hand was firmly wrapped around a slightly longer hilt whose collapsed blade had come free from the other upper leg hardpoint.

Once they'd passed, Koyama's Mindy maintained its position, the optical systems keeping an eye on those it could with a turn of her head. The woman waited for the group to spread further. With one of the Kuvexian light infantry heading her way, the volumetrics dropped, the emitters remained powered even as she stepped forth from her momentary hidey-hole. The startled infantry recovered quickly as this mass of scarred and pockmarked zesuaium crouched before it.

The collapsable katana had formed itself with little clicks, snicks, and clacks as the zesuaium blade extended and locked into place. A visible shimmer that still allowed the dull grey of the blade's body shine through. The Kuvexian power armor's shield flared briefly its golden orange before finally giving. The blade bit through the lighter alloy plating of the armor and deep into the Kuvexian inside. The energetic aether emissions assisted the Mindy's augmented strength in carving through the solder quickly enough at the completion of the Iaidō she had performed. That brief sound of quelching, hissing, and then dual, clanky thuds of the bisected armor seemed to be the unknown assailant's answer to the offer. Even as the scan would inevitably let that bulked up Heavy Infantryman know who had given their response. The attacker's counter-proposal soon came in the form of a heavy-duty-looking pistol that charged with a dull whine, then a crack. A bolt of aetheric energy from the heavy pistol overlarge considering the barrel-emitter's size. Aimed toward the heavy armor-clad warrior's weapon.

The recoil caused her arm to jerk up, the movement awkward as she bolted from where the body had been moments before. Already she heard the chiding tut of an old Neko ringing in her ears. She could save the self-sermons on this predicament for later.
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"Hai, Shosa, " Kari replied instantly to Fletcher's order with a text message sent directly to her superior's Mindy. With that said, she closed some of the distance between herself and Federovich and began following him in earnest, watching the darkness around them with her thermal vision.

"I'm on your six, Federovich." The nordic neko broadcast a voice message over the team frequency so that he could hear on his headset. She tried to use colloquialism to put the Nepleslian at ease, but it felt uncomfortable when she formed the words in her mouth. At that point, she began to wonder if the man who referred to his explosives as "toys" had any issues with hearing loss.

When they came upon the body, Kari didn't need her medical training to tell that the dead body's neck was broken. Though she knew her AIES was connected to Fletcher's, she announced what she was seeing for the benefit of those who weren't wearing Mindys. "Found a body. Broken neck. More blood leading off in one direction."

When the signs of a blast reached her, Kari was torn. She had the urge to rush back and help, but she also had her orders. She knew that Fletcher was more than capable of dealing with whatever had happened, and that she couldn't leave Federovich to go on alone.
"Thank you." Junko said with a slight smile when the power cable was located. She then started to work her technical "magic" by starting to re-organizing the wires. She leaned down and started cutting, stripping, and splicing the wires to restore and clean up the electric signals going through them.

She smiled when the console finally came back to life but remained guarded for overloads. Something that occurred as she was putting away her tools finally. She used her inertia abilities to soften the force of slamming into the wall.

"Ugh..." Junko said as she started to pick herself up. She moved over to Yuri to check how badly she was injured.

"I am sorry, I did not expect it to overload in such a manner." Junko said, sadden she failed to warn Yuri in time.
UOC Station Interior
Ten Hours after Shuttle Crash

Samandriel heard the group of Kuvexians before he saw them, their footsteps and aggressive way they were getting into rooms. From his own estimations from the kills he had found, the other person from his shuttle wasn't that far away from him, but it was just pure luck he had gone the right way. he stopped at a turning as he heard them offer safe passage to someone, this sent a chill down his spine, if the person took the offer, they would most likely be slave bait or worse to these people. He waited as he peered around the hallway, his broken leg had given him the advantage of being a little quieter with his steps and with his position the wall was the best thing to lean on he could of asked for.

That is when he heard what he knew was the Yamataian's answer to the terrible, a shot from a heavy pistol, his team mate was in that room. He could provide some confusion and disorganization in the Kuvexians blocking the way to the room. He gave a small smirk, this is what he lived for, the thrill of the fight was something he really enjoyed. With a small hiss he pushed himself off the wall and moved down the hall until he reach a position in the center of the hallway, the Kuvexians didn't seem to expect anyone else this deep in the Station were concentrating of the other individual in the room. He gets as low as his leg would let him and smiles as he calls out hoping the other person would hear as well "Hey! You missed one!" He gritted his teeth as he held the rifle out and fired at the Kuvexians in the hall, he didn't have a lock on any particular, but could get a couple of shots in on the bigger armour, maybe distracting enough to get the other person to flee or get a better position against these guys.
YSS Wakaba
Main Bridge

Yukiko shook her head, she brought the Wakaba's offensive systems fully online as it became obvious that they were under attack. Targetting systems switched from passive to active and it appeared that Yukiko's multitasking on sensors needed to continue. She attempted to re-establish the connection to her drones which was lost as the electromagnetic shockwaves rippled across the dorsal CFS field. The ship's turrets adjusted their angles of deployment to ensure adequate coverage of the massive battleship. Meanwhile, Yukiko continued to attempt to reconnect to the drones and scanned for the jamming devices as requested, "A little hard to reconnect to our drones, they should continue to work autonomously though - they have AIES," she said. Hopefully, the drones would continue to scan and provide information to the team in the interior of the base.

"Motoyoshi-Taisa, we need to put a little more space between us and the base; the more room I have the better I can cover us," she said, her focus was on the defense of the Wakaba at this point, active targeting scanners continuously working to assess and acquire enemy targets.
Alexandr Federovich
UOC Station

Shifting his Gjallarhorn launcher over to his SIZI type 79, Alexandr's light moved from the body to the trail of bloody footsteps, slowly but surely he waited for his comrades."понял, командир. мы продолжим к цели. we will locate the enemy, or another Body." moving to the right of the hallway, Alexandr continued to slowly make his way motioning to his team, pointing a flat blade like hand to the drone, motioning for it to move forward and provide light."I wander what this drone will show us, can we get a connection to it's camera feed? I want to know if these blue skinned menaces are around the corner." The eerie quiet, accompanied only by the sound of boots clattering and the pops and fizzling of electrical systems now damaged or fried. The smell of combat now stale yet the fresh scent of blood dancing through the non filtered air.
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UOC Station

Fletcher nodded as they explained what they were seeing, he had his back turned, watching their backs as they worked. He didn't have time to be surprised about there being more Star Army personnel on the station as the station overloaded. Both of the icons on his heads up display for their condition flashed as they hit the wall, but his trained eye saw that Yuri took a bit more. He took a moment, scanning the immediate area and his mindy's sensors for more threats.

"Not your fault Junko, watch my six while I take a look at Yuri." He said, focusing on the minkan woman for a moment, fortunately, her armor had caught most of the blast. Bruise and a couple of fractured ribs, mostly from being thrown back. He explained what he was doing as he administered a mild pain killer to help, but he still needed her mind clear.

William helped her to her feet and started moving towards where Federovich had gone. "Where did you see the star army signals? Federovich, we are reforming. Yuri, Stay behind me, Junko watch our six while we reform the unt."
UOC Station

Kaede was trying to take it all in as the situation was rapidly evolving, not being the type prone to brash actions. Her pointed ears twitched under the helmet of her Mindy, hearing some conflicting orders from her superiors that got intertwined with more of the sounds of some type of combat in the distance joined the echoes of armor movements down the passages. This derelict station was anything but a quiet relic, as it seemed to be two other groups besides their own present. Were they really Star Army personnel or other combatants with malicious intent? There was only one way to know for sure, with their sensors only able to provide limited information... and the final thundering sound of the failing hotwired console's violent end made it all the more clearer to everyone present.

Azai-hei exhaled once and now took up a defensive posture with her weaponry readied -- she rather detested fighting, but sometimes it couldn't be helped. The veteran was quick to move up closer to Alexandr from where she had been covering him at a distance, responding to his request calmly even if she couldn't understand some of his dialect at first. "Hai, we need to advance deeper to know for sure. There still could be many traps active in addition to the hostiles on the lower decks. I'm sending in our eyes to scout, let me patch you in." The logistics soldier relayed commands through her suit's AIES to the floating FARS drone to scout ahead around the corner where he had pointed his aether blade, and worked on establishing a uplink over the squad's comms so Alex could also receive the data from its visual and thermographic heat sensors in realtime.
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YSS Wakaba (RaWolfe / Andrew)

"Target is taken out, I will scan for additional enemy forces" Inaho replied as she moved to another console and gets the systems up taking over some of the scanning abilities of the Wakaba to find the enemy "Yukiko please keep the focus on the jamming devices and take them out" She gave out the order. Whatever is here, it is trying to play a game of hidden thievery, but Inaho was not in for games and especially not for those that are firing on the Wakaba. Though the EMP didn't really damage the ship, the systems were easy to resist such a puny attack.

The Wakaba manage to keep steady "The station just got active..." Kazue replied with a growl in her voice as she knew that there were now various problems of this situation. There was an ambush going on, her away team is trapped on the station and has no way to communicate with them and the third...the enemy was hiding somewhere. Kazue took a deep breath "Get those devices out of commission" She orders as the Wakaba started to open fire at the jamming devices as best as possible. The Wakaba slides past Helios and as it takes out the next target a sensor alert went off and on the screen appears a ship coming from the side of the station.

"Classification...battleship armed to the teeth....ITS KUVEXIAN!" Inaho said as the Wakaba alerts got louder and the enemy opened fire upon the Wakaba "Return fire! Evasive maneuvers"

UOC Helios - Away Team (Soban, Demibear, RaWolfe, Hyralt, PaladinRPG, The Krimsonwulf )

Hara nodded to the advice of her team leader and rubbed the back of her head taking in a second to let her head clear the fog "I am good, I will survive this" She got onto her feet and noticed that there was a silence hanging and her head went to the side seeing the drone that was with them hovering their motionless. Hara narrowed her eyes and looked at both Fletcher and Junko as she tapped onto her communication "Hara to Wakaba...." Nothing but static came over their communication line as she looked at her Shosa "I am unable to reach out to the Wakaba, can you guys contact them? Takeda-Heisho could you check my gear, maybe it got damaged by the blast?"

Meanwhile, the rest of the team sends the drone forward into the hallway and it briefly made it a few meters until a blue flash appeared around it and the drone just dropped to the ground not responding to anything. Then shortly after a few balls rolled over the floor that started to emit a jamming signal as shortly after shots were being fired from the dark hallway.

UOC Helios - Trapped Team (Soresu, BloodScarlet)

The light infantry cut into two pieces made the heavy infantry growl as he noticed the Neko aim at him as he quickly grabbed one of his own men and dragged him in front of him. The bolt is the armor as the person curses in their native tongue "Clever girl, open fire....we got more guest to attend to" They had a wide view of space from their location as the Wakaba came in view opening fire upon the passing Kuvexian battleship "Your people will die soon enough" He stated with a grin on his face when he noticed another firing from the side "More to play with..." While the impacts bounce off the armor.

He stormed at the location where Samandriel was hiding as others opened fire on the location of Koyama. The man took a covering location as two Tange infantry followed him and gave him covering fire while the big man was moving in on his prey location. Meanwhile, at Koyama's location a grenade rolls over the floor close to her, a second one rolls close to her cover and explodes.
Once again, Kari found herself pleased at the sound of whatever language the Nepleslian was speaking, though she wished she could understand it already rather than simply guessing at its meaning through context clues. Shosa Fletcher hadn't mentioned her specifically, but it was clear that if the unit were reforming, she was meant to regroup with the others. She was just beginning to turn around when Kaede joined them and sent the drone up ahead. Though she had her orders, she couldn't begin to retreat while her crewmates were still forging on ahead. Also, she was quite curious about what the drone would find.

Suddenly many things happened all at once. The drone was disabled, her comms were jammed, and she was taking fire. She felt herself react physiologically to the rapid sequence of events. The fine hair on her body stood on end, her tail stuck straight outwards then swished rapidly, and her heart rate increased. She hadn't been this excited since she had graduated from training at which time her heart rate reached a staggering 70 beats per minute.

Even as she was happily reflecting on days gone by, her digital brain had plenty of spare cycles to react. She began to glow with teal light as her photonics array activated and she projected a photonic shield out in front of herself, Alexandr, and Kaede. The shield was a glowing semi-transparent floor-to-ceiling photonic wall of light that depicted the first thing that came to her mind: the emoji. She left space to either side of the shield so they could return fire.

Reaching an arm up, she reached around the shield and fired one of her forearm pulse cannons down the dark hallway towards the unseen attackers. She tried to aim for where the shots were coming from but didn't expect to hit anything. Instead, she hoped to provide some modicum of suppressing fire while they regrouped.

She began to retreat back towards the rest of the team at a steady pace, and her shield moved with her since she could only project it at most 2 metres away. She tried to be careful not to outpace Alexandr or Kaede so that she didn't hit them with the shield.

"Drone down. Communications jammed. Taking fire." She announced loudly over the external speaker on her Mindy. Her voice carried a tone that was appropriate for someone making a casual remark about a recent run of particularly bland weather. The nordic neko adjusted her volume for Alexandr's ears and spoke again with continued disinterest, making sure to use the Nepleslian's own term for his crewmates. "I would prefer that today end well rather in flames, comrades."
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