Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP [YSS Wakaba] Episode 1: The Ghost Outpost

"Roger" Junko said as she got behind whatever cover she could find and aimed her Star Army Rifle, 41 to cover him. Despite being the least armored out of the group, she was not overly fearing death at the moment. She had been in similar situations before and managed to survive. Though a small part of her old personality kept nagging at her that he time to die had finally come however.

When Yuri requested she take a look at her communicatior, Junko simply shook her head without looking. "Unless you got really unlucky with the quality assurance, it is unlikely that blast did enough damage to disable it. Interference of some sort is more likely the cause." she said, speaking from experience. "Though when we are in a safer rallying point, I can look at it."

Her suspicion was confirmed when she started hearing weapons fire, she focused on positively identifying any targets before she actually fired her weapon. She used her hemosynthesis abilities to change her vision to infrared and started zooming in on anything suspicious.
UOC Station
Ten Hours After Shuttle Crash

Koyama's answer seemed to have struck a nerve, the heavy growl was satisfaction enough as the soldier slid in two. Although her adding a bolt of aetheric energy at the fellow; only seeing him use a subordinate as a human shield was telling as she bolted for cover from any immediate fire. At the very least for the moment.

Strangely she hadn't felt reassured by the strange compliment and boast that seemed to warble through her suit's aural sensors before being translated into understandable language. Then the steady and heavy treading thud of heavy armor seemingly headed in the direction of whoever had called out just seconds before.

Then the pronouncement of a hail of weapons fire was suddenly flung at her from another. Her AIES screeched a warning into her mind as a somewhat gaudy, coppery spherical device bounced within inches of her rolling to a stop. As the unit labeled it simply 'grenade', the immediate instinct to duck for cover became a cringe once the suit detected a second just a short distance away. At its explosion, the zesuaium-clad Neko's suit of armor was scoured by whatever shrapnel the thing had spawn out itself, or from the vicinity of its detonation. The prospect of the other going off so closely caused the engineer to swipe at the thing with a leg and send it bouncing back. Having kept the photonic emitters active after that little offer and her abrupt ambush, they built a semi-translucent teal shield around her exposed half once she burst out of cover.

Whether the grenade had gone off close to those that had been heckling her with fire or not, Koyama could feel the Mindy's waning integrity of the hard light projection letting her know at least one hadn't been too distracted. The CFS would have made what she was doing easier, quicker, but it sucked up more power. And was ultimately more detectable due to its unique yet protective effects. Photonics were more efficient, but still to maintain on much-reduced system resources wouldn't hold long before depletion or simply shorting. The remaining lighter armored Kuvexian soldiers and sole member of the Tange were not her intended targets. Instead, it was the bulked-up heavier armored Kuvexian infantryman and the two Wind armored Tange inching their way toward the injured Elysian.

Running as she was, the steady click of her armored feet along with weapons fire filled the air for the moment. Warnings followed, weapons started going silent as Koyama's position exposed the three advancing enemies heading toward Samandriel's position. The largest of the Kuvexian soldiers had made it abundantly clear his life was of more value than those of his subordinates. He'd also ordered them with impunity making him the boss or near enough. Of the money-minded space geckos at least. And the general rule of thumb was you didn't piss off the boss. Especially if what he wore was likely three times their weight in armor and the weapons they could carry being rather nasty things to be on the receiving end of. Unless they felt so inclined as to try and climb the ruthless corporate ladder in a gambit of personal gain by offing their boss.

She had a nasty weapon of her own as well which gave off the faint charging whine and the sharp crack of a discharge. The oversized bolt of aetheric energy spat forth from the barrel as the Wind armors began to turn. The stone thread plates along the spine of the poor Tange agent quickly vaporized but lived up to their name just enough to protect the pilot's side from being completely blown through to a mass of unholiness in burns. The heavy pistol hissed, whurred, and crackled as the cooling system began to lower the temperature of the components. Sadly it was a one-shot johnny before needing a brief respite to cool.

The sudden, unprepared staggering as her AIES tried to warn her of the other Wind's weapon discharging. Three rounds struck the zesuaium plates along her side. Each exploded with a little crack, their explosive tips going off on impact. The plating helped spread the impacts, but only just as it still felt as if she'd gotten more than a love-tap at each strike. Each felt like those especially 'soft' taps her teacher would start off with. The ones that incentivized you not to find out what came after by staying the hell out of their way unless you enjoyed eating your weight in nutritional supplements to mend the bones or heavy bruises that followed. And supplements she did not have. Nor enough capacity left in the emitters to maintain the photonic armor it had seemed as those hits had struck against the plating.

The heavy pistol finished its cooling cycle as a third scraped across her midriff, bouncing by as she fired. There was another pop as the rail rifle's round went off a little ways away and the resulting crack and boom of the answering blast of aetheric seemed to punctuate the point of hers being bigger. It didn't fully connect, grazing one of the compressed stone thread plates and boiling a goodly portion of it away.

The Mindy picked itself up into a low hover a moment afterward, picking up a little speed as it charged the other Wind. The electrified thump of multiple rail rifle rounds cracked off wildly in the air as the Yamataian armor collided with the Lorath-built suit. What followed was a brief but brutal struggle punctuated by the hissing slice of something superheated shearing through some indeterminate substance without compunction and the clatter of the railgun hitting the metallic deck followed.

She wanted an opening for that poor winged guy punching a ways above his weight class and what was barreling toward him. What he'd do with it was up to him. But the message had been clearly received. The Mindy-clad 'soldier' had heard his call and the offering he'd given her. And she was returning it in kind by putting that Kuvexian between a rock and a hard place. A good old-fashioned hammer and anvil. Though undoubtedly that window was going to close quickly.

Her SPINE told her that her CFS systems were online but at reduced capacity thanks to the current strain on the system's resources. But it'd be better than taking a full-on attack again even if it meant having to try and adapt on the fly. Even so with the few now dead, between the heavy, and the other soldiers, the odds were still decidedly not in their favor as the hovering Mindy was about to begin to move again as staying static was tantamount to suicide at this point.
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UOC Station Interior
Ten Hours after Shuttle Crash

Samandriel grunted as he saw the armoured group head towards his location. He had hoped that it would of been the easier enemies that came to him, the rifle he had wouldn't help much against their thick armour. He was only planning to give the MINDY-clad person some help as he knew that this was a poor decision as he was injured, didn't have anything but the rifle.

He growled as he opened fire on the group coming up the hallway, he fired at them more aiming at suppressing fire than trying to kill at the moment. He knew this was probably his time, he had a back up, but he never thought of going down easy even if he would come back. He hissed as he stood up and slunk behind the wall, he wanted to check his ammo, he was low. He cursed himself for not picking up more at the shuttle. He looked down at the makeshift splint and grit his teeth "damn brain." He leaned down and yanked out clip muffling the scream that came with the pain.

Second ammo clip secured he decided to use the final last rounds at well as he could. He peaked around the wall and noticed that the Mindy-clad person was doing alright, soon these guys would have to choose to deal with him or them. This gave him a little hope as he fired his weapons last few bits of ammo, he wanted to hit hands to make them drop or at least let go of their weapons for a little bit. This also meant that if he missed it would still got for the chest, not doing much, but denting or chipping the armour. He hissed as he broken leg had made it hard to aim, he had pulled back behind the wall again to reload and this was going to be a spray and pray tactic against them. Maybe if they focused on the MINDY he could make a run in and tackle one of them. He was fighting through the pain as he missed reloading the clip a couple of times before finally doing it, He then angled himself so he could run at the group, he would have to fight through the pain if they were going to win this. He got his rifle ready and used the old clip as a tool to bite on to try and fight the pain. Now that he was set to charge that is what he does, he started to run down the down, a limp and pain shooting through his body, but adrenaline pumped through him to help that little bit more as he held the trigger down as he aimed for the big guy himself.
UOC Helios - Away Team

Fletcher nodded, taking in the information as the two groups started to get closer together. Then all hell broke loose, with them being shot at. "Return fire!" He ordered as he checked to make sure no one had been hurt in the initial volley. Then he focused on the tactical situation. There was enough cover in the room that they could use. He kept his voice calm, quickly designating the group that had gone with Alexandr as a green team and his own as blue. Each member would get a notification about which group they were in on their HUD. "Leapfrog advance, by your colors. Blue, rushing in three, two, one, go." As the green team provided the covering fire, the blue team rushed forwards finding cover just beyond green. He gave blue a moment to settle into their positions, then gave his orders to green. "Green, rushing in three, two, one, go." And it was then green's turn to do the same as blue provided the covering fire. Fletcher leaned from behind his cover to fire to keep the heads of anyone who was shooting at them down.
Alexandr Federovich

Hall way

"Сука! Get behind cover! Fletcher, green team is taking fire, we will provide support!" Alexandr's massive arm swept behind his body clearing a path to ensure his comrades made it behind the wall and out of the hallway, drawing a flash grenade from his belt, he pulled the pin, throwing the canister down the long hallway before a loud bang, and a bright light illuminated one sillouhette. Firing his pistol down the hallway, Alexandr holstered his sidearm and Drew his launcher. Racking the heavy pump, the steel began to grind making a solid and loud clunk before he shouldered the weapon and began to fire down the hallway, sending several 20mm inendiary grenades towards the enemy lying in wait."This is Sergeant Federovich, we have positive contacts down the hall way, aether based weapons fire, no positive confirmation on the enemy. We will hold them here." His voice boomed from the comms as he came back behind cover with a smile, his moustache bristling up with his face, almost like a proud father watching his child make their first weapon
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YSS Wakaba​

"All hands condition one," the alert sounded as they brought the ship to full battle condition.

The Wakaba's Anti-Armor Turrets focused on the jamming devices as the ship made its evasive turn. Yukiko coordinated the active targeting of the ship's superheavy turrets to return a barrage of aether fire towards the Kuvexian Battleship. Her tactical scans updated rapidly as she scanned the enemy CFS looking for vulnerabilities and tracking the impact of their weapons splash against the enemy shielding systems. "Motoyoshi-Taisa, I have a small complement of AS-7 Torpedos on board, II had requested them for testing, I was wondering if you minded me sending one as a gift to our new friends over there?" she requested.

"I shouldn't have complained about helping science out, now I got my hands full.." she said wirelessly to her sister.

The Wakaba's weapons systems were all online now. The Sharie-Class Battleship was thankfully armed to the teeth as well; hopefully, this battleship was all the Kuvexians had, but she somehow doubted it, "Also scanning to see if they have escorts - battleships don't veer off on their own often, " she realized what she said after she had said it as that they too had left their compliment of escorts back at the main Tange Planet.

"We should try to lure them out into open space, being close to this station and the planet is still creating issues," she suggested.
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"Leapfrog advance?" Junko thought to herself with a raised eyebrow. It took her a moment to go through her past memories to realize he was was talking about a bounding overwatch. She made she to add the new term to her growing dictionary. The least armored (as in none) and lightest of firepower, she focused on just providing suppressing fire. Until someone armored gets hit by her, they are not going to know the difference between the heavier weapons and the Star Army Rifle, Type 41. When it was her time to move, she engaged her inertia emitters to give a boost to her run speed and to slow down when she dove under cover.
Kaede was keenly watching through the drone's eyes trying to get an idea what was down the hallway, when more of the strange round objects appeared to be flung in the direction of the roaming automaton, which was quick to dodge. But it was of little use, as the devices were not damaging projectiles but rather sources of jamming fequencies and EMP wave emitters. The discharge took the FARS drone down to the deck like a tin pancake with a clang, and the resulting offline-ing reverberated feedback through Azai-hei's AIES and disoriented her for a moment as systems re-calibrated to the remaining drones still combing the station that seemed to be unaffected.

Shaking off the haze, her instincts told her to dodge as the hallway erupted in gunfire from the still hidden figure who obviously did not want to be detected, her Mindy rolling to the wall and reaching for her only sidearm, which was a freshly-crafted standard issue PAAR-40. Though she detested using such things as a creator rather than a fighter... once a neko, always a neko they say. Her job readying the weapon for use was made easier by the cool photonic hardlight shield projected by her comrade, Kari, in a smart use of the new power armor's abilities that reminded her of a similar trick she had used once during and ambush on the YSS Sakishima's team. "Gomen... Good thinking, Sunde-hei," praised the Minkan logistics soldier, as she was seen chambering a magazine of white-tipped tracer bullets. "I'll try to flush them out." Using the murder holes the infantry woman opened in the temporary barrier, Kaede advanced forward discharging several 3-round bursts towards the source of the gunfire, hoping to leave a very clear visual trail down the darkened hallway when they hit to get a better idea of where their hostile target was hiding, as electronic sensors were rendered unreliable noise.
The Kuvexian ship gets a heavy pounding by its foe the Wakaba, yet most of its shields been able to adapt to its impact and receive only minimal damage. The ship gets into position for a line of fire as its weapons rotate to aim at their new friend and fires a full volley of its cannons at the Wakaba. The Wakaba barely manages to miss the full fury of the Kuvexian weaponry and gets hit at the bow that damages the shields on it. Meanwhile, on the station, the view of the space battle was quite well visible.

YSS Wakaba (RaWolfe / Andrew)

The ship shook from the last impact as Inaho growls "Would be great if they wouldn't do that, shields dropped on the bow to 21%, internal damage is minimal but requires attention" She reported looking at Yukiko "Karma is a bitch sis" Inaho replied wireless to her as her eyes looked at the systems "The Kuvexians are putting up a fight, we are still unable to send any communication to the 48th" She said with a bit of a growl of annoyance.

Listening to the reports and suggestions that came in Kazue looked at Yukiko "Switch up the gear to the AS-7" She orders looking back at the Technician that was at the bridge "Get a team to the damage location and get it fixed" Her eyes diverted to Inaho who was slightly struggling "Keep yourself calm Inaho-Taii, find those targets of the jamming devices and destroy them, but don't use all weapons on the search attempt" Hearing the suggestion from Yukiko she narrows her eyes and nods finally "Nav get us to open space" With that order, the Wakaba engines burned bright as it pushes away from the Helios.

UOC Helios - Away Team (Soban, Demibear, RaWolfe, Hyralt, PaladinRPG, The Krimsonwulf )

Hara nodded to Junko as thanks for checking on her gear "Then we are dealing with enemy forces on here...." Suddenly a call for help came from the rest of the team because they were under fire as Fletcher started to give out orders to move forward in formation. The team did what was told even though the situation made it a bit questionable but follow up without question. Hara took position close to Kari and gave her cover fire "Today is not a good day to die" She winked at Kari as she opened fire upon the enemy.

The forces that fired back at the team were not in small numbers and rather professional at what they were doing as only a few of their bodies fell to the ground. The team couldn't make out who they were as the pathway was too dark. Yet when a shot was a fire that hit Alexandr armor that actually pushed him back, they knew that these people meant business. Hara narrows her eyes "ORDERS? WE ARE BARELY HOLDING OUR GROUND" She shouted to Fletcher as the sound of gunfire and explosions from frag grenades were taking over the scene "Or any bright idea..." she mutters.

UOC Helios - Trapped Team (Soresu, BloodScarlet)

The forces were being cut down in numbers by the skilled fighters of the Star Army. Yet the heavy infantry didn't really care for this as his rage was focused on Samandriel who was taking an aim at him. He yelled a battle cry and rushed to him to only tackle the broken-winged man. With a heavy slam, Samandriel went flying over the floor uncontrollably. The Heavy smirks and walked to Samandriel. He grabbed Samandriel head and lift him up from the ground "You didn't really think a few puny shots would hurt me or a charge would scare me?" He shook his head as before Samandriel could do something he dropped his head with a slam to the ground.

Meanwhile, a Tange soldier dropped to the ground who was unfortunate to meet their demise from their enemy. But Koyama was not supposed to get any rest, as another Heavy dropped into the room with two additional soldiers. The Heavy looked at his side seeing his partner taking down the angel "Heavy difficulty with some puny rats?" The heavy spoke as he looked back at Koyama "You are mine" Raising its Gatlin gun and started to spin her up as the shots get blasted out of it.

Keep in mind, I am semi-absent until next week Saturday, but keep up the good posting :D Looking forward to what you all produce!
Kari was surprised as the shots from Kaede's rifle lit up the scene with more than a brief flash and instead the entire path of each of her rounds was illuminated. Along with Alexandr's incendiary rounds, they provided a magnificent light show.

"Tracer rounds," the nordic neko commented, trying to feign more excitement than she actually felt. "Now THAT'S good thinking, Kaede-hei."

As aether weapons fire, incendiary grenades, and tracer rounds began going off all around her, Kari Sunde naturally began to feel somewhat disappointed. The nordic neko had been so excited for her first mission, she had built up this moment in her mind. She had imagined being elated with the thrill of her first combat. Instead, she found it identical to Phase II of her standard training. Fire and movement.

That was 9 months ago, which represented three-quarters of her entire life so far. During the intervening period, she had studied medical techniques, which she now put to use as she glanced around at her crewmates to make sure nobody was hiding an injury that she could help with.

Seeing nothing, she continued to return fire with one of her forearm-mounted pulse cannons. Between the flashes of Alexandr's incendiary rounds and Kaede's tracers, she wasn't exactly firing blindly, but neither was she taking careful aim. Her intention was more to keep the pressure on her enemies while her comrades with more combat specialization did their jobs.

When Hara winked at Kari, she remembered back to the first time she saw the science officer in the shuttle bay. She had also winked at her then, but Kari hadn't thought much of it. Perhaps it was some kind of nervous tic? Or perhaps Hara was exactly as brave as she seemed to be. Either way, Kari found herself finally feeling something. Amusement.

"Any day is a good day to die," Kari said sternly. "As long as we find victory in the end."
UOC Station Helios
Ten and a Half Hours after Shuttle Crash

Koyama stared at the unfolding situation with an almost dispassionate gaze. That first heavily armored Kuvexian ignoring her and continuing on the attack of the wounded Elysian. She'd laid waste to its guards. Blasting a literal hole in one of the Wind Armors, and had made a display of the other with her blade. Composite Stone Thread plating was no match for the strength of monomolecular Zesuaium weaponry, let alone when it was sheathed in an exotic radiation discharge looped around the seemingly impervious substance that had made Yamataian ships so legendarily durable. Her suit had plates upon interlocking plates of the degenerate matter over advanced meshes, flesh-based muscular inserts, and mundane titanium exoskeletal framework. Combined with a shield system designed to stop almost any known energetic attacks, both energy-based and kinetic. With agility that garnered it, its nigh-mythical maneuverability and finesse into a platform designed first for Nekovalkyrja, and then for lesser, non-synthetically derived organic species.

But first and foremost. This was somewhat of a physical representation, a visible representation of the Nekovalkyrja Warmachine at work. It had been battered, scoured, pockmarked from repeated strikes of aetheric weaponry or high-density plasmic packets. A monumental crash and held against the repeated strikes of Lorath-built railgun weapons designed to cut down lightly armored personnel with varied and flexible types of ammunition. Just as surely as her armor looked, its pilot felt. Battered, but not broken. A Mindy couldn't feel pain in the same sense of a living breathing humanoid. Its systems could only report the damage. Augment the wearer into a more effective combatant based on their training and experiences. In her case, she was tired. She had endured injury after repeated injury. Parts of her had healed at the sacrifice of others. Her mind was still addled from the lack of complete regeneration. Where once she would have used the 'soft' skills drilled into her. Analysis of her situation, trying to see it from all angles, avoid fights as necessary. Yet being awoken in the state she had been, it had been a choice her AIES had made for her.

The severe strike to her head despite the helmet had shut down portions of her mind while her hemosynthetic systems had worked to repair. She had also been bleeding out. Resources had been wasted upon trying to seal a wound that had remained gaping and open thanks to a thick shard of the shuttle that had sandwiched itself between the plates of her suit. Judgment calls made, it had awakened her earlier than expected. Her mind had been partially healed. Her body than working on the rest. Hours of fighting had left her thoroughly emotionally drained, physical stresses had piled up, system resources had begun to dwindle. Her kind were never ones for being fat, obese. Therefore they had lacked long-term endurance without resupply of caloric intake, essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and other things to keep a Neko healthy, happy, and fully functional. She had been alone. Wounded, disoriented. Her mind had blanked, yet flashes had come through. Looking at a dead soldier before her, the wound within its neck, the next with broken limbs. It had been as if her mind shifting and struggling between rational thought and planning and simple whiteness and instead replaced by the overarching imperative for survival. Flashes. Glimpses of the carnage as her mental and physical training had taken root and partly to the fore. Muscle memory and reflex.

And here she was now. Faced with one of the bulkier Kuvexian suits that had continued bearing down on the injured Elysian. Another dropping in with the metallic thud of heavy plating and whining servos. As it had turned to its fellow, the question it had asked, the click, click, snick of the katana folding in on itself was audible, then the dull whomp as it went back to the hardpoint along with the heavy pistol.

As this secondary antagonist turned his attention to her, the two soldiers accompanying him. The floating Mindy seemed to tilt its head just a little askance at the situation. It had heard the challenge and declaration even as the heavy weapon spun up. Once the barrels began to spit their orange-golden bolts of exotic energy, the Mindy shifted, a blur as the Combined Field System lurched it toward the far right. The bright and deadly bolts missed by millimeters before the agile-yet damaged Yamataian armor slammed into something else entirely once out of sight.

One of the first Heavies soldiers had suddenly collided with a ballistic shell of Zesuaium, sheathed in a distortion field. There was the smell of ozone as the air around the two ionized followed by the scent of scorched metals and screech as they both slid to a halt. The Infantryman's rifle clattered to the floor a short distance away as the alien warbling curse escaped its lips in grunts of effort and struggling. Soon the remaining Wind-Armor fell upon the struggling duo just out of sight of the two heavily plated Kuvexian suits. Judging from the sounds coming from that corner it had turned into a full-on brawl. The Gust kitted Wind stumbled back into view as an almost rhythmic thump of something organic met metal. Once, twice, thrice. The first was a curse of pain in the native Kuvexian tongue, the second punctuated by a grunt and the last a wet gurgle the sound of a crunching squish followed by silence.

The Tange piloted Wind suit seemed to stand stunned for a moment as the light infantryman and its armor was bodily flung into view of the Gatling gun-carrying heavy armor to slide to a halt a mere ten feet away in an almost careless manner of brute strength. There were no marks on the plate, yet a trail of dark purple blood left a smear as it skidded to a halt before him. Part of the soldier's head had been caved in, where once had been an (in her mind) distasteful alien face had been was now pulped. Fragmented bone, gray matter, and other viscera seemed to add to the gruesomeness of the scene.

While his fellow toyed with the Elysian, and the other soldiers began taking up their positions. The Wind-armored Tange began to inch forward with hostile purpose but only to stop once more. The sounds of punctured steel, the steady 'Pop' of punctured metal, and the screech of it as if the sounds were telling the story of the deep furrows being dug into it. A sudden 'ping' issued forth from the Mindy's AIES in the form of sensors.

Short-ranged, but ultimately detectable by the other Yamataian team slowly fighting its way forward a deck below. What followed suit was as if each of their AIES had been partly hijacked, nothing incredibly serious but enough to be heard. A simple alert at an IES-based system having found them. A message came through, the voice light, airy, sweet as honey, and with the promise of an ultimately kindly demeanor but did not overpower their chatter between any of them. Their AIES reacting in somewhat the same way as if a direct channel had been open along with that brief ping as if it seemed to unlock something from their suit's vast memory stores.

Layers of encryption being sent with a relatively short message to which the quantum-based computers of their power armors instinctually seemed to understand as based on the Kessaku OS and SAoY schema. Yet it seemed to have momentary trouble piercing the remaining layers. These layered encryptions were older, foreign to those not truly old enough, or well-versed and or entrenched in the longstanding professionalism of a career soldier with decades of experience. Yet the suit's suite of computers eventually cracked this unfamiliar set of coding signifying it as 'Friendly' but with a timestamp twenty or thirty years old. Still quite advanced and difficult still, but woefully not within current Star Army schemes and protocol. It was an old failsafe code.

'This is a Level Three Warning to all Star Army of Yamatai Forces in the current A.O.' the voice sounding chipper yet somehow serious at the same time as the IES made it known as Kessaku Anri's words. That sweet voice gave way to something more masculine, the words slightly tinny as if recorded on an older audio medium. It had not been heard in years and years unless those devoted to their studies on the history of the early Empire and projects that lay therein if they had delved deep into the brief history of the Yamataian Star Empire.

'Cortisol levels have reached a critical state,' it breathed, sounding bored, it was the sort of tone one reserved for visualizing that person as if absently picking the wings off a fly. 'Frontal, and parietal lobe damage confirmed with synaptic misfiring. Blood pressure at elevated, dangerous levels.'

Then the sweetened voice returned as if pushing aside that masculine tone. 'Bodily harm has exceeded safety parameters for Type Thirty-Three, Model Series Tennyo.' it was as if the two voices were warring with each other as the little logos that had accompanied them, one Kessaku Systems, and the other a combination of two other, relatively unknown until the IES identified them as WickedArms, and PNUgen spun in a slow, stationary spin around the Kessaku icon.

The masculine voice returned, the boredom beginning to be replaced with a bit more interest as if it had found something more amusing. The tone somehow had a sneer to it. 'Statistical damage has surpassed current Nekovalkyrja Operating System safety parameters. Version One-Point-One Tactical Operation System function triggers have been met. Partition Layer One breach confirmed.' a touch of wry amusement trickling in at the latter statement of fact.

It all sounded like gibberish until the IES began to translate. Code-Three, Imminent Danger to allied personnel and originator. TacOS for some reason was either not listed, or buried so deep it may have perhaps been above their paygrade, or it simply was not in the system.

'Operational code and designation Red Four. Confirmed at Level Three Warning Status.' Anri's sweetened voice laced full of concern. And just like that the cutesy girlish tones once more replaced.

'Tertiary mind Functions have activated, emotional range gap narrowed. Primary memory systems are regulated to secondary status. Berserker Status initiated.' that voice, sounding so smug, self-satisfied in a begging to be punched in the face sort of way as if it had somehow unleashed some terror upon the universe and was immensely proud of this fact. What followed had been a list of obvious damage to whomever this originated from and current statistical data.

The damage to the lobes of the brain along with heightened hormone response. Adrenal activity had saturated the hemosynthetic blood which had seemed well below normal levels. Internal bodily damage, fractured bones, overall system resources used to heal and sustain a hemosynthetic lifeform were below acceptable margins seeming to heavily impede regeneration as the systems struggled to maintain the body. Bodily heat levels had spiked as blood pressure increased with skeletal musculature exceeding permissible levels for a Tennyo Model, Type Thirty-Three Neko. Whoever it was, whatever it was. Had entered into an extremely heightened state of response as blood oxygenation drastically increased whilst the cardiovascular system began going beyond safe operation. As if their bodies were being overclocked beyond their physical capacity and the ability for rational thought and response decreased with an extremely heightened aggressive response.

'Caution is advised.' Anri's voice whispered again, 'Subdue and Capture is permissible and preferred.' it seemed to plead. 'Projected Model Tennyo Type Thirty-Three Nekovalkyrja operational status and system resource usage has been reduced from one hour, forty-three minutes, twelve seconds.'

There was a slight pause then: 'Reduction confirmed to thirty-two minutes, seventeen seconds before hibernation shutdown sequence. Attempts to utilize automated systems and relaxants via SPINE interface have failed, Ke-M-Two-Four series Mindy restraints are inoperable. Power Armor damage over fifty-nine percent and currently engaged in combat with enemy forces. Override procedures failed, TacOS system overrides are preventing safe shutdown. Message repeats...'

The momentarily stunned Wind Suit soon found itself face to face, with the blank visage of the scuffed, dull-gray of Zesuaium where the paint had been chipped or scraped away. The Tange agent took a step back only to find its frontal armor plate having been latched into by the articulated armored fingers of the Mindy. It had stumbled partly back into view of the new Kuvexian and its troops. Only to be yanked back out of view. The snick, click and clack of before happened again, this time in a more timely fashion.

The damaged Yamataian armor came into view, hunched a little as the colored Stone Thread composite plating of the Wind's armor was held within a vice-like grip. a shortened sword, a wakizashi in the other. Lorath armors were known for their immense strength yet this one seemed to be struggling to even turn over and right itself as it was dragged still partly in cover. There were the crackling hiss and slash of composite meeting destructive energies, the Wind's grip loosened as the tendons were cut. The Mindy hadn't been hunting the body, but going for extremities, as the other Kuvexian soldiers saw this tactic, and the now squalling Tange flailing their legs and pained vocals echoing throughout the room. Koyama set the wakizashi, now limmed in the shimmery light of aether go for the wrist. Right at the radial artery and with a flicking slash, cut it. Blood began to gush and pool whilst the Yamataian let the person go.

As the soldiers began to open up with their rifles, the Mindy lunged for another of the Kuvexian infantry, bowling him over enough to slip behind, wakizashi pressed in a backhanded hold against its throat and using the poor guy as a shield. Those soldiers stopped firing for a moment to watch, waiting to see arterial blood begin to flow. Yet they would be sorely disappointed as the Yamataian then repeatedly plunged the blade into the chest armor and letting the limp body fall to the ground. A string of expletives in their mother tongue lept forth as more fired at this suit which went into a frenzied roll only to hamstring another of their fellows. The gaudy copper and gold suit toppling behind its cover as the distinctly different and streamlined arm of the Mindy came up, blade in hand and then plunge so hard into the crippled soldier it bit into the deck itself with a pop of protest and the gutwrenching sound of flesh tearing. It was clear, that rationality had left the lone Mindy soldier, only to be replaced with a cruel, brutality and frenzied violence.

Somewhere, deep within the red-haze that had fogged her mind. As if she'd been thrown backward and locked in an iron cage sat a Nekovalkyrja. The appearance not of a fully matured Neko, but one of perhaps a few weeks old, little more than the appearance of one being six or seven years old by Nepleslian standards. Her hair had been done in pigtails with pretty crimson ribbons, a sky-blue kimono with silvery thread embroidered upon it had their pudgy little hands on these bars of their new cage of steel bars. Velvety black ears laid back and quivering, eyes the color of molten gold wide with fright and panic. She tried to rattle the bars which had no give to them in the least. A girl's voice, a child's voice pleaded, squealed, and cried for help as they watched what was happening before them with eyes no longer their own in this hazy red, yet darkeningly black space. It tried desperately to be heard, to reason, that little voice of conscience going unheard as something pre-programmed and primal had subsumed their physical body, usurped it and this girl was seemingly along for the ride for now. Powerless to do anything about it. And there, is if carried on a non-existent breeze with the impossibly distant chuckle and feeling of barely a ghost of satisfaction from that one male voice that was somehow so maddeningly familiar. Yet felt so far away.
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